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THE SUN'S SONG TO THE MOON && double-joining. - Printable Version

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THE SUN'S SONG TO THE MOON && double-joining. - MIRIO! - 10-04-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.

Once upon a time, Mirio had been proudly fighting alongside his friends at UA. Once upon a time, he had been the first on the list for the next no. 1 pro-hero. He had been great, but it was only because of the love he had for protecting those around him. He was a hero, not because of his quirk, but because of his determination to save those who are in danger. He was brilliant, because the pride of protecting others and defending his country was also his downfall. He remembered his death vividly, it was something he could never get out of his brain despite how many times he tried to forget during the darker days. The villain had been robbing a bank, he was quirkless, and despite being powerful even without his quirk, he was out-matched in power. He had died a heroic death, and that was the end of Lemillion.

His death had been a major heartbreak in U.A. and amongst the country, their beloved Lemillion struck down with unjustice and reality. He couldn't do anything without his quirk, is what people claimed. They chose to honor the blonde-haired legacy, even after his passing. Even after his reincarnation. Even after the Gods had gifted him with this new life, something even he didn't see coming. Maybe it was because he chose to live his life as a hero, to do all things good, to smile even during a dangerous situation. He was Lemillion, after all.

It had been a long walk, Mirio had noticed. He and Tamaki had been walking for a long time, longer than he knew Tamaki minded. The male hated change, hated crowds, so Mirio had researched as many places as possible while he was here in this world. After he had found the hybrid, had reunited with his childhood crush and best friend, they had set off for their new home. The Rosebloods. A warbound clan, as they called it. There had been a fire fairly recently, wiping out the Roses territory and forcing them to move. Now, the golden retriever had found himself at the borders of an unfamiliar territory, his enhanced senses dialing up slowly to allow his hearing and smell to improve.

"You still there, Tama-ki?" Mirio softly, soothingly, called out to his friend which he knew would be trailing shortly behind. He was never too far away from him. He knew the hybrid missed Hado, but he couldn't find the girl anywhere to be seen. He wished the Big Three could be together again, he knew Hado-chan would find them, she was incredibly smart, and was always so curious to find out new things. Maybe, if she was reincarnated into this world, too, they could be together.

Re: THE SUN'S SONG TO THE MOON && double-joining. - Character Graveyard. - 10-04-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;font-family:verdana;width:60%"]
Once, he had been happy in a different world. With his friends. With his family. Now, he was stuck in a strange world as a mix of three creatures- a cat, shark and snake. He had the body of a feline, the teeth, tail, fins and gills of a shark, and the eyes of a snake. To hide his odd appearance, he wore a white and black cloak over his body. Insecure was one word he could describe himself as. A few others were depressed, anxious and suicidal. The sad truth. He had tried ending his life in this world so he can die and be at peace. How cruel. Why did he have to continue suffering through life?

He was exhausted. It could be seen in his dark-colored eyes and there was bags beneath his eyes too. Tamaki would stifle a long yawn before he focused on Mirio, who was In front of him. Ever since he was young, Hado and Mirio had always been there. Now it was just him and Mirio. Hado was nowhere to be found. The hybrid continued to trail behind his childhood friend, a grim expression forming on his facial features. He could feel his legs start to give out beneath him from exhaustion. He was tired of walking. He didn't want this. He just wanted to go home, but home was now impossible to return to. He'd died. There was no going back now.

"I wanna go home." He admitted, lowering his head in sadness. "I'm scared, Mirio. I didn't want to die. It's not fair. Why couldn't I just stay dead and go to the afterlife?"

Re: THE SUN'S SONG TO THE MOON && double-joining. - MIRIO! - 10-04-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
His death had been swift, but it had still been painful, bloody, and gorey. A villain just didn't know when to stop, and Mirio didn't want to go down like that again. Besides, it seemed in this world, he wasn't quirkless. He had his quirk back, he could walk through solid things like it was nothing again. Of course, he still had to hold his breath while he was walking through said objects.

When he had heard the shuffle of his hybrid friend's feet, the golden retriever glanced back with a kind, warm smile. He knew Tamaki wanted to go home, he knew something had happened to his friend that made him like this. He didn't deserve to suffer, he was much too kind to suffer. "We can't go back, Tamaki. I.. Wish we could return, together, but we can't." Mirio confessed, his smile faltering for just a moment before he leaned his head down, attempting to gently nuzzle his friend's cheek affectionately. He wanted to be the sense of calm that Amajiki so desperately seeked, but he couldn't just force his friend to be happy. It was up to Tama to make himself happy, to see life as worth living again.

"I can promise you this, though, I'll protect you. Nobody will ever hurt you, Tamaki. Not for as long as I'm here." Mirio said reassuringly, his long, fluffy tail wagging side to side to empathize his point. While he was under the golden-haired canine's watchful gaze, he wouldn't be harmed. Mirio would sacrifice himself as many times as possible to save those he cared about, he was much too prideful not to want to save them.

Turning his gaze back to the territory, Mirio waited patiently. Come soon, people. Come soon.

"The Gods have plans for us, Tamaki.." He muttered softly, midnight irises focusing on the terrain laid out before him.

Re: THE SUN'S SONG TO THE MOON && double-joining. - hana. - 10-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]넌 불 보듯이 뻔해 - Nobility, justice, loyalty, courage. They were words that had, at one time, been synonymous with Nanohana. The girl had fought against predators and ferals alike to protect her home and family with the aid of Miso, burning those who stood for harming those she held closest to her. But her family was safe now, and Nanohana had made poor choices in her own life that led her to be the Pharaoh of the Rosebloods. Nobility replaced with deceit, justice with injustice, loyalty with greed. She was no child of the Gods, but the ink of a demon's deal brought to life. When the demon asked her for souls in exchange for her ill feelings, she thought it would be easy enough. She killed enough to keep her family safe, but it wasn't enough. Greed. it had driven her to take over the Rosebloods, to have an army at her command where those she smote were fed to the demon and those beneath her that perished were also easy pickings to save her soul. Cowardice. She had chased the previous Pharaoh from his own home, uprooting everything he worked for to claim he had been devoured by her draconic beast. Injustice. But the Rosebloods operated beneath her regardless, and as was typically expected of her, the recently titled Pharaoh was patrolling the vaguely familiar landscape in the companionship of a large albino dragon.

Small ivory paws trotted effortlessly in the sand, keeping a relatively quick gait as Miso took slow steps alongside her, easily keeping up despite her quickened pace. Her companion noticed the two strangers in the distance before the Pharaoh herself, copper eyes narrowing in the harsh sunlight to spot a cloaked creature and a canine that blended in with the surrounding dunes. Smoke began to rise in thin curls from the dragon's nostrils, a dark contrast to the blinding yellow surrounding them. Miso stopped many steps away from the two, wine red gaze fixed intently on the two as Nanohana continued past the dragon to grow closer to the two. From what she could overhear as she neared, they were a rather odd duo. The cloaked one seemed far from enthused to be here - although, honestly, Nanohana couldn't blame him. The desert was hot and miserable, the snakes were intimidating, and an oasis was hardly enough to support so much life. From the way the retriever spoke in return, however, it seemed he was rather tired of his entire situation rather than just the desert. A shame, really - Nanohana had no one else to complain to about how the sweltering heat and sandstorms fucked with her long fur.

"무엇을 도와 드릴까요?" The feline inquired in her native tongue as she finally came to a stop, paws curling into the sand beneath her paws almost instinctually. The feeling of it between her toes was infuriating after a couple minutes, but for the first couple of seconds it was insanely satisfying. "Can I help you?" Nanohana repeated in the common tongue, fictional brow quirking upward at Mirio and Tamaki.

Re: THE SUN'S SONG TO THE MOON && double-joining. - MIRIO! - 10-04-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
Korean and English? Impressive. The japanese male was rather impressed with the fact that this girl could even speak two languages. It seemed that English was a second though, same for Mirio. "Ah, yes. We're here to join. My name is Togata Mirio. Call me Mirio." He barked, scooting a bit to hide his friend away from the burning gaze of the albino dragon. "This guy down here is Amajiki Tamaki, I think he'd prefer if you called him Amajiki, but it isn't up to me." He spoke again, a proud smile on his face that seemed to radiate with happiness and excitement. He was excited, happy to be here, but deep down, the feeling of never being able to go back home ate at him. He wished he could take his Suneater back home, away from this place. He knew Tamaki hated sunlight.

"It'd be our pleasure to join the rosebloods, madam." Mirio snickered, a playful grin on his face.

/rushed + mobile

Re: THE SUN'S SONG TO THE MOON && double-joining. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-04-2018

Young, hyper, eager and childish, those were the words she considered to be descriptive of the new pharaoh. Yet, the calico had made no move to deem those simple things made her unfit, the domestic had not proved herself either way yet to the older female. The most important thing for the group right now was stability, which fighting the small feline would not have provided. Jiyu knew she should have killed this pretender, but she was selfish and greedy, lusting only for things to stabilize again. Regardless of how unobtainable the only time she'd been happy in her life now was for the scarred calico, part of her still wished for that. Nano was a means to an end, one the monster could remove if that end became something she did not desire. Of course, everything she needed would be far easier if she could understand anything, which became increasingly harder to do as time went on.

If the leader spoke about how the heat and sand affected her pelt? She may very well find a strangely passive conservation companion in the Monarch who had her own problems with the territory. Regardless, she had no clue, and only simply appeared like some specter alongside the pharaoh, silently waiting for the other females verdict on if the two should join or not.

Re: THE SUN'S SONG TO THE MOON && double-joining. - sephiroth - 10-06-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]”Then welcome.”  The pale lion’s keen ears caught wind of the conversation and introduction going on at the border as he slipped from the shade of the lush foliage of the jungle land of the Rosebloods.  He was slowly getting more accommodated to the new landscape, finding himself adapting quite well to the environment.  Albeit his pelt and sleek and well kept mane stood out like a sore thumb in the color of the rainforest, in stark contrast to the gloom of the forest that he blended into so easily before.  But stealth wasn’t his forte, strength and a look that could kill was.

”My name is Sephiroth.  You can approach me if you need the services of a Guard.”  His voice rumbled as he looked at the pair of newcomers to the group, eyes unblinking.  Even when he was making an attempt to not be a monolith of might and alien power, Sephiroth still could look rather frightening in the right lighting and circumstance, or just in general.  Maybe he meant for his aura to come off that way, maybe he didn’t.  Either way, it wasn’t exactly something he had control over.  The male would dip his platinum maned head in a small greeting before he went quiet and observant.

Re: THE SUN'S SONG TO THE MOON && double-joining. - Luciferr - 10-06-2018

TALYN is an INDORAPTOR that stands at a height of 9FT, His species allows bipedal and quadrupedal movement, he wields bone crushing teeth and frightful strength. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were REQUIEM x BRIDGEWATER of an old site litter, with last names of Valdis, Kuchiki and HARBINGER. he is the RED ASPECT of WAR of 4 and has amnesia of any past lives after the merging.
War's steps were light and precise with the same in built threat of thsi form - the red aspect was quiet merely stepping up beside the monarch to his name - he found those titles somewhat an irony if only due to the connection - a minor incline of the head to Jiyu and the others he knew less of than the smaller feline.

"Talyn" he offered watching the two with wary eyes - inherently suspicious but the one in the lead seemed genuine enough, Togata as he'd named himself.

/short bc im still sick oof.

[align=center]HYMN OF RUIN
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
© ceilidh

Re: THE SUN'S SONG TO THE MOON && double-joining. - Character Graveyard. - 10-13-2018

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People. There was more people here. He can feel nervousness rising in his stomach and a look of anxiety crosses his face. The hybrid grit his teeth and he would begin to shake. He attempted his best to imagine the Rosebloods' members as something else. Potatoes. Only their heads appeared as potatoes though. Tamaki began to quiver more and he spoke, quietly. "I was going for potatoes, but they all still look like animals from the neck down. What do I do? Having trouble, speaking." He would then turn around, walk behind Mirio and he hid behind the canine though he warily peered at the unfamiliar faces with an intense glare. He wasn't afraid of any of them. His anxiety just got the best of him most of the time.

oof this is short n late