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IT'S MAGIC - open; alliance request - Printable Version

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IT'S MAGIC - open; alliance request - rhosmari - 10-06-2018

She'd spent days thinking about this, days pondering and debating on what to do or how to go about things. She'd wanted to make new alliances for a while now but the rocky alliance she held with the Ascendants kicked her into high gear. She hadn't really thought that allying with the Typhoon would have been and good idea. It could anger some of their alliances but now the Ascendants were neutral because of their rather undiplomatic way of handling things. Pincher had already given his own thoughts and things with the raptors that had attacked before he had freed her from her curse. She could appreciate his apology on the situation and the fact that the raptors were not true members there. The handler seemed to have vanished and the raptors with him. So she figured why not give it a try. Pinch seemed reasonable and she liked him, she'd spent more time with the guy then other leaders. So she supposed she had a chance here. A sigh left her muzzle and she wondered if her clanmates would be okay with it as well? Perhaps spilling everything to them would make it better.

Her thoughts moved in and out of avenues before she shook her head a little bit. Maybe she was wishy washy on the topic but she had to do something right? A frown pulled at pink stained lips as she walked along the one little strip of land that connected the Typhoon to the rest of the world. God, she just wanted to chill. The mutated direwolf was tired and she had to admit that she had seen better times. But being helion was draining and she should have seen it coming anyway. Shaking her head the woman plopped down, gaze roaming over the place. Hell, at this point the Typhoon's territory was like a second home to her. She'd been here so many times and she had to laugh at that one before she called out into the air. "Oi, Pinch! I need tae talk tae ya. Ain't too important but I figured it would be beneficial tae the both of us, ya?"



♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: IT'S MAGIC - open; alliance request - buckingham barnes - 10-06-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Look how the tables have turned.

Quite a few changes have taken place in Sunhaven lately. The first being dropping the Ascendants to neutrals, which was a big relief on the maine coon's chest. That whole situation, which he isn't gonna go into detail, had been a tiring mess. It left him wanting to sleep for hours and hours. The trouble they had with the Typhoon was short lived- no more raptors tried to attack them or break through the barricade. The last time Bucky was at the Typhoon border, he was running out with his tail between his legs, Monroe on his back. It was crazy to think how quickly things can change, a few weeks ago he would've laughed at the possibility of being allies with them. The Warden silently made his way over after Marina, glancing towards her as he padded up beside her. His light blue eyes blinked, as his ears pricked, listening for any Typhoon members who were nearby. He waited for Pincher to arrive, with a swish of his tail.

Re: IT'S MAGIC - open; alliance request - PINCHER - 10-06-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was a planner and a chessplayer. He knew how to play with pawns and which moves were seen as critical and which were sacrificial for a better cause. Politics were a bit of a strong suit of the male. He wore the mask of a charming suave gentleman when it came to his allies and revealed the ugly brutality if one was not on his good side. Part of him was thankful for being taught on how to behave and what to say to win over someone but at the same didn't feel real. It wasn't the true him, it was the mixture of his uncle’s sly intellect and his father’s relentless determination and ambition. It wasn't anymore of what he wanted but what was good for his crew, what outcome would benefit them the most especially after the previous alliances that had rattled his trust in receiving the same treatment he gave to the ones he saw were safe from the jaws of the Typhoon. He was feeling a bit more troublesome and mischievous but his attention was honed on the Pitt and the Ascendants, wanting to drown them in their own blood.

Because of this, Sunhaven was not a target and frankly it was partially because Pincher held a slight fondness for Sunhaven. He liked the ideas of merchants and trade for it reminded him of his old traveling days when he would wander around with his father’s gang. All the creatures he met and what they were able to offer always entertaining and satisfying his hunger for more. And then there was Marina. He felt a slight connection to her even after he had accidentally killed her after removing the cursed pearls. It had terrified him at first at having killed someone that he had wanted to get to know better but luckily it appeared that the turnout was positive as he heard the familiar voice of the female call out to him. The jaguar raised his head from the ground, his jaws clamped around a colorful tropical bird that he had just caught. Luckily he was near when he heard her voice and he strode over, stepping through the lush vegetation before breaking through to the sandy shores.

“Back to visit us filthy pirates, eh Marina and Buckingham?”
Pincher joked lightly with jaws parting to let the bird thump softly on the ground in front of him as he straightened his lean tattooed form to lock his electric blue gaze to the direwolf and the feline. He raised a fictional eyebrow at the statement she made about something beneficial to both of them. “Oh? Beneficial? How so? If you are here to trade fish, I can't say I can offer you the same thing.” He rumbled teasingly with a light devilish grin as he glanced towards the sea surrounding them before turning to lock his gaze onto her emerald colored ones as the demigod remained silent to let her speak. He wondered what she wanted to do with him and the crew but Pincher wasn't stupid. This could possibly be an alliance request or something around it but he wasn't going to act cocky and openly state his thoughts.

( mobile )

Re: IT'S MAGIC - open; alliance request - rhosmari - 10-06-2018

Frankly she just wanted a day of relaxation. Time and time again she was reminded of how tough being a leader could be and she didn't know if she was making the best decisions out there. Was she too brash or was she too impulsive? Would her decisions harm her home or make them prosper. It was tough and she had to wonder why she didn't just turn Quantum down when the tiger had passed down the totem to her? Did she really think she could stand the test of time with all of the others? Frowning a bit the woman looked down at her paws, curling her claws into the sand as she took a deep breath in and relaxed for a moment. This was her first time leading anything and she still remembered when she had left her home in the dead of night when she had been cursed. Nothing but the darkness of silence as she let the ocean take her. Flicking up her emerald green gaze the woman looked to her side to see Buckingham with her, tail shifting against the sand and she was grateful for her friend's presence here. He was her Warden now and they had been through a lot together so she trusted his judgement as he trusted her own. It made her feel better about the choices she was to make here today.

Though their wait period didn't take long and she lifted her eyes up to meet electric blue as Pincher descended upon them. Her eyes swept over his form, a familiar sight and she remembered when he as phased through the wall of her home with knocking, the shame. Though a smirk played on pale pink lips at his comment and she couldn't help the soft laugh to leave her throat as she shook her head a bit. "Ya ain't so bad. I figured ya be more trustworthy than some anyway." Ah, don't bring that up again. Her frown returned before she tried to take a deep breath and relax her body. She swore they needed to have like, a sleepover or something and just talk their troubles away. Or drink. She would love to drink. It was an old habit that was coming to kick her ass but she just...loved the numbing it gave her. Flicking her gaze away from Pincher for a moment she glanced at the sea before she smirked lightly. "Frankly I don't think ya could beat me with fishin' even with the whole ocean on ya side. But nah, that's not why I came here. I'm here tae broker an alliance between Sunhaven and the Typhoon. We are allied with only Snowbound and Tanglewood at the moment, and enemies with the Pitt. We have a vast amount of resources though I'm pretty sure ya know that already. Wares and shops galore. Wouldn't mind sharin' em with ya."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: IT'S MAGIC - open; alliance request - Grimm - 10-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]There were times they knew well they were not the victor within a situation, grown to such a point they were minuscule a detail in the overarching story, but such never tempered the way they felt about such. It had been a difficult thing allowing control to slip through their fingers, permit another any level of command over them, but it had been a necessary sacrifice. They were a stranger within this place in all ways, found themself wandering and alone, hoping only for the space to continue their work. The price for such had been steep, to such a point they had not been ready to swallow all conditions tied into it, but permitted themself a few things.

As such the fox had volunteered when talk had turned towards this visit, their interest tempered some when the place they would be travelling to was not where the mongrel they had spoken to only days ago had come from. Across the outcropping of trees clustered about the gate the trio stopped before dark eyes roved, keeping some distance between themself and the other two. By no means was Esma fearful, rather they held no want to be close to either, towering about their own slight stature to a point that left them uneasy.

Another approached, harbouring a smell similar to that they had grown accustomed to though touched by something else, the heavy tang of the sea covering fainter tones. The jaguar was quite a wonderful specimen, lacking the expected colouring he held one unique to him, markings similar and the faint glow about them stranger still. But it was upon the cuts low on the neck they found themself wondering upon. Too even and well made to be scars, lacking the characteristic raise of flesh that had seen injury and there seemed faint movement, faint hum escaping Esma as they looked upon Pincher. Beyond this there would be no response from them, here only to observe and help where it might be offered, free of the satchel usually tied about their mid section which they greatly regretted.

Re: IT'S MAGIC - open; alliance request - PINCHER - 10-07-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Unlike Marina, Pincher tended to be rather level headed and patient with most situations and evaluated his decisions carefully, nitpicking at what were the pros and cons. Call him an overthinker or some workaholic, he tended to force his emotions down and just try to think with his mind. Some have stated he was heartless and in fact, he actually was. The chest he had no longer had an organ, just a shell and when others stated the expression, he couldn't help at laugh. Maybe if he showed more of his emotions, they wouldn't think that but the mask that he was trained to have was difficult to remove especially at the current time where he held intense frustrations, specifically towards the captures of his crew. He noticed with focused cyan blue eyes the state that Marina was in, she seemed quite tired and exhausted and he couldn't help but flash a sympathetic smile as he heard her laugh. Part of him wanted to tell her leading would get easier but he held back as he straightened himself a bit more.

“Others...I've heard some gossip about the tension you've been having with those snobby starfucks.” Pincher stated calmly as he shrugged his broad tattooed shoulders, nonchalant about the drama that had arisen. Frankly he sided with Marina, he would feel just as frustrated about one of his crewmates framed for murder in an ally group and then not given much respectful treatment after the case was cleared. He wasn't a fool, he knew how dangerous and wicked the world could be and framing someone was certainly a troubling situation that could rattle many. At her teasing banter, the immortal let out a soft scoff and chuckled “Damn, Marina! You come to my home and challenge me? Tempting but I've got a busy schedule, perhaps next time.” Pincher then grew silent as he listened to what she had to say. An alliance was the correct answer and he was only mildly surprised by it.

He inhaled softly, his forked tongue drawing over his jaws as the pirate glanced towards another Sunhavener that had arrived before, smaller than the others and was quiet. His thin needle like pupils were locked on them for a brief moment before turning back to Marina as he replied “Snowbound and I have a peace treaty for now and Tanglewood is just a neutral for us. Our current ally is Rosebloods and our enemies are the Pitt and the Ascendants. I'm sure you know how dedicated my envoys are when they do their job and I do keep my promises and deals. I trust you to keep a steady alliance but things work differently here. I have to discuss this with my crew and vote first. Once we come to a decision, I can come to you and tell you what we have decided on.” Democracy was an important part of the Typhoon and despite his desire to make Sunhaven an ally, he needed to see what his crew thought first.

( mobile )

Re: IT'S MAGIC - open; alliance request - venus - 10-08-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

politics was such a mundane topic. it was so dry - dry conversations with dry people talking over dry matters, it left a fuzzy feeling in the sunhavener's mouth that venus hated. and while the kitsune supposed that the cordial activities of a leader were a necessity to civil and organised life that separated the civilised from the feral, it wasn't something that venus ever wanted to dabble in. which was peculiar; here they were, attending a political meeting as a fresh face in the higher up's ranks. admittedly though despite their seemingly eager expressions, venus had ulterior motives for their presence.

crossing typhoon's famed "bridge to the world", sapphire gaze darted relentlessly among the scenery, analysing every nook and cranny for something to pique the kitsune's interest in the typhoon. something wild. albeit venus was their number one fan, the teen was slightly uninformed about the fates of the raptors. and their little disappearance. honestly though venus couldn't be any more uninterested in the political dramas that those beauties had caused between the two groups - they were amazing specimens. a proof in the concept of taming! well, to an extent anyways. ferals, the ones who had prior to this discovery been something of a vague mystery to the world and encapsulated in an enigma. something strengthened by the fact that ferals were notoriously hard to co-inhabit with. venus would literally kill to get their envious paws on one of the raptors. talk to them, understand them, study them - venus could feel the flush of excitement rush through their veins at the mere thought, bringing heat to their face.

excited, jittery legs wobbled their way up behind the figure of esma as the sunhavener stopped in conjunction with the arrival of typhoon's leader. as the brooding jaguar arrived venus' hungry eyes only looked past his hulking form, hungry for something only existing in their dreams until this day where venus could come to meet their idols. surely the adorable scampers would be running around the territory. oh what kinds of social behaviours they would exhibit? would they be inclined to investigate the sunhaveners? could they discern their scent? remember it from the pitifully depressing mangled corpse of persephone? avidly venus' eyes glimmered and their cheeks flushed with the thoughts of numerous questions they sought to answer today. "are the raptors not out to play today?" the kitsune huffed in clear bitter disappointment with the predicament. the query aimed at really anyone with the know-how to venus' pained yearnings, but so far the only typhoon member to arrive was the leader himself. crestfallen crystalline eyes slowly dragged back to the sight of pincher and marina, the kitsune finding offence in how tall the roux head was."shame, i wanted to see their cute faces in person."

Re: IT'S MAGIC - open; alliance request - Luciferr - 10-08-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"If you wait around long enough they might be" an even toned fact, not an inherent threat but still simply a notice, though likely the sunhavener meant owen's raptors - the strange hybrid created raptors as he'd explained - and not lucifer's natural born children who were much more feathered than scaled and as far as he knew had yet to cause any clan turmoil other than visit the rosebloods and linger there - but he was keeping an eye on that situation, attuned as he was to his children.

the dragon madde to move n back to the dens however with Pincher's verdict - a nod spared to his leader and the other sunhaveners, marina he'd met briefly - given they would no doubt discuss this among the others more than out here.

/short af oof