Beasts of Beyond
come and get me | intro - Printable Version

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come and get me | intro - Dragon- - 10-01-2018

Two months had passed since Rocky had been captured.
Two long months of being yelled at, being hit, being told to do shit he didn't want to do. He hated it.

The large wolfdog would be lying in the shade of a building, an irritated curl to his lips. Why was it that, despite his size, all of the other slaves hated him. He hadn't done anything to be hated and he even let the annoying little fleabags be graced with his presence every now and then. Keona especially.. goddess, he despised the flea-sized feline.

He'd wince as he became aware of the stinging of his wounds, mentally cursing those who gave them to him. His back had a multitude of marks upon it, marks from the lash, from claws and from teeth, his ears had a few notches taken out of them and his nose had a harsh furrow through it. Rocky hadn't, in his opinion, done anything to deserve this. sure, he'd told some people to do some rather nasty things to themselves, and he'd tried to fight them a few times, but they deserved it! They had been rude to him.

The slave would release a low, annoyed growl as he picked up the sound of someone moving near him, large ears twitching. "What do you want."

Re: come and get me | intro - COSMIIX - 10-02-2018

The temporary leader would perk his ears forward at the annoyed growl and it only reminded him of the time he and Ramses had gotten in a bit of a quarrel. It had been a stupid one yet Quill wishes he had pinned the other down to show who was boss then again said brother had gotten captured by his clanmates. Ramses lost a tail, boo-hoo, Quill had lost both of his front fucking legs. The striped hellhound hybrid would snort quietly with a small shake of his cranium "Nothin' just checking on ya s'all. Making sure nobody is beating on ya for being a punkass," He would let out an unamused snort as he spoke once more though his voice a bit quieter "Ya got spunk, it's admirable but some people here don't tolerate it especially with yer circumstances, shortstack. It'd be best to not pick fights with those bigger and stronger than ya," He would lift up his hind leg and began to scratch behind his ear, Quill didn't necessarily treat slaves like they should be treated or what people thought on how they should. It was stupid. He hated the whole slavery thing but he wasn't able to do anything about it so he wasn't one to complain, he was only a temporary leader so his word wouldn't stand for long yet the canid would lock his mixed gaze onto Rocky before it would turn away with a bit of disinterest. The kid sort of reminded him of Ramses and it made him release a quiet growl.

Re: come and get me | intro - EROS - 10-02-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]"You should let him fight. It builds character and who knows maybe he won't be a slave for long." Though what he meant by that last part was yet to be understood. He could become a normal member through his tenacity or he could merely end up dead because someone was already tired with dealing with him. Regardless the sha wasn't one to interfere in such things. He'd been a slave once since he had been a young pup and he knew how these things went and how it worked. If he wanted to continue being brash then the male figured why not let him. The pup was the opposite of himself when he had come here and been made a slave which was interesting and curious enough the male remembered when he and Cos had taken him so long ago. Though two months prior he had still been a slave and had only been working on the whims of commands from higher beings. A light look of intrigue entered his emotionless stare as he eyed the young pup for a moment, thick tail wrapping around himself as he tilted his head a little bit. "Have you eaten today? Any water?" It was wise to keep him healthy and he allowed a small knowing look to enter his gaze before he became stagnant and cold once more. Maybe Keona would like to meet this one and he sighed softly before debating on if he should get the child or not.

Re: come and get me | intro - SÉAMUS - 10-03-2018

From what Séamus could tell, his little Sibéal was more like to hate this boy than like.  He reminded the vulpine of Caesar actually, when he regarded him.  Different species altogther of course and he doubted the pup was a demon of any kind.  All the more pity, the faerie mused.  The endfield huffed, ears flicking. "Learnin' to fight usually starts with getting your ass kicked," the irishman agreed wrly.
"a beating heart of stone" —-- Séamus Ó Faolán