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do you feel alone // o - restless - Printable Version

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do you feel alone // o - restless - georgie - 04-12-2018

Blood slid warm and honey-thick from the edges of her mouth, catching in the tawny fur there as Georgie reared back her head like the animal she was, a mouthful of meat and hide tearing wetly free from the bones of the meal she was enjoying.

Eating was something she had missed when she hadn’t been. Triumph and destruction boiled down to a basic biological necessity. How neat. It was an outlet, though small, and inconspicuous enough that she didn’t bother to hide how aggressive she was with her catches. It’s only instinct. And she was only an animal. Nothing more.

But oh, how she was impatient with that! The itch, the urge, red hot yearning filling her with smoke and ashes and rage demanded that the game be over. That if this was her fate, then she ought to blaze through it quickly. As much damage, as little time. The thought of burning, of fire, pulled at something almost forgotten in Georgie’s chest, small and softer than she’d admit. Hers had never come back. She almost wondered if it ever would. So many other tricks had...

She buried the licked-clean bones and wished her anxiousness could be buried with it. Forgotten in the shade of the bay. You know instant gratification isn’t good for you. She took a breath, claws scoring an unspoken plea into the ground. I wish this was flesh. Eyes. A tongue I could turn to useless ribbons. I wish! Things like her didn’t have their wishes granted. That was why she had to take.

Georgie sat back, breathing deeply. And then she was still. And then she screamed.

Re: do you feel alone // o - restless - Amaranth - 04-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Amaranth flinched hard when she heard the scream, a shiver running down her spine as she rapidly stumbled to her feet before running in the direction of Georgie's shriek. In the rush she almost fell over multiple times, so instead she raised her wings to flutter above the ground as she raced over, her heart pounding.

As soon as Georgie was within her line of sight, she dropped back to the ground again, her paws pounding through the sand as she skidded to a halt near her crewmate. "Georgie?! are you okay? what's wrong?" Amaranth asked, her voice dripping with concern and fear, as she looked the other female up and down. She didn't seem to be injured, so what was wrong?


Re: do you feel alone // o - restless - georgie - 04-12-2018

Georgie turned to Amaranth, rubbing a licked paw against her red smudged chin in a none-too-concerned attempt at tidying up. “[color=#d4af37]What do you mean?” She asked almost coyly, playing the screech off with a blank look. I want to know you. Georgie scooted closer to Amaranth with no regard for personal boundaries, making herself at home in the other’s personal space with a childish grin showcasing still-bloodied teeth. Really know you. Georgie wanted in. I want to feel your flesh and bones and from the inside. She was still panting in rapid bursts and it didn’t seem to be a state that was improved by her sudden train of thought. Georgie just wanted to be on the inside of everything, everyone. In their heads, their skins, their meat. Why should I wait. Why am I waiting. I want it now. I want them all now.

Georgie’s pupils were blown wide and her deep gulps of air sounded as though she was trying to smell something. “[color=#d4af37]And you, you would be so much fun,” She whispered in a voice that was barely there at all. “[color=#d4af37]Just like home. I could crawl into you and be home.” She shuddered, the fur along her spine bristling, mouth hanging open while she panted. Her heart felt like it was going to burst from her chest. That’s fine. They’re easily replaced.[color=#d4af37]Would you let me?” She asked, each syllable heavy with a painful weight.

Re: do you feel alone // o - restless - ARGUS - 04-12-2018

Argus was blatantly aware Gorgie had a certain edge to her. An insanity that hid behind every emotion and played well with her cheery demeanor. She knew what it was like to indulge in that insanity too- every now and then she felt her own skin crawl with the sensation that was entirely animal and nothing to do with logic or reason. It was rare for her to indulge it, rare to let it show behind the dullness of her red eyes because it was not her it was remnants of a being she was made of, broken and shattered individuals and souls squirming inside her mind only made her shudder with the need for more power.

The scream was definitely what caught the wolf's attention. Wings spreading as she flew over to the area. Only to see Gorgie pressing into amaranth and bloody. THere was a hunger in her eyes that Argus was deeply familiar with, though the desire was different she felt the edge now. She landed with little fanfare. Dark red eyes narrowed as she attempted to call Gorgie out of whatever daze she was in. "Gorgie." Her voice was a low timber and carried with it a clear bark in warning. The large wolf swaying in the wind on the brnahc she landed on. Jumping off only to land in the clearing.

"That is sounding awfully like a threat, and you wouldn't hurt your clanmates, would you?" Argus kept her voice flat if a little coy near the end. She should probably push amaranth out of the way of the serval's eye- and her body screamed to do so, but pulling something away from an animal only made it want it more.
if you find this u are awesome

Re: do you feel alone // o - restless - Verdigris - 04-12-2018

  Georgie voicing her thoughts at a high volume was just a habit of hers, as the jackal had learned the hard way. Georgie letting out a primal scream, however, was decidedly not just a habit. As the screech tore through the air, Papercutter abandoned the mouse he had been pursuing and sprinted towards the beach, ears pinning back against his skull. He suspected he was going to have to kill someone soon enough; hopefully his victim would be the only casualty that day.

  Arriving on the scene, however, he could clearly see that no one was dead besides a fallen prey animal of indeterminable species, and Georgie was leering at Amaranth, blood coating her grinning face. While he couldn't hear exactly what Georgie was saying, the hungry, almost blissful tone of her voice made his skin crawl. "Okay, that's enough," he broke in, approaching the two females and cautiously attempting to nudge the crazed serval away from Amaranth. "Personal space, y'know." He didn't think he'd need backup, since even if Georgie was acting strangely, he could easily beat her in a fight (at least, he thought so, given what he knew about her so far)- but on the off chance he did need backup, Argus was there.

Re: do you feel alone // o - restless - georgie - 04-17-2018

Georgie tilted her head looking rather unruffled and unaware. “[color=#d4af37]Oh Argus! Hi! I love you Argus, how are you?” She ignored her words completely. I don’t owe you a response. I don’t owe anyone a response. You are only meat. It wasn’t like Georgie could do anything, besides. Not if Amaranth said no.

When Papercutter intervened, she didn’t get violent. She didn’t even protest, but her attention was redirected to the younger animal as she leaned forward to try and rest her chin on the top of his head with a doting coo. “[color=#d4af37]Look at you! Sweet boy, I’m so proud. We’re all so proud of how strong you are. How brave. Did you know that?” She crooned as if nothing else mattered but boosting the jackal’s self esteem.