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no more john does // open, injured joiner. - Printable Version

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no more john does // open, injured joiner. - azazel. - 10-05-2018

For the most part, the night should have been unassuming. It would have been peaceful entirely, were it not for one little thing. In a dark, starless night, something so small falling wouldn't have been noticeable until it got close enough to the ground. Even then, it would be too late; by the time Azazel could be noticed, he would have hit the ground. As it was, he was almost curled up, eyes shut tight and the wings dangling limply from either shoulder blade. Even if any sign of him seemed peaceful, everything else about it screamed otherwise. With the force that comes from something falling from so high, even if Azazel was small, he slammed into the ground. Pain ricocheted through his entire body, a pain he had never felt before, even persisting long after he lay still on the ground. His right wing was pinned under him at an awkward angle, and the small canine did not manage to keep consciousness for too long after the fall due to a fracture on his skull. One leg was obviously broken, but, either way, there would be no way he would be able to get uo any time soon. It was up to whoever found him first.


Re: no more john does // open, injured joiner. - FUBUKI - 10-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Ren admittedly had not been looking towards the sky on that fateful day. He'd been entirely fixated on the ground territory, adjusting himself to the new mounds and hills which he should've gotten used to weeks ago. He'd been suffering from a head injury of his own however, clearly not as bad as the one which the stranger possessed, but still noticeable enough to put him out of action for a while. Away from the limelight, the feline tried to keep a level head, it didn't mean that opponents tried to imitate him though, especially large ones who weren't so keen on having a youngster teasing them. Admittedly, though submitting himself to a patrol, he still wasn't entirely concentrating on his surroundings, at least until an alabaster shape appeared in grey. At first he thought it might've been a lone star left over from his concussion, but as the feline gracefully moved closer, it was clearer to him that it wasn't just an illusion. Wings and black markings became obvious on the figure, and after a few seconds of calm pacing it became clear that something was wrong. They weren't moving, a few limbs seemed splayed out awkwardly, worst of all, they seemed to be but a young pup. With falling from grace out of reason in Ren's mind, he had to wonder who would do such a thing to a child.

Boiling blood brought him to a sprint over to the other's side, claws sheathing and unsheathing between strides. Curses ran through his mind, the felidae having too much self-control to spew them all out at once as he stared down at the unconscious figure. The up and down motions of breathing did little to quell his concerns, quickly he decided to lie down next to the husky. If the whelp woke up, the last thing he'd want was a circle of animals around him, at least lying down would make Ren seem less threatening than what his typical deadpan expression may've given off. "Hey, you alive?" he murmured quietly, hoping to nudge the other's side carefully, perhaps to see if they were healthy enough to respond to him. Even if he was staying calm externally and doing his best to be gentle, Ren knew for a fact that he wasn't a medic, and this kid was going to need one sooner rather than later. How long could they wait in silence for one to just spontaneously appear? Damn, he'd have to use his vocals. It was worth the awkwardness if it meant saving a life. "Guys! There's a seriously injured kid here!". What were the medics' names again? Teeth gritted in thought, hind paws shuffling, it seemed it would just be a waiting game now for a qualified official to appear.

Re: no more john does // open, injured joiner. - tikki - 10-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; color: black;"]This seemed to be a great start to Vani joining the Ascendants. Did things like this happen in other clans too, or was it just this one? She had to wonder, curious as to whether or not she would have been able to see the same thing happen if she had found some other scent, had decided not to follow the one she had found so quickly after thinking about joining a group to live in.

Thoughts subsided as she got closer to the other whom had fallen from the sky, ears pinning back to her head in worry as she heard the sound of the concious stranger calling out for help - the only thing that Vani would have been able to do had she been in that situation if she was being completely honest. She didn't know anything about medicine, didn't plan to know anything about medicine - just the sight of the male's body here on the ground was making her feel sick - and she didn't know anyone around here yet. Except for Moon and Harland, but she barely even knew them. "D-do we move him?" She would ask, looking over towards Ren, body shaking slightly as she asked, "Try to bring him back to the Observatory?"

Re: no more john does // open, injured joiner. - ONISION. - 10-06-2018




♦ -
"Why are you sitting around like lost ducklings? Go get Moon!" Onision snapped as the Lieutenant walked over, cold single blue eye focused on the two which had been panicking about an injured person. Oni didn't really want to just let someone in their borders, Moon certainly didn't like it. He remembered Desperado's joining, that was a shitshow. Moon got really pissy then, but he had a right to.

"OI! MOON! OLD MAN, WE'VE GOT AN INJURED KID OVER HERE!" Oni yelled out through telepathy to Moonmade, trying to grab the Seraph's attention.

[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh