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NOTHING LEFT TO SAY // COMBAT TRAINING - Roy Mustang - 04-10-2018

Bastillepaw has no idea about Roy's past, now does he? Roy couldn't help it but feel surprised when the tom decided to hand him out a task, despite the fact that Roy didn't ask for one yet. He had to admit he liked the sound of it, it reminded him of his time in the Amesterian military. But there was just one problem- Mustang actually isn't as skilled in combat now. He considered himself to be quite experienced back as his time as a human, especially in his flame alchemy. But things are different now, he's stuck in this world due to some freak transmutation accident. He's not as familiar with the animal way of combat, but he was up for the challenge.

The flame alchemist practiced earlier this morning, he woke up before the sun rose and mostly before anyone else got up. Roy knew his clanmates must have their suspicion on him, as he has shown his mistrust in them and the group. They have no idea of his situation, if they knew it would make all more sense. But he can't tell them, not yet- not until he believes he can trust them to know the truth about his past. He doesn't know how they would react to such news, and he wants to figure it out himself.

It was around afternoon, when the Sumatran tiger came padding forward, in the middle of the observatory. Mustang believes he understands the basics of their fighting- he can probably pull it off and make them think he knows it all, when he really doesn't. "Ascendants!" The tiger yelled out with a loud, militaristic authority tone, ears pinning back to his skull. "Time for some combat training- get your asses over here, stat!" He barked out the order, with a smirk across his muzzle as he thought back to his days in the military.


the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
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Bastille didn't actually need combat training, really. Echo in particular had spent his entire life traveling from group to group, learning customs and new styles of combat from them, and had a diverse set of fighting skills to pass down to Bastille. Of course, he hadn't been able to try them all out or practice with them all in this life, but since Luna became his mentor he'd been working with her on them, testing to see if he knew the practice as well as the theory. (For the most part, it came extremely naturally -- no doubt because, much as he hated to admit it, he was in some parts Echo.)

That being said, he was restless as all hell, and not much of a pacifist to begin with. He was more than happy to go through some additional exercises if it meant some matches. Besides, he should probably be supportive of... things. Pretend to be a nice, productive member of society who showed up to shit and contributed. (He was a plague on this world and himself, but he could always pretend to try to be a better person.)

"Yo," he supplied, sitting to wait idly for the others to gather. He wasn't interested in small talk, and less so in small talk with Roy of all people. 

Re: NOTHING LEFT TO SAY // COMBAT TRAINING - radeken - 04-13-2018

Combat training? Mph. Radeken wasn’t not a fighter. She’d had to do what it took to survive countless times, and meant fighting from time to time. Over scraps, land, you name it. The twin scars that staked their claim across her forehead and the raggedy quality of her right ear could verify her experience.

It was just...Radeken didn’t like fighting. Not as a result of some inner tenderness or desire to do no harm, but because she was lazy and just crafty enough that she was more accustomed to finding a different way out of trouble than baring her teeth at it. She would’ve worn so many more scars were it not for this trait.

Still, it wouldn’t hurt her to be more prepared. Radeken knew already that no amount of cleverness could get you out of every tight situation. Knew it better than she’d like. “[color=#40bf40]I’m in.” She announced, wandering closer. “[color=#40bf40]Unless you plan on yelling like that all session. Then I think I’m out.” The wolf added critically, squinting at Roy. She hoped the tone was simply to draw attention.

Re: NOTHING LEFT TO SAY // COMBAT TRAINING - Starrynight ! - 04-20-2018

//does a weird jig to revive the thread

It didn’t take much observation to figure out that Starrynight wasn’t a fighter. He didn’t enjoy it, not for fun or under necessary causes. He just wanted everyone to be happy and get along! Of course, although he didn’t want to believe it, he knew at the back of his mind that that was too much to ask for. People would fight regardless of his attempts. Eventually, he would just have to accept it- but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try his darndest in the meantime.

Starrynight had been lounging underneath the telescope, back resting on the cool carpeted ground as he stared up at the sky. A faint breeze could be felt winding it’s way through the observatory- there were no clouds aside from a few tufts skittering across the blue. It was a nice day.

Having been halfway to a doze, the Astral Seraph couldn’t help but jump at the sudden shout. Head lifting and craning, he spotted the dark form of Rou standing self-importantly a little ways off. Combat training? Why? Paws slowly made their way to the ground as he rolled over and stood up, inching over almost hesitantly as he glanced between the two. No- he wouldn’t participate, but he would watch. If anyone got hurt because of training, he would feel awful. Stepping in if it got rough would be a smart thing to do.


Re: NOTHING LEFT TO SAY // COMBAT TRAINING - Character Graveyard. - 04-21-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Fighting wasn't Luna's favorite thing, but if she needed to defend herself, she'd have to learn. So the female had wandered on over after Roy's sudden shout echoed.

A few others, aside from Roy, had shown up. Her apprentice, Radeken and Starrynight. The female walked over to Bastille and eyed Roy. "I'll participate."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: NOTHING LEFT TO SAY // COMBAT TRAINING - Roy Mustang - 04-24-2018

Roy was honestly quite shocked with the small crowd that was gathering around. Even though this clan seemed to be mostly of pacifists, he thought people here would like to learn how to defend themselves. It seemed like that wasn't the case, causing a small frown to form across his muzzle. "Wow, certainly seems like learning how to defend yourselves is one of this clan's top priorities," The flame alchemist muttered under his breath, letting out a soft sigh. He looked over at the small group, ears flattening to his skull. It certainly seemed like Bastillepaw was up to the training, as well as Radeken(despite his apparent attitude), and as well as Luna. He wasn't sure about Starry, that leader certainly seems like the number one pacifist in this clan. Starry probably doesn't like fighting, but Roy isn't going to let them sit and watch while the others train. If Starry is making their way over here, Roy will make them participate- anyway, they'll be at an even number with Starry.

"If you don't like my attitude Radeken, learn to get over it. If one day you're attacked, your enemy isn't going to treat you nicely at all." He commented with his cocky, confident smirk, his tail slowly swishing around him. "Hopefully others will arrive soon, but this number will be fine for now."

"Starrynight and Bastillepaw, I want you two to pair up and start a spar. The point of this spar is to gain experience in defending yourself, whoever pins the other first will win." He commanded with a confident tone, certainly not looking for an answer of no. He glanced at the two, before looking at Radeken and Lunafreya.

"Radeken and Lunafreya- you two pair up to spar. Same explaining as Starrynight's and Bastillepaw's." He commanded quickly after, flint claws digging into the ground.

"Remember, this is only a spar, cause no injuries to your opponents and keep those claws sheathed!"

Re: NOTHING LEFT TO SAY // COMBAT TRAINING - Starrynight ! - 04-24-2018


His unhappiness at this whole setup was apparent from the look on his face. He knew learning defense was an important and necessary skill in life. Nothing was happy and cheery, even if he wanted it to be. He knew that. That didn’t mean he had to like it, though. Perhaps he was lucky it wasn’t full-on battle practice. Then there would be a problem. Starrynight sat quietly as members slowly gathered up, figurative brows furrowed in a half-worried, half-upset look. It was an unusual expression to be worn by him.

Eventually, Roy had likely decided he was fed up with waiting, because he began to snap out more orders. The white feline’s face twisted into that of sheer disbelief and horror as the tiger ordered him to spar. ”Wait- what?” he sputtered. ”N-no! I’m just here to watch, that’s all! I’m not participating! Sorry!” The Astral Seraph stood up, taking a step back with a vigorous shake of his head. This had definitely not been his plan.


Re: NOTHING LEFT TO SAY // COMBAT TRAINING - Roy Mustang - 04-24-2018

Roy found a smirk curving across his muzzle at the reaction Starrynight was projecting, which was a reaction he had a feeling would take place. If Starrynight thought he was going to get out of this, then the Astral Seraph was out of luck. Roy wasn't going to allow Starrynight to sit back and watch- he wasn't going to let anyone sit to the side and observe. Sitting and watching won't help them, they won't get real experience that way. "No Starrynight, you came over to my combat training- no one here will be sitting to the side, watching." He said with an authoritative tone, not caring if Starrynight was the higher up in this case, as this was his combat training, meaning he makes the rules.

