Beasts of Beyond
TWO STEPS FROM HELL ∆∆ JOINING - Printable Version

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TWO STEPS FROM HELL ∆∆ JOINING - Felibri - 09-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]It had been almost three weeks since the lion attack had torn apart her pack. She could still hear their cries of anguish as they were mercilessly hunted by the big cats. They had been given no rest ... each night would be interrupted by a night amush until she was the only one left.

Ragnild’s species was built for traveling. Roaming over long distances was not something she was unused to, but she had travelled so far that the lands began to not look like her home in the grasslands. She had not eaten for days and knew she would have to join up with someone, something, to create a sort of pack. That instinct still ran strong through her blood and it was hard to ignore it.

The female African wild dog had just caught a young doe and was currently tearing into it ravenously. She had chased it along the narrow strip of land that led to the volcanic island. Unknown to her, she was close to the Typhoon border, only a few meters away from where she made the kill. Perhaps, even if she was aware, Ragnild would have still continued to eat. This was her food that she had brought down after all, and she had a very poor sense of territories, being a nomad and all.

Re: TWO STEPS FROM HELL ∆∆ JOINING - Luciferr - 09-30-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

a swoop and a hushed silence in the wake of the shadow passing overhead a singular swoop of star spanning wings alighting towards and down to land ten meters away from the feasting wild dog - wide wings folding back over the rest of his body as he turned to gaze at the stranger.

one who'd seemingly poached food on their territory outside of merely invading it - hm, Ceasar would have attacked them already if the dream demon were here.

as it was the dragon inclined his head, eyes narrowing dangerously "You have 10 seconds to explain who you are and why you've invaded our territory" and likely stolen prey on our lands given the corpse - and while the dark being was nowhere near his once legendary bloodthirsty days he wasn't soft either and this was an intruder and there was a promise of threat in his voice if those reasons weren't good.


Re: TWO STEPS FROM HELL ∆∆ JOINING - suvi. - 09-30-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
The Typhoon, Suvi had grown to understand, was like... A large pack.  Of very different creatures.  Some were nice.  Some were... Not so much.  Yet they were still a unit.  They were her father's pack now, and in that way, became hers, although if one asked, if one could look into the dire wolf pup's heart, she missed her real pack.  Her elder brother and sister, and her two twin brothers.  Triplets... They were supposed to stay together weren't they, but...

No matter how much the golden-furred canine missed them, she could not cross the ocean to get back.  She wanted to be with her father anyhow.  Obviously, he had to miss them a lot, and it was the least she could do for him by staying where he'd found a home.  So the pup stayed.  Once she grew used to the strange climate, the massive trees and breeze tasting of salt, she began to explore a little more.  She began to grow more prone to wandering off from her father's side, whom she'd been previously glued to.

Today was the first time she had wandered so far into the jungle. The occasion had been brought on by accident, as a matter of fact, however, when she spotted a butterfly and dutifully chased it, until she found the end of Typhoon lands.  Her paws skidded to a halt, chocolate hues blinking up at Lucifer's massive presence, who had arrived just seconds before her.  Her fur emitted a soft, curious blue glow as she popped up behind him, locking her bright eyes on the stranger.

Her ears flicked back as she glanced up at the massive dragon, a high pitched whine building her throat.  Was the stranger dangerous? He seemed ready for a fight, though she doubted there was much the other canine could do against Lucifer.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: TWO STEPS FROM HELL ∆∆ JOINING - Felibri - 09-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Ragnild’s ears flicked back and her eyes widened as she backed away from the prey, eyeing the dragon. She had never seen anything like it. Sure, she had seen lizards before, but this creature looked more then ten times the size of the ones she saw. Forget lions, this thing meant certain death.

Or certain life. If she could team up with an animal this large, the lions would never think to attack her. The problem was that the body language of this creature seemed hostile. Her hazel eyes flickered to the yellow-ish furred young wolf who had arrived shortly after the big lizard. There was a gleam of regonition in her eyes. Although Ragnild had never seen a wolf, they looked very similar to her and she thought that she could perhaps trust them.

”I don’t think ten seconds is enough time for me to answer, sir, but I’m Ragnild, the sole survivor of my pack and I did not know animals lived here. I will give up my food ...” She trailed off ... obviously thinking she had exceeded her time limit. She couldn’t figure out a good way to ask them to join their “pack”. She was obviously not on their good side right now.

