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TELL ME NOW IT WAS MY FAULT ○ the hinterlands - Printable Version

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TELL ME NOW IT WAS MY FAULT ○ the hinterlands - teef - 10-02-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_ojk6guLlsU1vi39lco1_500.png]
◇ it's been too long ◇

everything has an end, and the end isn't always pretty. there are no guarantees when it's the end, no certainties to fall upon. there isn't always a place to go or a life to return to. we all came from somewhere, and those parts of our stories are long left behind.

it's not the end anymore, it's the continuation of the story, of the hope for more than an empty stretch. it's already been the lowest it can be, suffering from extreme injuries, intense heartbreak or the broken betrayal of a close one. what matters now is the climb, the fight to begin again. our stories never really end, they only add up to the histories making us who we are today.

today's accomplishments are tomorrow's celebrations, and what matters now is the life that we live. once this life was almost taken from us, and now we have it back. it's come time to exact our revenge, to show those who have wronged us what they did, and what we became because of it. they forced us to change into something else, and now it's our time to make them see what they forced us to become.

◇ with too many wrongs ◇

the hinterlands was formed recently, by a man turned animal, becoming the demonic entity that he harbored in his body. this entity has all but taken over his body, protecting who he was for when he dies. he formed the hinterlands after he was turned, left for the dead after grevious torture, leaving his wounds open and painfully raw. he has been waiting a long time to get his revenge, and had created the hinterlands in order to help others like him to heal, and to supply them with the support they needed to get back on their feet. heartbreak makes you do the strangest things, of course.

◇ what have i done? ◇

roles explanation--
arcyr -- the founder's position (leads the group from this position) and carries out the majority of ceremonies and oversees the celebrations of life, death, and a new stage in one's life.
hydrul -- the second in power, in charge of the egheanters and khilear
decril -- the healer, also in charge of the silatier
egheanter -- the elite defensive force, primarily set to protect the three leading forces, a fearsome bunch that don't show emotion
khilear -- the main offensive and defensive force, some egheanters candidates come from this group
silatier -- the wise and the trainers or mentors of the olhir, they have training and knowledge of every role and the necessary tasks within each role, most egheanter candidates come from this group
olhir -- the young in training to become either a silatier, khilear, egheanter or even one of the future three leading forces

arcyr [leader] -- jerisidie "jikai" horrel -- JERISIDIE
× arcyr's egheanter(bodyguard) -- name -- player

hydrul [s.i.c.] -- name -- player
× hydrul's egheanter(bodyguard) -- name -- player

decril [healer] -- name -- player
× decril's egheanter(bodyguard) -- name -- player


egheanter [offensive force/elite force] --
× name -- player
× name -- player
× name -- player

khilear [offensive/defensive force] --
× name -- player
× name -- player
× name -- player

silatier [trainers] --
× name -- player
× name -- player
× name -- player

olhir [youngsters in training] --
× name -- player
× name -- player
× name -- player

◇ you've forgotten the words ◇

rules of the hinterlands -- (ic)
• you are here to heal and to train yourself to withstand any future circumstance similar to what occurred to bring you here.
• you are to primarily focus on strengthening yourself
• fighting is allowed, but it must be sanctioned by one of the ruling trio
• everything you do within the hinterland's territory is in order for you to recover and become stronger
• the hinterlands is here as a place of recovery for the broken or criminal. your revenge is merely in healing and showing those who hurt you, that you are better than you ever could be
• the hinterlands will allow you to live here until you deem yourself fit to leave, or even if you wish to stay with us
• the hinterlands will give you all the training that you will need physically and mentally to establish a new life for yourself once you move on from the hinterlands
• every now and then, expect there to be surprise tests or challenges, meant to test each individual in their path of being healed

• keep it age-appropriate please
• please don't fight ooc, ic is fine
• any species other than human/humanistic is allowed, as long as you have the necessary items for the character and their species. remember, you can merely write out what it's like for the character to gain the second body ability etc, it creates a diverse writing experience and it also gets you gems!
• any of the ic rules can be broken
• i think that's all i have to say for right now, but more rules may be added so check back every now and then

◇ to our song ◇


name -- answer
pronounciation -- answer
species -- answer
powers -- answer
gender -- answer
role -- answer
age -- answer
physical appearance -- answer
personality(3-5+ sentences) -- answer
weaknesses -- answer
strengths -- answer
special traits/quirks -- answer
sexual orientation -- answer
romantic orientation -- answer
relationships -- answer
family/friends -- answer
crush/mate/partner -- answer
name of trainer or trainee -- answer
history -- answer (3-5+ sentences)
playlist? -- answer optional
what caused your character to come to the hinterlands? -- answer
plot suggestions -- answer

Re: TELL ME NOW IT WAS MY FAULT ○ the hinterlands - teef - 10-02-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" eyes prettier than sin ... "


