Beasts of Beyond
❝ avid ❞ ┊open + joining - Printable Version

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❝ avid ❞ ┊open + joining - drachen - 10-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"] The salty tang of the ocean coated the tongue of a creature from a different world, umber lips curling up in tilted grin as calls of gulls filled keen ears. Small, white wooden boat rocking as waves pull it closer and closer to the incoming beach, contentment and relief settling in weary bones tired of drifting in the vast sea. A journey over until the time comes to leave. Pointed ears swivel forward with a faint sigh while observant hazel eyes sweep across the empty beach of a territory unknown to them. Flickers of various souls catching the attention of the vagabond immortal cause interest and excitement to tickle the mocha hued savannah. New start in a location she would come to remember and releases a thoughtful hum. The wonders of those that resided here would be enough to quench the thirst for knowledge until she deemed enough.

Long whiskers quiver and shifted in the gently rocking boat before standing up, tail lazily moving back in forth as muscles tensed while the lean feline crouched, jaws grasping the thick rock beneath her feet. Best pull it to shore now, hm? Muscles uncoil the second DXCIII launched out of said boat and into the water, and their body twitches as the sudden coldness and churned feet to surface with a small gasp and a shake of the head. Teeth sink into the thick rope between them and began the path of bringing it to the vacant shoreline. Within a timely manner, DXCIII’s feet touch sand and slowly brings the boat onto the sand inch by inch until half out of the chilly water. Satisfied, the mocha savannah gives herself several shakes to dry out her fur, thankful for the Sun’s rays to help the process of drying go a bit faster.

"'ey! Anyone wanna come say hello? I know you’re out there. I can see ya."

Deep and raspy come the words of the newcomer whilst retrieving her satchel and turns relaxed facial features in the direction the mountains beyond the forested area, then towards the wharf with a silent curse of not ending up there instead. Oh well.

    "Name’s DXCIII and ‘m here to stay for a bit, if that’s fine with ya."

Re: ❝ avid ❞ ┊open + joining - body - 10-01-2018

[size=10pt]If DXCIII was expecting a welcoming committee, this definitely isn't it. Tailed by his foaming-at-the-mouth dog, Jaws approaches her with a none too impressed look. Who can possibly be so... optimistic this early in the morning? Or late in the afternoon, whatever time it is. "Yer here to stay?" the pigeon asks. "Neat." He doesn't exactly have the authority to welcome her or turn her away, as far as he knows. He's not sure he should even still be here, but no one's chased him out yet, so he'll stick around until then.

"...didja come here by boat?" That's a new one. Jaws usually just flies everywhere, or rides on his canine companion's back until they end up somewhere interesting. He's never seen a cat come by boat before. "You build it yerself? Didn't know anyone was capable of somethin' like that. I must really be out of the loop." She does look a bit soaked, though. Maybe that boat didn't work so well. "Name's Jaws, and doggy back there I call Cuddles. Don't look 'im in the eye. He don't like it." He laughs as if it's funny, but he means it. Cuddles, despite the cutesy pet name, is not all sunshine and roses. In fact, it would appear that the great dane is on the prowl for fresh meat more than anything else. "I'm a tourist, so I can't officially welcome you. At least I don't think."

Re: ❝ avid ❞ ┊open + joining - PIERCE - 10-02-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — 'cause i love you's not enough, i'm lost for words
Pierce had been doing his best to be around more often lately- he'd kind of disappeared for a couple days, and he felt pretty bad about it. After all, it was his job to be around and active and help Marina with whatever she may need, and he was going to do his damned best at that job. Without it, what even was he? A father, he supposed, but that was about it, and with Clementine getting older, he needed another purpose in his life to keep himself from going crazy. So, this was going to have to do.

Pierce approached shortly after Jaws, a bright smile upon freckled features. "Hey!" he greeted as he neared, tone warm, as usual. This person was pretty cool-looking, and they had a really cool name, too. He hoped they were nice, and they had yet to say anything that would indicate them being an asshole, which was good. "It's nice to meet you. You're really pretty!" Leave it to Pierce to find something to compliment on literally every single person he met. "I'm Pierce Parker- you're welcome to stay with us for as long as you want! Is there anything you might want help with?" He'd be glad to assist them with anything- finding a home, a tour of the territory, hell, even a run-through of the clan's ranks and traditions; whatever he could do to help.


