Beasts of Beyond
TASTES LIKE RAINBOWS || MEETING 10/05 - Printable Version

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TASTES LIKE RAINBOWS || MEETING 10/05 - rhosmari - 10-05-2018

Darn it, this was gonna be a big one and she knew that but frankly the woman was under prepared. There were so many new faces as things to go over. Both good and bad news and she had to get the Ambassador system up as running properly because they had an absence of them. At least there would be some work going on that she could get involved with. Dropping a sigh from her muzzle the massive canine arched her back on a stretch as she dragged her claws against the wood of the boardwalk. Her eyes of toxic green varied along the landscape as she took in the crawling masses of Sunhaven. A home she had come to love and had been through so much here. It was still a wonder to herself how she had risen up to be the head honcho but she chalked it up to Fate and the Gods that watched over them. That was also something she would talk about as she never saw anyone do anything with the main two who were supposed to be their deities. Flicking one of her tails she walked to the fountain and settled down beside it, gaze pensive as she also thought about the spirits that had been showing up recently. Yeah this meeting was going to be hefty and she had a feeling it was only the beginning. ”Sunhaven, here my voice and gather before the fountain for a meetin! We got a lot tae cover so I’ll wait for ya tae gather ‘round.”
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: TASTES LIKE RAINBOWS || MEETING 10/05 - Hope Arcanium - 10-05-2018

The small mutant feline would promptly approach at Marina's call. She was curious as to what there was to say, since their Helion seemed a little stressed maybe? Was there a lot of news?

Leona sat down, giving a smile and a nod as she waited for her clanmates to gather around as well.

Re: TASTES LIKE RAINBOWS || MEETING 10/05 - toboggan - 10-05-2018

Serene strides conveyed Wendell to the source of Marina’s thick tone, seating himself a small distance away from where Leona, whom he was rather unfamiliar with, was positioned. Sighing, his deep eyes darted towards his mutated leader, expecting quite a large speech from her due to the fact that the news wasn’t shared almost immediately like always. Another week went by, and it was high time that the now-female gaffer transmitted the news to those unknowing of Sunhaven’s current affairs, such as the mustelid himself. He wouldn’t blame her if announcing his demotion was on the to-do list; the Brit’s acts of service to the clan was lacking, not meeting the standard that the crowd of people in his same position had set. He hadn’t known that Monroe had died. He hadn’t known that she came back as Marina. He hadn’t known what became of inter-tribe relations following the hindmost meeting.

No matter. This week was a fresh one, a week that would prove his worth to Sunhaven.

Re: TASTES LIKE RAINBOWS || MEETING 10/05 - buckingham barnes - 10-05-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham was the next one to pad into the scene, shortly arriving after Wendell. A lot has happened in the past few days, in all honesty. There have been multiple new members, Monroe scared them all temporarily, there are ghosts floating around, and more. Bucky wasn't going to name every single thing that happened, those were some of the major events. But, they haven't had a meeting in a few weeks now, so he expected this would be longer than usual, which he has no problem with. He also noticed how Marina only called them over for the meeting, rather than continuing and announcing everything at once. It was a small change, but it just enough to be noticeable. It made him wonder what Marina was going to say, sitting himself down on the ground, eyes focused on the Helion.

Re: TASTES LIKE RAINBOWS || MEETING 10/05 - guts - 10-05-2018

Ymir pads over, a bored look settled on her face as she takes a seat, face lifting towards Marina to listen to whatever she had to say. She wasn't too interested, in all honesty, but she didn't know if showing up to meetings was mandatory or not, so she came anyway. Listening to someone jabber on about announcements and shit didn't sound too appealing, but she would suck it up she supposed.

Re: TASTES LIKE RAINBOWS || MEETING 10/05 - BLU - 10-05-2018

The only thing that might slightly creep Blu out would have been the ghosts, that was really uncalled for.  Waking up to seeing a spirit dangling mere two inches from his face, was one hell of rough start.  The canine sauntered over making sure he was still around and active, and it was high time he started pulling his own weight around here.  Taking his spot right beside Leona, because that was what friends do.  They sit beside people they know. 


[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
Bex arrived right on time it seemed, and after seating herself towards the back of the crowd, she began to ponder over the things that had happened in the past couple of weeks. She was finally feeling more at home now, and even though she had been in discouraging situations, she was able to handle it. She just shoved her feelings aside, as always, and moved on. Then the ghosts started showing up, and that was just weird. Just in time for Halloween, huh? The timing was great. Remaining silent, the collie waited for the meeting to commence, wondering what Monroe had to say about everything that was going on.

