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love ain't even real // announcement + notice - Printable Version

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love ain't even real // announcement + notice - GRIMNYTE - 09-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 6px; font-family:times new roman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Esklav hadn't been feeling well lately, and it showed with the state his physical appearance was in; shadows were under his eyes, and although he could scarcely feel the pangs that would be going through his body otherwise, it was easy to figure it out with how much he had been involuntarily coughing. He was... corrupted, and it was the first time it had ever happened to him. Ever. He did not like it, but the doctor in him advised patience and medication, so that was exactly what he did. Standing at the throne where he usually held meetings, he'd begin to talk quickly enough so he could get it over with. "Everyone, if I could have your attention -" he coughed, one body-shaking hack, and his tail flicked in irritation before he continued. "- for the time being I'm going to be stepping out and handing temporary leadership over to Quill, Valkyr, and Benny. They've shown their worth and I expect them to be able to handle the group while i'm getting better. As for The Purge event, the due date will be postponed until I come back, where the winners will be announced. I'll be leaving  to my quarters, but if any of the three have anything to add, they can go ahead and do so now."

(Yo OKAY so im rlly sorry for the crappy past week guys!! i'm moving, don't know when i'll get internet, all that jazz. on top of that i won't be able to post notices on discord and the site in general for the grand majority of the time, esp tomorrow because i completely twisted my knee while helping everyone out and i might have to head to the hospital. because i want the pitt's activity to continue while i'm gone i've let goodsprings, andy, & valkyrie take over as a three-way leadership so pls treat them nicely!! peace my dudes)

Re: love ain't even real // announcement + notice - EROS - 09-30-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]The hacking coughs were the first thing that had caught the large beasts attention, tail shifting against the ground as he rose to his paws. The male lifted his head up then, eyes flicking up to look at Esklav when he came forth and began to speak. His head tilted to the side, just a simple notion of paying attention before he walked over to the are in which he was calling forth for the Pitt to listen to him. It appeared that he was handing over temporary leadership to Quill, himself, and Benny. Wait, himself? The idea was confusing and abrupt that his mind just halted on the idea. Frowning a little he allowed this to wrap around him, the concept of having the power of a leader and doing the things he wanted to. Now, no one could touch him, no matter how temporary it was and it buzzed in his mind. A strange sense of power that he hadn't had before. Shuddering a bit he blinked once and he allowed his mind to settle as he finished listening to what Esklav had to say. Indeed things were going to be interesting till Esklav recuperated and he allowed his glowing tongue to slipped between liquor stained lips to swipe along his jaws. He'd asked if they had anything to say and frankly he did. Something that was rather important. "Ah, yes. I have something important to bring up."

Rising to his paws the male would walk over toward the area in which Esklav stood, lightly brushing his pelt against the leader's in concern before he turned and looked back to the crowd of animals that had gathered. He knew they were brutish, rough, some not but those that weren't had to get used to living this life. He understood and did things to ensure his own survival in a world that wasn't fit for him to live in. "Recently it has come to our attention that our land has been attacked. Our water sources located in the desert have been tainted by a combination of herbs so it is best that you do not drink from there. Cacti are readily available. We do, however, encourage the theft of water from other groups as well as carrying water back from our previous jungle. Though stealing water is more of a challenge and might prove fun for others. We won't be able to drink from the water until it has been filtered out naturally by the sands we live in. Now, I'm sure that Quill or Benny wish to welcome to the newer faces that have arrived here in the Pitt." The canine spoke with a light tone as he stepped down to return to his former spot.

Re: love ain't even real // announcement + notice - COSMIIX - 09-30-2018

Re: love ain't even real // announcement + notice - Stryker - 10-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Surprising. Stryker didn't see Esklav as the type of man to give up, yet here he was giving power to three individuals who very much deserved it. Even so, he was unsure. The power was spread thin throughout them and would they all show the same undivided dedication to the clan as the rest did? Who knew. Without a word, the lion simply acknowledged the announcements. This was nothing new to him.

Re: love ain't even real // announcement + notice - darci - 10-01-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Levi was still new to this place. Therefore, he had yet to find a reason to care about all of this. Then again, if he was to stay here, he might as well be open to the idea of learning. The doberman stood off to the side, watching the scene before him unfold. Back in his pack, leaders did not get time outs. The only case was when the leader fell sick or was seriously injured, then, perhaps, the second-commander would step in for the time being. These lands were more... Merciful. His hazel eyes drew towards Quill and Valkyr as they spoke. "Thank you." His words were monotone, almost quiet. Levi felt a tab bit uncomfortable here, but time would allow him to relax a little.

Re: love ain't even real // announcement + notice - ; albion - 10-04-2018

boy oh boy was this something. benny wasn't sure what to think of himself when esklav had approached the three about co-leading together in his absence. he enjoyed quill's company, perhaps a bit too much. valkyr was still on the fence, though. the boy had great qualities, no doubt. though they didn't see eye to eye on some... vital things.

anyhow. that wasn't something that necessarily needed to be discussed or thought of at the moment. benny stepped up with the other two, giving a nod to them both before addressing the rest of the dwellers.

"still your warlord in th' meantime fellas. that means our bi-weekly targets are still goin'. our targets are the ascendants, i want to see more raids. captures. destruction. particularly whatever you can do to inconvenience them and cause hell, yeah?" the fox's tail curled over his paws.

"that being said, I believe we should give attention to how we approach strangers on our territory. we are not here to make allies or friends. every trespasser or stranger is to be questioned without hesitation. we've proved ourselves to be warbound folks, yet welcome with all smiles and gifts and shit. it's not exactly safe, either. we don't want potential spies in our business, and we're still getting used to our own territory as is. so, please keep that in mind for future potential joiners. don't gotta scare'em off, just be sure we know th' fuck they're doin' here."

Re: love ain't even real // announcement + notice - miss ririchiyo - 10-04-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_p0gf8uROU01v0ahz0_400.png]
[div style="text-align: center;"]"Me and Tsu can raid the Ascendants together, if you want. I'll wake that sleeping frog up." Dabi suggested in a bored tone of voice, padding over to the group and tilting his head to the side. Three leaders? Sounds like a shit show, Dabi was in. Didn't Tsuyu hate that Valkyr dude anyways?

Re: love ain't even real // announcement + notice - Stryker - 10-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  In response to Benny’s comments about their supposed friendliness, mostly directed at the situation with Regil (or whatever the fuck he was called now), Stryker offered a sigh. He, unlike his clan’s morals, was open to more people. The more on their side, the better. It seemed as if the majority disagreed with him, seeing their acceptance as weakness, but in his mind he took it as a convincing method of persuasion. Let them join, court them to your side, and use them as you please. Still, he wasn’t heartless... Stryker just thought that’s what their perspective would be after Yes-Man’s reign. After all, their former leader was always polite (for a reason he did not know) and welcoming to those that joined his rather desperate clan. It just happened to be the former leader’s daunting grin which led him to join because of The Pitt’s welcoming nature, but surprisingly, things have changed. Closed off and violent. Interesting...

With a crane of his head, the Slaver awaited more announcements to come from their temporary leaders. If they had something meaningful, they should say it now. He was quickly losing interest.