Beasts of Beyond
AMAZING - open; BONFIRE - Printable Version

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AMAZING - open; BONFIRE - EROS - 10-01-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]It had been burning for a while now, burning and burning, reaching for the sky in defiance of ever being snuffed out again. The male watched it as it curled and licked, spat up embers as the sun began to slowly fade down behind the horizon. Really, he had no means to understand what others would do at a bonfire. Cook things perhaps. Tell stories of things that had come to pass? The male sighed a little as he backed up from the warmth of the flames and at least he had made sure it couldn't escape with how deep the pit was. Humming lightly he had set up some prickly pear fruit for some to enjoy and even the corpse of some hares and desert deer though the blood was missing from the bodies oddly enough. In his paw he held a jar of the stuff. It was slightly watered down to keep the blood from congealing but he was hungry and though he hated the test of prey blood it was going to have to do for the time being. Clearing his throat a little the temporary leader would lift his pink marble hued eyes up, the emotionlessness in them rather obvious to see. "Does anyone want to tell any stories? Or start any competitions? I would presume we go to the Ascendants tonight and try to take some of their water. News has it that their leader isn't leader anymore and someone new has taken the reigns."

Re: AMAZING - open; BONFIRE - COSMIIX - 10-01-2018

Quill never seemed to be far from Valkyr nowadays, the two of them brushing against one another's flanks yet the direhound still had mixed feelings about the former slave. Sometimes, he would look to the other and feel an ache at his chest where the scar was though he ignored it for the most part since he thought nothing of it. The smell of charcoal was enough to bring the striped hound forward with both his ears perked forward at the sound of the bonfire crackling into the silent night. His mixed gaze immediately locked onto his co-leader, the temporary leader never felt this kind of power before and it was certainly overwhelming yet the young man decided not to overthink any of it for his own good. He took note of the carcasses of prey animals and how Valkyr was holding onto a jar for some odd reason, the jar itself made him wary even if he didn't have a clue as to why he felt that way. He breathed out into the cool desert night not uttering much of a word from his jaws, he would take a grip onto one of the hares not taking much of a moment to savor it as he swallowed it whole soon finding a place next to Valkyr only to speak with a slow nod "That would be a good idea, maybe we can return the favor by raiding them. Kick their asses and shit. I'd take a small patrol but I'm not sure yet. . ." He blinked adding in a quieter voice as his tail thumped against the ground with a shake of his head "I'm still all so new to this," This was spoken so quietly that only the sha creature would only hear. He would spread his legs out until he was laying on his belly staring at the bonfire as its flames danced.

Re: AMAZING - open; BONFIRE - HISOKA - 10-03-2018

Hisoka was next to arrive, for no particular ryme or reason. The kitsune had his own agenda, and many things liked to keep it secretive. Picking out certain clanmates and dissecting their character, finding weaknesses within their morality and bend it. But The pitt had offered a free ticket of this; for the seemingly endless amount of enemies that hisoka now had- he did not bother much of his now known "allies" and of a kind has yet to be bothered. It was a rare and valued relationship that hisoka favored, no one tried to apprach him and pester him with meaningless questions. And mostly left alone. It was refreshing, it was like living as a loner except for the grantee that you weren't alone.

Hisoka tended to avoid fire, not necessarily out of fear or weariness. He just didn't like it. Foxes - kitsunes especially tend to favor their foxfire- it was a common element to them- and thus hisoka didn't have it. Had no manner to control fire beyond the limits of wind. Fire needed air to breathe- like any living thing, but what he did could commonly be mistaken for foxfire- he tended to avoid it on a principal of that. Labels were another thing he tended to avoid, and common- hisoka was everything but. This one has been seemingly burning for a while, and even he- with all his measurable patience was curious to who had started it.

Amung the sands hisoka was a white beacon without light. Red tipped tails dipping in and out of the same flat plane as he neared the pair. Gold eyes watched the two for a moment before he approached, one golden-pierced  ear flicked in response to the conversation as the dweller tested his words before speaking. "would it be wise to wait for the surprise of night, or strike before they have time to build a solid defense with their new leader?" Hisoka's question was an offer into the conversation- truly not catching the last of quill's last words.