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CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - Printable Version

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CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - rhosmari - 10-05-2018

Dying and then coming back had made the woman lose track of a lot of stuff that had been going on but she still remembered the things that had happened with the Ascendants. It hadn't been to long ago when they had had to come home because of something with Bucky. She blamed them for it of course because if they hadn't insisted on digging in the male's head none of it would have happened and even the fact that they believed the words of a child made the woman feel rather annoyed. The walk toward the Ascendants border had been peaceful and she had taken her time to actually make it there. After all why rush to be back at the place that had harassed them for quite a while. Large paws moved forward with ease and she allowed her massive form to take a deep breath in before she released it slowly. News had traveled that Bastille had left the building and she wondered where the guy had went. At least the guy had stopped by and let her know that Buckingham hadn't been the murderer since he was at home when things had happened. Despite the fact that he had left it didn't dismiss the things that had happened. Flicking toxic ivy green eyes over the scene the woman allowed her thick form to settle upon the border of trees. Their forest reminded her of their own and she visibly relaxed a bit.

Her mind ran over the things she was going to say and she flicked one of her tails slowly before they twisted together. The direwolf hardly wanted conflict but there had to be repercussions for the treatment of her group and her members. So she was here to at least fix things and for them to take responsibility. Wind pulled against her coffee cream body and the dame would roll her shoulders before calling out. "Oi! Monroe here tae talk tae ya leader. I ain't here for any trouble but I think it is high time for an apology for falsely accusing and attacking one of my own for something he ain't do. It's been cleared up and Buckingham didn't murder ya member. So we should settle this peacefully, ya?"

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - MirrorEdge - 10-06-2018

Right about now, Thea would probably agree. That there should be repurcussions for her actions. She felt guilt, and mostly stuck back, clearly remembering the disrespect that she had shown the leader. Before, she had been feeling pretty bad about that, but now, she was beginning to remember why the hell she had been even more disrespectful to the leader in the first place, and she was tempted to give some retort, to push Monroe to attack her, see how much damage she could do before she was forced to-

No. No. Already, she was slipping back to that cold, unfeeling mentality when it came to considering killing other people, and it terrified her how easy it was to. It was a slippery slope, and she shook her head violently, before making her appearance, the small smile on the silver kitsune's face not quite reaching her eyes. "Well, to be fair, do you really think we were just gonna sit there and let Bucky go for our leader? Maybe file our nails while we were at it? Sorry, but no. I'm sure your members wouldn't have put up with that if it happened to you." Thea said nothing about the false accusations, for now.

There was a chance Monroe might not even recognize her, not with the drastic body change. But her snarky attitude, even without her cheerfulness, should be enough to give her away.
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Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - rhosmari - 10-06-2018

The woman couldn’t help but roll her eyes and frankly she was getting to be a bit exasperated at the situation. Why did they think they could counter to make themselves look better in the situation that they had obviously caused. Her muzzle curled slightly though no teeth were shown as she was just tired in general. But she remained calm and straightforward as always. The tone from the other made her think she knew who this was and that by itself was an issue. It was the one that had falsely accused Buckingham in the first place and caused this huge mess. Someone she already had disdain for and her tails wrapped around her body before she curled thick claws against the ground. ”A situation that Bastille caused by poking around in Buckingham’s head when he didn’t want tae go that route tae begin with but because of you it was the only way that he thought could clear his name. Yae attacked for no reason anyway since I had the situation under control.” The moment that the Winter Soilder saw that he has attacked the leader he has stopped any sort of aggressive behavior and awaited punishment. The woman may not know still what all of that was but she wouldn’t hold it against Buckingham. Couldn’t.
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - FUBUKI - 10-06-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The situation between Sunhaven and the Ascendants was new to him. Truthfully, it hadn't been major news to the feline - it was of no fault of his own, all he'd heard were whispers of how Sunhaven were responsible for killing somebody. If it were true, and his group had evidence of such crimes, then it was inexcusable to treat the butchers so amicably on the borders, Ren didn't have enough information to make proper judgement however. Ending someone's life was a thing that was inexcusable, but it didn't mean he could rush blindly when justice bared its neck to him - he'd have to wait and pry like some sort of detective. For now though, he kept his plans under lock and key, the frowning tomcat approaching the two slowly. Grey eyes, though masked by an odd fatigue, darted between the two like a minnow in a pond, reading the body language and words with a heavy heart. Of course, he hadn't expected either of them to wear rose tinted glasses to get through the awkward talks, but his forepaw still ended up tapping the ground in anticipation.With passive aggression threatening to turn out into a full out scuffle, Ren was glad he hadn't arrived any later. "Let's not get ratty with each other," he commented idly.

