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cold cold cold inside — jewelrymaking/injury - Printable Version

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cold cold cold inside — jewelrymaking/injury - guts - 10-05-2018

She didn't know many things. She didn't know basic things, like how to write or read or even hunt, or much of anything else. It embarrassed her, knowing that everyone else knew how to do things but her. They were all so smart, so skilled and aware. They were strong, stronger than her in many ways. She had always been weak, and it had been naive of her to momentarily forget that. She would always be that slave, that one who cowered and obeyed, not a mind to call it's own. She always lived to serve.

But there was one thing that she was good at, one thing that reminded her that she was free. She loved to make and fix jewelry, ever since her mother had shown her how. It wasn't everything, of course, and the majority of what she learned had been through trial and error. She had followed in her mother's steps, after all, a thief that had been beaten for her crimes against her masters. It had been a long while since she had done what she loved.

Cosette, still not wanting to use precious resources or get yelled at for taking things that didn't belong to her, had settled with natural resources she found around the territory. Leaves from plants, flowers from cacti, the like. All of them were strung along cheap scratchy wire and whatever else she found, arranged to the best of her ability to make them look at least decent. If only she had better things.

Breathing out through her nose, she went to making her third necklace, using sharp-edged wire to make it. It wasn't what she would usually use, as the ends were much too sharp, but she wasn't thinking about giving these away, either. It was just to keep herself busy, to rekindle her art. Concentrated, her tongue peeked out from the corner of her lips.

Then it's broken, her trance of attention snapped as a sting went through her paw, a small one but still there. She looks down, quickly realizing that she had pricked the pads of her paw, which now oozed a single trail of red. It slid down and wet her fur. But she made no motion to stop it, only watching in odd fascination, face blank.

It was supposed to hurt, wasn't it? Yet she felt nothing, not even a dull sting. She found herself reaching up with her other paw, her mind fogged as she poked at the wound, digging at it with a claw until blood streamed down more and more, both paws now tainted with the warm fluid. Maybe she was just used to it, the pain and the sight of blood. It was nothing new to her. Even before her days in the Pitt, she saw it time and time again.

Reality seemed to slam back into her then, blinking her eyes as she looked around, then back down at what she had done. There was a hole in her paw now, the material of her paw-pad torn away to reveal fresh skin, bloody and mangled. Cosette couldn't help panicking, muttering under her breath in frustration at herself. She had really done it now.

//here u go have this shitty thing ig alsdghf

Re: cold cold cold inside — jewelrymaking/injury - darci - 10-07-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Levi did not have a knack or a hobby he had really taken to. Reyes did not allow that sort of thing, but he always found a way to ease him bored mind when there was nothing to do. Levi, for the most part, was a half of a whole, his brother being his only other source on comfort throughout it all. He missed his brother, but their relationship had been damaged beyond what he believed he could repair. His brother enjoyed running around and collecting little trinkets he found out on scouting missions and always created wild stories about them to tell Levi when they got back. The doberman remembered one story rather fondly: A brown, ugly rock that had supposedly fell from space, killed a dinosaur, took its power, and, somehow, granted eternal life. It was a stupid story, but being young kids, it seemed interesting at the time.

Levi had the ugly rock somewhere, but he was sure he lost it when he fell. Apart of him was glad he had a valid excuse to get rid of it. With the desert being as hot as it was today, Levi felt a bit sluggish, not really finding to drive to go out and do anything important. Therefore, the ebony and rust canine could be found lounging on top of a large rock, the over cast from a larger rock behind giving him some shade. Hazel eyes watched Cosette, curious as to what the girl was doing. He saw no reason to really acknowledge the situation, that was, until he saw blood starting to surface on the girl's paw.

Emitting a groan, the dog lazily rose to his paws and jumped down, making his way towards the other. "Ya alright?" His examined the paw from what he could see, grimacing slightly. While he did not see it to be a serious wound, it still looked painful nonetheless. "Stop picking at it, you'll get an infection."

Re: cold cold cold inside — jewelrymaking/injury - guts - 10-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She had picked up the talent during her slave days, but she was never open about it, even if the masters were fine with it. As long as it didn't get in the way of work, they always said. That was all she did back then, working until she was sore and aching all over. Sometimes she could still feel it, the memories themselves sticking to her body. It was difficult sometimes.

The female jumps at the voice, just now noticing Levi's presence. She turns wide amber eyes to stare up at him and nods her head to his question. "Y-yes. I'll be alright." she quickly says, wincing as he tells her to stop poking at the wound. "Sorry.."

Looking back down at her paw, Cosette studies the ripped flesh more, catching her lip between her teeth. It wasn't looking good, she quickly realizes. Had she done that? She couldn't remember. But she wouldn't do that, surely. Shaking her head to try and clear her hazy head, she tries to stand, nearly falling over into the sand as she balanced herself on three legs.

Re: cold cold cold inside — jewelrymaking/injury - COSMIIX - 10-10-2018

Walking over at the smell of blood, the direhound perked his ears forward in a bit of concern especially since well, this was one of his friends that had gotten themselves hurt. A frown was etched onto his maw as his ears pressed themselves to his cranium slowly only to murmur "Show me." It wasn't even a question although, it was not a command either though no, it was all out of the concern for Cosette and making sure that she didn't get an infection. All he needed was some marigolds and he was set. "How bad does it hurt?"

Re: cold cold cold inside — jewelrymaking/injury - darci - 10-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]Flashing Quill a glance as the other male arrived and took charge of the scene, Levi took a seat to watch. These two knew each other better than he knew almost anyone, thus he saw it better if he let Quill handle the situation. Levi was not quite sure why the girl made her injury worse. Maybe she had a mental disorder? He was not sure, but he had never met anyone who did what she did. Perhaps it was pure curiosity, but Levi had his doubts about that theory. Remaining silent, the dog watched.

Re: cold cold cold inside — jewelrymaking/injury - guts - 10-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She was about to limp to wherever they were keeping their herbs and patch herself up, but as Quill came over, she found herself settling back onto her haunches. She didn't see him as the type to know much about herbs, but nevertheless, she extended her paw out towards him and averted her eyes. She was still having trouble registering it, that she had ripped up her paw. It didn't sound right, but with no other explanation--

Cosette huffs, softly shaking her head. She quiets her thoughts and focuses on the large direhound, watching him to see what he would do.