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❝ prodigia ❞ ┊storage - Printable Version

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❝ prodigia ❞ ┊storage - drachen - 09-30-2018

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❝ tags ❞ ┊dxciii - drachen - 09-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 10pt;"]— DXCIII | Abandoned real name | "Dixie" by close friends
— Female biologically; Non-binary (She/Her/They/Them)
— Biromantic bisexual | Not actively searching; might be interested
— Immortal | Spiritually and mentally ancient
— Vagabond | Location unknown | Loyal to people

— Single | Few past partners
— Polyamorous | Willing to have multiple partners once more
— No crushes | No "maybe" crushes | No future crushes
— Unknown parents | Orphaned; raised by Fae Folk

— DXCIII is well educated in the ways and language for the Fae Folk. Can speak their language fluently and keeps all secrets regarding them closely. She has the ability to tell those that are among the Fae but will never state it out loud for privacy sake; she will, however, confront such individuals in private to ensure they're doing all right.
— Knowledge is power when used and DXCIII takes this phrase to heart. Educating herself on those that brought them up and starting research on those that weren't of her kind: the mortals. Such strange and cruel yet fascinating creatures. Dixie has studied the different types of body structures and life spans of mortals, including bits of cultures and languages.
— Psychology is a subject they are constantly learning and putting together, especially personalities like psychopaths, sociopaths, and antisocial personality disorder. They have done a lot of research, studied, and observed various types of disorders and mental illnesses, and will continue to do so in this universe.
— Intrigued by non-mortals and can be seen to be hovering nearby to take notes and study them. Is so bold as to come face to face, in private, to ask questions– so, long as the other is willing to provide.

— At this time, DXCIII is a lean mocha savannah cat with hazel eyes and wears 3 gold necklaces and a gold septum ring. A dusty brown satchel is on her 24/7, containing various books and basic herbal remedies.

— DXCIII is straightforward to the point over being overly blunt and tries her best not to be intimidating or rude in the sense. It's from being inquisitive to the point of wanting to learn that they can be viewed in those ways, though doesn't mean it in the slightest. The thirst for knowledge can be off-putting for those that aren't used to someone who speaks and acts in such a manner. They mean well and are generally a laid back individual. Enjoying the littlest things and finest moments in life since it's best to live life to its fullest. WIP

— Hard mentally | Hard physically
— Will not start fights | Will end fights
— Always tries to show mercy to opponents; will kill if necessary
— Attack in bold and [member=2474]DXCIII[/member]
— Ask to capture or injure
— Fine with non-violent and peaceful powerplay

❝ timeline ❞ ┊dxciii - drachen - 10-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt;"][x] Joined Sunhaven