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When the lights go off;; Violent Ghost - Printable Version

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When the lights go off;; Violent Ghost - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-02-2018

Slipping away from everyone was once more slowly starting to become one of the Monarchs hobbies again, a delightful one that let her have a few moments where her mind didn't have to consider things that had changed. Of course, when someone was alone, even an animal powerful as she, there was always dangers attached, but she never considered them anymore, she was far beyond that. Jiyu did what she deemed necessary or often times what she wanted to do without consideration for the associated risks if they applied to only her, any harm she befell was not of consequence. Maybe that was why the few who had once cared deeply for her had always been so worried about her, oh well, they were gone now. These days, not a single soul existed to protect the calico from herself.

In the darkness of the forest ventured a threat she could not possibly see coming because it was no longer living and none of her powers were active to allow her to sense the ghost. The sharp scent of feline blood filled the forest, but no yowl accompanied it as the large calico was thrown, gash down her side into a tree. "Surprised to see me? Of course, you killed me after-all. But, of course, that's what you've always done to everything you love little sister~" she was mutated so badly that Jiyu didn't even recognize the larger feline until she spoke, the voice bringing back the memories. "Painted?" no that wasn't possible, the calico could clearly remember the day she had killed the spotted feline who now looked more demonic and much more like what her name would recommend a patchwork of different pelts. "So you couldn't even bother remembering your big sister, fatal?" the gruesome feline scoffed, blood still dripping from the excessive extremely overkilled wounds that had ended her. "Your not real." she was having another nightmare, it wouldn't be so off for that to be the case, the sleep she often partook in was filled with nightmares. However, none of them had ever played out like this before. Thinking it some bad dream, she didn't even bother moving when the other female lunged forward again.

Jiyu figured out too late that this was no dream, the wounds weeping blood on her own body were real. This realization only hit her when the larger feline dragged her across a wooden log, and pushed her head into the water. While her dreams often revisted her past in numerous ways? They had never been deliberately torturous like this. A pitiful yowl escaped the calico when her head was allowed back out of the water and she kicked up with her hind legs strongly as she could, flickering out of the ghost mode she had been wandering in, hoping the specter couldn't touch her when she was solid. "I don't need to touch you to hurt you." it was true, each step forward on the log was accompanied by Jiyu scooting back a step, unsure and frightened against her mostly frozen expression. "BOO!" the sudden loudness of it caused her footing to stumble, almost falling completely into the water, one paw cooking onto some vines that had grown along the log, but two of her other legs tangling up in the ones under the water preventing the calico from climbing up. "I think I'll just sit and wait for you to fall." at the statement, Jiyu definitely bit into the log, attempting to pull herself up that way, it wasn't working but she'd be damned if she was just going to fall into the water nicely for the twisted ghost.

That was the scene any other Rose could happen upon, a twisted bloodied ghost of a large seemingly feline beast, staring down at Jiyu as she struggled to keep her head out of the water.

Re: When the lights go off;; Violent Ghost - sephiroth - 10-03-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth had been thinking about a lot lately like his fellow Roseblood, wandering with his head fogged in deep thought.  He didn’t vocalize his thoughts about the changes in the group, but as long as things were kept stable he saw no reason to act.  That being said if he needed to be called to action, he would surely do so swiftly and surely, with great might behind whatever he was ordered to do or felt obliged to do.

He had been meandering when he heard the commotion from the distance, the pale lion instinctually felt himself rush towards the situation.  Sephiroth felt duty in his chest as he surged ahead, eyes catching sight of the beastly looking spirit and Jiyu hanging about the water.  His pupils seemed to marrow even more as cold fury rose to the surface, muscles visibly hardening as he approached quickly.

Without so much as a growl of warning, Sephiroth would leap foreword towards the vicious ghost, claws out as he aimed to slam his entire form into the creature and drag his claws across the spirit.  Could he even strike them?  Hurt them?  He didn’t stop to consider that, right now he was focused on driving back the spirit and helping his groupmate.

Re: When the lights go off;; Violent Ghost - MIRIO! - 10-04-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
He was a retriever, built for swimming and retrieving, and while Mirio had witnessed many interesting things, this had to steal the ball. A ghost, trying to kill a living being, but while he had been watching, Sephiroth had went after the ghost. Time to act.

Lemillion, now only known as Mirio, had launched himself out of hiding, rushing over to the girl which had been so well-known in the clan supposedly. She was important, he had to protect people who were important as well. Once he made it to the water, Mirio leaped, jumping in and paddling over to the girl. Enhanced senses had led him to hear a racing heartbeat, she was scared? Or was it surprised? He couldn't really guess it from her facial expression, but he needed to help her.

"Grab onto me, ma'am." Mirio called out to Jiyu calmly, a kind smile on his face despite his limbs screaming at him to paddle harder. He'd need to paddle harder to get her away from this.. Ghost.

Mirio could only hope Sephiroth could keep the ghost away long enough for him to rescue the fallen girl.

Re: When the lights go off;; Violent Ghost - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-04-2018

The ghost was enamored with watching the defiant calico, already assured of her victory. Of course, this was ironic because it was that exact trait which had allowed Jiyu to kill her 'elder sister' in the first place when they were both alive. How many little sister's had Painted killed, she deserved it, one of them had to go according to him and the calico had not been ready to die! "Of course, I could always take this bo-" as the spotted mutated creature reached her paw down towards the prone calico once more, she ignored everything around them. Even if the guard had growled or such? Painted would have never heard him, the jagged toothed she-cat was too wrapped up in her sick game to notice anything. The sentence was cut off as Sep landed his attack perfectly. Due to numerous circumstances she was indeed able to be touched even if she was still nothing but a ghost. Quick in reaction as her false sibling, Painted was able to move during the attack enough that she could squirm her way to claw along the side of the log and get behind Sep, blood pouring from her.

"Well isn't this surprising." she sneered the comment, trying to revaluate how she was going to end the calico. Meanwhile, the mutated calico was thankful she could look at the white fur of her groupmate instead of the past she'd rather forget. Everything was a window to the past, trusting the retriever instantly as it was far from the first time that species had ended up saving her from the claws of water. Jaws released from the log without struggle, her mobile paw wrapping over the back of the canine. "The vines." her voice was monotone but it seemed she could manage less words than normal, her body stretched oddly due to the vines wrapped around three of her paws. The water felt suffocating against her pelt, heart racing and lungs heaving in spite of her body language and voice offering no trace of her fear.

Bright orange optics narrowed slightly, realizing this was not going to go her way just from fighting, she was not large enough to fight a lion. "Interesting, I thought the fact you are unable to swim would be the only flaw." yet, these animals were not father nor anyone who had been raised by him and uncle, which meant her little sister was defective. "You know, she's not safe, father made sure of that especially since it seems he trained her until she became defective." Painted knew she had never cared about her little sister, and she was far from father's perfect creation. "She's killed far more than just me, I've watched her." Painted laughed realizing if she came back, it was possible that other victims had as well, oh joy. "You'll be much safer if you just let me bring Fatal to the afterlife with me. What do you really know about her?" maybe she could simply convince these animals to turn over the once younger female. 

Jiyu would be much more upset about what Painted was saying, if she could worry about anything besides drowning right now. "My Name Is Jiyu." all she could do was sneer that comment as she struggled to make sure she didn't fall from the retriever's back.

Re: When the lights go off;; Violent Ghost - MIRIO! - 10-04-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
Jaws gripped tightly against each other as he focused on using his back paws to rip away the vines from the feline's legs, desperately doggy paddling with his two front feet. Once he felt the tug lift away from her legs, Mirio got to work on swimming away, sliding up onto land. With Jiyu now on his back, Mirio could run as fast as he needed to.

A warning growl slipped from the retriever's jaws as he backed up from the ghosts presence, glancing around for a chance of exit. "You must leave. You don't belong here." Mirio snapped at the vengeful spirit or whatever the hell that thing was, midnight-colored eyes burning with a protective fury for his clanmates.

