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MY SKILLS EXCEEDS YOURS | o, 100 posts + new pet - Printable Version

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MY SKILLS EXCEEDS YOURS | o, 100 posts + new pet - FELIKS - 10-06-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]It'd started out as Feliks being generous towards a creature of the jungle. A beady eyed crow had been watching Feliks eat a meal of fish, gave the gryphon a puppy dog expression and out of sympathy he had offered the ebony bird some. The pirate knew what it was like not being able to hunt for yourself after all, even if part of him was disgusted for giving away food so easily, it was worth it if it kept the feathered friends healthy. Just a simple gesture had led to odd shiny things being left at his cabin: rings, jewelry, and one day, he'd caught the avian in the act. No words had been exchanged and the hybrid had chose to ignore the crow's gifts of gratitude, and thus their relationship was ended for a short while. The story between the crow and the loose cannon should've ended there, but things never seemed to be that easy in reality. Going on a simple patrol a few weeks later, Feliks hadn't been expecting much... that was when he saw his new friend. Settled between the cage-like claws of a panther, Feliks' eyes narrowed in fury at the sight of the trapped crow. Fear consumed its eyes, occasional jutting of it's hind legs suggesting it was still very much alive and had plenty of fight left in it. The gryphon's nostrils flared, the action enabling him to catch the stench of the Pitt.

The big cat hadn't noticed him yet, but before it gave his bird the killing blow, it let it go. As the crow started trying t hop away, it became painfully obvious that the asshole had broken the thing's wing and was just toying with it at this point. What was it with cats playing with their food? No words were spoken by Feliks as he charged forwards, a scream-like shrill escaping from his ashen beak as he placed himself over the bird. The surprise of a sudden gryphon in his face caused the Pittian to back off, a mocking sneer on the other's face. "Didn't think that the Typhoon let a bunch of tree-huggers in now. It's just a fucking bird, come on freak, lemme have it,". The other faked a lunge, circling for an opening afterwards. Perhaps the panther wanted to nip at the gryphon's legs, or get at the bird and get out, but it had an overconfidence that mirrored Feliks'. Difference was though was that Feliks knew when it wasn't worth getting injured. The enemy noticing a scarred hind leg, a devious little grin appeared on it's face as it feigned a right lunge before going to the left. It wriggled under the skinny form, needle-like teeth sinking into the gryphon's leg. Pain shot through him like a hollow point bullet as his weight buckled underneath him.

Without a second though he whipped his head around, straining his neck to snap at the black form that chose to hurt him. Whatever flesh he could get ahold of, he'd take. It'd just been a tail, too stringy for any real damage to be done to the fucker, but the consequent tug of the fragile appendage released the panther of it's grip. A tail was too precious to lose after all, the Pittian wanted to balance. Unlike the panther, Feliks took advantage of the moment of weakness, pushing himself to his full height again and he darted forwards, giving the big cat a swift kick with his bad hind legs. The panther slid across the floor, and though Feliks landed with a sickening wince, he still found time to turn around and pin the other underneath his burly talons. "If I let go of you, you have four seconds to get the fuck out of my sight," he growled lowly, pushing his claws down on the other's chest to prove a point. Shock may've been clear on the slaver's face, but he still remained arrogant. "Very well," he huffed, and with that Feliks let him go. As promised, the feline started to sprint off back home, but not before turning to get one final quip. "I know you, you're the Vigilante. To think you'd end up being so soft... it's a far cry from when you were killing kids eh?". A warning grunt escaped from Feliks, not having the energy nor the leg strength to teach the assclown a real lesson at the moment. They'll pay soon enough he promised himself, an adrenaline fueled wish that he'd be sure to make true.

Feliks turned his head back towards the bird, noticing how it hadn't moved since Feliks' shadow had engulfed it. It was staring up in wonder, settled for the bare minimum amount of time before hopping closer to its saviour. Shit... Feliks couldn't leave the crow like that. "You're gonna get me in trouble little fellow," he mused, not angry enough to avoid displaying his own cocky expression. It's over... don't worry. "Let's get you a medic then... Loki,". A fitting name for one that'd cause mischief. With that, Feliks gently picked the bird up and placed it on his back, making his way slowly back to camp. He wouldn't get a medic for himself despite his prominent limp, it was nothing more than a bite from a foul creature, and he was a little too fearful to trust the others with his own medical expertise.