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YOU BETTER RUN AND HIDE // ghosts - Printable Version

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YOU BETTER RUN AND HIDE // ghosts - GORDON CIPHER. - 10-04-2018

The seasons were changing and Gordon knew that the fall months were usually a time where people liked to scare others. And unfortunately for her, she was quite easily scared and was afraid of venturing too far outside of her house, let alone outside of camp. Gordon felt at home in her, well, home and was safe there but at the same time, she longed to see the fall leaves and pounce on them, hearing them crunch beneath her paws. Fall was a beautiful time, with the leaves falling off of trees. While Sunhaven lived near a beach, the air was still slightly cooler than what it was in the summer, which lured Gordon out of her house.

The little munchkin mix was out and about in the main camp, her eyes wide as she listened to the leaves rustle in the wind as it blew and occasionally leaped at the leaves as they fell. But after a few heartbeats, the wind grew harsher, nearly knocking Gordon off her paws. The Goldenblood felt a chill go down her spine and she puffed her fur out, her shining eyes quickly changing to one of fear as she saw faint figures flicker about the camp, phasing in and out of existence.

The auras these ghosts held were unnatural, some of them having auras of orange, brown, red - almost like the colors of the leaves she chased. Others had a blue tint to their auras, some others with yellow. But there was just so many. Gordon closed her eyes, collapsing onto the ground as she covered her head with her paws. "Go away!" She cried out, her voice muffled from where she was hiding her face from the spirits that wandered around her. None of them appeared to hold evil intent, though there were a few that tried to spook a few NPCs. Gordon trembled where she laid on the ground, her tail wrapped around her body as much as it could.

She couldn't look up. The headache the colors caused was absolutely painful and she didn't want to see them anymore Hell, she didn't want to see the spirits period, but the auras are what sent her into a sensory overload. Everything was so confusing, the colors gave her a headache, and she almost felt sick. The only thing she could think of was hiding her face and hoping they disappeared. But with the way the wind was still blowing about camp and held an unnatural chill to it, Gordon had a feeling they were still lurking around.

//Word Count: 429

i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: YOU BETTER RUN AND HIDE // ghosts - venus - 10-06-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

seasons changed all the time, venus watched them come and go with dismay at the ever dogmatic nature of the world and it's constant shifting. despite that, shifting was inherently a good thing - shifting chromosomes sharing dna during meiosis kept a healthy amount of genetic variation for species to adapt and thrive. but a little selfishly venus really just wanted it to be spring forever. spring was the season for ferals to procreate it seemed. every year it was a fresh new wave of lab rats born solely for venus to prod and poke in the name of science, no wonder the kitsune yearned for a lifetime of the season. the feeling was similar to how a child might yearn for an eternal christmas.

but alas mother nature evaded venus' eye again and for another half a year the impatient kitsune would have to wait before their premature birthday arrived once again.

as the sunhavener allowed themselves time to simply watch nature's show while they traversed between buildings, the silver-hued kitsune let their gaze be enamoured by a falling leaf. venus' sapphire eyes watching the leaf down to it's very last moment of fleeting flight, their gaze taken by the sight of a startled familiar figure upon the leaf's landing. "the wind doesn't typically answer to commands like 'go away' from my experience. but i'd like to be proven wrong, keeps me on my toes." venus chuckled at the girl antics, not humouring the possibility of a ghost even for a moment. they weren't real of course, of course! even the "ghosts" that venus had apparently met, the teen had some serious doubts of the ghosts' validity of their claims. the kitsune liked to think they kept a healthy amount of skepticism about them. it was more a stubborn attitude.

Re: YOU BETTER RUN AND HIDE // ghosts - GORDON CIPHER. - 10-07-2018

If Gordon wasn't so afraid of the spirits that lurked around her, she probably would have jumped and tried to run off at the sound of Venus's voice. After all, she wasn't exactly expecting somebody to come by, despite her screaming. In fact, the munchkin thought her voice had been too muffled for it to be heard. Gordon did jump slightly, however, when Venus spoke to her and the little she-cat's head snapped up to look at her clanmate. And she... immediately regretted her decision.

Gordon cowered again, this time trying to hide her face into Venus's fur. "D-do you not see them?" She cried, utterly confused at Venus's comment. Was she going crazy? Were there not spirits lurking around? Their auras practically blinded her and honestly, gave her a headache, hence why she was trying to not look at the creatures floating about. Of course, if Venus stepped aside, Gordon would fall to the ground and close her eyes, covering them with her paws.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: YOU BETTER RUN AND HIDE // ghosts - toboggan - 10-08-2018

Wendell’s experiences with the paranormal did not involve the exposure of merely being frightened. The small mammal had been outright assaulted, tossed from his house by a supernatural force with enough horsepower to topple a trading kiosk. However, his harsh impact upon the ground below hurt not as much as the poltergeist’s actions to his property, which, when inspected thoroughly ensuing a lengthy chase with the bastard, revealed that a total of six extremely valuable and desirable spirits (of alcohol, not the supernatural sort) had been destroyed. So yeah, the hearthkeeper was pissed at these phantoms who’ve claimed residence in the trading hub.

"’M pretty sure we can all agree tha’ these spectral wazzocks have no right t’interfere with our day t’day lives, but’cha can’t just hide from them and hope they’ll go away, huh?" he found himself irritably explaining to the innocent Gordon, whose head was currently in perhaps a position that violated Venus’ personal space. There must have been a method to put the spooky visitors off the grid, staring a dead gaze towards a transparent blue blob, likely one of those things that frightened Gordon. The stare was cold, not one of fear, but anger, an anger he had thought to have left his body many an era ago. They ruined the balance here, and needed to be put back to sleep. However, the discovery of a means to actually get rid of them was very far-fetched to him, so for the time being the best Sunhaven could do was just deal with it with a straight face.

+ low muse, sorry