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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher didn't really believe in anything. Sure, he held a close attachment to his mother's beliefs on Haitian Vodou, growing up alongside it. He remembered seeing simple rituals that were dedicated to the various forms of supersitition that were connected to the magic that his mother had. However his own set of knowledge and information were tiny compared to the expanse of his mother's. She had been the leader of her tribe, glowing with an aura of sanctified ruthlessness, the very aura that had attracted his father with his own kind of ruthless behavior. His father on the other hand did not believe in Vodou. No, his father descended from a family of Catholics alongside his twin brother. The two very distinct beliefs didn't really class as his father was not a devote Catholic especially with all the murdering he did as a hobby and the sinful thrill-seeking he sought on his spare time. With time passing, Pincher withdrew from both beliefs. He didn't want to believe in anything after what he had seen in the bottom of the ocean. What he had experienced. What it felt like to wake up in complete utter darkness. No pearly gates. No burning hell. Just...darkness. A watery grave for the rise of a demigod. One that held so much self-doubt and insecurity that he didn't even believe he was an actual demigod after passing months.

Ghosts were an iffy thing for Pincher when he "saw" them. He knew that there was one crewmate that could be considered a ghost or some type of it, the little brown pipsqueak named Beck. But other than that? Silence from the supernatural beings that were so popular in tall tales and myths. Pincher had read a few books about ghosts but nothing could teach him about what he was about to see as he stepped out of his submarine. Bones. Floating bones. It was midnight darkness when he stepped out for a drink, his inability to sleep causing him to crave liquor. Maybe it could knock him the fuck out. It was better than wanting to faint after seeing bones. Multiple types of bones from various animals were floating all around Barracuda Bay, trembling and shaking. Some bumped against each others, others wandered aimlessly. He even spotted massive whale bones lazily floating, only a few inches off the sandy ground while tiny fish bones furiously flashed around. "W-What the fuck?" Pincher drawled as he felt some bump against the side of his skull, causing the wildcat to duck his head to watch some lizard bones rush off to who knows where. Then he heard soft wails. Painful ones. Flashes of silvery white outlines of animals he did not recognize trying to connect bones to make themselves...alive? Why did they want to return all the sudden? The wailing grew louder and suddenly became explosive screeching that caused Pincher to groan and pin his ears against his skull as the floating bones began to increase their activity, trembling and floating around aimlessly.

What the hell was happening?

( this is act one of the ghosts that came to the typhoon for october!! currently it's night time and all the ghosts in the typhoon have decided to bring all the bones they could find and try to connect them with others to make 'skeletons' for them to possess properly but some ghosts have become frustrated and their wails have become extremely louder. y/c can come out and see the sight for themselves and can get 'attacked' by piles of bones or whatever you can think of !! )


HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
The night was cold and yet still Marcellus had no blankets to help him fend off the chills. His body shook within the night as the air grew colder and then suddenly he could feel a full on chill running up his spine and the sudden desire to throw up in both his dreams and outside of it. His eyes shot open with a quickness, mouth opening to gag as he threw his head over the side of his broken down bed, the urge stuck in the back of his throat as if he was choking. As his episode finished he heaved and panted, another chill running up his body as the sound of a giggle echoed through his shack. There was one, then another, and then another. Giggles echoed all over his shack and Marcellus practically leap out of his bed, paws pounding the ground as he landed on his floorboards beneath him. "Who's there? Show yourself!" No response. There was nothing to be seen or found and as Marcellus raced his way into the living room: nothing. No sign of someone nor any trace. It was barren with no one around. Cautiously, the domestic creeped his body slowly towards the door where he gently pushed it open with his small body, head moving to peer out slightly before shutting it back closed, pressing his body against the back of it as he looked back into his home.

