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science fiction starts + tanglewood ambassador - Printable Version

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science fiction starts + tanglewood ambassador - toboggan - 10-05-2018

Clean air. Oxygen, untouched by the stiff sulphuric fumes of which occupied the rotten mires in Tanglewood. It felt simply luxurious, especially when coupled alongside the salty taste piggybacked from the ocean spray. If he had felt more emotion, one could say that Leroy exhibited a sense of envy towards those who indulged in this elegant gas on a daily routine. Frankly, the mutt grew tired of having to bathe himself in a body of water each time the mutt left his homeland for outside circumstances, purely in the means of sparing others from insufflating his swamp’s hideous musk - which is what he had done on this occasion as well. First impressions were everything, and, well, it looked like he’d be having this job for quite a while on account of Aya’s sudden disappearance. Faint tinges of the Tangler’s former environment yet lingered, though this meeting of sorts was to be only brief, thus eliminating the need for a thorough cleaning. The wolfhound bore no gifts and possessed null charms; what he would be sharing with the saps here would be what some call knowledge. News of Morgan’s deeds throughout Tanglewood, perhaps some details on the clan’s current status, maybe a short number revolving around this new job - and oh yeah, the fact that ghosts are, as he traversed through foreign land, ravaging what was once a flourishing Tanglewood. The last piece seemed a tad more important than all else, a safety warning to those in Sunhaven about the supernatural. That is, if the spectres hadn’t sprung up round here, too.

"Hey!" the hulking mongrel called expectantly, ”This’s Sunhaven, right?”, before adding in a softer, more charming tone, ”Because ‘m fucked if not.”

Re: science fiction starts + tanglewood ambassador - Grimm - 10-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]It seemed he would be graced with the presence of one uncaring of his reasoning for being here, nor holding any knowledge of the swamp he had come to call his home, new to this place as a whole. In truth it might have been a blessing in disguise, a few amongst their numbers rather ill fitting for first impressions though none might deem Esma one of the better, rather they fell between, able to be cordial if barely.

“Why are you here?” Rather than give him the answer he sought the tiny fox posed one of their own, dark gaze lifting to find the canine, moving over him in quiet inspection. Familiar was the breed to the one who had once been human, though they had never had one themself and rarely interacted with canines of any kind, distasteful was the practice of keeping pets but they had to grow accustomed to being around a few now. And indeed was the smell upon him clear, if only hints as the sea breeze found the shaggy coat he wore, something acidic almost, given a hint of decay though it was not so cloyingly sweet.

Fictional brows drew down over their eyes and Esma moved a few steps closer, standing before the larger canine, head tilting back to look up at him. “Where are you from?” Head tilted, ears flopping over to the side with the movement, the weak cartilage within unable to keep them standing. It might be interesting to follow the Tangler, learn of his whereabouts and possibly scout it out, see what sort of land he had come to call home that bore such a stench.

Re: science fiction starts + tanglewood ambassador - toboggan - 10-06-2018

Unkempt brows upheaved out of significance, his amber optics casting a keen glare at the munchkin of a mammal. What curiosity had been brewing was not at all related to the fox’s presence, but the fox’s stony disposition. Sunhaven was a merchant hub, was it not? Was it customary for its tradespeople to boorishly demand a fresh face’s business upon arrival like this? Leroy was not offended by this in any way, only caught off guard. Once thinking about it, he’d suppose that in times like these you’ve to be plenty careful in in times like these - still, the mongrel had not received the warm welcome which was anticipated.

"Now tha’ don’t answer my question, does it, smartypants?" his deep tone’d deride lightly, having a go at the stranger’s defensive proclivity, whom, by carefully judging his words, came across unmistakably as a Sunhavener. The fox’s blindness to a friendly personality bothered Leroy none, for if the mutt truly desired to, it was likely that he’d be able to swallow the runt in a single bite or two - yet he’d desist from doing so on account of maintaining his home and Sunhaven’s positive affinity. ”Your leader may have brought up that your group and mine are fort’with allies, per se. I’m the ambassador from Tanglewood, my name’s Leroy Starkweather,”, his oversized noggin dipping in a virtuous bow whilst saying so, ”and though ’s a genuinely disgusting shithole, ‘s our disgusting shithole.” The guardsman had not seen his comments as vulgar, solely modest. It took balls to express honesty about one’s attributes, and he would be lying if he told that Tanglewood was a bustling hamlet. Honestly, the tribe was more of a close group of misfits rather than a guild of any sorts, considering the dwindling population living in the swamps. That was subject to change, he hoped.

”I bring not gifts”, Leroy continued unremittingly, ”though I’ve a lotta news ta share if anybody wan’s to do the same.”