A selfish part of him wanted to remain silent, allow his monotone voice to be drowned out by warcries to gain more intel, but he couldn't bring himself to sink to such a level. If someone got hurt under his watch... it wouldn't feel good. Then again, with their new leader proving to be a bit more hotheaded then their last, his efforts might fall on deaf ears regardless - no, he couldn't think like a defeatist. When Ren stopped trying, who would be there to pick up the pieces? Rubbing one forepaw over the other as he fidgeted in thought, the felidae nodded his head in greetings towards the other, teeth gritted behind his neutral expression. What if they were hiding a murderer? "Especially since we wanted to do this peacefully,". If one looked close enough, they may've seen the faintest hint of a smirk appear on his maw as he ghosted Marina's words, but it was quickly replaced if it had ever been there in the first place. "Can you get [member=1549]moonmade[/member]?" he asked Thea, figuring that hell would rain over the poor grass if the two were left alone for any longer.

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - MirrorEdge - 10-06-2018

"Yeah, real under control. Him attacking our members and even you shouldn't classify as 'under control', but whatever makes you happy, miss." Maybe it was a bit hypocritical for Thea to hold it against Buckingham, and she knew it. After all, she had attacked Bast, at one point, due to the heavy influence she was under. Now? She'd have to atone for her sins. Something she'd probably spend the rest of her life doing to try and find a way to either permanently die, or find a way to ensure she didn't harm anybody in her next life. But Buckingham? She was quite sure he hadn't, just hid away from his past.

She still didn't forgive him for it, even if she now had only a toe dipped into what he was experiencing. And Marina? Thea simply didn't like the large direhound, with her demanding apologies out of her. Yes, an apology was due, even Thea realized it, but it was her stubborness and lack of respect for Marina that prevented her from doing so. That part of the old her still clung to her, some shred of familiarity that kept close. A sign that maybe she had been just a bit normal before, not as messed-up as she was. That her mind hadn't been completely warped.

Pupiless eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly at Marina, struggling to control the anger, and need to lash out both physically and verbally. That was a new thing for her, these random bursts of anger instead of cheerfulness in every situation. "Sure." Thea finally spoke again, a few of her tails whipping back and forth.
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Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - buckingham barnes - 10-06-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
When Monroe traveled to the Ascendants to demand for an apology- for falsely accusing Buckingham of murder and nearly killing him- Buckingham almost decided to stay behind. While his name got cleared, the last time he was at their border became quite tense. Monroe thought it was Bastilleprisoner's fault, that Bastilleprisoner getting a glimpse of his memories triggered the Winter Soldier. None of them fully know about the Soldier, Bucky knows what it's triggers are. One of them happen to be extreme paranoia, and when he accidentally showed Bastilleprisoner a bad memory, it pushed him over the edge. He was lucky that Monroe managed to stop him, as who knows what amount of damage would have been inflicted on Bastilleprisoner. Bucky almost decided to travel to the Ascendants himself to apologize for the incident, but decided against it. If he wanted to apologize for what the Soldier did, he had to wait for things to cool down.

