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It's your reflection // return // in the glass - Printable Version

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It's your reflection // return // in the glass - jacob w.c. - 10-01-2018

Jacob hated destiny. Jacob hated dying. He didn't know exactly how long it'd been since he dragged himself here, begging to see Pincher but ultimately bleeding out before ever seeing hte ma. He had no concept of how much time had passed but he could only hope he wasn't too late. What was important was the people that threatened his family were gone and they were all safe. Nothing else mattered, though he would like to come back and see things as he mostly remembered them. His heart ached. He could remember what happened before he died, but he suppressed the memories. He didn't matter right now. While Jacob Wickliff could be accused of sometimes being cowardly, being too slow to act, being too forgiving and too trusting, most wouldn't describe him as selfish. He did all he could for his friends and family bu, still, sometimes that wasn't enough. This was often taken to unhealthy degrees but Jacob didn't care. He just wanted everything to be like it was.

He wanted to be married to his husband, to love his children, to give out lots of sweaters and pasta. That was all he wanted. He didn't care if he was some sort of sorcerer meant for a higher calling. His calling was living with his husband, making sweaters, eating pasta, and that was all. There was nothing beyond that. At least he hoped not. The universe had a way of throwing that back on him but that didn't mean he would stop trying. He was persistent, at the very least.

He wasn't sure what happened but he woke up in the submarine. He woke with a start, sitting up quickly and gasping. his paw flinging to his chest but only meeting the soft fabric of a bright yellow sweater. Where was he? His eyes darted wildly in his head but he soon relaxed when he saw he was home. He couldn't claim to know how or why he was here, but he was. He vaguely remembered something about Pincher. Something very important that someone had told him while he was dead. He wasn't in any immediate danger, though. So what could it have been? Pincher very well could be the danger. That thought made him smile. He missed him. He missed Goldie. He never even got to meet any of his own kids. Slowly, he got up. He winced. He had hoped dying would take care of his legs but that didn't seem to be the case. The universe was not that merciful. That was alright, he could accept one miracle. 

He rose from his dead and made his way out. He wasn't sure why, but there had been a rubber duck in the blanket he'd been sitting on. What a perfect gift to give Pincher on his first day back. Maybe the universe was more full of miracles than he thought. "Deniz? Goldie?" The man called, hoping that either of them would be around. He glanced down to his body once again. How could the wounds just be gone? Maybe it was better not to think of it. He wondered if he had scars from what had happened before he died. No, that wasn't important. No more of that. No more. He couldn't bear it.

Re: It's your reflection // return // in the glass - bubblegum - 10-01-2018

Re: It's your reflection // return // in the glass - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-03-2018

Caesar honestly liked the feeling of death and the way wounds caused his body to grow numb. But that was because he knew he could avoid it by possessing another body at the last second, before the body succumbed to death. The demon was a masochist, to put it lightly, so he found joy in getting hurt and if he died due to his wounds, so be it. However, destiny? Destiny was absolutely something the creature believed in. Hell, he believed it had been his 'destiny' to destroy his Home Dimension, especially considering the Shaman had a vision of him doing so.

Caesar had learned of Jacob's death after not knowing where the canine had disappeared to, though he didn't particularly care whether or not Jacob died or just vanished into thin air. To say he and Jacob had a rocky relationship was an understatement; the Officer hated him and he was sure Jacob hated him. Hell, Jacob seemed to mock him with the fact that he was Pincher's boy toy. Even when the bastard lead Snowbound, he acted like he was all high-and-mighty due to the fact he was dating Pincher and Caesar hated how he got punished for attacking Atbash like he did. If Pincher wasn't dating this little pacifist shit, Caesar was sure he would have gotten off Scot-free.

"You're back." Caesar's words were harsh and cold as he spoke, watching as Goldenluxury went off and tried to hug Jacob. There was a scowl on the feline's face and his tail tip twitched irritably. "You're not going to abandon your kids and husband again, are you?" He hissed out the word 'husband', almost as if he was trying to get at Jacob.

Re: It's your reflection // return // in the glass - OWEN. - 10-04-2018

"What's going on, guys?" Came the sound of Owen's low rumble as the indominus rex moved towards the group, head lowered to take in the scents around him. Jacob was back? God, Pincher was going to have a fit.. Or would he be happy? Owen didn't really know, to be honest. "Is this a good thing that Jacob is back, man?" The dinosaur softly muttered to Caesar, his right scarred, blind eye moving to face the bright yellow feline for an answer. His tail swayed calmly behind him, waiting for any bad movements. If this was n imposter, he could eat them. Or feed him to his girls. Either way, he could do something.


Re: It's your reflection // return // in the glass - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-04-2018

It was hard to miss a dinosaur walking about and Owen was no different. As the large reptile made his way over, Caesar looked up at him and gave a snort at his question. "Depends on how you look at it." He responded with a shrug. "I don't particularly enjoy him, but Pincher and Goldenluxury do."