Re: science fiction starts + tanglewood ambassador - Grimm - 10-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]The welcome offered indeed fell out of the accustomed, often spoken in warmer tones by those who deemed the sea locked town as their home, offering something that was distinctly lacking within the one who offered themself in their steed. Rather they viewed themself as outside of it all, more an observer than one counted amongst the Haveners, though such a title was one they were forced to take for fear of repercussions, given little thought. Their time here had proven short and had been shaped by minimal interaction with others present, many of whom held dispositions more similar to their own, cold within overall manner and self seeking, finding their worth was set in actions that meant to help them over any other.

Faint hum rose from pursed lips and they watched the movement of the other before them closely, unsure exactly how to react in kind. The way he spoke was intelligent at least, the comment about his own abode drawing forth a short laugh. The sound was rather harsh, pushed through teeth held tightly together, lips drawn back into what seemed a snarl though held no menace. Indeed it was a good quality to speak within tones of honesty, to not sugar coat things in hopes it might prove easier to swallow, a disappointment prolonged, nothing else.

“Well then welcome Starkweather,” pointed was their refusal to acknowledge his comment, the name he spoke easily brushed aside for they had heard worse, tacked upon them until they had grown, each becoming a twisted little badge they were forced to bare. “Indeed that was spoken of but I have not been around long and did not know exactly what it was, seemed a strange name, but it is pleasant to have it confirmed. I am Esma Kiser, pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” Small angular head fell into their own bow, fore leg raising only to be bent before their chest, pose held for a few seconds before they straightened once more.

Dark eyes narrowed and for a few seconds they pondered the last words, unsure on how to proceed. Though the group this mutt hailed from held the title of ally it seemed rather idiotic to so freely share information, an equal exchange only slightly better. “I am sure another will be around soon that can share any necessary information, as I said I am a new comer and know very little about... anything.”

Re: science fiction starts + tanglewood ambassador - toboggan - 10-07-2018

+ bump

Re: science fiction starts + tanglewood ambassador - rhosmari - 10-08-2018

The woman was rather sorry she was late to the whole affair of an ambassador coming to visit them. It wasn't right but there had been so much that had been going on recently that she was slipping. Tiredness clung to her limbs and she allowed herself to move forward slowly, hoping to at least rest her aching muscles for a moment. Though she was sure that they would excuse the time it took for her to get there. Surely. Flicking her tails gently she allowed her head to lift up, gaze pensive for a moment before she breathed the thick growth of their forest in order to see the male that had arrived upon their palisade borders. Her expression may not have been the most warm currently but she was definitely trying her best. Forcing herself to relax the hellhound slowly sat down and slowly rolled her shoulders, attempting to make herself a bit more presentable than she looked currently. Leadership was definitely not all it cracked out to be but she was working with it as much as she could. Calmly she would give a soft smile to the Tangler before dipping her head a bit toward them in greeting. "Sorry tae keep ya waitin'. Name's Marina or ya may call me Monroe. What's the news from ya place?"

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: science fiction starts + tanglewood ambassador - PIERCE - 10-11-2018

Oh, an ambassador! Pierce didn’t think he had encountered one from any ally in quite some time. That wasn’t to say they hadn’t been coming- he’d probablt just missed him in his recent bouts of inactivity, which he’d been trying his best to work on these past couple days. If it wasn’t obvious to those in his clan, that wasn’t working out too well for him. It wasn’t like he was depressed or unwell in any sort of way - or, he didn’t think he was, but he was no psychiatrist -, he just didn’t care about much. Thoughts of Riddlersgame and fragmented memories of his first home had been riddling his mind lately, and he’d found himself feeling rather drained because of it. It... wasn’t fun, that was for sure, but he could still slap on a smile and offer a sweet “hello” to just about anyone, Sunhavener or stranger alike.

"Hey there!" the Goldenblood greeted, arriving after Marina and coming to stand close to his leader. This Tanglewood guy seemed pretty nice, but he’d only spoken a couple words, and besides, that was sort of to be expected. After all, this was alliance business- you were supposed to be kind, or at least act like a better version of yourself.



Re: science fiction starts + tanglewood ambassador - venus - 10-11-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

leroy was vaguely familiar. his appearance a little blurry as the teenager slowly made their way on over to the gathered group, but as soon as the man announced that he was indeed from tanglewood, only then did the pieces fall into place. venus had met leroy before - at a bonfire event held back when venus had rejoined tanglewood for a week. nothing creating dramatic impressions, but the silver-toned kitsune had in fact seen his face and heard his voice once before. there were doubts that the same could be said about leroy remembering venus though. but if the man could claw back to when venus had bled all over tanglewood's borders then he might have his memory jogged. it was a while ago now though.

