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Atbash's October CDC Tracker - Printable Version

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Atbash's October CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-02-2018

1. How Does Your Character React to the Changing of the Season? - LINK
2. Longing - LINK
3. Family - LINK
4. Loss - LINK
5. Music - LINK
6. Trust - LINK
7. Acceptance; Does Your Character Struggle With Facing the Difficult Truth? - LINK
8. Forgiveness - LINK
9. Rage - LINK TBA
10. How Does Your Character Deal With Pain? Emotional Or Physical? - LINK TBA
11. Smoke - LINK TBA
12. Someone Close To Your Character Turns On Them. What is the Result, and the Aftermath? - LINK TBA
13. Hallucination - LINK TBA
14. Sounds - LINK TBA
15. Is Your Character A Leader or A Follower? - LINK TBA
16. Peace - LINK TBA
17. How Does Your Character Often Spend Their Time? - LINK TBA
18. Failure - LINK TBA
19. Greed - LINK TBA
20. Panic - LINK TBA
21. Insecurity - LINK TBA
22. What Entertains Your Character the Most? - LINK TBA
23. Dreams - LINK TBA
24. Freedom - LINK TBA
25. Uncertainty - LINK TBA
26. Victory - LINK TBA
27. Duty - LINK TBA
28. Beginnings - LINK TBA
29. Lies - LINK TBA
30. Revenge - LINK TBA
31. Fear - LINK TBA

Re: Atbash's October CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-02-2018

How Does Your Character React to the Changing of the Season?

    Earth has many seasons, which was a drastic change in comparison to Dimension FiveX. Atbash's Home Dimension was always a cold, bitter place, which was why she liked Snowbound so much. During her time here, Atbash has only experienced two seasons: spring and summer, and now she would be experiencing fall - with winter right around the corner. The she-cat noticed how some of the trees that littered Snowbound's territory were losing their leaves, whereas others - Evergreens, if she recalls the name correctly - stayed the same green color. It was strange to know that some trees' leaves changed and fell to the ground, whereas others always had a bright green color to them. But at the same time, Atbash was glad that the majority of tress in Snowbound were Evergreens; she didn't like how bare the other trees looked and how they looked so sad without their leaves.

    In addition to the trees, Atbash noticed how the wind got chillier with each passing day. Soon, Snowbound would have to deal with harsh winters, considering they lived in a tundra. The Hailcaller was quite worried about what would happen, if she was honest with herself. It would be her first winter leading the tribe and she didn't know what to do to prepare her tribe for winter. While Dimension FiveX had no snow (after all, it was practically space), the savannah knew what snow did to prey and plants. It was quite obvious that they made the trees die and their leaves fall, so it was no doubt going to affect the herbs. Atbash prayed nobody became sick during this time... Izuku was no longer around and while Snowbound did have a few members who had herbal knowledge, if their herb supply was low or non-existent, they couldn't help their tribemates. If they weren't able to cure whatever illness plagued somebody, there was a possibility of it spreading and becoming worse. Atbash wasn't sure if she was ready to handle that responsibility.

    But she had to. Just as the seasons changed, Atbash had to as well. The recent takeover with The Pitt proved that she could handle herself, despite what she may think about her own strength, and she would survive whatever the fall and winter would throw at her. Snowbound would survive, just as the trees grew back in the spring and summer. Atbash was sure of it. If they could survive a takeover, they could survive some blizzards and snow. Plus, they had their allies to go to if they ever got in trouble. Only thing was, they'd likely have to provide some supplies to their allies in exchange when spring comes around again. Snowbound didn't need another issue like they had with The Typhoon briefly whenever Atbash dropped them to allies. Luckily, Aizawa had went over and the supplies he gave seemed to satisfy Pincher.

    We won't need help. Atbash thought to herself, a determined look on her face as she gazed out of the window of her cabin, watching as her tribemates walked around and did things around the camp. Snowbound is strong. We will survive. And that was a promise - a promise she was going to make sure she kept, even if it killed her.

