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a little bit of sugar || INORTIS' STORAGE / BIO - Printable Version

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a little bit of sugar || INORTIS' STORAGE / BIO - Whisper - 10-05-2018

[Image: soul_of_deer_by_traumlaterne-daefcks.png]
Inortis Tenubris
— I feel it in my guts
[size=8pt]link - link - link
  |-Full name | Inortis Tenubris
-nicknames | inny
-name meaning | tenubris - darkness
|-Age | 15 moons
-aging scheme | one moon / 50 posts
|-Gender | male
-sexuality | demisexual . panromantic
-|Powers |  aaa
|-Family to | npc x npc . gen 1

|-Black lion / snow panther mix |  100%
- ghoul.
- reference.

‣ soft, caring, gentle. These words come to mind when innortis is first seen. Soft spoken and often times shy, Inortis is the iconic gentle character with a motherly aditude to people younger than them. He doesn't like violence and often times prefers spending his time reading or writeing poetry, not much of a social butterfly but kind when you get to know him- protective and a bit generous to friends. He has a rare seen

o1. cavetown - 10 feet tall
o2. cavetown - Pigeon
o3. cavetown - Lemon boy
o4. cavetown - Poision
o5. cavetown - Bannana Bread
o6. Oliver Tree - alien boy

— fresh journals / evening poetry / wilted white lillies / red tiger lilies / pastel colors / scraped knees / pillow talk / love confessions in whisper / the sound of your voice just before you cry
Inortis Tenubris is a mainless black lion with an odd pattern on his pelt[x], born from a once infamous drug cartel known as the manifesto of exiles.  Nicknamed Inny during his youth- and later takeing on the last name Tenubris when he left his home clan. Meaning Darkness in latin. He has an ageing scheme currently that by one month to every 50 posts on this sub account.

Currently only 15 moons old, he acts very naiave, in that he belives in everyone- and has a preference for pacafism despite growing in a very violent place.

In fact, his upbringing gives him the preverse abality to stare unflichingly and bloodshed. Though he has his own need for bloodshet from time to time- having a mutation from his father's side that makes him a goul- eating anything but another lion leaves him unsatisfied and plainly disgusted.

(appearance ) born into his body, inny's form is very unique. and when commenting on it- he will blush madly. still soft ashen fur has now grown unusual spots of marbled black - similar to a leopard. in fact ; contributed to by his mother's side. charcoal tipped front paws, and white collar, back paws, and tip of his tail. his fur is short, but abundant. he sheds everywhere and all the time if he hasn't groomed himself that day. he is built for extreme climates like he grew up in.

metaphorically, he is a deer in grace. long limbed and built for speed and agility. his elogated tail let's him make sharper turns and even without front claws, he can take down prey larger than himself easily using his hind claws. he has two sets of long canines, the lesser one's just a little smaller.

inny's eyes are odd in the way they seem freaky , a pale red with sensitivity to boot. he is always found wearing round pink fade glasses to hide his eye color. thankfully, if you are lucky, the rest of his eyes are white, if they're black. well... you better run. black scarleta is a telling of his hunger or emotional distress, and usually is not the only thing that will show up when about to attack to hunt for himself either.

a special limb of ghouls is called a kagune and it is a predatory limb that functions as another weapon in a ghoul's arsenal, considered liquid muscle. inny's own kagune is a specialized bikaku- which functions as three bright read tails that flicker out beyond his normal tail.

inny doesn't particularly have any accessory on him beside his glasses, that he does not need but prefer to wear.
I'd tear them piece by piece —
[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]