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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]Welcome to the mass adoption of the Rosebloods! As anyone can see, our little group has been dwindling in activity, but we hope to bring in more members with this! Litters may be added or removed as time goes on, so make sure to check back a few times!

All you really need to do is fill out a form, and more likely than not, you will be accepted! Though please keep in mind that the parents of each litter reserve the right to rehome your character if you fail to remain active.

ALSO if you end up applying and joining the Rosebloods, you will receive a piece of art from [member=830]galexiux[/member] !  One for joining and one for remaining active for at least two weeks!

Joining Art Example:
Two Week Activity Art Example:

Bubonicplague is a former deputy. His biological father, adoptive father, adoptive brother and grandparents are all former leaders. The children can be between one and two years old, and will be half-demon wolves. These children will not know their father well, as he was fairly neglectful before dropping them in The Rosebloods. They can carry the surname Harbringer if they wish. Angst plots due to this are welcome. | open / open / open

Sephiroth is the Lord of the Rosebloods. These children will be five months old, and will be lions with Sephiroth's blue-green eyes with slit pupils. | closed / open / open

Jiyu is the Advisor of the Rosebloods. Her mother Capone is a former leader and her grandmother Columbine is the founder of the Rosebloods. These children will be 7 years old and domestic felines. They must carry the Simul Stamus surname. These children should be on the smaller side or suffering from an illness as Jiyu was young when they were born, and did not take care of herself. The children were also somewhat neglected emotionally. | open / open / open

Jiyu is the Advisor of the Rosebloods. Her mother Capone is a former leader and her grandmother Columbine is the founder of the Rosebloods. These children will be 5 years old and mutated domestic felines. They must carry the Simul Stamus surname. These children can have any mutations. They were born out of a surrogate litter; they are aware that Jiyu is their birth mother, but she has always been seen as an aunt. | open / open / open / open

Jiyu is the Advisor of the Rosebloods. Her mother Capone is a former leader and her grandmother Columbine is the founder of the Rosebloods. These children will be 5 years old and mutated domestic felines. They must carry the Simul Stamus surname. These children can have any mutations. Jiyu was more there for these kids than any previously. | closed / open / open / open

Jiyu is the Advisor of the Rosebloods. Her mother Capone is a former leader and her grandmother Columbine is the founder of the Rosebloods. These children will be 3 years old and mutated domestic felines. They must carry the Simul Stamus surname. These children can have any mutations. They were likely had the best upbringing of all the other children. | open / open / open

While this character bears no relations (unless you wish to have them a reincarnate), they will be an embodiment of the Four Horsemen; Death (pale aspect). They can be any age and any species. These characters will be completing the set to Talyn (War), Maekoda (Pestilence), and Ourias(Famine). While they will not be blood-related, they will view each other as family. |

Re: ROSEBLOODS MASS ADOPTION - Luciferr - 09-30-2018

[color=black]track for seein who might join my apocalypse bois :3

Re: ROSEBLOODS MASS ADOPTION - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 09-30-2018

mother track.

Re: ROSEBLOODS MASS ADOPTION - emil - 09-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]track on main

Re: ROSEBLOODS MASS ADOPTION - sephiroth - 09-30-2018

tracking for sephs babbus

Re: ROSEBLOODS MASS ADOPTION - spacey - 09-30-2018

mmm track!

Re: ROSEBLOODS MASS ADOPTION - woody - 10-01-2018

tracking on my main lol

Re: ROSEBLOODS MASS ADOPTION - raiden - 10-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;"]LITTER: npc xx npc (pestilence)
NAME: maekoda
AGE: physically five months, mentally ageless
APPEARANCE: maekoda is an albino snow leopard with big bright blue eyes. being only a child, he has clumsy large paws and a long tail he doesn't quite understand how to control. paired with short and soft, but thick water and cold resistant fur, he still has his baby fat which gives him a cute and innocent appearance. as he gets older, his white fur will start to show hints of black patterns and eyes will slowly alter from a bright blue, to a light crystal, then it's final stage of being silver with faint hints of the previously noticeable blue.
PERSONALITY: koda's personality (as of right now anyways) could best be described as cute and innocent. he is a friendly character with a positive outlook on life and a genuinely curious one at that. he is very slow to anger, making it very hard to truly upset him and his patience seems boundless. of course, he does lose his temper but that's a one in a million chance. a swift way, however, would be to say bad things about his siblings or do anything remotely disheartening to them. he's stupidly protective of them and isn't afraid to show it. however, it will be more concealed as he grows older but the feeling will remain the same. at first, he's weary around others he doesn't know but if they're kind to him first, he'll swiftly latch onto them and instantly become more outgoing. big blue eyes are almost always shining, taking in every bit of information - good and bad - to somehow better himself. he's not confident in his abilities and he often find it hard to speak or connect with others he genuinely wish to be in his life. he can say "i love you" carelessly to a stranger or his favourite character in a book but fumble over himself when telling it to someone he really does care about. he's selfless and lazy, but diligent in the oddest of things. he knows he has a cute face and he uses it to his advantage whenever he can, especially if it means leeching food off of another. he's yet to "unlock" his memories from past lives but at times, words of wisdom comes to him and often gives off a sense of 'an old soul in a young body' ...which is exactly the case but neither him or many others know that. he does think it's cool and weird he gets super wise and distant at times. he mostly thinks it's cool though. he has a weak immune system and most of the time, his body is unable to keep up with his charismatic, energetic and reckless behaviour as he runs rampant through life trying to figure out who he is and his purpose.
PLOTS [OPTIONAL]: 1.} as previously stated, he's an old soul in a young body. he doesn't know he's pestilence and has to sort of "claim" his rank once more. 2.} because of his weak immune system, i think it would be fun to have koda fall ill a lot, but not because he catches it from others. all known sicknesses are just stored in his body (not contagious) and his subconscious is slowly reintroducing him to the idea of being pestilence. he's going to be a sick boy until he both realizes and comes to terms with being the white rider. from allergies to strep throat, this kiddo's gonna have it all. 3.} maybe he at some point does accidentally spread a really terrible illness to another resulting in their death and he reacts badly to it, secluding themselves and growing distant as he fester in resentment for himself. then maybe his child/mortal side and his pestilence side start to fight for dominance over the body/mind and he kind of?? malfunctions?? he gets incredibly sick and starts to show symptoms of various illnesses at the same time. it'd take longer for him to get better with a shorter duration of him not being sick, a stark contrast to him usually getting sick and getting over it quickly. idk but that sounds like an interesting thing to do ig.
OTHER: 1.} only speaks around the other horsemen as he's the most comfortable around them; uses pen and paper to communicate with others (he does squeak, growl and hiss but that's as far as he goes for verbal communication). 2.} i may add more to him but this is it for now i think

Re: ROSEBLOODS MASS ADOPTION - Luciferr - 10-04-2018

[color=black]i love the pestilence bab.

Smol lil bro.

feel free to play him!


NAME: Birdcage Simul Stamus
LITTER: Jiyu X npc
GENDER: genderfluid (biologically female)
SEXUALITY: demisexual polyamorous pannromantic
APPEARANCE: a mutated domestic feline with two tails, long rabbit-like ears, a vegetarian digestive system, flowers + plants growing on their spine, and small flightless feathered wings. their fur is in shades of pastel pinks and purples, black and white, and neon blues and turquoises. Their pelt is thick and fluffy, being longer along their tails and chest, and their ears are tufted at the tops. their ears are pierced by numerous gold earrings. their markings resemble that of a husky - monochromatic grey-scale shading that covers their face, tail, spine, shoulders, and flanks - but with varying sized circles of color splashes, splattered, and freckling their cheeks, shoulders, neck, ears, wings, and tail. their flanks also have 'rib-cage' like streaks of pure white striped down them, and their spine has a solid white streak down it as well. the flowers and plants on their spine are baby's breath, oleander, and forget-me-nots. their eyes are a stunning crimson with slightly darker maroon pupils.
PERSONALITY: shy, nervous, anxious, a bit traumatized, prefers plants over people, loving, emotional, cries a lot, enjoys music
OTHER: nope