Re: When the lights go off;; Violent Ghost - rushy - 10-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Violence was a friend of Lydia's. It brought her work to do and excitement to her life- quite literally, The Rosebloods themselves embodied violence. Perhaps not as much as The Pitt, but they were still pretty damn out there. Regardless, the only time violence was okay was when it wasn't committed against her fellow Rosebloods. That was the shit that really pissed her off.

Lydia approached the scene with a mix of a scowl and a grimace playing on her lips. All at once, she became vaguely uncomfortable with the situation, shifting from paw to paw as she came to stand beside of Sephiroth. "Is it a normal spirit?" the snowshoe questioned aloud, directing it to no one in particular "I might know how to banish the motherfucker if it is."

Re: When the lights go off;; Violent Ghost - sephiroth - 10-05-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth’s stance was firm and strong as he glared at the spirit before him, eyes chips of ice as he stared down Painted.  He wasn’t entirely sure what they were speaking of; Jiyu’s past was foreign and unknown to him.  His own memories were lost to him as well, seemed like mystery was a common theme in the Rosebloods.

”Most creatures here have more than likely killed far more than both of you.”  The lion’s voice was deep and intimidating, his tail lashing about from left to right as his narrowed his piercing eyes.  He wasn’t taking anything from this stranger spirit.  At Painted’s other comment, Sephiroth would raise his head and allow his voice to become low and dangerous.  ”I can assure you, you have more to fear from me than Jiyu.”  Fangs were exposed as he spoke, his muscles hard under his pelt.  His eyes seemed to gain that otherworldly glow about them as took a threatening step foreword.  ”I am far more dangerous then either of you.  But leave without another move towards my groupmate, and you’ll have nothing to fear from me.  Proceed, and I can prove to be your worst nightmare.”

Sephiroth would glance down at Lydia as she joined him at his side, huffing softly as he returned his eyes to Painted.  ”No idea.  I don’t have much experience with spirits.  I would presume they aren’t any different than a petty ghost.”  He would comment, working his mind to figure out how to finish business with the intruder.

Re: When the lights go off;; Violent Ghost - Luciferr - 10-06-2018

RIZER is a MANTICORE that stands at a height of 5FT, like all his kind he has a barbed tail and like some he also has WINGS , much of his form is also scaled past his mane. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were EURYDICE TARGARYEN and DOMERIC of an old site litter. he is the incarnation of the PALE ASPECT aka DEATH of the 4 heralds, he also has amnesia of past lives.
Death walks among the living.

the air is cold to be around him and the area beneath his paws frosts and never melts where he stands - life seems t almost wish to wilt and flee from his very presence but these things are merely noted as truths to the ever even gaze - this is what he is, the reaper - judge, jury, executioner - and the shepherd to lost souls, whether to damn or to ascend this is his way.

cold paleblood eyes watch the scene with nary a flicker of alarm before he regards the ghost and his new fellows an inherent warning in his step - they seemed to want to solve this but the bone winged shadow was an inherent spectre to these events - restless were the earthbound souls.

if need be, he would step in.

[align=center]FIRE AND BLOOD
But what is this that I can't see, With ice cold hands taking hold of me?
© ceilidh

Re: When the lights go off;; Violent Ghost - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-06-2018

The water felt like claws trying to keep hold on her as the retriever struggled with the vines. Jiyu was not aware of when the dog had managed to free her, only when she felt water flowing from her in ropes and ground beneath all four paws again. Of course, without the water to think about, she realized the biggest problem which was something that she honestly should have never overlooked. When her past had shown up at the groups doorstep before? It had been her siblings in control, her family over run the group and everyone knew how dangerous anyone connected with whoever she was before the group had the potential to be. Anyone currently in the group? Didn't see her as violent, didn't know anything about her really, entirely kept in the dark and now thrust into danger she never saw coming back to haunt her again. No one standing here had any of the knowledge to truly know how dangerous Painted Mentality was, no way to know they were currently dealing with someone who had been raised to do nothing besides cause pain, harm and death to others on command.

