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Flawed Design / OPEN, Death! (WARNING: Gore) - Printable Version

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Flawed Design / OPEN, Death! (WARNING: Gore) - Kayn - 04-11-2018

I lost my dreams in this disaster
Kayn — Male — Snowbound — Warrior —  Difficult
(tl;dr Kayn lost his shit and killed his mother, Raine. With permission from [member=246]Sweetopia[/member] !! Only the last three paragraphs are really important for replying, especially if you want to skip any gore.)

Two orbs pierced the darkness of night, one a sparkling azure that matched the beauty of chilled arctic water and the other a deep crimson that could only be described as a pool of blood. There was sentience behind the pair of eyes. Intelligence, but also something more primal. Something more feral. Bestial, even. The gaze was that of a creature which wanted nothing more than to kill. To consume. To devour. All it would take was one look at the lupine's expression to understand that reasoning with such a creature was impossible. One couldn't bargain with an animal hellbent on destroying everything in its path. Making deals with the devil was one thing, but there would be no compromise coming from a true monster. And that was exactly what the black wolf was.

The rhythmic crunch of snow underfoot as the wolf darted forward sounded through the night with only the company of the howling arctic winds to break the silence. It's head was low to the ground, head intensely focusing on what was in front of it while a duel-colored gaze flicked about erratically. It was hunting. Not with vision, nor scent, but with something far more irresistible to the creature. Aura sight. The wolf was looking for anything at all that could satisfy the aching hunger that had built within it's very core. It wanted more. More. More. It was never enough. The crunch of bones and the sickeningly delicous taste of crimson ichor was nothing compared to the ecstasy of devouring another beings soul. It was such an overpowering feeling that the desire to end such crippling starvation was the only thing swirling aggressively within its thoughts. And a viscous creature with a one track mind was a very dangerous thing.

Finally, the black lupine finally stopped in its tracks, skidding to a halt. It's eyes had focused on something in the distance, impossible to see with regular vision and far too much distance to see who the owner was. It had seen what it was prowling for in the dark of night, an aura. It was several shades of beautiful blue, sparking, pulsing, and convulsing with electrical charge. A static ridden soul nestled within the physical form of whoever the delicious looking aura belonged to. Recognition of the hunt having progressed to the next stage flickered in the heterochromatic gaze of the beast ast it launched into a full sprint towards the newly deigned target. The surrounding snow became an unintelligible blur as the wolf darted with hunger towards the aura, and a moment later the lupine seemed to finish. An invisible hunter with only its smell and the sounds of its paws padding across the snow to reveal it.

As the owner of the aura came into sight, the beasts maw parted in anticipation. Saliva dripped from the invisible lupine as it slowed its pace down, turning into a methodical stalking instead of the reckless sprint from earlier. The prey was a little blue lynx which seemed currently oblivious to the wolf's presence. As for what the feline was doing out alone in the dark, only she would know, but the frenzied lupine of darkest skies hadn't given that a second thought. Mind shattering hunger was the only thing upon its mind. It was more than a simple addiction. It was a requirement to continue existing. The wolf had to feast. And so it did, finally bursting forward to tackle the feline to the ground. There was a sudden squeal of surprise, but it was very quickly silenced as the wolf's maw clamped shut upon the feline's throat. With a forceful rip it tore its maw left and right, shredding the flesh that contained the intoxicating crimson lifeblood. Only, even as the lynx fell silent, the wolf did not stop. It snapped its maw shut once again, snapping the neck of the creature if only to hear the sound of the bones breaking. Claws shredded the side of the twitching feline despite the effort required to do so, messily exposing insides never meant to feel the bite of the frigid arctic air. The wolf's claws weren't supposed to be used as a weapon ideally, but the berserk creature clearly didn't care for this fact as it ripped away at the now lifeless lynx. Blood coated the back of the creatures throat and it raised its head to look up at the moon, releasing a bone chilling howl.

The familiar feeling of a soul slipping from the mortal coil to join his own lifeforce hadn't come though. It was an empty feeling, a hunger that should have been sated, but hadn't. The act of feasting upon the feline had come with its own enjoyment, the crimson ichor called blood being absolutely addicting, yet that was not what the wolf had come for. It wanted to devour her essence, eat the very thing she truly was beyond the marionette of bones and tendons. Flesh and blood simply wasn't enough for a creature that had become reliant on the rush of a new soul joining with its own. The lupine turned its head from the sky to look down at the lynx, as if looking to see if perhaps she had somehow survived the assault and that was why it hadn't been able to devour her essence. Upon looking at the blue lynx in a closer inspection though, realization dawned upon the near-feral creature. Its eyes dilated in surprise, maw parting in confusion even as it dripped with blood. Then, suddenly, reality snapped back and everything went black.