"I know that you're a pacifist Starrynight, but it's not a bad idea to train yourself in self defense. You're the leader of this clan, you should be participating to encourage others to learn how to defend themselves." He said with his confident tone, his tail swishing behind him as his gaze locked on the feline. "Anyways Starrynight, I'm not asking much of you. I'm asking you to spar Bastillepaw- I'm not asking you to legitimately fight him, now am I? If you can't practice against a clanmate, I'm honestly concerned for your fighting skills in the future." He finished up, green eyes narrowing with a flick of his tail.


the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="background-color: #dedfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Let's get one thing straight: Bastille did not like Roy. He thought the dude was a smug prick and entirely too shady for his liking. He had to admit that they held similar philosophies, however, and that Roy operated combat training in a fashion eerily similar to how Bast might. He too believed that everyone in the Clan should be forced to participate, if only to learn the very basics of self defense; sure, he had a much more apathetic approach and would probably let people watch to learn as well, but that was more a reflection of his own apathy. If they didn't want to fight after Bast told them to, eh - he didn't really care. They should, but he wasn't going to force them, because he didn't care that much. Still, he took no issue with Roy's "showing up means you're playing" approach.

After all, Starry more than most needed to know how to defend himself. Their leader was both a primary target and the most important member, and Bast would be damned if Starry was at a disadvantage against threats simply because he didn't care to play-fight.

As Starry and Roy bickered back and forth, Bastille was moving subtly, shifting his weight and taking a few steps to the side. His ice blue stare was locked on Starry, emotionless; he could very easily just being waiting to see what their Seraph would decide, to the outsider. In reality, his pulse was slowing down, the world going muted around him -- Bast was, inexplicably, reminded of the stealth-walker tryouts.

(He stood back, in the crowd, watching as Indigo sparred with the first few volunteers, tracking her movements and analyzing how she moved, how she fought. Echo ran a quick cross reference with the variety of styles he knew, and decided on the best one to match their fiery leader. That wasn't his best tactic, though -- no, his best tactic was surprise. The best stealth-walker would not play fair or fight clean. She wanted stealth, after all. And so Echo would show her stealth.

When she sent her most recent failure scurrying away, Echo was prepared for her. He was already in position, waiting for the moment she asked for her next pathetic challenger. He didn't give her the time to finish her sentence before he had her on the ground and pinned, taken aback.

He could smell the Tribe, felt the wash of energy coursing through him as Echo's memories blurred into his own. As Roy spoke, saying something about preparing for the future, Bastille was already moving. The bengal lunged forward in a flash, taking advantage of Starry's unbalanced posture to bowl the Seraph over from the right. His paws were already scrambling for purchase against Starry's shoulders, trying to pin them to the ground with all of the force of his impact as he breathed out through gritted teeth, "As much as I hate to admit it, Roy has a point."

Re: NOTHING LEFT TO SAY // COMBAT TRAINING - Starrynight ! - 05-01-2018


Even as Roy presented a reasonable case, Starrynight’s head continued to slowly shake from side to side in shocked disbelief. He didn’t want to fight- he couldn’t! Jaws parted, but no response could get out. Fighting could kill people- it- it could lead to permanent problems, it...

The thought of this training being held at all made his fur prickle uncomfortably. If something went wrong, then they didn’t exactly have the proper medical training or supplies to fix it. The Astral Seraph was at a loss. He shouldn’t have come over. You’re weak. His eyes widened. Had Roy said that? ”R-refusal to fight isn’t a weakness-!” The outburst was cut off as Bastille bowled him over. He had no time to react as he was suddenly on his back, pinned to the carpet by the fireball’s sturdy paws.

Momentarily, the milky feline struggled, but he didn’t know how to escape from such a hold. With his heart pulsing with panic, the body beneath Bastille’s paws swelled as it changed into a much larger creature. The transformation started out swift, but slowed, as if he were struggling to finish it. The cat was now a white tiger. Flipping onto his side, Starrynight made an attempt the make Bastille fall off while he scrambled to his larger, bulky paws. His shapeshifting was unlike the normal kind. His body could shift due to the instability of his atomic makeup, but his internal organs did not change nearly as much to make up for it. A sense of dizziness washed over him as his too-small heart struggled to pump a reduced amount of blood through his larger body. Stumbling forward, he tried to plant a paw on his Corporal to pin him down instead. His mind was screaming at him to change back. Not yet. He couldn’t do it yet. ”It’s over,” he managed hoarsely. The aura from his paws had vanished.