"nice to know tanglewood's still a shithole, a beloved shithole." bemused, venus chuckled at the man's choice of words. they knew that the phrase was used endearingly, they had been a part of that shithole from conception of the group and had come to grow accustomed to the poignant stench. it still tainted some of venus' equipment. "how's orphelia?" she had been the only one that venus had come to grow attached to - damn her and her unconditional kindness. venus hated feeling for other people.

Re: science fiction starts + tanglewood ambassador - toboggan - 10-11-2018

Out of the blue, so many Sunhaveners were creeping out of the shadows in such a short amount of time, it rendered Leroy nearly uncomfortable; those sensualities could owe to the fact that the number of beings present could be compared to the total active clanmates he had in his home, and there was likely more Sunhaveners to come. The lacking in population which Tanglewood was currently experiencing deeply saddened him, for he had to idly witness the passing and disappearances of those he held as friends, rivals, any value in between, and the guardsman has absolutely no firm control over it. At least the tradesfolk present in happysville could live life without fearing an impending deconstruction of their tribe, said fear being especially prevalent in his homeland, what with all those catastrophic ghosties floating about.

In order appeared what appeared like an abomination of nature, greeting herself as Marina (or Monroe), whose name Leroy recognized as the leader, or Helion, of Sunhaven. Somewhat of a gentleman, he’d subtly dip his noggin out of recognition, seeing her as a higher-up regardless of the clan of which she oversaw, and that unorthodox appearance of hers. He did not ignore her inquiry regarding the news, of that the hound had a vast amount of, for Leroy heard the incoming footsteps of her people, and did not wish for others to intrude on his story with their greetings. The next creature to make the scene was a serval, one of few words, thank god. Following suit encroached a mug that was strikingly familiar to Leroy - ah yeah, she was that chick with the pet... hamster? He recalled that her name was of a planetary body - Venus, right? A faint sense of nostalgia tickled his throat as the femme appeared, glad that at least one of the past Tanglers weren’t lying dead in a random bog. The mongrel gave her a toothy grin as the ex-Tangler echoed his comment, which would immediately disperse when the name Ophelia was brought up.

"Ophelia’s doin’ fine, I guess... I kinda love’er, actually," he’d casually remark, previous to sorely stating ”she jus’ stopped showin’ up about two weeks ago, and I do miss’er so, but I’m positive she’ll come up.”

Sighing, he’d shift his amber glare to the bunch present, all of whom had introduced themselves in one way or another. If anyone else had decided to interrupt, these folk could explain to them at a later date what he’d in a moment say.

”By th’ sounds of it, everyone’s experiencing ghost issues. Our Delilah has discovered a few methods ‘n repelling them, and they actually work. Uh, ya need ta smudge the area, burn sage and spread the smoke, and saltwater works, too. Morgan and us recently built like a mausoleum, a giant tomb, and almost immediately these ghosts came. Now, he’s sayin’ that there’s some inter-dimensional crap an’... I don’ understand anything but if it works, it works.”

”Other than that, the Pitt’s been causin’ trouble for us, for they kidnapped two of our members - and I even had ta save one of ‘em -, but Tanglewood’s barely staying on its feet with the ten of us there, so there’s no way we’d be able to attack ‘em. Oh yeah - s’many people suddenly jus’ disappeared all of a sudden, and very little people are joining, so we’re dwindling. Everyone there’s either a high position, or dead. It ain’t a pretty sight.”

”We’re struggling, and tha’ huge army of spirits hauntin’ our every move certainly ain’t helping us. But, other than our crisis we’re going through, ‘s just business as usual”

Re: science fiction starts + tanglewood ambassador - rhosmari - 10-12-2018

That sounded less than appealing and she hadn't known that Tanglewood was so bad off. It almost boggled her mind how bad it was and she had to make sure she had heard him correctly. She still couldn't fathom it but she took a deep breath in and looked around to those that were here now. They'd heard the same thing that she had and since Tanglewood was an ally of their's they had to do whatever it was that they could to help them. That included resources and offering their own territory for their own sanctuary. Lightly she began to tap her paw against the ground, debating over the circumstances of what was going on right now. They had been experiencing some supernatural activities and she hoped to whatever Gods that were watching that they were not all hostile encounters. She hadn't been around for them and she had to call forth a discussion for her group to talk about these encounters. It seemed like it was becoming an epidemic of sorts. "That ain't good. I'm sorry tae here that and if ya need any resources we can provide it for ya." The helion began slowly after a moment of deep thought on the circumstances. Her head lifted up just a bit as she looked toward Leroy and she had to admit that she felt back for the Tangler and even more so for his home. "We have been experiencing ghost activity as well. Though the extent of it I'm not yet sure about it. But if ya need salt water ya are free tae come over and get as much as ya need since we live near the sea and all of that. Do ya need tae take anything home with ya? Food? Blankets? Fish? We got what ya need if it's available."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