Kayn awoke shivering in the snow, pulling himself into a tight ball the best he could despite his large physiology. His head pounded like a dull war drum, and that awful nighmare... As the midnight wolf came to properly, the drowsiness slowly clearing up, he tasted the familiar metallic taste of blood upon his tongue. The scent of the crimson liquid seemed to permate the air as well, but he felt physically fine himself. And he was out in the snow rather than the comfortable den of the caverns. Kayn struggled to recall the details of the seemingly alien nightmare, images flashing through his mind as sharply as memories that felt like another person. Slowly Kayn's eyes widened, and he immediately stood to his paws. The wolf scanned the nearby area frantically before suddenly stopping, body going rigid at the sight his eyes fell upon. A lifeless corpse. A blue lynx. Raine. Kayn tentatively approached, shaking as he did, but not from the frigid bite of the cold air. "M-Mom?" he called out, voice quaking much like the rest of his body. No response. The black wolf began to tear up at the realization. The memories of the previous night clicked into place and Kayn knew all he needed to. He knew. It was more than he ever wanted to know. It shattered him, collapsing to the ground in tears.

Kayn didn't know for how long he was there crying, alone in the stinging cold with tears in his eyes, but eventually he stood to his paws. He had to clean himself. He was coated in blood, both inside and out. There was a thousand things running through his head, but he couldn't risk his place in Snowbound. They'd exile him without question or worse if they knew. Ecto was still here. Then again, was it better if he left? The wolf shook the thought from his head. Now wasn't the time to decide that. Later he might leave his sister in the capable of hands of those in Snowbound to avoid hurting her, but for now he needed to remove as much suspicion as he could. The lupine conjured up some bowls of water to wash his pelt clean of the stains he'd received the night before. It took a little while and the slicing cold air had made it rather uncomfortable, painful even, but when he finally finished cleaning himself he laid beside the fallen form of his adopted mother. Tears welled up once again, and again he broke when faced with the consequences of his actions.

When his fur was suitably dry, the wolf shakily stood up and released a mournful howl to hopefully get the attention of anyone within earshot. Kayn was now violently shivering from being out in the cold so long. Even with his thick fur the cut of the freezing temperatures had taken its toll upon the wolf. He would probably need medical assistance following the events to prevent any major issues from coming up, but truthfully that hadn't crossed the wolf's mind in the moment. Honestly, he probably would have been fine if the cold took his life. Or he would have been if the death would stay permament. No, he was condemned to live with everything that he done whether he wanted to or not. This... This was just another notch upon the endless list of things he'd done. Only, this time, Kayn truly regretted what he'd done. He hated himself. More than he had ever hated himself before. The black wolf only hoped he could keep his composure when the rest of Snowbound came running, but he'd already begun crying once again at the cruel memories he was now forced to see when he closed his eyes.

Re: Flawed Design / OPEN, Death! (WARNING: Gore) - ghostpact - 04-11-2018

keeshond. snowbound. gatherer. tags.
It was just before the sun rose when the small dog first stepped out of the cavern she'd began to call home. An owl hoot made her jump, nearly sending her back into the safety of the place behind her. It was only an owl, she had to tell herself. She was small, but too big to be a meal to one still. Her eyes scanned the darkness before her, the bright snow being the only reason she could really see. It wouldn't last long, though, as the sun just peaked the horizon and brought a low light to the forest. Taking another moment, she puffed up her chest and continued on with her journey, away from the cavern. That's where their scents took her and now even it weren't to comfort her, she wanted to find out where they'd gone anyway. Why hadn't the two been there when she woke? Moving into the snow now, she glanced from left to right, really trying to pinpoint which direction they ran off into. A rustle in the bush caused her to jump and she almost darted back, leaving it to later when they would surely return to her. But the keeshond stayed put, determined to track down the two members of her very small family. It was not like she hadn't braved the dark before, especially before they'd even joined Snowbound. There were plenty of times she walked through a dark forest. This was nothing when the sun was slowly making its way up and her family was out there, probably waiting for her! It would be a fun game, she thought, and a small smile found its way onto her face. That's all this was. A game. No one got hurt during a game and she would be okay venturing away from the cavern so early.

With a definite nod to only herself, she forged ahead in the direction their scents had been strongest. Even when everyone else's seemed to be there just to confuse her. Like a dutiful canine, she trotted through the snow, excitement now replacing her small fear she first felt upon leaving the warmth and safety of the cavern. As she loosened from the jumpy reactions to rustling bushes or an owl hooting, she bounded from one little landmark to the next, jumping and tumbling from rocks and tree roots. It wasn't until a gust of wind pulled the tainted scent of blood right to her nose that she realized; something was not right. She'd stopped dead, falling over herself in her haste to cease her expedition. The canine wanted to write it off as just some prey animal. Maybe that's what they were out for and she was interrupting! The mingling scent of her mother dashed that hope quickly. There was no taste of prey on the wind. Dread filled her and she took a careful step forward. The atmosphere felt significantly colder as one conclusion after another leapt through her thoughts. Her fur was thick, but it could not stop the cold spreading through her chest. She'd become tense again, small paws shaking with each step in the same direction of the awful scene. The mournful howl filling the air fed her fears and she whimpered quietly in return.

The scene before her was blurred as soon as it came into view, tears welling in her dark eyes at the confirmation of her assumption. The only mother she knew was lying there, bloody and ripped open by... whatever horrible creature it was. She never remembered or even knew her biological parents, she'd been so young she didn't even know why she was separated from them. Raine took her and cared for her, and Ecto couldn't imagine her life without the blue lynx. Now she would have to. Every ounce of her usual happy demeanor was drained, tears leaving dark tracks down her cheeks. She felt sick, but she was planted to her spot and she couldn't move for several minutes. Only quiet whimpers could be heard from her, trying to settle the sickness and the absolute devastating emptiness in her chest. Finally, as if she had not seen him before, her gaze darted to Kayn’s form and there was a quiet gasp from her. She'd known he was there and only seemingly forgot she'd also been looking for him when her emotions struck her frozen. With a shaky, careful step, she stepped forward and nearly fell. Barely catching herself, she was at his side in only a couple bounds. She ran into him, pressing her face in his fur so she could block out the blood and gore from her vision. Now she needed the comfort far more than she had when she first left. She trembled against him as a sob wracked her body. The young girl couldn't speak, but she didn't even want to ask what happened because it didn't matter. Mom was dead.

Re: Flawed Design / OPEN, Death! (WARNING: Gore) - Leigh - 04-11-2018

Death had slowly become more and more apparent within Snowbound's borders. Leigh had lived a good 70 years of his life thus far and had seen a fair share of it. Though he never did get used to witnessing the fall of living beings. Death came in all sorts of shapes and forms; most went peacefully, through old age or sickness. The unlucky ones go painfully- murder, suicide, long-term illness. He's watched the birth and deaths of many many friends and it hurt every time. Gore made him sick- always did. He vaguely recalls the first time he witnessed a gutted animal; he was a very young foal, about 3 years. He had wandered away from his herd to go explore a thicket and stumbled upon a hawk tearing apart a half-alive pigeon struggling uselessly to get away. He only got a few seconds full of the sight before running back to his parents in a fright. Gore- even the slightest hint of blood- made him sick; a bit of a phobia he developed through the years of watching other animals die much to his dismay. 70-something years later and it still pushed strong.

It was the broken howl that stirred him from his light sleep. He almost let it slide- brushing it off as one of the small packs of wolves that prowled the tundras they called home. But the longer it persisted, he knew it must be something more. He got up slowly and wandered out of his little den, down the tunnel systems, and out into the cold night air of the valley. He paused, ears pivoting to pick up the direction of the howling before steering himself closer and closer. He only picked up speed when the familiar metallic scent of blood hit him. He feared the worst, mind racing as he broke into a run, stopping just before the two siblings, weeping next to the still lifeless form of a feline. "Gods-" he spoke, voice no more than a hushed whisper as he took everything in. He was frozen. What should he do? Should he comfort them? Should he move them away? No- no- wasn't that their mother? Yes, it came back to him, their joining not that long ago. The unicorn slowly moved towards the two, heart twisted and hurting to see Kayn and Ecto so broken. He said nothing as he stopped close to them, shielding them from the cold wind. He made his body language clear that he would offer comfort if they accepted it. "I'm sorry..." he finally spoke, breaking the air of quiet sobs.


