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A LITTLE UPHILL CLIMB — joining - Printable Version

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A LITTLE UPHILL CLIMB — joining - syzygy ♡ - 10-05-2018

Sometimes she was called a ghost.

Not because she was dead, mostly because no one ever seemed to realize she was there until she actually spoke. Syzygy liked to reason that maybe it was because no one could pronounce her name, and another, darker part of her suggested it was because she was known only to a few, and sometimes passed around as a story on the lips of disbelievers. In the public eye, she might have once laughed off the strange moniker and then returned to her own simple company to lament the nickname, wondering what happened in her formative years to make her seem so invisible. Now that being alone was her new normal, her steely disposition mutated so that she now wore her heart on her sleeve, a wretched condition of life she had mocked for so long prior. She was her own self-fulfilling prophecy, a phoenix who had not yet come to the apex of her flight because she was scared to get burnt. Syzygy still hadn't reached the peak of her life. At this point, she doubted she ever would.

The disbelievers were whispering now, having taken shape of the tall, hearty pine trees around her. They passed rumors from branch to branch, waving back and forth and asking one another if they had really seen that small brown tabby or if they were just imagining things. Syzygy heard them all and noted all their remarks but hardly had the energy to rebuke the wilderness for their incessant gossip. Her paws ached and her eyes, a striking steel grey with sparkles of aquamarine, were weighed down heavily by boulders carrying sleep. She knew there to be a society nestled deep in the mountains she was so familiar with, cloaked by tendrils of hollyhock and lamb's ear, but finding such a place was easier said than done. She wandered the forest floor, scarce but littered with blankets of deep brown pine needles dislodged from their branches by the mighty hand of autumn. There was the vaguest sense of disturbance in the overwhelming musk of the mountain spruce, and such a revelation gave Syzygy hope, but her hope was quickly waning and her motivation dwindling just as fast.

Re: A LITTLE UPHILL CLIMB — joining - JERSEYBOY - 10-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 7pt; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5;"]Jerseyboy was known to be many things. A scoundrel, for one. "Asshole" and "idiot" were thrown in the mix too, of course. He was known for being loud and obnoxious and rowdy and everything in between, and only a few people could appreciate his charm ( or at least tolerate him ). One way or another, he tended to get underneath peoples skins. His glistening olivine eyes, his devilish grin, his unmistakeable accent and mannerisms. It was irritating beyond belief, at least for most who met him.

"What can I do for ya', sweetheart?" Asked the tuxedo tom cat, who had simply been roaming about Sunhaven's territory. He had been here for a month or so now, simply a tumbleweed who roamed where the wind carried him. He found himself enjoying this beachside community, however, and had no plans on leaving anytime soon. Although he wasn't an official member, he still didn't see the harm in greeting those who turned up at the border.

Re: A LITTLE UPHILL CLIMB — joining - syzygy ♡ - 10-05-2018

The brown tabby stopped on a dime, creamy paws digging into the mulch underfoot and ears perked. She watched the trees with thinly-veiled suspicion as if one might move and shatter the illusion of an entirely still forest. Just as she thought the bark might molt and shift around the knot in a fire-colored aspen, a black and white cat came from behind it instead and strode close to her with a swagger she had not seen in anyone else. Syzygy watched him carefully, her shoulders tensing and her paws instinctively stepping back. No matter how hard she tried to calm the incessant racing of her mind, nothing stilled, and she was stuck with nervous energy and no outlet; paws twitching, tail lashing, ears flicking. She hated it, and she especially hated the way he drawled 'sweetheart', as if he was the most magnificent thing in the forest. Her eyes narrowed.

She didn't hate him, not yet, for he was a stranger and Syzygy found it hard to feel that strongly about anything anymore, but she certainly felt suspicious. Even so, she breathed in, and just beneath the thick aroma of leaf litter and petrichor from late morning dew, she found the scent she was seeking. Perhaps he could help her. "Okay, uh," she murmured finally, more to compose herself than anything. "Is...Is this Sunhaven?"

The name sounded foreign on her lips and her voice was rough with disuse. Syzygy immediately cringed upon hearing herself.

Re: A LITTLE UPHILL CLIMB — joining - Grimm - 10-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Many names had found perch upon lips within regards to the man who walked so tall for the small stature they bore, given the soft curve of a smile that seemed knowing, speaking of secrets they might spin so easily if prompted to do so. Yet none had spoken such within their presence, had allowed only their title to pass pursed lips touched with tense smile of their own, worrying always what lies they might speak to ruin them – Doctor. Greatly had they enjoyed seeing others squirm, wishing to add other terms, words of ill repute and favour upon the end but never daring, fearful of the dark gaze that held them.