The maine coon came padding in shortly after Marina, ears drawn back to his cranium. Bucky decided to travel along, hoping there won't be as much tension as the last time he was here. He wanted to hear the Ascendants apologize to his face- they nearly costed him his life. The first Ascendants member that approached them was a kitsune, who he didn't recognize initially. But when she spoke, he recognized that it was Thea- not only did her voice give her away, but her attitude helped too. She was the one who falsely accused him all the way back at Sunhaven, and during this whole ordeal has shown no respect for Monroe or her own leader. He was amazed at the amount of disrespect, it was like this girl doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut. If she was a Sunhavener, he was sure she would be penalized by now, he wondered if the new Ascendants leader will do anything about that attitude. It surely didn't seem like the previous leader, Bastilleprisoner, couldn't keep her under control.

With every sentence Thea threw at Monroe, the more anger and annoyance gleamed in his eyes. He could almost feel the disrespect in the air, he can almost taste it. Despite him feeling upset towards the young kitsune, the expression on his face was neutral. Only his eyes gleamed with emotion, one had to look closely at Buckingham to notice it. You can blame his time as an assassin for having a hard time expressing his emotions. "Monroe handled the situation before it went south." He meowed with a flick of his tufted ear, light blue eyes blinking. Bucky wasn't pleased that the Asset managed to take control. In fact, it left him distraught- as he thought the Soldier was gone, he wasn't expecting a relapse. If Monroe didn't intervene, surely things would have been worse.

Thea daring to say that Monroe wasn't 'under control' as well made his blood boil more. "Shut your damn mouth you brat-- you've been disrespectful to Monroe since the moment you falsely accused me of murder, you're on thin ice." He snapped sternly, his tail lashing angrily. He didn't say another word, ears pricking as another Ascendants member made their way over, suggesting Thea to go grab Moonmade. It seemed like Ren understood that they wanted this to be handled peacefully, unlike Thea- who just seemed like she wanted to rile things up. He let out a sigh as the kitsune complied, hoping she won't come back with their leader.

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - ONISION. - 10-06-2018




♦ -
An accident, one that Onision wasn't used to dealing with. A soldier, Buckingham was a soldier, or so he thought he was, Onision didn't know what he was. Maybe he was similar to him in a ways?

It seemed the moment he saw Buckingham on their borders, Oni's body had shifted into the familiar dark chocolate lupine, Aloysius taking over to stand over Thea protectively. Aloysius stared the maine coon down, a silent warning. "Haveth you not heard?" Asked the Lieutenant, tilting his head to the side. He had to keep an eye out for everything now, Gods forbid he forget anything. Black and blue eyes soon focused on the one whom called herself Monroe. Did she reincarnate or something?

"Moonmade is our Seraph now, he'll be here soon." Onision's voice finally spoke as he shifted back, scooting away from Thea with a disgusted look in his eyes. Why was Aloysius so dead set on protecting Thea? Disgusting.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - MOONMADE - 10-06-2018

[size=9pt]"Jesus Christ."

The scent of Sunhaven clung to the border, and Moon had come to learn that meant nothing but bad things. The two Clans, while being allies, seemed to have members that would rather knock their own teeth out than show some goddamn civilization around each other, and so, every time that poor Monroe turned up at the border, drama ensued. Moon had been sure to avoid whatever had gone down last time, but, now, he wasn't so lucky. It was in his job description. "What the fuck is this? A Nursery?" Says the lion, sparing the small talk. "You two miss your midday naps? Need your diapers changed?" With a pinched gaze, he glances between Buckingham and Thea, one side of his lip drawn up in clear distaste, before shaking his head and turning to the Monroe.

To the weird fish guy, he overdramatically bows his head. "Monroe." He greets, words gushing respect, "My dearest apologies. Both for harboring an aggressive little bitch in your own clan and having to put up with one whenever you visit here, too. I was thinking of chaining this one up in the basement and throwing away the key, but I don't want her stinking up the place when she croaks." He sucks in a breath, releases it in a theatrical sigh. "See, that's where you guys are lucky. You can just tie some rocks to Cyborg's paw and plop him into the water, and hey presto! Problem sorted."

