Beasts of Beyond
SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - Printable Version

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SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - Luca - 10-01-2018

[okay so first some quick ooc notes! i got permission from grey, space and tricky to include their characters in this post. baku's going to be in a coma for a few weeks because grey has exams, so don't worry about that. basically it's just luca transforming into his monster form and going wild. he's 10ft tall and 19ft long btw (also sorry this is super rushed its 4:20 in the morning and i wanted to get it out)]

Pain. It wasn't a pleasant thing to wake up to, even for someone like Luca, who had managed to convince himself years ago that he was into that sort of thing. It still inspired the same sort of panic when unexpected, the same pounding of the heart, the cold feeling that formed in one's stomach. Perhaps it was understandable, then, why Luca was so distraught to wake to the sensation of unnaturally sharp teeth digging into his paw. His eyelids shot up in time with his heart-rate, although the black tar that dripped over his face masked his assailant from view. It would have been alarming regardless of where he was being attacked, but Luca had always been particularly protective of his left paw. The black tattoo that lay there, the one that had lately taken to pulsing and glowing to the beat of his heart, seemed to be extremely important to the delicate hellhound. Even without his sight, the sudden burning of his soul told him that the damage had been done. "Wha- who!?" he tried to spit out as he yanked his paw backwards, but viscous black liquid was already bubbling from his throat. Perhaps tearing his paw backwards wasn't the smartest idea. Faintly he could hear the tearing of flesh, his flesh, but it was drowned out by another noise. A horrible, disgustingly familiar noise.


Immediately he screamed, a shrill and primal noise muffled only by the corruption that clogged his throat. The black ring that surrounded his paw flashed briefly with white light, and then it was gone, leaving only pulsing black veins in it's place. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" The words were inaudible, yet audible at the same time, and echo in the minds of anyone in earshot. The darkness spread up his arm and then across his body, bringing with it an unnatural swelling and rearranging of his limbs. He stumbled backwards, distracted from his range by the burning of liquid fire in his veins, a pain that not even his fabricated masochism could save him from. He let out another anguished scream and clawed at the ground as his wings melted around him and spines sprouted from his back, his fur growing longer and sharper in some places and disappearing altogether in others, leaving leathery, ruddy skin in its place.

By now he had forgotten his assailant completely, a snarl transforming into a series of clicks as the now-blind Luca scouted out his surroundings. Hunger closed in on his mind like a bear trap, and he shook his head furiously, instantly heading towards the area that his mind told him was the most densely populated.

The first sacrifice he spotted was someone that he couldn't quite remember- feline, female. The cloud that had settled over his mind didn't allow his memories of Goldie to register as he reared onto his back legs and readied those terrible red claws of his. He would have aimed them for her head if it weren't for the sudden burst of flame to hit his side. A series of angered clicks echoed from within his throat as he turned his head towards Bakugou. The fight was over quickly, a failed attempt at rescue leaving pale limbs scattered across the beach. Luca's jaws clamped down on the Reaver again and again, and he was about to finish the short lived battle for good when he was stopped by the earth opening around them, swallowing Bakugou away from him and protecting the feline from his wrath. Luca slammed his body against the rock one, twice, and then he fell back, an ugly snarl marring his half-formed features. Cowardly, cowardly prey.

With the distraction gone he whipped back around to refocus his attention on the first feline, searching for her tiny form with the telltale noise of his echolocation. At least that fiery feline wasn't the only food option lying around.

Re: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - bubblegum - 10-01-2018

Re: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - Character Graveyard. - 10-02-2018


He can smell it and he can taste it in the air. Like a shark drawn to fish underwater, Kirishima is lured to the scene. He can't fully control himself in this body yet, he's basically half feral. He released a low growl from his throat as he arrived on the scene, his pupils turning into tiny slits. Than a familiar scent hit his nostrils. Bakugou. He allowed himself to relax, in order to search for his friend. He glanced towards the monstrous beast and he barred his teeth in anger and grief. The worst two emotions to mix. He can see the blood around Luca's mouth, though he doesn't know that the beast is actually his crewmate.


He managed to breath out, his voice quiet and pained. He quickly scrambled up the mass of earth that protected his friend, his yellow-eyes beginning to water on each corner. He can't lose anyone. Not in this world. He wasn't sure if they could come back in this world. He dug his front claws into the side of the earth that had risen up and he continued to shoot an icy glare in the beast's direction.

