Beasts of Beyond
DARK SUN - - Plot with the war god? - Printable Version

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DARK SUN - - Plot with the war god? - Luciferr - 04-10-2018

Fenrisulfr is the second eldest of Lucifer's oldest children and one of the ascendant pantheon, specifically of the sphere of war whilst his litter siblings took upon the other aspects of the famed 'four horsemen' like myths - but for now, the wolf wanders alone, his siblings missing and his father elsewhere, so the red wolf finds himself joining tanglewood bereft of his siblings easy banter and camaraderie.

Fenris whilst bearing the name, is not the norse god but of my own pantheon, the same as lucifer - though he shares similar themes, he currently resides in tanglewood and his tags are linked in his signature.

Generally anything not listed below, feel free to ask!

r!pe or anything of that sort
maiming / permanent injury
capture atm

Re: DARK SUN - - Plot with the war god? - COSMIIX - 04-10-2018

maybe close friends with these two? amu will be excited to meet another god and she's v interested in him at the moment! maybe if there chemistry is good too a possible romance??

Re: DARK SUN - - Plot with the war god? - Luciferr - 04-12-2018

Sure! Do you want a thread? im notoriously slow with private threads I'm so sorry ;-;

also sure I'd be up for that, just be aware I'm an awkward person with romance plots? Idk why I just am never sure on dialogue? might be an ace thing idk |D

Re: DARK SUN - - Plot with the war god? - COSMIIX - 04-12-2018

yes please ! nah you're fine! the same often goes for me as well because schoolwork and being busy, so no worries

gotcha and yeah I get it! though don't sweat it since I still get a bit awkward on dialogue when it comes to romance!! cx

Re: DARK SUN - - Plot with the war god? - Luciferr - 04-14-2018

alrighty! and thanks, just thought I'd warn ya on both accounts c;

I'll make the thread in a bit and @ you c: