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Don't take my sunshine away| Joining - Printable Version

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Don't take my sunshine away| Joining - KAZBIEL - 10-04-2018

/ The crow on his shoulder is the one joining [member=2502]ANDROMEDA[/member], Kaz is here to help her settle.

This place was different from comfortable embrace of a rainforest.  There were more ground than there was large trees to climb and vanish into the canopy.  It was a whole lot quieter perhaps than the loud droning hum of various animals living in a tightly enclosed area.  There was no hollers from howler monkeys, no chatter from various birds, or loud buzzing from the many beehives that nestled in trees, or hanging from sheer rock cliffs.

But this place was indeed beautiful, so it should be relatively tame in consideration that there shouldn’t be any reasons why Andromeda should have any problems here, but again never judge a book by it’s cover even the simplest of places could hold something dark and twisted within it’s beautiful terrain.  At least that was what Kazbiel thought, has he carefully travelled mindful of the additional weight that was on his shoulder, of which his sister in her crow body.

Perhaps he was overthinking, perhaps he was paranoid.  Perhaps he wasn’t exactly prepared to be separated from his sister, despite the fact that he clearly needed to do such a thing for reasons that he would rather keep to himself than have her find out and disapprove highly, clearly he didn’t want to see the look of disappointment ever on her face.

Silver eyes scanned the terrain around him, it was quiet.  Peaceful even, unusual for someone who was used to some kind of racket, this place was solemn as a tomb.  Morbid comparison, but that was what his general thinking was, morbid and questionaly macabre.

“Are you sure you want to live here?” his head slightly tilting to look at the crow that nestled on his shoulder, a crow with unusual golden eyes.  “It’s too quiet.” he complained faintly not really listening his main worries.  If he complained about the lack of noise, that would probably not make his sister stray from wanting to live here.  Once she made her mind a upon something, it was hard to convince her otherwise, just he wasn’t sure about the other territories, not like he trusted them, it just it had to hold something in his own interest.

Somewhere for him to do what he had to without been disturbed or keep prying eyes out of his business.

"I got friends on the other side " —-- KAZBIEL / group / misc. / roleplayer

Re: Don't take my sunshine away| Joining - Quill - 10-04-2018

Re: Don't take my sunshine away| Joining - KAZBIEL - 10-04-2018

Waiting was something that Kazbiel was terrible at.  Something that should be easy to maintain but he got impatient a lot, and it drove to many destructive notions.  The black jaguar shook his head clearly hearing his own sister’s voice as clear as daylight, something that he was going to miss dearly that constant voice that warned him from doing dangerous or equally stupid things.  His tail waved back and forth showing his impatience, but his stance was still grounded and he would wait if needed be, he just hoped someone would hurry up.  Especially when there are new people on the territory, surely it should bring some kind interest but he hoped not a crowd.

Ah that pact, they were young and fairly stupid in their own regard of how dangerous or how very wrong that pact could ended for either of them.  Kazbiel was pleased that the pact went smoothly as it did, even convincing his very young sister at the time to do a blood pact,  of which without knowing that any kind of injuries depending on how life threatening it was could put either of them at risk, again he didn’t think of the risks, he thought it was something that was cool, of which ninety nine point nine percent  of his experiments ranging with magic, they were cool to do hence his carelessness, and why Andromeda cared way more than he did. 

“ I wasn’t been held down by you,”
came the audible pout, and yet his features were stony as ever.  Collectively Kazbiel’s expressions were single down as one expression only complete and honest resting bitch face.  Only on very few occasions were the black jaguar would crack a grin, and that grin alone was out of nightmares.  Clear and honest nightmares, the darkest nightmares coming from the darkest parts of a person’s mind.  “ Swear it.  Swear it on the pact and on the gods you serve.” 

Though his words were light and muttered, as if the words he spoke himself held no weight themselves.  Usually words held character, or told one about a person, and yet Kazbiel’s own spoken words felt cold and lifeless as death itself.

"I got friends on the other side " —-- KAZBIEL / group / misc. / roleplayer

Re: Don't take my sunshine away| Joining - buckingham barnes - 10-05-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham liked the natural sounds in Sunhaven's territory. The gusts of wind, chirping birds, and the crunch of leaves were all like background music, provided by mother nature. Bucky didn't think these sounds were a distraction, they didn't drown out other noises that would grab his attention. Much like Kazbiel's voice, which Buckingham's ears pricked up the moment he heard it. Buckingham considered himself to be very alert- constantly he's focusing on his surroundings, whether that's looking out for any suspicious characters, listening out for even the faintest step, etc. He can blame his former handler Ximen for this habit, without that monster he never would have developed such enhanced senses. "Are you sure you want to live here?" He heard Kazbiel question another, as his paws began to pad in the direction of the panther's voice. His steps were quiet, the male having enough experience as an assassin to know he shouldn't walk so loudly. As an assassin, he was suppose to be like a ghost, maybe he's still like that now. "It's too quiet." Bucky couldn't help it but smirk at the next comment, as he continued to silently make his way to the border. Just because the territory is silent doesn't mean people aren't nearby. Buckingham was living proof of that.