Re: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - JUNJI - 10-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]in the heat of midday, with humidity causing fur to stick uncomfortably to skin, the soothsayer wandered from his home and through the dense jungle to the beach. the air was thick and tense, for reasons other than the temperature. he could taste it on his tongue, feel it hanging low on the breeze, and... junji stared with wide eyes, frozen, jaw agape.

a beast rampaged on the beach, kicking up sand as he went, teeth bared for goldenluxury until a flurry of flames burst into his side. bakugou, the fiery reaver, coming to the child's rescue, only to get mauled by the feral creature. a weak cry escaped the lips of the angel as he watched in horror, paralyzed by fear, unable to do anything to help his crewmates.

as he watched with a quivering lip, the breeze carried to him a scent; faint, but all too familiar. the air tasted of strawberries and smoke, a tint of spice, and the scents curled around him and blinded his senses for a moment. "luca," he breathed. the beast—the rampaging monster—was luca. it looked nothing like him, a massive creature lacking eyes and spines jutting from his back, he wasn't luca. no, something had happened to him to make him this way. junji swallowed thickly. would he recognize him? was there any way to stop him? could they get him back?

the angel released a shaky breath, forcing his stiff limbs forward. from the ocean at their side he pulled forward a wave, aiming to splash luca once as he neared. with wings spread out at either side of him, junji came to stop some steps in front of goldie, watching the feral creature with a frightened but stern gaze. "luca." he murmured. "luca, you need to stop... please. you're hurting your crewmates." junji took a slow step forward. "your friends," another step closer, and another.

he stood almost nose to nose with the much larger being now. he could hear his heart pounding in his ears; he was afraid of further aggravating luca in this state, and though he knew well that he was in danger, he was sure in his heart that luca didn't mean for this. junji knew he wouldn't intentionally hurt him or anyone else. "we aren't going to hurt you," the feline said softly, ever so slowly reaching a paw out. come back, please.

/ retro

Re: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - Luca - 10-03-2018

He could hear the electricity crackling around him, although his one-track mind was having trouble placing exactly what the unfamiliar noise was. It was hard to understand without his sight, and he shook his head a little a huffed through bloodied jaws. And then there was the yelling. Even in his normal state, Luca despised loud noises, and Goldie's angered words were almost downed out by the enraged growl that rumbled in his throat. He didn't understand anything she was saying, and began to advance on her with fangs bared and claws glittering with specks of blood. He was almost upon the feline when the electricity finally struck him, muscles contracting as the beast recoiled. He paused for a bit, muscles buzzing, staring unseeingly at the form of the striped girl. But then, slowly, he began to move again, rage seeping into his flesh and replacing the shock. The attack was foreign to him, but that alone didn't seem to scare the creature away. His long tail dragged in the sand behind him as he reared onto his back legs, attempting to slam a front paw down and onto Goldie's body.

He would have continued his attack if it weren't for the sudden splash that struck his side, hissing against the burn he had received from Bakugou. The beast paused and slowly turned his head in the direction of Junji. There was a familiarity to the soft vanilla scent, something deep and calming that a large part of him couldn't stand to ignore. Unfortunately, that part was quickly drowned out by something even bigger. Any recognition that had begun to spark in his mind was quickly swallowed by the empty, dark hunger that had consumed him, and Junji's pleas were met with silence.

The feline was approaching, Luca could tell that much. The blanket of quiet that had fallen over him was broken by a series of clicks, the noises bouncing off Junji's form and painting a picture of him in the feral monster's mind. He turned from Goldie to fully face the angel, his jaws parting to take in more of his scent. It seemed to momentarily calm him, and he allowed the pale feline to approach. There was something bothering Luca, deep down in the parts of him that struggled beneath thick pools of liquid corruption. He couldn't quite place it, but he was getting the vague feeling that something bad would happen if he attacked this one. Caution overcame him, and he took a step back as Junji took that final one forward. Still they were close, too close. Luca could feel the heat of the other's body, hear the creature's fearful heartbeat thundering inside his skull.

