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mine mine mine °o°o joiner - Printable Version

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mine mine mine °o°o joiner - calliope - 10-03-2018

//feel free to skip to the last paragraph!! most of this is just rambling.
°o°o Oh, the great and beautiful sea. It Mariana's only real home. The girl had spent time on multiple patches of land before and in fact, had spent the first month of her life landlocked before suddenly being dumped into the vast and unforgiving ocean. Every day brought hardships, but she was a survivor. With her siblings by her side, she was able to survive.

Although, the times of living and enjoying life with her loved ones wouldn't last long. Competition would soon arise in the home they once ruled. They were all to young, too weak even as a group to fight them off. The siblings had scattered off in their own directions out of a pure need for survival, even if it meant that they would be separated. Still, they would have to meet up again someday, since Ana wholeheartedly believed that they were completely inseparable. They were just off on their own adventures, and it looked like the young girl's adventure led her to discover an island.

A new discovery meant a new place to explore. Curiosity always seemed to take control of the young hybrid. It was the driving factor of all of her misadventures and all of the times she strayed away from her brothers and sisters. Now that there was nobody to stop her from getting lost, Ana decided to explore the island. Who knows, maybe her siblings would be there? Even if they weren't, she still had something to do. With that in mind, Ana started to swim up to shore, fin breaking the water slightly. It looked almost as if a shark was getting extremely close to the shore, at first glance.

Eventually, her paws met the sand. Whether it be from a small big of exhaustion, or the fact that she wasn't used to walking on land, Ana stumbled forward. She caught herself before she could fall, standing back up straight and quick, almost as if she didn't want anyone to catch her little blunder. Although, her carefulness washed away upon noticing a small flock of seagulls. Oh, she loved chasing those! Without even thinking, she sprinted after the birds, without a care in the world. The hybrid had no idea that she was playing around on the shores of the typhoon.

Re: mine mine mine °o°o joiner - Grey - 10-03-2018

[ ooc ] retro to coma

The reason why his body had been hurting like a bitch was because of teleportation. Fucking teleportation. His spirit, unaccustomed to the laws of this world, was unable to take it that every cell of his body took weeks of trying to develop and allow such an ability to exist within him, initially innate and waiting for the right moment to appear. If he thinks hard enough, he can wince at the sting of pain, reminiscent of the infinite moments he had felt. He wanted it to end and now it had. Teleportation. He wonders if it is a side effect left over from his old combustion abilities. After all, he was able to be rather mobile in the air and quick in combat. When the ragdoll had left to practice his skills, teleporting (albeit rather clumsily) back and forth, the reaver felt a sense of clarity. He was able to move with more agility and he felt nostalgic again, sentimental and longing for the past again. It was a feeling that frequently liked to stick against his fur, pressing and matting itself to his skin. But at the same time, the same sense of uncertainty came back to him. Had someone owned this body before his spirit had been forcefully ejected into this world? Perhaps this power was for them, not him. Perhaps it was why his body had reacted so negatively towards him, as if the initial owner were slowly creeping back out.

An airhead. The sight of a clueless airhead snaps the male back into focus. He catches the figure of the catshark, not particularly astonished by the hybrid's appearance. This is the third catshark he's ever seen though they tend to disappear, perhaps running or chasing their tails back into the ocean. He wonders if they can breathe underwater or if the tail is just there for effect but Bakugou doesn't plan on asking. But, as Bakugou walks towards the trespasser, he sees her break into a sprint. "OI," the reaver roars in her direction, furrowing his brows. Oh he's annoyed now, unaware the girl is chasing after birds when he teleports in front of her. His mind is running quickly, sorting through all the words in his mind and considering what was most suitable to say. He was tempted to say something such as 'stop, you've violated the law' but he knows trespassing is apparently not too much of a big deal when the trespasser was an idiot who had no sense of boundaries. Before the male opens his mouth to speak, he hears the sound of birds, finally noting that the girl had probably been chasing after something. After all, Bakugou had diagnosed the girl as an airhead when first seeing her. "This is Typhoon territory, ya can't just run around chasin' after birds without permission or I'll fuckin' barbecue you. Now what do you want, ya have business? If not then turn your sorry ass around and get the fuck off this island."

Re: mine mine mine °o°o joiner - suvi. - 10-03-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
The gulls were, in fact, the target shared by another child.  The curious direwolf pup had considered turning her explorations towards the jungle today when she had heard the tell-tale squaking of her favorite feathered 'friends'.  No doubt the birds were actually terrified of the young, golden-furred canine, although she was just playing.  Sitting above the beach, the child tries a little howl.  The high-pitched song of a pup.  Her brothers and sister had howled for lots of things; location, danger, fun.  Suvi howled for fun, though in a way it was a warning to the poor birds.

