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the beginning of a rebellion [private] - Printable Version

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the beginning of a rebellion [private] - Orion - 04-11-2018

In the midst of the Griffingate meeting hall lied King Frederick of Griffingate with his head in his hands as he loomed over the podium's edge. The bearded man rose his head away from his hands. His green eyes scanned the room. Usually, this room was swelling with people. It's emptiness was disturbing. He had called upon an old friend of his, but also his dearest of political enemies, to have a stern discussion with... but he knew his words would not convince his former ally to sway Frederick's own way. Yet, he would try.

After a long and hard thought session, Frederick thought there was no reason for their dearest country to split and head their separate ways when such cruel things were happening around them. Instead, they should stand as Kalopsia: one safe haven for all that wished to escape the world's troubles. From North America becoming a blank slate after the greatest super volcano erupted, to the corruptions of global warming, where they lied now was the safest place they could be. Europe, though surrounded by the mutated world, was simply the only place that would suffice these days. Perhaps in the future they could explore, but not now. Hence why Frederick thought his fellow adversary would reason with him and reason with him.

But yet, Frederick, too, was being selfish. While he preached safety and his safe haven, he did not want to bring the troubles of those suffering in the other countries. There were no rescue missions being sent out to those in need. It was either suffer with them to potentially save them or stay safe within the European continent. While the choice to him was obvious, others disagreed. They wanted to save others... They wanted to save their family. Yet he refused to risk the lives of more, despite their desperate calls.

The brute's ignorance wanted to solve this once and for all. He would not allow others to die, especially after they were exposed to the radiation and pollution within the world that caused mutations to form on their dreaded bodies. Along with this, humans had gained the powers of those gods they once praised. Frederick knew that with these developments his country would crumble if those forces ran at his kingdom. Many within his area hadn't gained any powers due to the safe haven, making it dangerous to threaten his opposition. Those that had arrived later on had already experienced the disgraceful effects and the disgusting looks of the natives. While many thought these developments were a plus, Frederick thought these mutations and powers were the scum of the earth. If they were to grow any stronger, it would lead to his downfall. Simply, he could not allow that. With this power political opponent of his thriving, he simply could not have his mistakes lead up to an uprisingly. Sadly, that would happen whether Frederick liked it or not.

That day of doom had come. Kalopsia would fall, forming two new countries. Frederick was prepared for the speech of his lifetime, but his words would not stop the Blackfall leader from prevailing. Even so, thoughts raced through his head as he slouched over onto the podium. "Come on," he grumbled through gritted teeth. As he stood impatiently, his fingers drummed on the edge of the marble. 'I must keep this power in my grasp.' Finally, footsteps boomed across the hall. It was time.

Re: the beginning of a rebellion [private] - nefarius - 04-15-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]☆ —   Prometheus had always been a rebellious man; it was in his nature to fight, and even more so to refuse to back off, even when it was clear that he would not have an easy victory. Thus, sharing the most unpopular opinion in this tamed kingdom was one of his many feats, and the only to date. If you had told him as a child that he would lead a new organization into becoming an independent country from the only home their people had ever known, he'd scoff and steal away like the petty thief he'd been. Thief. His powers made such a thing so easy. A mutant, an anomaly, someone to be shunned and kept to the edges of society for fear that he would use and abuse such attributes against the people. It was luck that placed him at the king's side, and luck that let him get away from it with scarcely a fight.

Prometheus' namesake had been a hero. He'd given the people fire when they had none, taught them the essentials, gave them the courage to fight their fears and move forward. That was what he was to his people: a hero. To the rest of Griffingate, he was nothing but a fool, singing songs to the fellow fools who strummed a civil war with his bony fingers for naught but his own pride and selfless need. As he was selfless, just as he was selfish, wanting to save all of these people outside of their too-safe walls from annihilation at the hand of human kind's own rage against each other.

"Aye, perhaps I am a fool." he'd told them one day, standing tall, white button-up shirked up to his elbows as he faced the rowdy crowd. "But what does it say for you, down there, who would rather live in comfort than help save your race from the brink of extinction? Nothing good. Nothing good at all." they had belittled him for that, as they always did. Prometheus, always a source of a good chuckle if he was in the right mood.

"Frederick." his voice was even, not too sour and not too sweet. He was the perfect image of calamity, even if every part of him thrummed with renowned grievances at an old friend who now faced him from the other side of the room. Prometheus walked forward. "I don't suppose you've agreed to meet with me to say that you've changed your mind so we could mend this once and for all. You're desperate, but not that desperate." I know you, we were friends once, was what he said in the recesses of his mind, where Frederick could not reply in kind. Sometimes he wondered: was it his powers that disturbed his former friend the most, or the fact that they had different expectations for the future of Griffingate? Prometheus was a fool, a rebel, a dirty, no-good naysayer mutated to the point of exceeding the bounds of "normal". How he had ever even become to like Frederick and Frederick like him was beyond him. He figured it must be beyond Frederick, too.

Re: the beginning of a rebellion [private] - Orion - 04-16-2018

His gaze shifted to meet King Prometheus... if you could even call this fool a king in the first place, at least. Frederick was practically holding a scowl back at the sight of him, but kept himself holding back against his will, knowing that every wrong could cause the end of a nation. Yet, it would be no use. So far, he just didn't know that.

"Prometheus," the sovereign announced to the empty hall with a deep and booming welcome. Like Prometheus, his words were not filled with deathly venom, but had hints of passive aggressive sarcasm. "Now, you know me, Prometheus." His lips pulled back into a small smile. Old friends back together after a long time coming, yet this was not a friendly meet-up. Still, the stubborn male was going to use his charm to get his way. "I want the best for our country, so please take my offer and calm this rebellion at once, or else things will get quite hasty for me." A threat and a vouch for his unwillingness to negotiate all wrapped into one sentence. "If you want something in return, let me know, but I think it would be better for the both of us if we just had a simple gentlemen's agreement." Frederick's brow furrowed upwards, challenging the rebel to say further. "Don't you think?"

Hopefully, his rival agreed. Frederick was only offering courtesy to let the problem simmer down, despite his doubts. Prometheus would most likely run him dry on gold until Frederick succumbed under the pressure, but the sovereign was not going to give up his position and let the kingdom fall apart under his rule.