When he finally came near the border, he saw a panther waiting- a crow on their shoulder. Originally, Bucky had to think which one was the joiner, since when he picked up on Kazbiel's voice, he didn't have a face to match it to. But before he could speak up, Bucky heard the familiar voice again. It was the panther, from what he heard earlier, he was under the assumption that they aren't a joiner. His eyes landed on the crow, who merely cawed in response- Buckingham having no idea she responded to Kazbiel through mental communication. His tail slowly swished behind him with curiosity, deciding that he shouldn't be hiding in the shadows of a tree any longer.

"From what I overheard, I'm assuming you aren't here to join Sunhaven," He spoke up as he took a step forward, revealing his presence to the two strangers. From their view, it would probably feel like Buckingham appeared out of nowhere, rather in reality, he's been silently nearby the whole time. His statement was directed at Kazbiel, light blue eyes momentarily locked on him, before moving onto the crow. "You can join Sunhaven, though I'll need your name first.," He said with a swish of his tail, light blue eyes locking on Andromeda.

Re: Don't take my sunshine away| Joining - guts - 10-05-2018

The next to arrive after Bucky was the she-wolf, taking long strides with her tail sweeping the land behind her. Bright eyes studied the two for a long moment. Then she smirks, unaware of what they had been speaking about just a few minutes prior. She isn't sure why they're here, nor does she really care--if they weren't here to join, it was no fur off her back.

"If you were going for an edgy look with that crow, I think you succeeded." Ymir speaks up, her first words being a poke at the jaguar, as misplaced as it may be. She tended to poke her head into things it wasn't supposed to be in a lot. Nevertheless, she'd simply shrug her shoulders, awaiting his response to her clan-mate's statement.

Re: Don't take my sunshine away| Joining - KAZBIEL - 10-05-2018

Two faces in an unfamiliar place.  Kazbiel wasn’t really interested in them, after all these were going to be Andromeda’s clan mates, the two of them could sort it out for all he cared.  He was just here to help get sorted and perhaps start some business with some that were of the unsavory type. But he did listen to both of them, and if he wasn’t so stoic in his facial expressions he would have made some kind of expression.  But no they were going get that chronic bitch face for the entire discussion.

Now it would be high time for Andromeda to speak, since she was going to be living here.  Kazbiel was here to make sure the place she was deciding to live in was safe, since he was that type of overprotective brother.  Been that type of overprotective brother, he was lowkey paranoid about who was somewhat befriending his little sister.  The first one, the small feline, of who he assumed was of domesticated background but everything down to the feline expect for his metal leg.  Now that was new, and Kazbiel who never seen a metal arm in his entire life was interested.  Something like that must have come at a great price.

Kazbiel did ooze that edgy nature about him, he was silently amused at the comment that Ymir gave in regards of his appearance, the jaguar inwardly smirked.  The she-wolf had no idea of how really edgy he could get, and he practically breathed edginess.  “Correct I am not here to join,”  Kazbiel spoke once more , his voice smooth as silk moving against a stone, and with the slightest of accents.  “ The crow on my shoulder is as a matter of fact.  I assume this place is safe yes? ”  his silver eyes fell onto Buckingham, and Ymir.

Now would be a good for Andromeda to shift from her crow form to her jaguar form.

"I got friends on the other side " —-- KAZBIEL / group / misc. / roleplayer

Re: Don't take my sunshine away| Joining - rhosmari - 10-05-2018

The crow was joining and not the other animal that had come upon the border. Well, that was certainly a different circumstance but the dame was not one to be surprised to easily. It was just a different situation and she could adapt well enough. If she could come back from the dead and figure out how to adjust to having such a large body then he could surely figure out what the heck this was all about. Clearing her throat the large canine walked forward, thick muscles rippling underneath a coffee cream colored coat. The stripes along her frame, shifting and moving with such light steps. It was odd how she could move so quietly giving the largeness of her form but it seemed she was adapt at it and perhaps it came from when she had been a feline for so long. Her venomous green eyes focused on the pair, vertical pupils shifting over the both of them as she allowed her frame to slowly sit own. It seemed to be a normal interaction so far and she allowed her head to dip just slightly in greeting.

After all if they weren't here to cause trouble then there was no reason to bar them. "Oi, if ya ain't joining then that's fine. But I ain't gonna be the one tae be too friendly with ya. But welcome tae ya friend there. Name's Marina but ya can call me Monroe or M. Either one of them works just fine." Her gaze narrowed just a little bit but she had to wonder who the crow was. Though they would most likely figure that out soon enough. Cocking her head to the side and she allowed her form to shift just slightly. "Any questions ya have about Sunhaven?"
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: Don't take my sunshine away| Joining - Quill - 10-05-2018