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up to your ankles in lies ;; wt - Printable Version

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up to your ankles in lies ;; wt - ; albion - 10-01-2018

dollface gave him the task of setting up a little game, he could do that easily. a game of cards was his go-to for entertainment, and no doubt he could get even the most illiterate and unintelligent to understand a game of go-fish.

it took a while, as there were cards out in the desert. instead benny managed to make do my scratching off numbers into, exactly, one hundred fifty palm leaves. all for the sake of his girl. well... not his girl... he would think about that later.

"alright buckaroos, come see ben-man for a game of go-fish! winner gets a goodnight kiss from yours truly." the fox smirked, idly shuffling the leaves in his paws.

Re: up to your ankles in lies ;; wt - COSMIIX - 10-02-2018

Quill lumbered over with a coy grin on his maw nodding lightly as he heard Benny speaking about giving the winner a goodnight kiss, the temporary leader would nudge the other playfully as he said "Yer gonna have t'get on a fuckin' latter to even reach me, shortie." He sat down with a wag of his tail before he added in a teasing voice, his tongue sticking out to emphasize on his playfulness "Or ya can settle for kissing my ass," He had never played a game of go-fish, hell, he had always thought it had been called goldfish like those crackers but he didn't play a lot of these card games before yet he would wait with his friend for other people to come on over. Soon enough, he'd have to get his weekly task setup and well, he loved pranking others so this was going to be very fun.

Re: up to your ankles in lies ;; wt - EROS - 10-02-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]The idea of anyone giving Quill a goodnight kiss set a flame in his chest. A tinge of jealousy that if not checked could spell disaster and he had to force himself to keep his muzzle shut. Quill was not his so there was no point in him being jealous but all the same his dead gaze watched with a small measure of emotion flaring to life. He kept himself at a distance for the most part, just watching till Benny said something about the game. Casually the sha walked over, tail swaying back and forth with a slight flick of greeting as he approached the two males he was to work in tangent with. Both of them he knew although Quill maybe slightly more and so he figured that this was going to be interesting if they could get more players to come along and stop acting like hard asses for once. The pitt was ruthless but so much of it became bone dry, stagnant. A smile flexed across dark stained lips though it came off as unsettling mostly as he sat down with the both of them. "I've never played. Care to explain?"

Re: up to your ankles in lies ;; wt - guts - 10-03-2018

She had very limited knowledge on many things, simple games included. She had seen other children, ones that belonged to her masters, play games, but that was about where her experience ended. Still, she didn't want anyone here to know that. Luckily Valkyr had already asked what she wanted to, so she felt a rush of relief, a smile on her face as she took a seat and glanced at those who would be playing. The idea of getting a goodnight kiss definitely boosted her want to win, the image of him giving something like that to someone else stirring a feeling in her stomach that she didn't like. Hopefully luck would be on her side.

Eyeing the make-shift cards Benny had made, she felt her chest swell, glad that he had put it all together just for her sake. The clan's, rather. She shook her head, mentally correcting herself.