Beasts of Beyond
Never mess with the seas|Joining - Printable Version

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Never mess with the seas|Joining - KAZBIEL - 10-06-2018

The scent of sea salt and scent of oceanic decay was stronger the closer Kazbiel traveled towards the coast.  The roar of the waves hitting the sea battered rocks were enough to make the weakest willed of men cower at the strength of the sea, and yet the black jaguar didn’t find it terrifying or even the slightest indifferent, on the contrast he just had a respect for the ocean, for she was dangerous but yet kind to those who were not foolish to get on her bad side.  Perhaps it was good enough to make an offering to any said god that might dwell in this part of the known world.

There was a lot of beach, than there was trees.  The jaguar prefered trees to sand, since with sand came crabs.  He hated those scurrying creatures, but they sure did taste good, so there was something pleasant about them.  He had the displeasure of removing a crab that got too close to his tail, and got a hold of it with a claw, of which he was quick with enough to stunt the crab by flicking his tail like a whip onto any rock, after stifling any yowl of pain that would have followed afterwards.

Annie would have laughed herself into a giggling fit if she were to witness that, he raised an eye towards the sky seeing that it was somewhat a clear or clear enough for mild weather.  Any sign of a storm was always ten times worse out on open water, for there is only there you were at the mercy of the seas.  He had traveled far from Sunhaven, of where he had left his sister in safe hands.  He cared not about the clan laws, or rules or whatever, he was nomadic by default, and would prefer privacy in his tasks.

Tasks of which was his own business, and nothing else.

"I got friends on the other side " —-- KAZBIEL / group / misc. / roleplayer

Re: Never mess with the seas|Joining - darci - 10-06-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]"Hello," came the greeting of the dog, not taking much time to approach this stranger. The dog had spotted him coming in from afar and had been patiently waiting for him to reach the border. It was evident Victor had too much time on his paws. He drew back in a moment of shock as the jaguar howled with pain, confusion flooding his face. Dropping his eyes, he saw the assailant. A fit of laughter suddenly came over the male. "You might want to watch out for those little ones. They sure are a lil crabby if I must say so." He was so clever with that joke, or so he thought.

"Can I help you with anything?" Victor had come to pride himself over his friendliness. After seeing most of his group mates having a bad temper when it came to strangers, Victor was quiet the opposite. He had yet to see a justifiable reason for their behavior, but he had no desire to go and seek one out. The dog would worry about himself, and that was that.

Re: Never mess with the seas|Joining - KAZBIEL - 10-06-2018

Kazbiel wasn't expecting a dog, let alone anyone to meet him at the border. Well that was new, he suppose. A person learned a new thing every single day.  At least someone could tell him where he was. For he had no idea. "Where am  I?" he asked.

As for the joke, for the sake of him understanding and none understanding at the same time, the black jaguar nodded not exactly understanding humor.  Plus he suffered from chronic bitch face.
"I got friends on the other side " —-- KAZBIEL / group / misc. / roleplayer

Re: Never mess with the seas|Joining - PINCHER - 10-07-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher wasn't exactly intimidated by the ocean but more felt burdened by it in specific moments. Mainly because he was somehow connected to it in a deep supernatural way that made him the demigod that excelled at creating stormy seas that caused waves to rise to become taller than mountains. He didn't know his full potential nor wanted to. He knew what it meant if he allowed his mortality to be fully succumbed to the jaws of infinite power as a demigod. He would become merciless. Cruel. Wicked. More than he was now. But what scared him was the fear that he would no longer care for those he loved because of the powers that surged within him. So for now he remained trapped in a docilenstate of his potential so Pincher could be able to lead his crew and be able to connect with them than a god could.

He had heard a yowl not so far where he was, his round jet black ears pricked with curiosity at what had happened. He rose quickly to his standing position and strode over in a light jog as the scent of blood and danger didn't rise so luckily it was nothing serious. As he arrived, the older jaguar's electric blue gaze widened at the sight of the other as the immortal halted beside Victor. He glanced down at the canine with a faint huff of amusement at the joke before turning to face Kazbiel, catching his question just in time. "You are in the Typhoon...aka pirates. Who are you?" Pincher questioned with his intense gaze narrowing ever so slightly with curiosity.

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