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wing to wing we dance around / joining - Printable Version

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wing to wing we dance around / joining - emil - 10-05-2018

[Image: oie_el7ogwkx1mej_by_shibapawes-dcolx4f.jpg]
Desert. Beneath smooth pads the hot, gritty sand, getting between his toes and stuck in his thick fur; the heat felt good. A refreshing change from the absolutely reasonable temperatures of the forest, where the only heat was in midsummer, and even then it did nothing to satisfy the demon's tastes. In the sweltering heat of a desert he prospered, enjoying the sun boring down upon him, fueling the fire that lived within. His body scorched those that got close, burning hotter than the sunkissed plains of sand stretching as far as the eye could see. Oh, how he loved it. He would do well here.

While he cared not for borders or affiliations, he didn't want to get on the bad side of the group that had claimed this land. The Pitt had a reputation; ruthless, survival-of-the-fittest savages, the creatures dwelling within a desert despite the barren landscape, the ones holding a Purge upon the other groups for nothing more than the fun of it. The demon, oh, he knew he would thrive. His years in the yakuza had taught him well, and while he despised his beast of a father, the man had at least done him a favor by leaving him. Who knows how he would have turned out had he been kept with him.

Drawing a paw slowly over the invisible border, the wolfdog let out a light hum, before he slowly stepped over and settled down. He thought for a moment of what to say, lantern-like eyes looking over the empty space in front of him; was it worth it to speak now, when there was no one around? "Eugene," he rumbled. Perhaps someone would hear him mumbling to himself and take pity on the weary traveler and welcome him, or perhaps their form of pity was putting him out of his misery. He supposed he'd find out. "There some sort of initiation thing I gotta do? I'd be happy to come back with a body."

Re: wing to wing we dance around / joining - B. DELORIA - 10-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Butch wished he woulda known The Pitt was a town of kooks and freaks- then he might've given it more space so that Tsuyu couldn't have dragged him off like she did. Damn Frog Lady and her creepy tongue. She was taking a bit of nap now, fortunately, except she'd also been the only person between Butch and someone whose attic had a whole other horde of bats filling it. Didn't really matter: at the end of the day, he was still stuck here with a collar around his neck that had her name on it, trudging around the sand and below ground with no one he wanted to talk to. Butch couldn't decide anymore if he wanted Val to find him, because yeah, it'd be swell to have a semi-friend around again, but if Val were here it probably wouldn't be a lollipops-and-rainbows situation. The collie was torn between selfishness and...the opposite of that.

Whatever. Butch didn't miss Val- he didn't. That was bogus.

Exhaling, he continued wandering around, since nobody'd told him what they wanted of him just yet and he wasn't going to go asking for it. Why'd they have to live in a desert? Stupid sand kept ruining his fur. He'd really gotten the royal shaft, hadn't he? Couldn't focus on that, though, otherwise he'd be milking it all day, and luckily -unluckily?- there was a poor schmuck at the border. Talking to himself? Nah, hoping somebody'd hear him, probably. At least somebody's gamble would pay off.

He eyeballed the tattoos on the larger canine's legs. Where'd he come from, the circus? "Cool your jets, man. Nobody's berries need razzing around here, believe me." They had low standards, anyway. Butch was just caught in the middle. "You wanna toss your lot in with these guys, that's your choice. Just lay dead until somebody without a collar adds in their two cents."

Re: wing to wing we dance around / joining - emil - 10-05-2018

[Image: oie_el7ogwkx1mej_by_shibapawes-dcolx4f.jpg]
Though he had heard much of what the Pitt was, never once had the male actually met a member; perhaps it would have helped to do so before making his decision to come here. He didn't have the best morals, but slaves, he'd never been fond of the title or concept of someone being forced to do whatever their "masters" desired of them. Eugene had been in a place like that once before, and he did not ever want to return to it.

The sight of a collared collie piqued his attention. Ears twitched up lightly to catch his words as he approached, though he couldn't help but simply stare at the thing secure on his neck. Finally curiosity got the best of him, as well as his big mouth. "Is that a kink thing or are you some kinda prisoner?" He tilted his head as he spoke, a quizzical look flashing briefly before he acknowledged Butch's words. Eugene stretched out his long limbs and breathed a sigh; was he saying this wasn't the most pleasant of places? That much was obvious. To most, the heat was probably unbearable, and given what he had heard of the Pitt, the people were just as intolerable. At least he would get a kick out of messing with them. Maybe he'd even start a few fights; that always lightened his mood, even when he got his ass thoroughly beaten.