As panic flooded into the stoic, the twisted specter was filled with absolute delight, realizing what a sheer advtanage she had here. A sickening laughter broke from her throat, as if this was nothing more than a game! Painted threw her head back, blood splattering from the wound there and along her chest as a bit more spilled from her nearly nonexistent underside. "No your right, I have nothing to fear of Fatal, drenched and surrounded by weakness I can take advantage of by possessing her, she won't make a move on me, it's all of you who should be afraid of her." a Cheshire grin was bursted across her blood dripping muzzle, paws kneading the ground beneath her as the laughing fit continued. The demonic specter knew she could not tell this Lion everything and the truth was so much easier to forgive. "After-all she did this to me and worse to other siblings." only giving just enough and letting the fact she knew Fatal would say nothing to do the rest of the damage! So delicious.

By the time that Jiyu could right herself and stand up, there was no time to warn them anymore, Painted had finished her game. Mismatched optics could only watch as her 'elder sister' walked forward with confidence as if nothing in the world could distrupt what she was about to do, and she may very well be right. Jiyu knew that she should be reacting right now, but something kept her immobile, something she didn't quiet understand yet.

Spotted paws springed lightly against the ground as she moved, seeming as if she was going to aim right for his chest. However, at the last second without any flaw she ducked to the side spinning to send her powerful back legs trowards his shoulder which would resonate through the front of him if she managed to land and likely leave some nasty gashes. The move was clever, but only one other cat standing there knew it was far from over. The rebound from her kick moved her body into the beginning of a roll, mixing with her initial spin. As the spin continued it's progress towards roll? Her jaws came first attempting to drag deeply against his hind leg no attempt made to grab him but instead to cause as much damage as she could. Laughter echoed as her front claws swiped against the ground to both stop her from rolling too far away and to kick up dirt into his optics. A lion was too large for her to straight out kill with a single move, but he was in no way too much for her to murder, especially since she adored seeing the pain of her victims. Hmm, maybe Jiyu wouldn't have killed her if she hadn't been so rough.

"Just Exorcise Her Already Before She Kills Him!" soaked with her own wounds from the initial attacks of Painted, there was no way Jiyu could fight the ghost. While she still looked stoic, for a brief second something seemed to break in her voice, she sounded more like a honey sweet voiced kit than the monotone feline who watched without seeming to be bothered by anything. How far did she have to run before she could be free of those years? Maybe she never could, but that shouldn't kill someone in the group! Once more she tried pushing herself up, barely managing it, but her paws didn't want to move. She could kill Painted, she had done it before, the puncture marks on the speckled feline demon clearly matched to sabered fangs, a notable feature that calico normally possessed. Yet, her body would not respond, and all she could do was watch. Someone at least had to be able to send Painted back to the spirit realm or something!

Re: When the lights go off;; Violent Ghost - Luciferr - 10-16-2018

RIZER is a MANTICORE that stands at a height of 5FT, like all his kind he has a barbed tail and like some he also has WINGS , much of his form is also scaled past his mane. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were EURYDICE TARGARYEN and DOMERIC of an old site litter. he is the incarnation of the PALE ASPECT aka DEATH of the 4 heralds, he also has amnesia of past lives.
well if she insisted.

Rizer moved then and it almost seemed an after effect that his face seemed suddenly so much more wraith like, a hollow eyed face sunken with terrible teeth made to rend a soul asunder - or perhaps it was only a glimpse under the veil.

he moved almost eerily - not quite like a living thing -talons slicing through the air while he spoke in an old ancient tongue, words of old power, words of the pale - words made to entrap, words made to dispel and words made to banish while icy symbols and runes were painted underfoot.

/this is rushed af oof

[align=center]FIRE AND BLOOD
But what is this that I can't see, With ice cold hands taking hold of me?
© ceilidh