It had been sometime since then, however, since the moniker had been given. The Plague Doctor. Upon newspapers and on lips had the name been present for they had taken to wearing the mask, allowing it to hide their identity, a killer hunting cobbled streets. With their death had it all ended, crumbling about them as they struggled to breath into lungs riddled with bullets, watched with the steely gaze of those they had tricked into believing them helpful.

A lifetime ago seemed such events, when the skin they bore was not covered in fur toned in such shades of autumn, bristling as they moved through the leaf litter. Small paws skittered across it, a pace quicker then they had wanted but they had come out for a simple walk only to grow lost. The faint sound of voices, carried upon a breath which left their ears to perk as best they could, catching their attention. Moving closer the small fox found themself gazing upon strangers, at the back of the one seeking to join, as of yet unaware of their present.

“It is, do you have business with Sunhaven?” Question rose as Esma circled around Syzygy, offering Jersey only a brief flick of their gaze, stopped a bit off from the both but still close enough to be considered apart of the conversation. In a similar fashion they deemed themself outside of the group, not quite a member though they would participate when needed, enough to allow them board here. Within time they would move on, given no ties as the other for they cared not for the beach, preferring the cluster of trees dotting the mountains instead, closer and darker, a place strangely familiar.

Re: A LITTLE UPHILL CLIMB — joining - syzygy ♡ - 10-06-2018

The juniper and wax current parted with veridian flourish, and from it’s creeping tendrils crawled a fox. Small, ruddy, but standing in such a way that asserted they were unaware of their size, Syzygy noticed only the black leather mask on their face. A grim tableaux, a reminder of a time with pestilence and death and fire, Syzygy found no need to wear it in times of relative peace. Her stance, already shuddering, broke further when the strange fox came to circle her, and she could not help the lash of her tail or the unsheathing of her claws as she dug them into the mud and peat of the mountains. Just as soon as they came they were gone and Syzygy was left only with an overwhelming sense of discontent. The feeling spread through bones and marrow and infected every part of her body and blood until she felt her skin crawl with worms and maggots. Her fur prickled and her shoulders tensed, the blood pumping in her ears so loudly it almost drowned out the simple question on the fox’s lips. Syzygy avoided his gaze but pondered her answer nonetheless, taking so long so that it might be assumed she had just stumbled upon some inalienable truth of life. The blood rushed to her face and her ears pinned back against her head, feeling heat a thousand degrees above normal settle upon her cheeks. She hated speaking, she hated interacting, she hated saying anything. Syzygy came to the conclusion that she was way in over her head.

"Um, yeah, I guess I do. I’m Syzygy, and I was hoping to join Sunhaven," she murmured finally, speaking more to the tussocks of grass she tore underfoot than the tiny host of listeners. A few moments passed and she grew increasingly aware of her audience’s silence, she she snapped her head up and spoke again, smiling a smile she knew was a dead giveaway for her anxiety. "Though you don’t have to call me that if you don’t want to. Lots of people say my name is kind of long and hard to pronounce so they just... don’t talk to me. You can call me whatever you want, it doesn’t—I’m sorry, I’m talking to much."

Syzygy went silent again, cursing her big mouth.

Re: A LITTLE UPHILL CLIMB — joining - Grimm - 10-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]A reminder it might have formed, stitched into leather stretched over a frame of wood was it, stench of decay within every fibre that crafted it, drawn across beak driven down within a sharp swoop. Within there was nothing, no mixture of dried herbs pretending to offer some sense of protection, made to assist the one who bore so grim a covering in keeping themself away from the sick, rather it was more fitted. Angular muzzle filled the space easily, tapering off and there it curved, line of stitching drawn up over the cheeks until it seemed split by the grin.

Through the glass dark eyes watched the stranger, each movement she made, speaking of a discomfort that drew smile across dark lips. Hidden within none might see the flash of white teeth, the mirth reflected in dark eyes hidden behind the tinted surface of the reflective plates they looked through, a private show for them alone. Indeed was her study of their character correct, though they stood at a similar height they seemed to forget such things, back straightening and giving themself as much advantage over her they might claim. Settling upon their hindquarters easy and practised were the movements, paws familiar with each buckle, the straps of the mask falling away until it lay within their paws.

“Syzygy...” Off was the name, unfamiliar to their tongue, spoken beneath their breath as they tested it. Carefully they set the mask upon the ground, seeing no need to keep their paws filled with such a thing, head tilting some as they regarded the stranger. Eyes narrowed, moved from where claws found grass and so easily tore it from the earth to where smile perched, edges shaky, signs of something they would not remark upon for the moment. “Some talk a great deal others do not, it is simply one of those mysteries of life.” Smile curling about their own maw was softer than the first yet within there was no friendliness, a show merely to placate. “I can not say for sure but I believe you are welcome to join us, I am rather new myself but if you wish I can lead you to the town.”