He didn't have a snarky reply to give to Butch, much to his own disappointment. This guy seemed alright, even if he potentially had a weird master-pet kink. Wouldn't know the truth until it came sputtering out. A puff of smoke billowed from his parted mouth as he took a moment to really look at the collie; he was quite attractive, the feature most pleasing to him being the bright blue of his eyes. Eugene twitched his tail idly for a moment. "Tossing in my lot means I get to see a pretty face like that more often," he hummed smoothly. "That'll make my time here much more bearable, if these ones without collars are as bad as you make 'em out to be." The wolfdog crossed his paws and quirked a brow to the other, only briefly looking away to see if anyone else had decided to join them. While he was eager to get settled, he wouldn't quite mind it just being he and the pretty collie.

Re: wing to wing we dance around / joining - ; albion - 10-05-2018

benny had been adamantly neutral on the concept of slave-trade the pitt involved themselves in. there were simply other things that needed to be done while the honcho's around here did their dirty business, and if no one was exactly willing...

the temporary leader, or at least one of them, approached eugene after seeing butch appear a little to close to the border than he would like. he didn't know he was tsuyu's, but the collar was quite obvious for what it was. a claim. benny lifted his chin to the wolfdog and expressed a grin on his maw. he wasn't exactly close enough to completely understand his name when he called it out, but luckily his voice had carried through the winds.

"no initiation buckaroo; just some questions. y'know, sorta like an interview? like uh, where ya from, what'cha like to do, how you think you can benefit the pitt. just a lil' 'get to know you' before we let'cha in. otherwise this place would be a goddamn mess of things, yeah?" not this it wasn't already. too many disagreements and misunderstandings between dwellers. benny was sure half of them weren't even aware of the kind of culture and behavior they were expected of. still, he would remain silent about it for now.

Re: wing to wing we dance around / joining - B. DELORIA - 10-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]It occurred to Butch -probably a li'l late; Val was the brains of the operation, not Butch- that if the guy was a shukster here to pull the wool over his eyes and murder him, he very well could. Seemed like the kinda thing that wouldn't be out of place here, and the sheer amount of strange people would always unsettle Butch. Wasn't like a vault had vast deserts for all kinds of creepos to roam, and Butch had been top dog there, but he wasn't bloodthirsty like the people out here. He'd never killed anyone before. Hell, Tsuyu would've had a harder time stealing candy from a baby than she did dragging him off with her froggy tongue, so he eyeballed the canine a bit more, except he had no idea what to look for. Guy wasn't sleezy. He was bigger than Butch, sure, had those odd tattoos, but he had a sense of style, more than everyone else here. It'd been a while since someone other than Val had fur Butch wanted to get his paws on and experiment with, but he wasn't a barber here, just a slave.

Eugene here was already a rung higher.

The collie kept himself from fidgeting, because he was no candy ass cowed by a bit of staring. The collar was distracting. "A what?" Probably some slang he'd never heard before. "Prisoner? Close, but no cigar. The word's slave." Butch's expression twisted in disgust, clearly unimpressed by his rank, but it wasn't like he could change it. Well, he could, supposedly, if he was a good li'l pet and did what he was told, but that was for squares. Could he call the people here squares? They were outside that classification.

Butch would bet this guy wanted to get out of the heat soon, though, because he did, and his fur wasn't nearly as thick as Eugene's. Was that- smoke? The hell? Was he gonna catch fire or- what was the word- combust? Where was Val when he needed questions answered? His surprise left him off guard, so the easy reply caught him at a poor time and it took him a second to right his rocker. "Yeah? Stick around and that classy chassis might make my day, baby," Butch drawled, smirk audible, though the mention of the other members had him sobering a bit, and just in the nick of time, some Pitt schmuck joined in. His features tightened, bright eyes sharper, and then he glanced briefly at Eugene. "Butch. If you really are crazy enough to stay, catch me later. I've gotta cut out." A half-hearted wink and the collie was on his way. Someone would need something from him eventually.

Re: wing to wing we dance around / joining - COSMIIX - 10-05-2018

Approaching the fox from behind was the striped hybrid, his shadow basically provided shade for Benny as both of his ears curved forward in an attentive manner. The temporary leader would watch as Butch walked away though his gaze didn't linger for long as it locked onto the new joined, he listened to what Benny said only to roll his eyes a bit playfully only to say with a snort "Benny, can ya make joining any duller, hon?" Soon he added with a slight shake of his head still wearing that cocky smirk on his maw "T'names Quill," His tail wagged to the sides in a friendly manner despite Benny saying they should be hostile to newcomers and cautious, Quill decided to still be the friendly leader of the bunch and to try and make the joiners feel welcomed and at home.