"Luca, if that's you then this isn't funny!" He called out, voice annoyed and confused as he looked around. Suddenly there was a loud slam as a book slid off one of his tables, dropping onto the floorboards. The Toyger practically leap out of his fur as he looked towards where the noise came from but still there was nothing in sight until a small flash of white appeared in front of him before disappearing again. He shook his head and moved up a paw to rub it against his eyes, trying to make an explanation of what he just saw, but it seemed as if every one of them didn't make sense and he could only explain it as him going crazy. "I.. I need a walk." Marcellus whispered quietly to himself, turning away from the inside of his home and pushing open his shack door. Forcing his full body outside, the first thing he saw was Pincher standing on the coast in confusion, Marcellus tracing his gaze to the floating bones and nearly transparent bodies.

What the hell?

The domestic stood frozen, eyes wide as he watched the bones grow more and more wild as they flew in the air. The white figures controlling them occasionally popping in and out of transparency. For a moment he was ready to call it quits and run to Junji for a quick checkup, but then one of the bones were going at him and instantly he took to the sand, jumping off the small patio of his shack as the bone flew straight past him just in time. It hit his door, causing a loud bang sound. He cuffed his paws over his head as he shut his eyes tight, trying to convince himself that he wasn't going mad and that this was actually happening. In time, Marcellus opened his eyes to see another bone flying right for him but this time hitting him hard in his side. He let out a loud yowl as the bone made impact with his small body, pain soaring up him as he gritted his jaws together and dug his claws into the sand.

This was really happening.

Re: CRYPTIC CORNERS — GHOST ACTIVITY - suvi. - 10-08-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
The same wailing roused Suvi from the depths of a rather fitful sleep.  Strange dreams.  Strange tidings.  The child thought she'd seen her mother, which could not be right.  Her mother had gone away.  Forever gone.  So the direwolf pup huffed, a high-pitched whine rumbling in her throat.  When stepping out of her father's hut, the pup did not notice anything amiss at first, her deep brown hues still half-lidded and blury from sleep.  A yawn threatened to escape her maw.

What...? The wailing tore through her ears.  Suvi plopped herself down on the porch and tilted her head up.  Without a second thought, she let loose a sharp howl. 

Not very impressive.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn


He would have a similar stance to Pincher had he grown up in this world, but seeing that cats could speak to dragons and butterflies could breathe fire, nothing ever really surprised him now. Of course, this wasn't to say that Bakugou knew everything. He was simply far more open to the strange shenanigans that happened around him, watching the way events unfolded rather swimmingly. There is a nonchalance that simmers beneath his skin, a superior detachment flickering from his sanguine hues when it came to the supernatural. Always, he reminds himself, it should be expected. And yet he had been genuinely gripped in confusion when he chose to walk outside, touched by an eerily cold breeze that somehow made him shiver despite the constant fire that burned within him. He didn't see anything at first, nothing through the dark, abyssal backdrop that coated their tropical landscape. It was all painted into a sea of black, a murkiness even seemed to cloud the brightness of the stars above him. All he can do is watch and wait. The moon watches too. But unlike Bakugou, the moon knew.

He was about to re-enter his hut when he heard the wails, the agonised voices that filled the emptiness around him, encircling him. They strangled the silence away and suddenly Bakugou realised he misses the silence, the quiet that had so indifferently held him. "What th -" his own voice died, his own noises becoming inaudible among the shrieking shrill which rung against his pointed ears. He struggled to hear as if he was muted, straining himself that it felt like blood was being drained from the sides of his face. The Reaver winces, stepping forward and swatting at what must have been flies. But he begins to notice the small, reflective glow of white bones, whizzing past him like a storm, spinning around him. On instinct, fire begins to surround his body like a protective shield. He blasts fire from left to right, in front of him and behind him, desperate to shoo whatever was on his back. FUCK OFF, he feels himself shout but he can't hear, deafened by the ringing in his ears before finally snapping and channeling a column of fire. Red, hot flames rise, illuminating the area around him and shooting to the sky. Wails turned into screeching because legend had it that ghosts did not enjoy the light. They appeared in hauntings to the night but were banished upon morning.