Re: ❝ avid ❞ ┊open + joining - rhosmari - 10-02-2018

Voices broke through the haze of a night that the leader hardly remembered, bottles had been settled around her form and she groaned inwardly as she body slowly rolled over. She'd been roaching apparently and her paw pushed a few empty bottles away from her as she closed her eyes against any light that dared invade. Ugh.... What had she even been doing last night? Her eyes peeked open for a moment and she sighed, mouth feeling like cotton and her head was ringing a bit. Did her bad habit come back? The woman didn't know and she decided to ignore it for the moment as more voices that rattled her head came floating forward. Something about a boat and... what? Pushing herself to her paws she felt her stomach roll and her mouth clenched on a cough that surely would have made her vomit as she began to slowly but surely walk in that direction. Her eyes of gleaming green shifted over the two familiar faces. One of Jaws and his companion and then there was Pierce as well. But there was a feline that was standing by a boat. Her forked tongue flicked out to swipe along her jaws just to try and wet them before she gave up. Really, what she wanted to do was go lay down and sleep for a longer period of time.

It wouldn't be so bad she was sure of it and she shook her head as she stepped over to the newly forming group. "Oi there, ya came by sea. Do ya do any swimmin?" She asked curiously with a heavy rasp to her voice that usually wasn't there. It was cause of how bone dry her mouth was right now and she cleared her throat in vain to try and at least speak again. Though at this point she was squinting at everything and the mutated coffee cream canine couldn't help but be exasperated at herself. Ain't a leader suppose to be all princely like? Well, apparently that wasn't her today and she sat down with a huff before lifting a paw up to lightly rub at the side of her muzzle. "If ya want tae live here that's all good and dandy by me. The name's Marina but ya can call me M if ya want or Monroe. Don't make a difference tae me. Welcome tae Sunhaven, home of the merchants."
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: ❝ avid ❞ ┊open + joining - drachen - 10-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Optimism keeps spirits high as to not dwell on the crushing reality of life itself; well, for those willing to life low spirits, that is. Whiskers quiver as the distant aura of others draw near after the call, the first two showing one larger and the other quite small, making sense when they come into view. A potentially rabid canine with a pigeon in company. Quite the pair to witness and mulls it over as the bird begins to speak. An inquiry of her stay followed up by a "neat" in the process and allows a small smile spread across umber lips. Head cocks to the side at the next question addressing the means of which she arrived by.

"No, I just was just luggin' a giant pile of wood 'round for fun." Hazel eyes glimmer in amusement. "Yea, I came by boat. Her name's Queen Isabella."

A paw strokes the side of the pale boat in a tender fashion, ears swiveling in Jaws' direction as he spews more words. "Yea. Took a couple of tries, though. Fourth time's the charm, in this case." DXCIII's gaze slides back to the pigeon with a short huff. "Anyone is capable of anythin', nilmo. Don't underestimate ya self or others." A dangerous way of thinking. Then comes the introduction at last and nods in acknowledgement on the part of not looking the Great Dane in the eyes. A warning to heed. "Pleasure. Jaws." Eyes are quick to cast down and nod to the dog. "Cuddles." Faint is the hum at the mention of being a tourist and unable to officially welcome her in. That's fine– better to have someone come and say hello then avoid her all together.

As luck would have it, another arrives to the scene with a warm greeting and puts all focus on the new face. Umber lips twitch and curl into a bright smile at the compliment with a brief, soft rumble in the chest. Someone with spark was always a nice experience. Paws shift to bring the mocha hued savannah closer to the trio, an occasional glance toward Queen Isabella, and pauses after she deems to be close enough.

"Quite the welcomer, aren't ya? Ya not bad ya self– a handsome young man." A light chuckle bubbles in the throat. "Thank you, Pierce. For allowing me to stay and the welcome. I love to explore and learn on the way. I'll let ya know if I need somethin', melda."

Nostrils flare at the distant scent of alcohol and another the size of Cuddles, yet much bigger, to join the small gang. The air of confidence with movements slow yet casual gave some indication of what the immortal guessed her to be.

"Yea, a lot where I came from. Spent part time in the water and part time on land. Both are equally nice, in my opinion." A light shrug. Pupils narrow ever so slightly in thought as her head turns to look at her satchel. Then the twin tailed canine launches into acceptance of DXCIII's stay with her own name, and a couple others, with the cherry on top of the name of the place.

"A delight and pleasure, Marina. I hope to do some good in Sunhaven."

A paw rummages through the dusty brown satchel to pull out some ginger and presenting it to the other. "Will help some and a nap too."