Re: wing to wing we dance around / joining - darci - 10-05-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]It appeared Levi was next to arrive. The doberman had a love-hate relationship with the desert. His ultra-thin coat appreciated not freezing every chance the winter months had, but with it being so hot, that was not exactly fun either. Nonetheless, Levi would rather die by fire than ice. He stopped within a space among his groups mate, hazel eyes looking to the stranger. Apart of Levi disliked strangers, a new face and a new personality he had to learn. Even so, Levi still struggled with learning about those he already vaguely knew.

He grimaced slightly at the hot sand burning his paws, but he finally grew use to it after a moment. Levi had been gone for a few days, out on some personal business. The dog had tried to find his former pack to see if his brother was still alive, but their old territory was abandoned. Levi had found signs they had packed up and moved further away. Good. It did not become as much of a risk as before of running into them again. Then again, apart of him wanted to run after his brother. "Name's Levi." He dog drew in a breath. His ribs did not hurt as much as they had before, a sign he was healing rather quickly. "Welcome to the Pitt."

Re: wing to wing we dance around / joining - EROS - 10-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]"How does one make joining fun, Quill?" The idea of sitting a the border and shouting out ones lungs till someone eventually found them was never going to be fun. Especially with the heat bearing down on their backs and the dry air curling their lungs. It was unfortunately inevitable. But perhaps there was some type of way to make joining fun. Crossing the border and causing a ruckus would be one of them. At least in his mind it would be. Shaking his head a little bit the gangly former slave made his way forward and he allowed his eyes to rest upon the male that was looking to join. He's already caught his name considering his sharp senses and even his flirting with the slave, Butch. It was interesting and he wondered how it was that some could do it so easily. He...never could. Not that he would want to but it just wasn't something that came so easily to him. A dry sigh left his muzzle then as he shook his head a little bit and focused on what was happening before him and not the past. It hurt enough to think about the things done to him.

Instead he opt to continue pushing the conversation. "We appreciate your coming, Eugene. I hope you find the Pitt to your liking. Although do be careful when it comes to...fraternizing with the slaves. Some masters wouldn't appreciate it." He couldn't help but point it out. It could prove disastrous for both parties and he wouldn't want to see a slave on a very very short rope. Flicking his tail back and forth slowly the male would straighten himself up and he glanced over to Benny before then looking to Quill, a soft nervousness settling in. "I am Valkyr, one of the temporary leaders here. I you around if you want."

Re: wing to wing we dance around / joining - emil - 10-05-2018

[Image: oie_el7ogwkx1mej_by_shibapawes-dcolx4f.jpg]
It was interesting how just sitting at the border could draw so much attention; he'd been perfectly fine with just speaking to Butch, but as soon as Benny showed, so did half the Pitt. He watched with disappointment as Butch dipped from the scene, though he couldn't suppress the ever so smug smile that settled upon his features at the other's words. His tail wagged lightly as he watched the collie depart, before finally acknowledging the presence of the rest of the group.

Slowly heaving himself up from the warm sand, Eugene looked first to Benny. "Yakuza." He said plainly, raising a hind leg to scratch behind his ear. "Fuck, man, interviews are boring. All I like to do is fight and fraternize with pretty boys which, by the way, you seem to have plenty of." He looked briefly to where Butch had been before, then let his gaze linger on Quill with a small smirk. "Fighting's a good benefit, eh? I'm good at pissing people off. I breathe fire. Anything else you wanna know?"

His jaws stretched wide in a yawn before he moved on to whoever had spoken after, which just so happened to be the absolute beast being Quill. The wolfdog tipped his head to the side as he looked the massive dire wolf up and down through old sunglasses, allowing a casual smile to play at his lips. A puff of smoke escaped his maw as he whistled. "Hey big guy." He said coyly. "Eugene, if you didn't hear." A small wink, and he shifted his attention to Levi.

This one wasn't quite as interesting, but he seemed to have some sort of ailment with his breathing. His gaze stayed on him only briefly before he turned to Valkyr, ears twitching as he recalled what the male had said. Eugene couldn't help but snort at it; fraternizing with slaves, unappreciative masters. Who cared? He sure as hell didn't. What would they do if he did fiddle around with Butch? Was it a crime to do so? The demon curled his lip slightly and rolled his shoulders. "Yeah, yeah, if fucking someone becomes an issue with a kinkmaster I'll be sure to apologize profusely for tainting their precious pet. Thanks for the tip buddy boy." Eugene stood up and stretched out his legs before trotting a few steps past the group, casting a look over his shoulder as he passed. "Appreciate the visit from the welcoming committee, aaand the offer of being shown around, but I'm gonna go see if I can quench my undying thirst. バイバイ~"