Re: TWO STEPS FROM HELL ∆∆ JOINING - Luciferr - 09-30-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

smoke billowed from his nostrils but he relaxed minutely - not an intruder then but a lost nomad, although she'd hunted onto their territory, hm - a sigh blew past daggered teeth and his gaze briefly flicked to little Suvi with a murmured greeting to her, recognising the small Faolin - though it reminded him of just who was missing, he'd need to speak to Pincher later.

his eyes followed back to the wild dog and his claws flexed idly and it was a long moment before he nodded "I believe you - you're clearly not some Pittian intruder" pittian was spat like the curse it was - and for a moment before he'd thought that she might be, cunning were those slavers - they'd taken little keona from under their noses, he couldn't risk anything else - and they were known to steal food from what their allies had been through.

"But I would warn you to take more heed of stronger scents indicating a group Ragnild - you'd save yourself the grief and misunderstandings" his wings shifted against his back and there sympathy now for what she'd lost "I take it you have been alone for quite some time then to be forgetful of such - it's no small thing to lose a home"


Re: TWO STEPS FROM HELL ∆∆ JOINING - Felibri - 09-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]To say the African wild dog was surprised was an understatment. She was taken aback at the apparent change in tone in the dragon’s voice and appearance. Ragnild was no fool however, and would use this to her advantage. It was nothing personal, but her mind was on survival mode and she had been without a home and pack for almost a month. She needed something, and the opportunity was presenting itself. She had made a mistake, but that was fine. As long as she had companionship and protection, she could thrive here. Of course, the jungle island didn’t exactly suit her tastes, because she was a runner and it’d be hard to run through this place, but this was her best bet.

”Yes, usually I’m much more aware.” Ragnild stammered. It was true. At least, during the time she had a pack. ”I ... I don’t suppose you’d mind letting me stick around? I’m a very good hunter ... er, what was your name again?” The painted wolf did wonder, privately, what he meant by Pittian. That was certainly not the name of her species and she pitied whatever species it was. To be hunted and hated by such a powerful creature must mean they live in some sort of eternal fear.

Re: TWO STEPS FROM HELL ∆∆ JOINING - darci - 10-01-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]With all of the noise and commotion, Victor was bound to show up sooner or later. The cream and ivory husky came trotting over, his tail wagging to the tune of the beat stuck inside of his head. He jested, "now, now Lucy. No need to get your feathers ruffled." Blue eyes drew towards the smaller canine, his head cocked to the side. "I don't see an issue with it. I'm Victor. It's nice to meet you." He had never seen a dog like this one before, but he was not native to where they had wild dogs. The only dogs that had back home were his fellow domestic canines and the spry wolves and lived past the old tree line.

Re: TWO STEPS FROM HELL ∆∆ JOINING - suvi. - 10-01-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
Suvi did whine quietly, hearing the stranger explain her situation.  The child's pack was simply across the ocean, not dead.  The direwolf did not have a fully-realized concept of the matter of the death, but she knew one thing for sure, it meant gone. A very permenant kind of gone.  Her mother was permenantly gone, an unfortunate pattern for every living member of the Foaláin clan.  She had a big sister however, one of two alpha of sorts.

Now her da was her alpha, as far as she was concerned, because she was here now.  Simple as that.  Of course, Pincher was the crew alpha.  The child could work with that.  Maybe Ragnild could find a place here just like Suvi did, and make them her pack too.  It would make for a much happier end to her story than wandering alone without a pack.  As such, the child smiled, her tail beginning to wag to-and-fro happily.

She did not speak, but the child would incline her head in a more formal greeting.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: TWO STEPS FROM HELL ∆∆ JOINING - Felibri - 10-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Another canid creature. This one was much older than the first wolf, and had different coloring. It still wasn’t close to hers. Ragnild wasn’t exactly expecting to see another of her species, they were quite rare already. The African wild dog leapt up and her white-tipped tail wagged wildly as she began to prance around Victor. Her hazel eyes were shining brighter than a full moon as she barked ”Thank you! Oh my gods, thank you! Do any of you want some of my deer? Is there a way we can take it back to the rest of your pack?”

It might never be the same as her natal pack, but Ragnild had learned the lesson of mother nature the hard way. She just had to hope that her luck this time around would not be foul. The painted wolf’s drive for companionship and love was too strong to resist.

Re: TWO STEPS FROM HELL ∆∆ JOINING - Luciferr - 10-10-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
well Victor had gotten in before he could reply but the dragon merely huffed and rolled a mercurial eye in amusement but nodded his head "If you want to join you of course can".

ah how to transport it? "Easy enough, I can carry it for you fine" he inclined his head intending to pick up the carcass for her before he spoke again "Lucifer Grimm - and welcome to the Typhoon"

/late af reply due to illness oof ;-;