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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was fucking tired. Sick of it all. He was one to keep his composure when things became troubled, when the seas of life became rougher and harder to navigate but there were things that were connected so closely to him that it was hard for him to keep a steady mind. Capturement of his crewmates and especially of one of his children. If someone believed he was just going to sit back and not do anything, they were dead fucking wrong and already he was craving to sink his teeth into whoever had taken his child. For a long time now, he was craving bloodlust and the energy that spiked inside him was no longer hidden beneath a sheet of cool exterior as the male stormed out of the submarine, slamming the door closed with a heavy gust of wind as the demigod's entire spike was bristling.

The dark gray stripe bristling with rage as the wildcat headed to the center of the base, intense icicle for eyes narrowing as he snarled "I'm sick and tired of those fucking Pitt stains taking out people so we are going to raid the fuck out of them. There will be two parts to this raid. The first group will be the chaos bringers so if you want to cause a commotion and get their attention, state your interest. The second group will be the rescue group and we will be heading in from the opposite side of the territory while the first group draws most of the Pitt members away. Get your weapons and armor or whatever, just get ready and wear coal dust over your pelt to cover our scent." Pincher pushed some bags forward that were filled with coal and even grabbed a pawful to rub some against his flank although his unsheathed claws were forced to slide back as the immortal forced himself to at least remain somewhat calm during the moment. Rage was blinding and he needed to remain focused to not let their rescue mission fail.


Luca had spent the last few hours wandering in circles, brow furrowed and claws hissing against the floor of the base. He had been waiting for the announcement for a while, itching to dig his ember-coated claws into the bodies of the Pittians that thought they could take Luca's loved ones away from him. He didnt have many as things were, so it was unacceptable that they'd be captured. Especially since he knew that it was his fault. That thought was the one that finally stopped his circling, causing the demon to sway to a halt. He chewed on his lower lip, his good eye staring at the ground as he tried to stomach the soul crushing guilt. If he hadnt let his guard down and allowed his seal to break, then maybe Goldie and Junji would have been able to fight off their captors. Without him around, there was a possibility that they would have been fine, and knowing that was almost too heavy a burden to bear.

Pincher's approaching presence was impossible for him to miss. Luca finally looked up as the Captain drew near, taking in the icy resolve that had surrounded him. It looked like they were finally going to take action. He listened intently to his superior's words, weighing his options for a moment or two. Of course a big part of him, the angry one that lusted for blood, was immediately drawn to the role of chaos bringer. In any other circumstance it was definitely the one he'd go for, but he knew that this time he had to choose the alternative. He almost felt guilty for thinking it, but Junji was his top priority. Goldie was very close behind, of course, but he had all but forgotten the other captured member. What was her name, Keona? Luca didn't have much need for the ones he never interacted with. "I'll be in the rescue group." His words were quiet as he messed with the pouch at his side, counting the small knives thar he kept there. All he had ro do now was wait for the battle to begin. He'd see them again soon.

Re: HEAVEN SENT — RAID PREPARATIONS - Kian. - 10-03-2018

So bring on all the monsters, That lie sleeping in the blue
I'll fight 'em all bare handed, Screaming I ain't scared of you
It was a clear choice for a father.  Keona was his only priority.  Although it made him wary, he knew his twin was already within the borders of the Pitt, a fact he had not made known to anyone else. A spy.  His brother always did enjoy sneaking endeavors.  The faerie could only hope it meant his only child was in more safety than she would be all alone.  It was bad enough she was being held within the rotten slaver clan.  If he ever found the Pittian who took her, he'd kill them.  Simple as that.  No one messed with his family.  While his twin had rushed off in vegence and plans of deception, Kian had decided to bide his time, prepare for an actual assult.  It hurt, knowing that meant he did not know if she was okay for a longer period of time, but he was not his brother.

Now the time had come.  He had to find a way to send a message to his brother, he supposed, least he gets caught in the crossfire on surprise.

"Same here," the feline called after Luca, his sea-green eyes icy with resolve.  Like his crewmate, Kian only truly cared for one of the captives. Goldie was a sweet girl, but she wasn't his girl.  Junji he barely knew.  He plans on helping them too, if he can.  The Pitt should not have taken any of their crew.  Now they were going to pay.  In blood.  Most especially, he wanted them to suffer for Keona.
typhoon | rusty spotted cat | #faesquad |
© madi


Quite honestly, Caesar had no care for the Crewmates that were captured by the Pittians. No, what mattered to him here was the fact that there was a raid going on. "I'll be in the first group." The demon stated simply as he came over. What, do you really expect him to go rescue people he barely cared about? No, his specialty was absolutely causing a commotion.


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]It had taken a while for the pirates to show up and heed their leader's call as soon as a raid was mentioned. Feliks had been seated a little ways away, content with his role to play in the upcoming rescue and watching as the others sluggishly approached. Was it apathy that drove them to such lack of intrigue? Or was it the pirates playing poser and cowering as soon as real danger reared its head? Either was a distinct possibility, and either caused emerald eyes to narrow just slightly in disapproval. Feliks didn't care too much either, seeing the raid as a means to bite back against slavers as opposed to rescuing anyone, but he wasn't someone who intended to lead them one day. Any of these bastards could take Pincher's place, and all of them would let their clan be scorched in hellfire if they could at least rule over the ashes. Nostrils flared, talons scraping across soft earth as he pulled himself up to a standing position. Seemed like he'd have to get these petty bastard's asses in check. "Shit, four of us are really gonna be able to teach these guys a lesson, I'm shaking out of my lion paws thinking about the impact three kittens, a puppy and a bird can do. Wake the fuck up everyone! We got shit to do!". Though it sounded like it hurt to scream as loud as he did, Feliks made sure to drown out Pincher's dynamics to try and get some more attention to this important business.

Re: HEAVEN SENT — RAID PREPARATIONS - Luciferr - 10-05-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"Five Feliks, or did you forget the friendly neighbourhood dragon" he idly called with a snort that had no heat but merely something akin t banter while they awaited more to show up.

/short af sorry + I'll throw Alek in the rescue raid if u like, I'll post w him on this thread after someone posts below luci.


Re: HEAVEN SENT — RAID PREPARATIONS - Felibri - 10-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Prancing after Lucifer, the slender African wild dog approached, her curved ears swiveling every which way. Ragnild sat down right next to the dragon, whom she still saw as her best bet for survival. Besides that, she barely knew everyone else here. She guessed the big wildcat making the announcements was the alpha, but the strange bird lion creature seemed to act with authority as well.

Ragnild’s white-tipped tail whisked across the ground as she straightened up and made an offer. ”I will go with the first group!” Of course, she did not know these people, but the Typhoon was her pack now. And she was taught to never leave a packmate behind if she could help it.