Re: Flawed Design / OPEN, Death! (WARNING: Gore) - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-11-2018

Mother's were important to any young animal's life. Not all mothers were constantly good as one would gather them to be. There were plenty of corrupted parents out there that children had to deal with on a daily basis, and the parents half the time didn't think that hey were doing anything wrong. Killua knew of several instances in the first clan that he was stationed in, that was similar to the one that they were in now, of children simply being abandoned on the border of the clans that they lived in. Killua didn't feel any sympathy for those that were just dropped off into the territory out of simple consideration that he had done something simliar, but he had decided to leave his parents instead of being abandoned by them. They always told him that once a Zoldyck, always a Zoldyck so it wouldn't be like they would never treat him like famly agian. Either way, he watched the fearful looks that pups and kittens gave him each time he approached them and asked where their parents were. The answers were always the same. They either remember their parents dropping them for a couple of hours on the ground and saying that they would be back and then they would never return. Or, the more common one was that they didn't know who their parents were and were trying to come to the clans to figure out who they were. Surprise no surprise, they would never manage to find their parents and someone in the clan would usually opt to adopt them if there were any animals in the area willing to take them in. This made Killua think that any of the mothers that were near the clan didn't really seem to want to have children, were just terrible parents, or just wanted something better for their child. Growing up without a group like a clan could prove difficult for others, especially for animals that weren't pack animals, which were predators that usually weren't wolves or canines. They were out all alone, and one would think that they would spend their time in solitary for the rest of their life and be fine because it was part of their instincts. However, some animals were sentient enough to want to be around others or at least have an option of an easy life instead of constantly being worried about the next time there would potentially be someone after them and trying to kill them. The clans themselves could either be a safe haven or complete horror with how dangerous they were. Larger animals liked to challenge the clans for the lands that they had, or other clans would challenge each other for the dumbest reasons. At least reasons that Killua considered them to be dumb. Some chiildren were better off dealing without their parents though. Children that are left behind usually seem to have a huge lucky streak that helps them through life. Which Killua wished he had after he had left his own family for some time now and yet he couldn't get rid of them. It was as if they couldn't take the hint that he was laying down for them.  In Killua's case, his mother was in sufferable. Indeed the female had given birth to him while she was in a different body, his mother capable of shapeshifting, he swore that the cougar did everything in her power to keep everything away from her own son. Killua wasn't an idiot though, and sooner or later figured out the tactic that she used to try and get him to do whatever the hell that she wanted. Besides, she barely ended up raising him, and he was taught fairly quickly at a young age that he was going to need to be pretty independent and provide for himself. This had happened to the rest of his siblings as well, where they were forced to learn how to live without asking the butlers to give them whatever they wanted. It definitely wasn't nice that all the butlers that were on the property followed everything that his mother said, so she could easily tell them not to comply with any of the orders that he would give to them and he would have no choice but to go do what he wanted by himself. This also doesn't mean that he didn't end up killing one of the butlers out of frustration. He got scolded for killing a butler once as it would just mean that the family would have to pay for the training of another butler and make sure they are up to par. At that age, Killua didn't care and continued to do what he wanted on a daily basis. The female cougar pestered him for how many times he would ask to get a job from her just so that he could go outside of the mansion and see the world again, even if it was just for a short amount of time. She would grow hysteric when he was younger when he asked if he could go outside of the mansion doors, so he had stopped asking after that had happened. He constantly watched as the female's emotions flickered from one to the other, and she never really could seem to control herself either.

