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Seer's Eye // FORTUNE TELLING - Printable Version

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Seer's Eye // FORTUNE TELLING - Quill - 10-06-2018

Re: Seer's Eye // FORTUNE TELLING - syzygy ♡ - 10-06-2018

As a cat inherently invested in science, Syzygy was naturally sceptical of all things supernatural, if not flat out frightened by it. She believed things like tarot and astrology to be fun and entertaining to dabble in, but she found it difficult to unanimously agree on their weight in the world around her. She looked for facts and figures and these past-times had very little to back them up. Syzygy did not voice her concerns however, always walking on eggshells, and pranced over upon hearing Andromeda’s call. She was naturally curious but awkward to a fault, and walked over as if she was avoiding landmines hidden underfoot, as if she didn’t belong in that place. Quietly, with an imperceptible tremor in her voice, Syzygy spoke to the fortune-teller.  "Could you read mine?" Syzygy asked quietly, a mere tremble in the breeze. She smiled feverishly and nervously, and laughed a little after, as if in disbelief of her own incompetence.

/ uh so syzygy in the past has been kind of in the background and always just really quiet and focused on everything mostly because she had lots of trouble in her family and was never really taught how to socialise effectively
now she’s completely alone and out there and doesn’t understand how to function all by herself because she’s always been a puppet of her parents, but she’s trying to learn
as for future, I don’t really know what I want for her so that’s just up to you! :^)

Re: Seer's Eye // FORTUNE TELLING - guts - 10-06-2018

Ymir wasn't into such things. She wasn't a superficial person, nor was she interested in the supernatural, or whatever the hell it was called. She knew who she was, and had a good idea of who she would be, so she believed she had no use for any of it, anyway. She didn't need some cards or magic spell to tell her about herself. She had her own plans and she had determination to stick to them.

Even so, she found herself approaching Andromeda, narrowed eyes settling on her before drifting down towards the tarot cards. Her mouth opens, but no sounds come out. Maybe she was a bit of a hypocrite. At one point she had been worshiped as some sort of goddess, but then again, that had been a very different time. She knew better now, no longer that same naive child. Or maybe that had nothing to do with this sort of thing. All of it was just a jumbled mess she had not a lot of knowledge about.

Finally she shakes her head and steps back. "No thanks. I'm not into that kinda voodoo." she tries to sound like her normal self, but it doesn't quite hit the mark, her smile looking forced. Nevertheless she puts on a brave front, instead standing back to at least watch and see what would happen.

Re: Seer's Eye // FORTUNE TELLING - JERSEYBOY - 10-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 7pt; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5;"]Spiritual readings, tarot cards, fortune tellings... that was all baloney. Jerseyboy had never believed in that stuff, and it wasn't because his family leaned more towards organized religion, but because he just had ( common sense. ) Honestly, who believed in this shit? Anyone could spread out a deck of cards and make up some random "fortune". Hey, that didn't sound like a bad idea, now that he thought about it. One could probably make a profit from such services. Wouldn't any sorry sucker pay to see into their future?

The tuxedo tom furrowed his brows towards the one who offered the tarot readings, the one who had lectured everyone on the history of the Jack-o-lantern. The "walking encyclopedia". He was half-tempted to ask for a reading, just for the hell of it, but why would he waste his time?

Like Ymir, Jerseyboy wasn't going to participate either. "Yeah, no thanks. I ain't buyin' inta' that bullshit." The Hearthkeeper snorted. Call him a party pooper or a grump, but he wasn't going to look like an idiot. Not today.

Re: Seer's Eye // FORTUNE TELLING - calliope - 10-07-2018

♥♡ It wouldn't be a surprise to learn that Mira was someone who worried about the future. She was trying her best to take her fate into her own paws, rather than just continuing to let life push her around. Although, she wasn't one to buy into something such as fortune telling. It seemed to be something to do for fun, though, rather than a reliable telling of one's future.

Still, she was curious. What would the fortune teller have to say about her? Even if she didn't buy into it, she didn't mind suspending her disbelief for a short amount of time, unlike Jersey or Ymir. Curiously, the serval approached the group, offering a tiny nod of her head in greetings to everyone. "I guess you could read mine," she offered, smiling a tiny bit, "It could be fun." Even if she didn't believe it, she was a bit nervous about what the reading would bring.

/mira's past is mostly forgotten, though what she remembers is spending all of her time working. she's had a lot of pressure put on her by her family and others, so she always tried her best to exceed their expectations. she's also had issues with making friends in the past [+some amounts of bullying/mistreatment from her peers that lead to her spending all of her time working later on]
currently, she's just trying her best to keep herself busy and to help everyone;; she's also working on some self-improvement in general. mira just wants to get stronger.