When another, a rather strange creature indeed, happened to join her on the endeavor, the pup did not mind at all.  In fact, she was quite excited, tail wagging sharply side-to-side at the prospect of someone with the same game as her.  Of course, one of the pack - crew, Suvi - suddenly appeared in front of the strange land-and-sea dweller, Suvi skidded to a stop, sending a flurry of sand in the air.

A soft whine built in her throat, protesting the end to having a partner in her game.  Her ears flicked back sharply, supposing perhaps that it was a stranger... And the crew did not like strangers very much.  So rude.  Patiently - hoping to continue the game soon enough given Mariana had a good response to her angry crewmate - the child plopped into the sand, panting quietly.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: mine mine mine °o°o joiner - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-03-2018

The sounds of the seagulls lured Caesar over to the beach, wanting to know what had the birds all riled up. It was an annoying, grating sound, and the Officer had his lips peeled back in a snarl as he approached the slowly growing group, snapping at any bird that dared flap near his face. "You'll have two people trying to barbecue your ass if you don't skedaddle soon." The demon growled, coming to stand next to Bakugou. He took note of Suvi's presence of course, but offered no comment towards the mute pup.

Re: mine mine mine °o°o joiner - calliope - 10-05-2018

°o°o Oh, it looked like she had a friend! So, other people lived on this island, and it sure did look like they liked chasing birds. This creature was new; but then again, she'd only seen a few land creatures in her lifetime. Although, as soon as she noticed someone appearing onto the scene out of the corner of her eye, she skidded to a halt, nearly tumbling forward. Her attention snapped over to the one in question, eyes wide in wonder.

Oh, someone else who could talk? Although, her amazement stopped short when she realized she didn't understand a few things. Barbeque her? What did that mean? It sure didn't sound good, given his tone. It was probably because she was on their territory; she knew that she was upset whenever anyone trespassed at her old home. Well, another one stepped in, pretty much repeating the other's statement. "What's the Typoon... typhoon?" she had to repeat herself, correcting her own mispronunciation.

As if the question weren't meant for them to actually answer, she spoke up yet again. "Is it your pack? I had a pack, but they're gone, but I'm looking for them here," she explained, hoping that it would reassure them that she wasn't trespassing to steal their food or anything. Wasn't that usually the reason people got mad? "And what's a barbeque?" she questioned again, almost unthreatened by what he was saying.

Re: mine mine mine °o°o joiner - Grey - 10-05-2018

An airhead, he continues to remind himself, it was always airheads that he'd have to so annoyingly put up with. He does his best to avoid curling his upper lip when he listens to her, hiding the displeasure which dared to seep through his teeth in snarl. Whilst the girl speaks, about to correct the fem's pronunciation before she had done it herself, he surveys her for anything of interest in the case she carried any weapons or further belongings. She was like a mermaid to him. Suddenly and mysteriously washing up on the shore, chasing after birds in a whimsical fashion as though she had never seen them before, and so exotic looking. Although her catshark appearance doesn't amaze him, there is a strangeness that still envelops about their tails and poking fins, the look in their eye was different and almost cloudy. Part of him expects the girl not to be able to understand the English that they spoke, to speak in a strange gurgling motion through unsettling rolls of the tongue. And yet she is like a frog, capable of breathing both in the water and out of the water...unless, of course, those gills and fins were only for aesthetic purposes. He does, however, stop to furrow his eyes at the shark bite on her tail. No further reaction towards his inner thoughts are shown.

"You could call it a pack but it's far more complex, clearly something too hard for your brain to comprehend," the reaver says, rolling his eyes. Bakugou flicks an ear in acknowledgement to the two other Typhooners which approached, one of them being unsurprisingly Caesar, seconding to his desire to cremate the foreigner on the spot. "Well if they look anything like you then they 'aven't been seen around 'ere. The exit's that-a-away." The ragdoll has always been quick to dismiss just anyone, pointing his fire-crackling tail towards the edge of the island. He assumes the girl knows how to swim and would perhaps burst in laughter if she revealed her appearance were only for show. Well, burst into laughter then forcefully remove her from the island. At the stranger's question regarding what a barbecue was, the male's eyes began to light up. "It's what trespassers become if they waste my time," he hisses, then aims to shoot a jet of mildly hot fire towards Mariana through a flick of his fire-tail. It wasn't burning but enough heat to further warn her that he isn't all talk and no action. "Now since you have no further business here, get the fuck out."