It was Junji reaching out a paw that snapped Luca out of this state, rage flooding back into his body like a tidal wave and drowning any hesitance that had been brewing within him. His jaws parted further and he lunged forwards, attempting to grasp the angel's paw between his jaws. If successful he'd bite down hard, using the grip to lift him and slam him into the ground. Another round of his echolocation notified him of another presence, another animal lurking around the temporary grave of Bakugou. Luca paid no mind to him though, focusing instead on the two creatures that had angered him for now.

Re: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - bubblegum - 10-03-2018

Re: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - JUNJI - 10-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]there was something there; hesitation, caution, he could see it in the creature as he took a wary step back from him. for a moment, in the silence of it, he thought perhaps it had worked. before he could react or say anything further, jaws snapped around his outstretched paw, eliciting a frightened yelp from the angel as he was then lifted and slammed into the gritty sand.

goldie moved in, latched herself to luca's leg, cried for the feral demon to stop. junji could feel his foreleg throb, his heartbeat pulsing at the wound as blood seeped into his lovely white fur and the golden sand beneath him. tears stung his eyes and he struggled for a moment. what could he do in this situation? perhaps luca wouldn't come back from this. perhaps he would be stuck in this form, and they would have to... get rid of him.

"please," jun sobbed to him. he stretched forward again his other paw, moving to caress the cheek of the beast, still so gentle and loving despite the pain spreading through him. he closed his eyes and let the tears fall, trying his best to pull luca closer to him, wrapping his one good arm around him.

"im lying on the moon," the angel sang with a trembling voice, breathless and terrified, but he hoped it would do something. he just wanted his luca back. "my dear, i'll be there soon; it's a quiet and starry place..." he choked back a sob, grasping feebly at the demon. "t- time's we're swallowed up in space, we're here a million miles away."

junji moved to shove his face into the crook of luca's neck; wings curled forth as he attempted to wrap them around the other, encasing him, doing his best to lock him there. he wouldn't let go, he wouldn't give up. "please come back,"

Re: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - MARCELLUS - 10-04-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
What started out as a sunny and pleasant day was quick to turn sour, everything starting fine until there was a sudden rush of pain in his body, anger, rage. His claws dug into the ground and for a while he wanted nothing more than to kill and to eat. He was starving and all his thoughts could revolve around were food. As the pain warped through his body as if he had just been beaten to death, he let out a pained yell and slowly his body had been forced into the sand beneath his paws, gritting his teeth as he let out yet another yell of pure agony. Slowly he could feel his sense of humanity flooding away, all reasoning leaving his head and being replaced with nothing more than pure primal instinct. He needed to hunt, he needed to feed. Within moments what was left of Marcellus was thrown to the wind, remaining only a predator and creature that needed it's fill, mouth opening to reveal sharp jaws as he looked around wildly. All pain from his body had vanished and all that was left was his instincts that told him to kill. His voice no longer sounded sane and rather inhumane, barely making out coherent sentences and only letting out short gargled noises that had sounded as if he had salt water at the back of his throat.

His paws carried him down the shoreline and into the jungle, a snarl leaving his mouth as he churned his lips upwards. His body rammed into every nearby tree and rock possible, inwardly a sane Marcellus trying to gain back control. "Luca, stop!" A command through their mental bond that a sane Marcellus had sent. Though, the thought was nothing more than clouded by the rapid yelling in his feral mind that he needed to feed. Anger pulsed through the cheetah as he picked up his pace, breaking into a strong run as his eyes narrowed, disregarding his surroundings and barely bothering to dodge anything in his path. Quickly he was growing impatient, yowls of anger and frustration leaving his mouth until his eyes locked on a large bird in the distance. He wasted no time in bolting forwards, barely calculating any moves he would make and going straight for the bird. The bird was quick to make it's body off the ground but Marcel was even quicker, leaping up to trap the birds wing in his jaws and tug it back down into the Earth. His jaws wrapped around the birds body and he tore the carcass to pieces, pieces of the animal scattered around him as the beast had his fill. But as long as Luca wasn't satisfied, he wouldn't be either. Ready to look for another kill, Marcel took a step forward until-


Pure agony filled the feral as he allowed a loud yowl to fill the air, expressing his pain as he could feel a burning sensation on his side.

His instinct was to run.

Marcellus wasted no time in beginning to run from the scene, snarls leaving his throat as his paws carried him out of the jungle and onto the beach. People walked around him everywhere and slowly he found himself face to face with someone, turning on them quickly with his lips churned into a large snarl. Ready to leap and make the kill on his fellow member, he could feel a sudden relaxation rumble inside of him, Marcellus slowly beginning to calm down with that giving the crew member time to run away in a frantic panic. The cheetah no longer felt that rage that built up inside of him and instead was replaced by an image of Junji. This was enough time for Marcellus to come through and take back control of his body and humanity, huffing in pain as the pain taken by Bakugou and Luca's shifting into the beast had taken it's toll on him. Right now he only knew one thing and that one thing was that he desperately needed to get back to his shack and lock himself in. He would rather die than attack one of his own.

He began to move as quick as he could to his shack, racing down the shore line at a fast speed as he could slowly feel the feral's grip returning to him as Luca began to leave his calm state. "No! Please!" His desperate pleas were met and instantly he found himself in front of his shack, practically leaping inside and locking the door behind him. He could feel himself slowly slipping away, snarls occasionally leaving his mouth until finally,

he gave in to the beast once more.

Re: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - Luciferr - 10-05-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

a bolt of black flames flashed out - skimming past the beast and intended to gain its attention - as the ajws that spewed it hissed and popped with the dark lit flames.

"Leave them little brother" Luciferus rumbled, the baritone growl building up as eyes flickered to his friends and strange crew-family, before back to the beast that evened his height - wings splaying out as a threat and a strange half light in both his eyes, a glimmer of red in what was mercurial silver on the unscarred half.

he knew what it was like to lose oneself - and Luca's form brought back terrible memories.

but the typhoon didn't need two out of control immortals - you call this one brother? you let filth sully your claws s o n of mine, that you protect such creatures...we a k n e s s DisGUSTing - no

he shifted, made himself the target so the others wouldn't have to, a target that could take a beating enough t exhaust the other perhaps if you want a target for your anger little brother, one that won't break, well here I am

/if this is semi coherent im still Ill also LUCI STOP BEIN A MARTYR


Re: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - Luca - 10-10-2018

Faintly, he was aware of something clinging to his back leg. He could hear the words Goldie was yelling clearly, although none of them seemed to register. There was no sudden stop to his actions, no sign at all that he could hear her other than a subtle rippling of his spines. Her voice was familiar though, and the beast could almost sense the warm memories swirling just below the murky fog of his consciousness. The phantom smell of cupcakes swirled around his head, but then it was gone as quickly as it came, disappearing into the salty air of the beach. He grunted and shook his head ever so slightly, and then his attention was back on Junji, face staring unseeingly into the angel's as he began to talk.

Please. Somewhere deep down, Luca repeated the word. That part of him wanted to stop. He didn't want to repeat the actions that had lost him so many in the past, but regaining control once it was lost was near impossible without the proper help. The creature between his jaws reached out to brush a gentle paw against his cheek, and the demon's jaw flexed, tightening around the limb for a second before relaxing somewhat. The wantan violence from before was starting to fade. Now there was caution, confusion, although the underlying hunger remained. The taste of angelic blood on his tongue was intoxicating, but still something seemed to be holding him back. Junii's sweet voice floated around him as he drew closer, bringing Luca's bloodied face towards his body.

If one looked closely, perhaps they would see the slight slacking of the muscles around the beast's neck, the subtle drop of his head and the lowering of his spines. There was something about that voice-- that melody. Something within him was clawing and tearing at his insides, trying desperately to break free from the ocean of void and misplaced power. The angel's feathers brushed sweetly against his head, and it would no longer take a trained eye to notice the stillness that came over him. A couple of cautious clicks sounded from his throat, and his serrated teeth came free from Junji's arm.


The brushing of flames against his already burned side was less than welcomed by Luca's mind. It appeared that even Luca, who wielded flames freely in battle, was not spared from the primal fear of fire in his current state. A fierce growl spilled from his jaws and he lurched forwards, instinct driving him towards the creature closest first. His jaws opened back up and he attempted to close them around a larger portion of Junji's body, tilting his head back as if he aimed to swallow the feline whole. His back leg moved as well, stoping furiously in an attempt to get the attached Dealer off. He would deal with the new threat once these annoyances were taken care of. He would not forget his objective again: he was here to feed, nothing else.

[Mobile sobs]