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review the ascendants - Printable Version

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review the ascendants - demeter - 09-30-2018


y'all already know wtf is going on. i'm looking for some feedback on the ascendants. i know there's some stuff we can improve on but i want to narrow it down so i can figure out how to fix it.
please don't hold back. drag us.

all feedback is appreciated! thank yall

Re: review the ascendants - Orion - 10-02-2018

While I do love the concept of the Ascendants, the star aesthetic (though I am a huge fan of it) within this world does not make sense when applying it to a whole clan. It seems more specific to a character rather than a whole group... if that makes sense? I find it similar to applying an undeveloped and in population (character-wise) religion to a clan without setting it properly. There is lack of interest and events seem forced. The Ascendants, while still having the star aspect(as that’s their basis), should instead focus on something else to define their group personality that isn’t just stars. What are they known for? How does the majority act? Any cliches? Things like that.

I also noticed while there’s is plenty of joiners, there are little that stay. I would focus on including others and interacting on-site through the designated chat + plotting/OOC board.

Re: review the ascendants - tikki - 10-03-2018

One of the reasons, other than muse and being busy IRL, that I left the Ascendants is because it seems as though if someone leaves for a little bit of time OOC due to something, and then get back into it, that they aren't included as much anymore, if that makes sense? It seems like cliques grow rather quickly in the clan, and although they are pretty large cliques, it can be hard to get included.

Re: review the ascendants - emil - 10-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]track

Re: review the ascendants - Florence - 10-03-2018

as somebody who has been in the ascendants her entire duration of being on the site, i can admittedly say that it’s been the one clan that i’ve never lost interest in/felt excluded from/etc. the people that make up the clan are some of the friendliest i know but it’s one of those things that you have to actively participate and be friendly and open in. it’s a two way street.

i think to benefit the clan, some more activities that are engaging and interesting may be good. it feels stagnant right now which is pretty expected given the time of the school year.

Re: review the ascendants - demeter - 10-04-2018

[size=9pt][member=1]Onion[/member] honestly, yeah, i agree with you big time. unless the ascendants consisted primarily of character born within the clan from parents who are devout to the whole star thing, it's not likely to be a largely held belief considering the majority of the clan is made of up joiners with their own backgrounds/beliefs/opinions.

at the moment i'm leaving the whole star thing as it is out of respect for the people who designed the concept, but i am working on changing their reputation from the bland "friendly and welcoming" bs to something more along the lines of chaotic goods. which sounds like its a joke because thats literally the name of the asc discord server but i'm 100% serious. right now the asc consists of a load of borderline assholes with good intentions so i'll definitely be looking to change the clan's entire description to better suit it. i'll also be working on building them up from something other than an essentially helpless proclan, considering the tension between the asc and their enemies and the multiple captures and attacks that've been going down. i don't think its realistic for them to stay as The Good Ones and not retaliate in the slightest.

[member=227]tikki[/member] the cliques issue has been something that we've been working on for a while, and while i don't think it's as much of an issue as it used to be, i do still see some problems linked with it every now and then. lately a lot of the ascendants' rpers have been super busy with irl stuff and prioritizing replying to threads centered on developing their relationship with certain characters, so other threads (e.g, building new dynamics with other characters in new threads) have kind of been put on the back burner. that being said, i am going to make it a priority not to leave any threads unreplied to and do my best to include everyone. the reputation the asc has been building of not being inclusive is something i'm definitely focusing on changing.

[member=448]Florence[/member] love u