Exhausted of his energy, having not slept and unleashing more power than he should have been able to, he felt his own body begin to crumble from the grasps of fatigue. He was ready to collapse, ears suddenly screaming with sound as if the world had been unmuted and was now blasted at full volume, when he heard a yowl from across the beach. Marcellus? His instinct was to move, legs suddenly sliding to push his body forward but slipping instead. He thuds, skidding down the small hill that led to his house and welcoming a mouth full of sand. He coughs, choking and spitting grains, spluttering uncomfortably. But he's closer to Marcellus, seeing the Toyger attacked by bones. Teleport. He can teleport there. And yet...he's so tired. He could close his eyes in this mysterious war, let himself be overcome by the shrills. He heaves his body with a paw, focusing tremendously over the fatigue when the floating, moving skeleton of a cat rams into him. It wakes him up for that instance, allowing his body to blink from his current position to [member=1489]MARCELLUS[/member] . Then, instantly, he pushes himself to breathe a jet of blames at the bones which continued to harass the Toyger. "F-FuCK OFF!" he chokes on his words, wheezing and rasping from air from the overuse of his powers.

He was shaking in his own fur, but not out of fear of the ghosts but from the excess of energy he had used. He could hardly stand on his own paws. This is too much to be some shithead's prank, the ragdoll thinks to himself, continuing to talk to himself from within the safety of his own mind. The more he talks himself through this, the more awake he can keep himself. It doesn't, however, stop the nausea from setting in. Wails beginning to pick up again, reverberating with the shifting sands. Bakugou lifts a quivering paw, "My hut. Get... get to my hut."

Re: CRYPTIC CORNERS — GHOST ACTIVITY - darci - 10-13-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]The idea that ghost truly existed had always been up for debate with Victor. When asked if he believed, he generally laughed and said 'yeah', the type of yeah one would say half-ass without much thought put into it. Having never seen a ghost before, he remained on the line of being a skeptic. He needed to see it believe it. That was just how his little world worked to him. As children, his sister would always wake him up at night, frightened by noises and movements in the shadows only she seemed to notice. He grew use to protecting her from what he believed to be figments on her imagination. That was, until he began to stay up with her and also noticed and strange sounds and movements. In the end, the male blamed it on his own exhausted mind playing tricks on him.

Victor was curled up inside his home, fast asleep. In his dreams could he hear the faint voices of those making a ruckus outside, but it had yet to wake him. It proceeded like this for a few more seconds before someone's high-pitched scream jerked him awake. As his eyes flew open, a skeleton stood directly in his face. Victor emitted a loud, ear-piercing yelp of shock, quickly pushing past the skeleton and into the fray. Still unable to process the world around him, the male would possibly slam into [member=1637]Bakugou[/member] before being driven back by the impact. Too spooked to be able to utter any words of apology, he turned his back to his clans mates, using them as a shield to defend his blind spots.

Fear glossed across his blueish green eyes as the watched the skeletons dance around them. He could feel his heart in his chest. "What the hell. What the hell. What the hell," he repeated under his breath. This had to be a dream. It had to be.


He wasn't ready for it. He didn't see it coming. His vision was a blurred mesh, images intertwining within a soft field of sand and dapples of white. The loss of his clear vision was making an impact on his ears which were now picking up everything, failing to soften and tune out the excess noise that was being blasted at full volume. He was suddenly aware of the movement of the sea, the wails that occurred further off and even the sinking of paws into sand. The sounds are loud. He can hardly decipher what was in front of him. His eyes and his brain refused to agree with each other, his ears were on high alert. Bakugou couldn't even to begin to imagine what his other senses were like because of the intense fatigue and nausea that was swimming over him. There was no soreness and shock when he was hit, only the sensation of moving and toppling from Victor's crash. Before he realises it, he's already against the sand coughing. His body is rising and expelling all sorts of bodily fluids from his stomach. Then, with his last energy to Victor, he roars: "H...HUT. NOW." It was the safest place he could think of - his forge, his home.