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limelight + return - Printable Version

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limelight + return - toboggan - 10-02-2018

Why even the slightest desire of feeling sand had ever been on his mind, he may never know. By truly experiencing the wretched sensuality of pint-sized grains of earth glued to your soft pads, Leroy questioned the sanity of those fuckwads whom appointed that desert as their home. Next up on the checklist was snow, though for now the petulant canine’s paws were the most comfortable in the rocky slosh of mud and soft blades of grass.

For one, the Tangler was wholly gratified about his decision to take a wee voyage apart from his irradiated marsh. The goals he had given himself weren’t fulfilled in the end, as someone willing to repair his jukebox wasn’t found - yet Leroy located another individual of gist. Axle, all chained up like a jailbird in confinement and in need of saving, had been in the right place at the right time. If the guardsman made the decision to drop by any other tribe, the liberated cur might as well have never tasted freedom again; until a later date, that is. Like mentioned previously, his intentions were not set on saving his comrade initially - in fact, Axle’s existence had been completely cut from Leroy’s mentality. But, he saw that someone he knew was deprived of aid, and he changed it.

Routine scents, those of which his wet snoot had gone nose-blind to, invaded his circular nostrils, causing the wolfhound to nearly gag. It had been almost two months since first joining Tanglewood - wow, two months already? - and during his time here, Leroy saw the fall of one leader and the rise of another, witnessed some deaths, encountered more mangled limbs than he had wished to see (that number involving his own), and apparently learned to ignore a sulphuric stench that would render a tot unconscious. Wincing at the culture shock’s grisly fragrance, the mongrel’s roaming came to a close on the border, or what he had presumed to be the border, of Tanglewood’s commonwealth, amber bulbs infatuated by the looming vegetation, though he tread no further. One watchful eye may catch sight of Axle’s absence, and the purpose of that was to avoid capture while fleeing those chasing quacks. They ”split”, as the mutt had put it. Now, they were supposed to regroup, however, Leroy knew not where. His position would not fluctuate however - the mutt would stay put until the sight or scent of Axle entered his system.

+ please wait until [member=1501]AXLE[/member] posts k thanks guys "

Re: limelight + return - DELILAH. - 10-04-2018


Re: limelight + return - cavalrychoir - 10-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:0.5px;"]mobile track~

Re: limelight + return - HAMMOND - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]/ ok so i'm sorry this is two weeks late. i was busy one week and completely forgot bleh

Once again, Tanglewood had found a way to increase the male's tenure with the group by saving him from a bad situation. It was frustrating, one who had spent a year in isolation should've known how to better take care of himself, with such care coming in the form of looking out for Axle and Axle only, but he couldn't. The group had tugged at a lone string of humanity within him, and they wouldn't stop pulling until the ball completely came undone - he'd have to leave before that happened, but for now the male still had work to do here. His paws burned as he traversed more familiar areas, ears flat against his skull as he swore that he heard roaring off in the distance. Nothing more than a weary imagination going too far, Axle was struggling to believe himself after his memories almost caused him to get recaptured. Dried blood caked his front and damaged the tricoloured complexion, but it was a liquid that didn't belong to him. In desperation mode as soon as he'd been caught, there was no denying that an angry, confused creature would resort to aggression, whoever's face he had torn would surely not have a good year however no further thought was given to them as the scents started coming back to him.

Is my name really Axle? One day someone had called him it, for they'd found him laying underneath a battered car, but as his senses were recovering from an overdrive, he wasn't too sure. Fatigue made everything foggy, even his vision seemed clouded, the canine had given up trying to rectify such things though. Time would come for rest one day, but not now. For now there was someone he needed to meet... to make sure they were ok. He almost bit through his leg with such selfless thoughts corrupting his pragmatism, but the balls needed to pull of such a stunt deserved some sort of recognition. Shadows were all over the place, some must've been whispering to him for he swore the thought of Leroy being dead entered his head from them. What if he hadn't made it? How would Axle feel then Ginger paws hardly touching the ground between each clumsy step, the tongue-lolling creature tried his hardest to find his saviour among the mossy trees. First it was your girl, now you can't even protect me the greyhound's voice entered his mind, gnarled teeth snapping inches away from his face. A flinch later, any traces of that interaction disappeared. It's not real he concluded, trying to find anyway to quell his racing heart.

Eventually a lighter 'shadow' entered his vision, Axle recognising the more detailed thing as Leroy. Good... he'd made it after all. Admittedly it was a huge relief off of his chest, but not one to show such vulnerability, the stone-faced individual would slow his pace down to greet the other. No words were offered, nor could they be offered, so instead the Heeler would give a silent nod of gratitude towards the taller canine for everything. It was dangerous being here, clearly he was made a target, but could he just get up and leave after this?