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - GABRIEL - 10-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"You know, I think both clans could use a PR agent. Somebody who writes up scripts for everyone so they don't get into pissing contests every time they talk." Personally, he would nominate the guy over there. Gabe didn't know his name, but the feline had at least attempted to settle some peace between Sunhaven and The Ascendants. He even had the weary look of somebody who wanted to be done with everyone's shit but didn't want to stoop so low as to assume that much of them. Perfect, right? Give him a little authority and he could work on smoothing things over with more weight to his words, though he supposed that didn't matter too much, considering the involvement of the leaders saying what they were. Gabe wished he were brave enough to go looking for his mother, because he could escort her here and let her get to work throwing shit at anyone who was disrespectful and scolding in rapid Spanish.

"For instance, Moon, instead of suggesting more murder, maybe go for a softer approach. Like so." Clearing his throat, the hybrid smiled with his eyes -since he couldn't exactly do it with a beak- and pushed on through the pulsating headache to address Monroe and whatever-his-name. "A false accusation is grave business, yes. Is an apology your only request?" He spoke like he was the best goddamn secretary who loved his job and never had any thoughts about strangling people with their own tongues. "Would you like it with some water for yourself or your man here?"

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - rhosmari - 10-06-2018

tick, tick, tick

The sound of one of her claws as it started a staccato tapping against a rock lodged in the earth. Buckingham thought that only the female was on thin ice but to the large mutated direwolf they were all on thin ice. With each passing moment they had to listen to them not only try to make it seem like she was getting heated with the accuser but also listen and watch them continue on to insult her Warden. One one who was her counsel and her friend at that, the second highest ranked member of Sunhaven and one who would take over leadership should something happen to her personally. She'd come here with respect in mind, with common courtesy to bring forth a peaceful nature instead of barging in and demanding that they give her what she wanted. What she knew that Sunhaven deserved of this deceitful action against her own. Thea had almost gotten Buckingham killed and all they would do was sit here and spit upon their diplomacy. Was this the reason that the Typhoon hated the Ascendants so much. She could feel her own disgust rolling up her throat like bile and if a place could make her feel sick well, enough said at that point. Her thoughts ranged from any different things and she took in a slow breath as the canine whipped one of her two tails against the ground, commanding a want for silence.

Venomous green eyes narrowed, vertical slits condensing to lines and the basilisk showed in a sudden flick of a thick forked tongue. She'd seen how the other canine attempted to stare down Buckingham, trying to intimidate him and her shoulders flexed, claws retracting from the ground. It was easy for the sea fairer to stay calm even in such situations but there was only so much she would take before she snapped. "I came here for an apology and yet I get more insults and more disrespect. Ya call this a pissing contest and yet Buckingham has ever right tae be pissed off at Thea for her accusations and the way she is tryin' tae manipulate the situation. Her lack of respect, and really all of ya lack of respect is mindbogglin'. Another leader is here and a high position of another clan is here and not one of ya can be the least bit diplomatic save for two of ya. And that is lackluster at best." Her voice was clipped as she turned her gaze toward Moonmade then. This guy was the new leader, this guy who decided it was okay to call Buckingham a bitch and ramble off about ways to kill him and be done with the problem. "Fucking hell, we are supposed tae be goddamn allies and ya treatin us like we ain't nothing but mere scraps at ya feet."

The dame could say she was livid. Livid at the treatment from a group that chose to call Sunhaven a friend but go so far as to treat them like nothing more but a passing stranger. Had they not been favorable allies to them in the past? This sparked something in her really and she turned to look at Buckingham, gaze showing how angry she was. "Buckingham, a decision needs to be made and I ain't talking about the apology. What do ya think we should do? As far as I see it, most of them think this is a joke and that it's funny that one of their own nearly killed ya for a false accusation from a child that they were so readily willing tae listen tae. So it's ya call since ya were the victim in all of this, or I can just give my verdict and we can head on home." Not like she cared anymore with the circumstances going to shit once again when they were trying to at least work the situation out without hostilities.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