[ ooc ] ee sorry baku's an ass. someone's character please suggest her to stay, she's too adorable to be let go of

Re: mine mine mine °o°o joiner - Luciferr - 10-05-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

"you're firing at a potential recruit Bakugou" though she did seem to have her head in the clouds by the look of things, still the vantablack dragon didn't think her much a threat - and well if there was an advantage to be gained then he'd be more than welcome to add another card to their deck so to speak.

still best to hedge his bets "your pack is gone you said? that seems a prime opportunity to find some place better"

/im sick so this is short and maybe semi incoherent, apologies ;-;


Re: mine mine mine °o°o joiner - Felibri - 10-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Ragnild was glad that Bakugou had not been present when she had accidentially chased a doe into the Typhoon’s territory. Although Lucifer had been threatening, he was reasonable after Ragnild had explained herself, but clearly this other Typhooner was not similar. Apart from the stranger’s startling appearance, Ragnild knew she was no threat, because her story seemed an awful like her own. The African wild dog’s ears pricked up at the word “pack”. Any pack creature that was alone was no threat to a highly sophisticated and powerful group like this. Why was Bakugou being so aggressive?

”You lost your pack? I did too. But I decided to stay here and it’s great! Please let her stay.” Ragnild barked, looking concerned as Bakugou seemed to make some attempt of burning the shark-cat.

Re: mine mine mine °o°o joiner - crownedprince - 10-05-2018

i had already told enough of my own sob story, but i guess i could give you a short summary. i lived in korea with my mother, who passed away from lung cancer, and before she died, she told me to go to the typhoon to find my father. without knowing his name, i made my way here, discovering that pincher was my father. though i had never lived in a pack like mariana or ragnild, i knew what it was like to be surrounded by people that loved and cared for you. people that would fight tooth and nail for you. i was one of those people, too.

approaching the gathering group of typhooners, i was thankful that i had left odeng and gookmal at home, because this newcomer seemed... to be quite interesting, at that. though i found myself intrigued. a sharkcat, i assumed you could call her? what an interesting hybrid. though, i planted a soft, welcoming smile towards the younger kid, bowing my head slightly in terms of respect. "joyonghan, bakugou. there's no need to be so rude to a newcomer. she's obviously lost, and looking for her, uh, 'family.' and caesar, you too, lay off." i scolded them, though i probably had no place to. but it was not right for them to do that to her. she was just a wandering child, after all.

turning my attention back to mariana, i grinned again, my smile dazzling as always. "as lucifer said, you could always find another place! and if you want, that place could always be here, sang-eo kaes, in the typhoon. you are welcome here, if you want to be, of course." i sat my rump down in the sand, beginning to scratch the back of my ear as i awaited a response.

Re: mine mine mine °o°o joiner - PINCHER - 10-06-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher once loved the sea. Once believed that there was so much undescriable and mysterious beauty to it that could not be found in land. There was something alluring within the seafoam waves, an enigma written in the ripples of endless liquid that reached to the horizons all around the island. It brought a sense of desire, a fuel to do more. Maybe it was just him that felt that or maybe his crewmates did too but he was never too sure. But his love for the sea had become twisted and felt more like a burden ever since his death. He was meant to be at the bottom of the ocean, food for plankton and tiny scuttling creatures but instead here he was. "Alive". The resurrection that had caused him to breathe had forced him back to life in a state of watery darkness and he suddenly realized what lay beneath the crystalline waves. Danger. So much danger. He had seen monsters in the depths of various forms and shapes that he had never seen in books or heard stories of. had he been terrified? He thought he would but all he felt was dread and painful realization that he was to be the leader of them in the future.

Soon. Not future, dumbass.

The broad-shouldered male let out a grunt of exasperated irritation, grimacing at the prickling headache that was forming inside his head as the Captain stepped out of the tavern, his teeth softly biting down on the unlit cigarette that hung at the edge of his lips. He raised a paw to softly rub on the right side of his temple as Pincher mumbled soft Romanian curses under his breath as the male forced himself to just try and concentrate on work. Maybe he should do some fishing to pack up for a feast or dinner but the male wondered what was going on in the distance, his bloodshot electric blue gaze locking onto the figures that shifted ever so slightly towards a stranger that appeared to be chasing seagulls. Huh. Usually trespassers tended to have ill intentions burning inside their heads and holding wicked smiles but it appeared this one just really enjoyed terrifying the screeching seagulls that roamed in the tropical island.

Deciding he might as well see what was going on, the wildcat strode over shortly after his own, glancing down at Dessie as he noticed that the stranger had decided to answer the inquires of the others as the towering figure's upper lip curled at the slight hostility that Bakugou was showing. He reached out and aimed to roughly pat at the ragdoll's head while snorting "Hey sparky, calm down. She's not a threat." The cool-headed jaguar then turned his attention towards Mariana and gave a light nod with a flash of a smile. "Since you lost your pack, you are free to join us if you'd like. What do you say to that?" Pincher inquired with a fictional eyebrow quirking up as he wondered if she would agree to join them. She was certainly a peculiar looking creature yet she seemed adorable in a sense.