//Word Count: 541

Re: Atbash's October CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-02-2018


    The meaning of longing is having or showing a yearning desire. So, in a sense, Atbash was longing for many things. The she-cat longed for the day she and her brothers would be united again. But the truth of the matter was, that was never going to happen. Caesar was too stubborn to accept that he's done something wrong and didn't want to change his ways, and Vigenere wouldn't talk to their younger brother until he did so. Atbash, luckily, still had a somewhat good relationship with Vigenere (even if he didn't show up very much). Even so, the savannah longed for them to erase the past behind them and be together once more.

    The feeling of this emotion was a hollow, sinking feeling that ate Atbash up. Each day, she was reminded that her brothers were no longer by her side and wanting to be with them hit her hard. She longed to feel their fur pressed against her body as they all slept, or the way Caesar used to prank their brother. She missed Caesar's laugh and Vigenere playfully growling that he'd get Caesar back. Not a day went by without Atbash thinking about her littermates and how she wished things returned to normal.

    There was a longing for home, as well, and this one was a different feeling than the one she felt with her brothers. This feeling made her sick, her stomach dropping as she thought about Dimension FiveX. Atbash wanted to go back home, despite feeling at home here in Snowbound. She wanted her family back, even if they had to be Outcasts for the rest of her life. She'd give anything to be back home, with her parents and her brothers. But she could never go back, as the dimension collapsed in on itself. There was no hope in going home, but there was hope in her brothers forgiving each other, even if it was an unlikely scenario.

//Word Count: 326

Re: Atbash's October CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-03-2018


    Of course Atbash had family. It was no secret, either; practically all of Snowbound now knew of her brothers, though whether or not they knew her full past was a different story. At first, Atbash didn't want anybody to know of her past, especially of Caesar, but Vigenere? She honestly wouldn't have minded telling anybody about him. She missed Vigenere dearly and felt hurt whenever he chased her off and left her to her own devices. Thankfully, her older brother soon visited and apologized. He had found a home in Tanglewood and honestly, Atbash wasn't sure if she wanted to leave Snowbound despite knowing that he was alive and well. After all, she was their leader now and she had to take care of them. Besides, she was happy here, in Snowbound.

    There was a difference between having actual blood-related siblings and family compared to a family that was made through bonds of friendship. Although yes, Atbash considered Snowbound to be her family, nothing would ever beat the memories and bond she had with both of her brothers. Even if Caesar was a prick and did some horrid things, Atbash couldn't help but still feel like she loved him. He was her brother, they grew up together. Atbash had faith that he would return to normal some day and accept that what he was done was unjust. It might be a long time before he did, but Atbash believed that he wanted to be close with her and Vigenere again. Why wouldn't he? After all, they both had been there for him when he needed them most, before Vigenere joined the King's Guard.

    Vigenere was a strong-headed person and didn't change his mind very often, but Atbash knew he wanted things to return to normal just as she did. That's what he wanted before Caesar destroyed their home and murdered the King. Hell, he had been the one to tell Atbash that things could go back to normal if they just obeyed the King. The only difference was, was that Caesar would not be joining them. Atbash understand why and sympathized with Caesar and wanted him to be able to return to the Seventh Tier as well, but he just didn't listen to neither her nor Vigenere. Both of them tried to explain that they loved Caesar and that they wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with them, but still, their younger brother did not listen.

    Her family was normal, for the most part. At least, at the beginning of their lives, they were. They were born into the Seventh Tier, with their father being a farmer and their mother a stay-at-home-mom like most she-cats were in this Tier. Despite being what is basically considered the lowest Tier, Atbash was happy and so were her brothers. They were loved and cherished by their parents, despite the shortage of food. Having one child was hard to keep, let alone triplets. Still, their family survived and Atbash was glad nothing ever seriously happened to any of them. Eventually, Vigenere was selected to be apart of the King's Guard and Atbash couldn't feel any more happier for the oldest of their litter. He definitely deserved it, though Caesar was deeply disappointed with the decision. Atbash was there to lend an ear to the youngest of their litter, always there whenever he needed to vent.

    And that's why his betrayal hurt so much. Atbash always was there for her family, and to know that Caesar was an awful, horrible person despite the comforting words she tried to provide. Atbash tried her best to be there for Caesar and offered him kind words in an attempt to cheer him up. But after he destroyed their Dimension, it seemed like all the talks they had were for nothing, and it hurt. Atbash thought she was making everything better; she thought Caesar was just saying things to be saying things. But then again, that was why their parents were left to rot as well - they didn't heed his warnings.

    But now Snowbound was Atbash's family. Ever since she first joined this tribe, the she-cat knew she would grow close with some of her tribemates. What Atbash never expected, however, was the entire tribe becoming like a family to her. They were all like brothers and sisters to her, and she felt a protective feeling over each and every one of her tribemates. Atbash loved her tribe dearly and vowed to herself that she would not let anything come to harm them ever again. Snowbound no longer deserved to go through any more hardships, especially with everything they've already been through. Atbash would make sure nothing would come to harm her tribemates and that was a promise.

//Word Count: 800

Re: Atbash's October CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-04-2018


    Atbash lost both of her parents. That was practically known throughout Snowbound by now, with how she reacted to the flames that erupted in Izuku's cabin. While her tribemates may not know the exact details, most of them knew about the fire that destroyed her Home Dimension and the fact that Caesar was the one who caused it. Atbash missed her parents dearly and wished she could bring them back. No, she actually wished she could have taken their place and died instead of them. But they made Vigenere grab and drag her away from their den just before it collapsed, soon followed by the Dimension itself. Atbash remembered the hurt and pain in her parents' eyes, as well as the last look of love that was there in their gaze. They wanted her to live because they loved her, but that left Atbash with Survivor's Guilt. The she-cat believed she should have died instead and felt bad because she lived. Every day she had to deal with the fact she could no longer hear her mother's soothing voice or her father's laughter.

    But in a sense, she also lost her brothers. Both Caesar and Vigenere were no longer by her side, something she always imagined they would be doing. Ever since she could remember, they were always by her side and protecting her as much as they could. Of course, Vigenere went off to the King's Guard but that was such an honor to be apart of so Atbash held no ill will against him. Caesar was there for her, just as she was there for him. Even though it was an accepted fact that many families of the Seventh Tier didn't really talk to each once they've left home, they all promised each other that they would. Atbash had faith that they would and she wished things would be like that.

    Then came the day when Caesar lit the Dimension in flames and they had to escape. By this time, her and Vigenere had practically accepted that Caesar was no longer their brother, despite Atbash wanting to believe the opposite. Caesar wasn't the brother she grew up with, he was now a monster who felt no remorse for what he had done. Atbash decided to stick with Vigenere once they traveled to Earth, but soon her eldest brother chased her off. He claimed he needed time to himself and Atbash was hurt by his words but eventually respected them and came to Snowbound. And although she knew that Vigenere now resides in Tanglewood, a neutral to Snowbound, he didn't really come by to visit her. He was just as lost to her as Caesar was, though if Vigenere ever came to Snowbound for help, she would help him.

    Caesar on the other hand... was truly no brother of hers anymore. Caesar had done far too much to her and while there was something inside her that told her otherwise, Atbash knew for a fact he was now dead to her. Caesar attempted to murder her - twice - and showed no signs of changing his ways. He was no longer the brother she remembered. The brother she knew was lost.

//Word Count: 532

Re: Atbash's October CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-05-2018


    Atbash loves music. While she doesn't listen to it often, it is something that soothes her. Specifically, the songs her mother used to sing and hum as she put her and her siblings to sleep. Atbash remembered the way her mother sang and hummed the song to her and often hummed it to herself to lull her to sleep. She definitely didn't have her mother's soothing voice but it did help ease her nerves enough so she was able to sleep. Honestly, she wondered if Vigenere and Caesar did the same thing. They absolutely wouldn't have the same voice their mother had, but surely the memory would be able to suffice?

    But Earth had its own music, too. The sounds of the birds chirping and singing their songs in the morning was just as relaxing as her mother. Atbash liked listening to the birds whenever she woke up in the morning and she was going to miss them dearly until they returned in the spring. The wind was also music to her ears as well, with the leaves rustling in the breeze. There wasn't a day she didn't leave camp just to hear the wind blowing and their leaves whistling. While the wind still blew in camp, it had a different tone to it compared to outside of the little town she made her home in. After all, cabins were bulky and were built to withstand bursts of wind; trees were made to sway in the breeze and make noise, in her opinion.

    Atbash took in a breath of the cool, crisp air as she walked along Snowbound's border, closing her only eye and pricking her ears, listening to the sounds she became to accused to. The breeze ruffled her fur but she didn't mind too much; after all, it was the very thing that was making the music she loved.

//Word Count: 311

Re: Atbash's October CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-07-2018


    Trust was something that was earned, not something that was immediate. At one point, Atbash believed that trust was immediate, that if you knew somebody, you had to, in a sense, trust them. After all, the first people she trusted was her family - they were the only people she first met. While she trusted and loved her parents, her trust and bond with her brothers was much greater. Atbash believed everything they said, knowing that they had the best intentions in mind. Even when Caesar came and vented to her about the things he wanted to do to their home, Atbash talked it out with him and he promised her that they were empty threats. Nothing would come out of what he said.

    But of course, he lied. Whenever Atbash learned that Caesar was still going along with his plan, she felt like her whole world shattered. It broke the trust she had with the youngest of her litter and that was the day she realized that if he wanted to be treated like he was their brother again, he had to earn her and Vigenere's trust again. Of course, Caesar had no plans of apologizing and making amends for what he had done. Truthfully, Atbash wanted to trust him again, but she was unsure if she could ever fully trust him again. And when she came to Earth and joined Snowbound, he proved that he should no longer be trusted again whatsoever.

    The thing that made Atbash realize that trust was earned, however, was whenever Stryker had lived here. Stryker had been a long-time member of Snowbound and although he was a little rough around the edges, she thought he, too, had the best intentions at heart. Before she knew it, Stryker ended up attacking Izuku - their healer, and Atbash's closest friend at the time. Of course she was upset when she learned it had been Stryker who attacked the winged feline. To make sure she had Snowbound's safety ensured, she exiled Stryker, whom ran off to a group known as The Pitt. Unfortunately that ended up with the takeover but... Snowbound fought back.

    That day, Atbash knew who she could trust. Only those who proved it could really be trusted and so far, Izuku and Nui were the only ones who had the Hailcaller's trust at the moment. Izuku had disappeared, much to Atbash's dismay, but Nui was just as great as him. She proved herself when she led to rebellion against Stryker and The Pitt and Atbash knew she would fight to the death for Snowbound - just as she herself would.

//Word Count: 438

Re: Atbash's October CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-08-2018

Acceptance; Does Your Character Accept the Difficult Truth?

    The difficult truth for Atbash was accepting who she was. It was accepting the past and accepting the fact that nothing will ever be the same for her and her siblings. While she and Vigenere had a somewhat good relationship still, it was quite obvious that Caesar wasn't going to change his ways any time soon. In all honesty, Atbash didn't want to accept that. She didn't want to believe that Caesar was being this monster that he was becoming. He knew of the risk of being the way he was and she couldn't understand why he was willingly allowing himself to slowly become Corrupted. She wanted to believe that deep down inside, Caesar was still a good person and was wanting to do the right thing and everything would return to normal.

    Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. No matter how many times she willed this to happen and prayed to the stars about Caesar becoming the brother she once knew and loved, there was no going back. What Caesar did happened and there was no changing that. He killed their parents and caused their Home Dimension to rot. Even if he somehow made amends with her and Vigenere, there was definitely going to be some tensions between them. Especially considering he attacked Atbash twice. Deep down inside, the she-cat forgave him, but she was slowly learning that perhaps she shouldn't have faith in in returning to being a good person. Caesar has changed and that was something Atbash was going to have to learn to accept.

    No matter how many times she wanted to escape her problems, the recent takeover of The Pitt was proof that she needed to learn how to face issues head-on. Snowbound could still be peaceful while defending themselves; after all, it was only natural to want to fight if somebody injured your friends, was it not? Atbash first realized her mistake in deciding on making The Typhoon neutrals whenever Sunhaven visited. One of the Sunhaveners, Quantum, had pointed out that she had practically begged Pincher for mercy whenever his clan started attacking Snowbound instead of fighting back herself. Soon after Quantum said this, Stryker attacked Izuku and Atbash's instinct was to exile him immediately, which ultimately ended up with the lion joining The Pitt and seeking revenge. Honestly, if Atbash had been aware of Stryker living in The Pitt, it was likely she wouldn't have visited them but she did want to talk to their leader to warn him about the snake-like lion. But of course, Stryker was there and promptly paralyzed her and marched right back to his own home, declaring it a takeover with his new clanmates.

    The takeover made Atbash realize she was much stronger than she realized but she, truthfully, has yet to accept that fact. The Hailcaller believed that the rebellion was successful because of her tribemates, not because of her getting Stryker to surrender, thus making the rest of the Pittians flee. After all, Nui had been the one to sound off the call to get the rebellion started and the fight only lasted a few minutes before Atbash found and chased after Stryker. With her air elementals returning, making the male surrender was easy. All she had to do was try to suffocate him and that was that. Still, Atbash saw herself as weak. Her pelt was littered with scars as well as the fact that she only had one eye now. What sort of leader led when they had limited vision? Her, apparently, but it was only due to there wasn't really anybody else who could lead Snowbound.

    Regardless, Atbash has trouble accepting the difficult truth and it usually takes her a while to actually realize it. In fact, most times people had to confront her because she realizes these things. It was a major flaw but one that Atbash wasn't afraid to admit. If anybody confronted her or asked, she would admit she wasn't the best and didn't think things through. That was something she had to work on, as well as learning to accept things quickly than she does now.

//Word Count: 689

Re: Atbash's October CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-11-2018


    Atbash was a forgiving person, simple as that. She very rarely didn't forgive somebody for something they have done, no matter what it is. That was just how she was raised - to be caring and understanding of everybody and that's exactly what she tried to do. Atbash tried to understand every view point she possibly could and would try her hardest to be understanding of what had happened, and that usually led to her forgiving people. But of course, there are a few excepts, with Caesar and Stryker - and the rest of The Pitt, by that extension - being among the very few that didn't deserve forgiveness in her eyes.

    The reason she didn't forgive Caesar was quite easy to understand. After all, he had killed her parents, along with their Home Dimension. And while Atbash was in no way of supporting what he had done, she believed that he could redeem himself if he tried being a good person. Unfortunately, her brother soon showed that he wasn't going to change and deserved not to be forgiven. He attacked Atbash twice and attempted to kill her - once by drowning her and once by burning her alive. Caesar knew of the panic attacks she could have due to the smoke and flames and yet he still attempted to burn her alive - but that was just it, wasn't it? He wanted to install fear into her and show her that he wasn't a changed person. He wasn't going to be forgiven, that was that.

    Stryker and The Pitt on the other hand were a somewhat different story. Stryker had been a longtime member of Snowbound before he attacked Izuku, leading him to be exiled from the tribe. Attacking a tribemate was inexcusable in Atbash's eyes and therefore believed she had a right to exile him - but she was willing to try and forgive him if he came and apologized to her, Izuku, and Snowbound as a whole. If he did that, she may have considered him back. That didn't happen; instead, the lion decided to takeover Snowbound as revenge and bring along his new group with him. The Pitt was one of the newer clans that popped up and Atbash was curious about them. Her visit lead to Stryker paralyzing her and taking over the tribe he was once apart of and that was when the line was drawn. Clearly, Stryker didn't regret his actions and was absolutely willing to cause more harm. As such, he didn't deserve forgiveness and The Pitt didn't either, simply due to their beliefs and following Stryker without any hesitation.

    However, there was one person during that event that did deserve forgiveness and that was Wendell, the wolverine who joined shortly before the takeover happened. He fled during the first fight, when Snowbound attempted to defend their home from the invading Pittians. Atbash thought he left to go get help since it was obvious none of the Pittians were paying any attention to him. But he... never came back. Atbash thought he may have been killed, but he showed up at the Mass Gathering on October 8 and was seemingly in perfect health. Honestly, Atbash was more relieved than she was angry at him. He was alive and that was all that mattered. Many may see running away as a coward's way out but if Atbash wasn't the leader of the tribe, she likely would have done the same thing. Besides, he was a good person at heart and knew that he didn't mean to leave them at The Pitt's mercy. Hence, she forgave him - although she didn't really believe there was anything to forgive in the first place.

//Word Count: 612