Re: TASTES LIKE RAINBOWS || MEETING 10/05 - Quill - 10-05-2018

Re: TASTES LIKE RAINBOWS || MEETING 10/05 - rhosmari - 10-05-2018

Sunhaven as a whole as doing rather well lately. Things were really bustling and she couldn't be more proud of those that had joined them and the older members that helped them to stay connected and integrated with ease. A small smile pulled across rosy stained lips as she held her head up high and decided to get on with it. After all there was a lot of information that needed to be spoken of and she allowed herself a moment, just a deep breath before she pushed on. "Everyone has been out and about lately and that makes me happy tae see. Ya guys are doing great and with that comes a lot. I appreciate everyone of ya. We got some new members tae welcome on tae Sunhaven. So give them all a big welcome and a part will soon be thrown for ya guys for coming tae live with us. Welcome tae Andromeda, Syzgy, Leona, Blu, Ymir, Fleabane, Jaws and his friend Cuddles, Dxcii, Esma, Mirabella and Mike. Ya are welcome tae create ya own shops and sell ya wares anywhere ya see fit. Just be wary of the Typhoon and we ain't open tae trading with the Pitt." Her toxic green eyes looked over the crowd as she gave a soft sigh. Alright, bad news first since she was more keep on getting the demotions and promotions out of the way. "Persephone is demoted. Ya can earn ya place back with hard work. I got shoutouts tae give and that's tae Ymir, Buckingham, Pierce, Venus, Leona, Jerseyboy, Edward, and Blu. Ya all have been working rather hard these past few days and I like tae commend ya. Now on to promotions, but don't let that make ya check out afterwards." A light snort left her throat followed by a light laugh before she shook herself and allowed her form to lay down and crossed her paws in front of her. "I want Ymir and Jerseyboy tae step up tae Hearthkeeper. But be mindful of ya words Ymir. I'm watchin ya." She enjoyed the other's spunk but getting a promotion meant shaping up if only just a little bit. "Tae Dawnguard I'd like for Bex tae step up. I don't have any Goldenbloods for the time being. And I've been thinkin' long and hard about this. All three of my Goldenbloods are exceptional in many ways. I appreciate all the time ya put into this place. The work ya have done and it was definitely a hard choice even with the circumstances. But if he is ready, I'd like Buckingham tae step up tae Warden and be my counsel just as he has been my friend."

After a pause and flicking her gaze toward Buckingham just a moment she then dipped her head before moving on to the topic of the Solbinder rank. It was still empty but not for long and she did want it to be a prosperous rank among the others of Sunhaven. "I've decided also on the two that will be Solbinders here and they may hold their own meetings, trainings, and pick their own apprentices should they see fit. Leona and Venus I'd like for ya tae step up and be Sunhaven's first Solbinders." They were very knowledgeable and that was what she appreciated in the both of them. Now that all of that was out of the way the woman breathed easier before she allowed a small light yawn to part her jaws. Her chest shuddered and she shook her head for a moment before pressing on to other matters that needed to be attended to. "Tanglewood has agreed tae be out allies which moves us on to another topic. Ambassadors. We need them for all three of our allies, The Ascendants, Tanglewood and Snowbound. If ya want tae be an ambassador let me know now so that I can keep track of ya. Visits tae the places are usually twice a week. If ya feel like doing more than that then go on a head." They were slipping on their allies which they couldn't let happen. Sunhaven was rather large now and they had the hands to go out and see their allies, and see if they needed anything or just to see how they were doing in general.

The direwolf then moved on to other topics that needed to be discussed and she allowed her form to relax. This was a hefty meeting and she understood that. Hopefully no one was getting as stiff as she was. "Snowbound has invited us tae a mass gathering. So ya can go if ya want but be on ya best behavior. The Typhoon will be there and I ain't so keen on them but we are doing this for our ally." The dame wasn't so sure about the mass gathering but they needed more interactions with their allies and not keeping to themselves. It would cause more problems to being in isolationism to their group so she wanted them to reach out and be more interactive so to speak. More social. It shouldn't be too bad anyway and she rolled her shoulders a little bit. Now here came the real trouble that was starting to plague them and she wasn't too sure on how to deal with the situation. "As some of ya might know we got ourselves some spiritual issues. Ghost have come from somewhere and it's been plaguing our village for a bit. I know some of ya might have had encounters already but not all encounters have been of the friendly sort. Ya all need tae be on ya toes for this one and if ya need tae go out at night be wary. I may go tae some of our allies and ask them if they have been experiencing some of the same problems. If ya guys have any concerns or events ya want tae talk about we can do it here or at my home, Siren's Lure. If not then meeting is dismissed."


- welcome to - [member=2502]ANDROMEDA[/member] , [member=2528]syzygy ♡[/member] , [member=2426]Leona Arcanium[/member] , [member=2363]BLU[/member] , [member=2398]YMIR[/member] , @Fleabane , @jaws , [member=2474]DXCIII[/member] , @ESMA K. , @mirabella , @MIKE WHEELER
- demotions - [member=1899]PERSEPHONE.[/member]
- shoutouts - [member=2398]YMIR[/member] , [member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member] , [member=124]pierce[/member] , [member=23]VENUS[/member] , [member=2426]Leona Arcanium[/member] , [member=2363]BLU[/member] , [member=108]JERSEYBOY[/member] , @E. NYGMA
- promotions to hearthkeeper. - [member=2398]YMIR[/member] and [member=108]JERSEYBOY[/member]
- promotions to dawnguard - [member=1181]REBECCA MACK[/member]
- promotions to warden - [member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member]
- promotions to solbinder - [member=23]VENUS[/member] and [member=2426]Leona Arcanium[/member]
- Tanglewood are now allies
- ambassador openings are open and can be doubled up
- snowbound has invited sunhaven to a mass gathering, attendance is highly encouraged;
- bringing attention to the spirits that have been roaming the territory and village, proceed with caution.
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: TASTES LIKE RAINBOWS || MEETING 10/05 - BLU - 10-05-2018

Blu had the biggest proudest grin on his face, Leona got promoted! The canine looked damn proud of his best friend, yeah so did everyone else.  This was worth celebrating!

"Eyy Congrats Lee! Er congratulations on those who promoted."