name -- jerisidie "jikai" horrel
pronunciation -- jer-ih-sid-ee
species -- hell-hound (former shifter, explained in history)
powers -- aesthetic elementals(nature), small mythical creature body, and mutations (more to come)
gender -- male
role -- arcyr
age --  just about as old as time (he doesn't keep track of how old he is, he just remembers being born a long long time ago)
physical appearance -- a masculine thin hound standing on an average size male human, around the base of his ribs. he is slightly larger than a medium-large dog, but less than a fully-grown timber wolf. his fur is thick, dark and as black as midnight, speckled around his nose by pale blonde hairs, and his paws are about the size of a well-fed river carp. his teeth are large for his mouth, protruding past the gums for his front top and bottom canines, making him something out of a horror movie even when not wearing his mask. his eyes are a bright golden color, hiding anything he might be feeling behind layers of coldness, but he has recently lost his right eye in an unfortunate time, leaving a dark hole and a fresh scar cutting through muscle, nerves and fur. he wears a cast canine skull as a mask, something that he had created out of boredom in his previous life as a human, and something that he had on his person at the time of his change. he wears this all the time, rarely seen without it, but his other frightening feature is his horns, a massive set of dark red or mahogany ram horns that curl along his face, adding protection. scars decorate his body, naming him a survivor of war amongst other terrors. the last or maybe the first noticeable thing about the arcyr is the lack of a living leg, instead replaced by a leg of living things, quite often off setting his cold demeanor. jikai hides his face beneath and behind his mask in order to cover up the deep scars that ravage the right side of his face, where injury has been inflicted in such a horrible way that some of the flesh is missing all the way down to the bone below it and some has pockmarked the bone. his face is sensitive to certain things such as the weather, which his mask guards against.
personality(3-5+ sentences) -- jerisidie is not a gentle soul, not as gentle as he had once been. an event in his recent history has stripped him of nearly all gentle feelings, leaving only the blustery cold of betrayal and the desire for vengeance. his rage burns a hard path through his heart, turning him against those around him even though the hellhound may seem to put up an approachable aire. he is far from your friend, more likely to be the monster who claims to be your friend and feeds off your soul before stabbing you in the back once he becomes tired of you. this is a contrast to the person he was before, he who was laid-back, easy-going and quite often flirtatious in regard to those he cared for. he is a battled warrior, seeking the days of relative peace he knew before he lost the one linked to his very soul.
weaknesses -- if you were to find out his weaknesses, you would count yourself very lucky indeed for those that know of them never get the chance to spread them. his weaknesses are not as few as you would think, but one in special acts as his achille's heel. he has trained himself for a time now to no longer react to the mention of this one person, of this one being that he is so connected to, that their loss drove him insane. if one was to mention this being in his presence, they would be given a cold glare and ignored, but if you were to connect to him emotionally and spoke of this being, he would break again. his weaknesses include mentions of his lost beloved, physical attacks on his leg and attacking on his blind side.
strengths -- jerisidie is not quick to show anything that might be used against him but he uses psychology and natural instinct against his opponents and occasionally maybe his size. his mask also offers protection from facial trauma, but other than beginning to train with his blind side he has very strengths.
special traits/quirks -- his left hind leg is missing and is replaced by natural things, bound into shape by his magick. he also has a pet albino python who responds majorly to his emotions. his mask is his other unique trait, making him stand out from others.
sexual orientation -- homosexual (hah, gaaaaaaay)
romantic orientation -- polyromantic
relationships -- open::
chat noir - lost lover
adrien agreste - lost other pillar personality of chat noir (and someone he despises)
family/friends -- chat noir (mate)
crush/mate/partner -- chat noir (lost mate)
name of trainee -- OPEN
history -- jerisidie was reincarnated into a new life, wandering around as a witchling going by the name of "jikai" in san creado where he met chat noir. long things cut short, jerisidie and chat were attracted to one another and were inseparable, but chat was taken away by one of the other human groups in their area. he was eventually recovered by a patrol from san creado, within which was jerisidie, who was recovering from an injury that had taken his leg. the two grew closer until chat imprinted on jerisidie, marking them soulmates, or rather, something closer than soulmates. they never really got a chance to explore what they were to one another, other than that they were to be with one another as if so assigned by the fates themselves. jerisidie was on the run from hunters in his previous life from which he had reincarnated and travelled from, who had caught up with him and his new life in the peaceful coastal town of san creado. they attacked him when he was out with chat noir, exploring the territory within which they lived, and aiding an old friend of jerisidie's in her career of hunting down demons. at this attack, chat was killed before jerisidie which released all of the natural power that had been stored within his body, it released all of the nature magick that had slowly built up like a well. it reversed the tragedy but took the toll of one of jerisidie's few reincarnations, giving chat back his life but only in the forms of a cream house cat and a large black panther. the explosion of power threw jerisidie into his hell-hound form and restricted him to that shape and took away a lot of his energy, nearly killing the grieving hell-hound. the hunters who had attacked him took his unconscious body back to their camp in their hatred for him and tortured him for no apparent reason other than to make him suffer. jerisidie has not much memory of his life prior to san creado, but knows that he did something unspeakably horrible in that life for them to hunt him down in this one. eventually they left him for dead after weeks, days, maybe even months of their torture, meant to kill him yet he persevered. he hunted them once he woke, but he could never find them, being forced to wait until they come for him again, and being forced to grieve the death of his beloved, not realising that his mate had been risen from the "dead" by the explosion of his power. he lies in wait now, bringing others back to health in an effort to assuage his grief and loss, and to help others heal to become stronger than what they were.
playlist? -- Jerisidie's Playlist
what caused your character to come to the hinterlands? -- he decided that he needed to do something kind while he focused on getting his revenge for both himself and the one he had so loved.
plot suggestions -- oh, you will see.

Re: TELL ME NOW IT WAS MY FAULT ○ the hinterlands - remus conrad - 10-02-2018


Re: TELL ME NOW IT WAS MY FAULT ○ the hinterlands - miss ririchiyo - 10-04-2018

15 M/O


Re: TELL ME NOW IT WAS MY FAULT ○ the hinterlands - teef - 10-05-2018

posting the rp later?

Re: TELL ME NOW IT WAS MY FAULT ○ the hinterlands - wifewoof - 10-06-2018

/ I'ma track~ I don't know who I'll use yet tho lol

Re: TELL ME NOW IT WAS MY FAULT ○ the hinterlands - teef - 10-07-2018