She was cruel, and there was no love that was ever expressed toward him by his mother. Instead, she simply smothered him to the point that she would be able to hopefully manipulate him, which ended up exploding in her face when Killua ended up attacking her to get away from the mansion. He had no idea what his mother could probably be doing, and he honestly didn't care that much. this doesn't mean he wants his mother dead though, sure he might threaten to kill her in the future, but they're still family even if they didn't end up caring about him. Since he had left the mansion, Killua didn't exactly have anyone try to be a mother figure to him. Which wouldn't be all that difficult because the animal just couldn't be someone that would abuse him for the rest of his life. If they tried though, he had no relation to this animal and probably would just kill them for doing that to him. The assassin had other things to worry about than his mother though as he's easily stronger than the cougar herself. He has to worry about his father and grandfather if they ever wanted to get involved in tracking him down. They would probably find him in a matter of days, even if he was a several months journey away from the mansion he had grown up in. He would rather be in a group of clanners that did nothing but kill day after day than go back to those that actually were family. Ever since he had killed those two animals just outside of the border though, Killua definitely hadn't been himself. He was high strung, impatient, and he was nervous while he was around others. He was nervous over the factor that he might not be able to keep his body under his own control after what Illumi had done to him. The older brother by now capable of taking control of his younger brothers body to make him do whatever he wanted. A dangerous combination where his older brother was far crueler than Klllua could ever be. He had been more vigilant of his temper and had tried to keep it down a couple notches. Until Hisoka had decided to make an appearance at the border when he was obviously looking for some sort of fight. It pissed him off. Either way, the Snowseeker was walking through the territory late at night. Which wasn't uncommon and he didn't exactly want to fall asleep with his brother barking up a storm in the back of his head. That was just asking for something bad to happen to him. Killua wasn't going from tree to tree this time as he explored the territory, not really anticipating anything interesting to happen when it was so late. Most animals in the clan didn't want to go out in the freezing temperatures. Killua didn't have to worry about the cold thanks to his elemental powers though. He wasn't alone this time though, as he had Koru around his neck. Spending quality time with the albino black mamba as the other reacted to his body language and feelings. Koru was basically a friend to Killua all things considered. The only one that he had in the clan other than Amorette, but he couldn't communicate to the tiny robot like he wanted. The albino black mamba was wrapped loosely around his neck since he was trying to avoid moving the bandages that wrapped around the deputies body. He would offer the snake a small grin from his lips as the other had his head laying on his right shoulder. His claws were sheathed, and his mood seemed to be calm for once in a long time. All of that was basically ruined when the familiar smell of blood filled his nostrils. At first, he thought that it may be the remnants of those that he had killed two days ago if the Snowbounders didn't deal with the body when he had left them to tend and clean himself off. He ignored it for a couple of seconds, and even longer until he could hear vocalization's in the distance. Killua was quick to become nervous as anxiety bubbled up in his chest. He knew that he was a killer, but what else could have happened in the middle of Snowbound territory with someone else? The wildcat picked up the pace through the snow, feeling Koru move tighter around his neck so that he wouldn't end up slipping off.

The full-grown snake a lot larger than Killua when it came to body length. Hearing more vocalizations though, it made him go into a complete sprint. He could feel one of his stitches rip open from his side but he didn't really care. He was practically in a panic as Killua arrived on the scene, skidding through the snow to a complete stop. Despite that, Killua still made no sound with his movements. He was breathing a bit heavier, and Koru's eyes went toward the scent of blood, and Killua's sapphire blue eyes widened in shock. It was Raine. The lynx that had joined with Kayn and the Ecto. What the hell had just happened?! Killua looked around the area for a second, looking to see if there were any pawsteps that were leaving the area, but he didn't see any. Teleportation? He would have to check the trees later if someone teleported away, but one only could do so by sight. What if the animal had wings? They could fly away if they wanted to, but then he would have smelled some scent along the wind at least and maybe a small feather would have come off from the assailant. Killua clenched his jaw as his gaze moved toward Kayn, obviously upset, and his younger sister. shit. He wasn't good when it came to any of this at all. His eyes did move toward the large indent of the snow where someone had decided to lay themselves down, obviously Kayn. "What happened?" Killua asked in a hushed tone, feeling as if it was partly his fault. He could have fought off any sort of attacker, and it was obvious she had been mauled to death. He doubted any of them would answer, but any information was good enough for him. If any of the bones had teeth marks on them, he could potentially identify what species could have done it. His eyes did travel toward the bowls of water, and how wet Kayn was. Immediately, his eyes narrowed. There was no rain. There was no way he could have gotten wet just standing there in the melting snow. At least not all the way down to his skin. The other must have conjured up the bowls as a means to wash something a way. Killua wasn't an idiot. "Why?" Killua questioned the other, obviously not going to beat around the bush as to what had just happened. This guy had just killed someone, and he needed to know why he had just done it. The other was obviously upset from killing her, so then what could have happened? Killua didn't know enough about Kayn to be able to come up with a conclusion.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: