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bring me a dream // joining - Printable Version

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bring me a dream // joining - purgatory - 10-06-2018

If Koda was sure of anything, it was that he took up space and thus, existed. He wasn't sure in which plane of existence or if everything was a figment of his or another's imagination. That's where it grew complicated and it often gave the young feline a headache. Everything grew fuzzy and weird when he tried to think about things like that, existing and such. For all that he knew, he's always existed. Since time began, as early as the first creatures, he was there to see it all. He often dismissed the thought, passing it off as stupid considering he's just a couple months old- but the feeling never did go away. Well, whatever. He existed. He's here. Alive. Breathing. He was somehow going to make the most of it... Or something like that. He didn't quite know what he was doing sometimes and it shows in his reckless behavior, but he is a kid. Not knowing what is going on most of the time is his day job. However, there are moments where he did know what was going on. A little too well. It was as though he shared his body with another person and sometimes they- no. Another stupid thought. Sharing your body with another? When has he ever allowed anyone to enter his mind? The answer to that question is never so that was a problem solved. Look at him. Using logic and coming to reasonable conclusions. He's so mature.

Large, clumsy paws stumbled every so often as a young Maekoda walked along an invisible path. A small notebook could be seen atop his cranium and a black pen in his jaws, he did his best to keep the book balanced. Short, compact legs trudged across the sandy landscape in a casual and carefree manner. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he did have a destination. Mentally humming to himself, he stopped in his track when he noticed a snake slither towards him but stop a couple feet before him. Big blue eyes blinked for a moment as he stopped, large paws sinking in the sand ever so slightly. The two creatures stared at each other for a moment before Koda inhaled sharply, the book and pen falling from their previous positions onto the ground. The sudden movement frightened the snake, but it didn't leave the white snow leopard and instead coiled back, clearly on guard. Noticing the behaviour, Koda jot down a couple words in his notebook before presenting it to the snake. "Don't be afraid, snake friend!" After holding it for a couple seconds, he inched closer and setting down the book again, he continued to write. "You are a very handsome and-or beautiful snake! I won't take up any more of your time but I have a question to ask you, snake friend. If you don't mind, of course!" When he finished, he held up the notebook to the reptile who stared at the notebook defensively before looking back to the child. With a smile, the alabaster feline continued to write below the text. "Can you point me in the direction of Death and War?" A curious question indeed, but Koda wasn't sure why the question was odd. If someone asked what he was talking about, he would shrug his shoulders. It had something to do with the feeling previously mentioned but he wasn't sure how the two were connected.

Setting the small book down and clicking the pen to retract the point, he watched the snake expectantly with a tilted head. The snake then looked at the writing then to the child before turning and slithering off. Blinking his eyes a couple times, Koda, who was not prepared for such a reaction, scrambled to pick up his belongings and followed after the brown snake. For a while, he followed after the snake, keeping close to it as to not lose it in the sand. Focusing on the shimmering of its scales, he hadn't noticed he was spacing out until he heard a loud hiss from behind him. Making a hard stop, his front paws sunk even farther into the sand, engulfing the entirety of his forearms. Although his front paws stopped, his hind legs kept going. This resulted in him doing a half-somersault and falling over onto his side. Rising to his paws, he gave himself a shake to remove the sand that got everywhere - sand is annoying - as he looked around for what made the hiss. However, his attention was soon snagged when he noticed they were right at the edge of a forest within a canyon. When did they travel into a canyon? He really should pay more attention to his surroundings. Seconds later, he noticed his snake companion had disappeared but with a quick turn of his head, he found it some feet behind him, dark optics boring holes into his fluffy frame. Picking back up his things, he ungracefully scampered towards it with a quizzical expression. "What's wrong? Why did we stop?" He wrote, showing it to the snake after. Looking at the notebook, it then looked at the wildcat before shaking it's body to submerge itself into the sand. Koda watched, awestruck at how it was almost perfectly camouflaged itself with the sand as dark visionaries stared straight into the forest as if expecting someone or something to emerge. Still confused, the snow leopard tilted his head as he stared at his temporary companion. I guess snake friend wants me to wait? He thought to himself as he sat down beside it.

And placing the pen down on the small notebook before his paws, Maekoda waited.

[align=center]✯ "speaking" / "writing" ✯

Re: bring me a dream // joining - MIRIO! - 10-07-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
///RAI MY FAV WIFE waves

Mirio was pleased with the slight increase of activity, to be honest. More faces around the desert-like territory meant more friends, more people to talk to. While everyone else in the Rosebloods seemed kind of.. To them selves, Mirio must certainly wasn't. He wanted to communicate, to laugh and crack jokes. And even when the time said so, he wanted to rescue too. He was a hero, not a villain. And while this group was ruthless with raids and chaos, Mirio found himself reminding his brain to not hurt those who didn't deserve it. He wouldn't fight without a reason.

You see, Mirio was experienced when it came to dealing with dangerous people. He could smile in the face of danger, could crack jokes during a fight to the death, as if death wasn't repeatedly beating at his door like nothing could stop it. That was what made him Lemillion; He wanted to smile when there was danger, to reassure those around him. After all, with his hero name came a great responsibility. He was going to rescue one million people, no its, ands, or buts about it.

So, when the golden retriever had caught sight of a person and a.. Was that a snake?- At the border, he had sped up a bit, his long, fluffy fur flowing behind him as he skipped over happily. Midnight and blue eyes focused on the one with a- was that a book?- on the ground, then focused on his companion.

"My name is Mirio, what's your name and business?" Asked the retriever, a kind smile on his young-ish, childish features. Was this an opportunity to make a friend? Yes, yes it was.

Re: bring me a dream // joining - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-08-2018

Considering she was one of the only animals here with accurate experience dealing with how fickle deities could become due to her long life? Jiyu was out looking to learn more about The Aspects who had began emerging from their territory, the transparent beings she and Sep had become aware of before the other members were promptly informed. Large mismatched optics looked forward as she saw the retriever who had saved her from drowning at the border to the wastes with someone, moving her direction of travel to head in that direction. Not that she actually wanted to get involved, but she had always seen other Vizers do that, so the calico figured it was really her only option. Eventually she was going to fail, than the pharaoh would realize the mistake trusting her was, she couldn't be relied on, not like this.

Quickly she realized this animal was not exactly related to the huge ghostly snake sleeping within the wastes. However, that didn't mean her job was done here, considering she had not changed direction due to thinking it was connected to her original goal in heading out. She could wait to introduce herself right? Yeah, maybe, no, she had no clue she hadn't paid heavy attention to these before expect for keeping everyone involved on her side safe!

Re: bring me a dream // joining - purgatory - 10-08-2018

// gasp !!!
henlo bby <333

If he was being perfectly honest, he hadn't expected to be approached so soon. The child was prepared to wait a couple days with his newfound snake friend but it appear that will not be the case. But before that, the child found himself in a bit of a predicament. Maybe... Maybe this snake didn't know where it was going after all. Maybe it was just minding its own business and Koda decided to tag along. Pouting as he mentally hummed a tune he made up on the spot, he turned to his companion who seemed to be paying him no mind. Sparkling blue optics blinked several times before the child shifted into a more comfortable crouching position. His long tail curled around his fluffy form as he rested his head on his paws, staring at the reptile almost completely submerged in the sand. The sun was incredibly hot and he could only imagine how nice the shade must be in the forest before them, but his snake friend doesn't appear to be moving anytime soon. Invisible brows furrowed in mild concern as he tilted his head. Lifting his tail, he waved it in front of the snake and on occasion poked the small areas of its body that wasn't covered by sand. Smiling as he continued to tease his companion, he quickly stopped when it turned and hissed a warning at him. Small rounded ears flattened against his skull as a sheepish smile pared his maw as he ducked his head in a submissive manner. It had a short fuse, huh? The complete opposite of Koda who's fuse seemed to stretch on forever. Although he didn't speak 'snake,' he could tell from the hiss and body language that was a "shut up and sit still" hiss. It could have just asked nicely. Was the hiss necessary?

It didn't matter anyways. Someone seemed to be approaching which led Maekoda to sit up immediately. His heart began to race in his chest as the excitement of meeting another person raged war against his timid nature of meeting someone for the first time. They were much bigger than him too which made him even more nervous. But he couldn't back down now! He pretty much trekked across the desert with his reptilian companion to find Death and War - whatever that meant - and he was so close. It was a gut feeling. As the canine drew near, Koda found his anxiety rising further and further until it threatened to pool out of his mouth. Suddenly, he was aware of the vastness of his surroundings and felt incredibly small. His tail tip twitched nervously and he looked to the snake by his side. It seemed unfazed with the series of developments, which made the child feel a little better; it grounded him. Soon enough, the golden retriever was standing before him and had asked a question. He... He seemed friendly, Koda did his best to use that fact and trick himself into thinking everything was okay as he stared up at the stranger. He continued to stare for a few more seconds before remembering he had asked a question and scrambled to write a response in his notebook. "my name i am i'm maekoda! it's nice to meet you! i'm looking i would be very grateful to you if you could point me in the direction of War and Death." He was about to take up the notebook but stopped and continued to write. "I've been walking for a long time... Can you tell me where I am please?" When he finished, he clicked his pen and quickly placed the book at Mirio's paws before scurrying away shyly behind the snake who kept its position in the sand. Crouching, he used his large paws to cover his face though his ears were angled attentively forward. He hadn't noticed Jiyu join them due to his face being covered and the pumping of blood in his ears.

[align=center]✯ "speaking" / "writing" ✯

Re: bring me a dream // joining - Luciferr - 10-09-2018

TALYN is an INDORAPTOR that stands at a height of 9FT, His species allows bipedal and quadrupedal movement, he wields bone crushing teeth and frightful strength. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were REQUIEM x BRIDGEWATER of an old site litter, with last names of Valdis, Kuchiki and HARBINGER. he is the RED ASPECT of WAR of 4 and has amnesia of any past lives after the merging.
well he wouldn't have to wait overlong - though his fellows wouldn't know him by that name more that they knew him by Talyn.

he knew of course when another approached, a sixth sense for the supernatural - and one more a pointed and more homing in on those more familiar or familial in a way that they were so all entwined.

claws tipped in fire light clicked into the area, carrying the tallest being currently among the roseblood's desertland - scales bathed the colour of dying blood and blackened soot in the light.

little brother

Talyn knew even before his eyes landed on the youth just who this was - and two became three, but would there be four again? - the white to his red and Rizer's pale, all they lacked was black for the matching set.

the raptor's fire born eyes flickered, a hum and a kindling of familiarity "You're in the rosebloods now"

/so much muse ahhh sorry i can't match ;-; + I'll throw Rizer in after another post c;

[align=center]HYMN OF RUIN
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
© ceilidh

Re: bring me a dream // joining - purgatory - 10-10-2018

The feeling within him could best be compatible to an itch that couldn't be scratched. A warm sensation like the heat radiating off of a fire dangerously close to him made his skin tingle. His heart was beating faster than before and this time, it wasn't because of Mirio or Jiyu's presence. The fear and anxiety that came with meeting others for the first time was suffocating and left him worn out. This feeling was rejuvenating and fiery, giving strength back to his legs. Well, just enough to peek through his paws to see the large creature approach. He was frightening, intimidating, scary and Koda would surely have started crying but instead, he smiles. A large toothy grin graced his child-like features as Talyn stopped before him. War towered over him, his height overwhelming at first but the fluffy child couldn't help but expect that. Wait- what did he mean by that? Expect what? This is their first time meeting. He knew this individual is War but he had no idea how he could be associated with such a terrible thing. He was being rude, calling the indoraptor 'War' because of his appearance. Really, he shouldn't antagonize his sibling like that. Especially one that is several times his size.


Koda gave himself a shake to get rid of any and all thoughts. Thoughts that somehow felt right but he wasn't sure how. Come to think of it, it's been like that for a while now, huh? The vague, inner compass that gestured in the direction of War and Death, the vague thoughts about who he is, the vague thoughts about everything that's led up to this point... All vague fuzzy cloud-like thoughts and feelings. He's been focusing on himself for a while now and forced his attention back to physical Talyn instead of curious thoughts about him. By now, he was in a sitting position staring up at him with wide eyes as he answered his question. The Rosebloods? He's never heard of the place but if this is where War and Death resides then he'll join too! He still doesn't know why such a horrid sentence would make him so happy. Ungracefully jumping to his paws and running to retrieve his notebook, he clicked his pen and jotted down a few words before standing on his hind legs and excitedly holding it up for Talyn to see. "If this is where Death and War is, I would like to live here too please!" Inhaling sharply when he remembered they weren't the only ones, he looked to Jiyu and Mirio before taking back his book and writing more words. "If that's alright, of course owo." He added, holding it up once more.

// nuuu don't worry about it. your post is wonderful <33
+ understood~

[align=center]✯ "speaking" / "writing" ✯

Re: bring me a dream // joining - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-10-2018

The animal in front of them seemed to have an extreme difficulty deciding how he wanted to say something, an intellectual of sorts. At one point? The calico may have been budding in that direction, luckily enough for her she had realized the uselessness of using more words than necessary before it could ever cause her to stumble over clear cut statements. Of course, this clarity in speech was only useful for someone who actually spoke which the Vizer rarely did. Jiyu had the potential to be good at speaking towards others even if she couldn't exactly understand them, she just chose to protect something else instead. What she was protecting from conversation? She did not know, the large feline was not even aware she was defending anything from everyone else around her. Emptiness was her best friend, but it also kept her in the dark about so much surrounding herself.

Patience paid off, no real questions being required as the raptor appeared causing everything to become clear rather quickly. Waiting really did have its benefits, most animals underestimated what just a brief moment taken could do. "Welcome to The Rosebloods Maekoda, I'm Jiyu Simul Stamus, Vizer, essentially second in command beneath our pharaoh." she didn't need to say quiet so much as she had watched others say, the line of coming to her or such was entirely not something she was going to speak. Simply being 'adviser' to Sep was enough, she didn't even have the qualifications for that. It had been forever since she had been able to deal with everyone's problems and she could scarcely remember that time ever existed most of the time, as it was at the beginning of her life. Trying to take care of everyone expect for fighting at ended badly back than, she couldn't trust herself and had not been able for a long time. Jiyu could only trust the faith others had in her, but even than she barely could, especially out of the role of guard.

At least the initial two brothers had proved to be great members of the group, so another sibling should be just as much of a bonus for the roses.

Re: bring me a dream // joining - Luciferr - 10-10-2018

RIZER is a MANTICORE that stands at a height of 5FT, like all his kind he has a barbed tail and like some he also has WINGS , much of his form is also scaled past his mane. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were EURYDICE TARGARYEN and DOMERIC of an old site litter. he is the incarnation of the PALE ASPECT aka DEATH of the 4 heralds, he also has amnesia of past lives.
"Little brother" muses another voice, a solemn grace to its tone and a bone-white pale manticore makes his way among the group to stand beside Talyn - to which he gives war a simple nod before death's attention turns back.

"you're welcome here of course" and now all they miss is famine.

/short af todays been hectic.

[align=center]FIRE AND BLOOD
But what is this that I can't see, With ice cold hands taking hold of me?
© ceilidh

Re: bring me a dream // joining - sephiroth - 10-10-2018

[Image: tumblr_ozd4i8XHVk1w7x7wyo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth had no knowledge of the business Talyn, Rizer, and the newcomer, but he supposed if they approved and this newcomer could be useful, he saw no reason to object.  The pale lion would approach the scene from the shade, his blue green eyes settled on Maekoda as he took them in with his sense of sight.  He would dip his head, silver mane shifting slightly as he did so but still keeping its usual shape and silkiness.

”Sephiroth.  I am the leader here, Pharaoh as it is currently called.”  The lion would introduce himself and state his position, the rank still new to him.  He had fallen into it rather easily however, something felt right about it deep within his chest.  His mind was slightly jumbled after his encounter with Jiyu, but his heart spoke louder at the current time.  Whispered greatness into his ear, his destiny to rule over others.  He supposed this is what that meant, leading his group successfully.

Re: bring me a dream // joining - purgatory - 10-11-2018

A small white ear twitched and angled itself in the direction of Jiyu as she spoke. Only when she finish did he turn his cranium to look at her. The way she spoke seemed very professional and although distant, reliable. He wondered if he was jumping to conclusions and assigning her traits he wants to see. He has a habit of doing thing like that, sometimes without realizing it. He also wasn't sure as to what she was talking about being a Vizer, so he was glad she explained it to him mere seconds later. A mind reader? Or was the look of confusion on his face enough? If she was the second in command, to the Pharaoh who is the leader, does that mean she's the adviser to the leader? Is that where they got it from? Interesting. Aside from that, he was glad he was allowed to stay with them- mainly with Talyn and Death. They were around, right? Maybe they were sleeping or something so they were unable to come and greet him? That was fine, of course. Koda would meet them soon enough, that much was inevitable. With a click of his pen, he wrote down a couple of words. "Thanks a bunch!" He couldn't promise he'd be useful but he could do small tasks asked of him. Probably. He wasn't the most proactive when it came to responsibilities, but he did want to impress his older siblings so he suppose he'll do his best. That'll change as he gets older.

Blue eyes abruptly shifted from Jiyu to Rizer as he joined them, the child's grin returning when he called him 'little brother.' This is Death, he thought to himself as his tail began to twitch excitedly. He forced himself to calm down as he gave the older creature a nod of his head. Just as Koda reached for his notebook to write something else down, he immediately stopped when he heard a hiss from beside him. Right! Snake friend! Returning his attention back to his companion, he was going to write an apology but stopped in his action when the snake shook the sand from it's body as it returned to the surface. It then slithered in between and around Koda's legs, it's movements careful leaving the child confused but happy nonetheless. Moments later, his smile disappeared as the snake slithered off leaving him behind without looking back. When he realized it was leaving him, Koda opened his mouth to call it back though no sound came out. Hurt flashed in his eyes as he watched it disappear, a pout on face. Fine. Whatever. He did say he didn't want to take up much of it's time and it did stay with him much longer than he anticipated. It must be a very busy snake. He was glad he didn't give it a name else he'd definitely be crying right now.

Mildly upset with every so slightly drooped ears and tail, Koda looked down at large paws with shrugged shoulders. It was alright. He lost a potential friend but made four in it's place. Five, counting the lion that soon joined them and introduced himself as the leader. The cub tilted his head to one side, then the other as he looked up at Sephiroth as if sizing him up. Moments later, he returned to his usual chirpy self as he dipped his head politely. Reaching for his book, he wrote down a reply before holding it up for him. "It's nice to meet you! Being in charge of everything can be stressful so make sure you get lots of rest so you don't get sick!" It was carefree advise from a young naive child, but it could also be considered a warning coming from Pestilence himself. Or a threat. But judging from the bright smile that parted his maw, it was very much the former.

"on an unrelated note, how do you spell all of your names?" this didn't apply to the other horsemen since he refers to them as what aspect they are, but they must have mortal names too right? koda figured he'd get this out of the way now while he still had all of them present.

[align=center]✯ "speaking" / "writing" ✯