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Rhythm and Blues // Private for now - Printable Version

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Rhythm and Blues // Private for now - CLEMENTINE P. - 09-29-2018

Clem, feeling at least somewhat better given her last month of health scares and issues, was rightfully exploring this new place she now had to call 'home'. Honestly, most of it was very nice. She had found the fresh air and the warmer weather to be quite welcome in comparison to the cold, fridgid place they had previously called home. It was much better for her health too, though the initial travel might make others think differently. She had less of a chance, perhaps, of developing some cold-related sickness. The fact was, she would always be sick. She could simply be 'less' sick depending on the circumstances.

It was hard, but Clem tried not to think about it. When she was feeling mostly alright, she tried to put her focus on nice things instead. One such thing was this new, weird object she had found. She wasn't really sure what it was, honestly, but it had this big disc in it that made scratchy sounds whenever she put the weird needle thing on top of it.

Clementine had managed to drag, push, and shove the strange contraption to a better clearing in the camp- she was left breathless after it, forcing her to pause in her investigation til now. With her now being able to take a deeper breath of air in, she poked at a crank on the back and the disc inside. Well, obviously the crank had to do something, right? Gripping her paws around it, she gave it a few good turns. Much to her surprise (Given she nearly lept back from it in shock), the scratchy sound was now replaced with smooth, upbeat music. It was a little staticy given the nature of the object, but a slow grin spread over her face at the music that filled the air. Clementine returned to the crank, turning it another handful of times so it would keep going for a few minutes before she quickly stepped around to the front of the machine, testing her paws against the beat before she was soon dancing with no company but her own, giggling and laughing as she twirled herself in circles to the jazzy tune.

//this is messy sorryy

Re: Rhythm and Blues // Private for now - JERSEYBOY - 09-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: work sans; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 3px; line-height: 1.5;"]When it came to hobbies, what would one think that Jerseyboy's were? Smoking? Drinking? Swindling people? Making trouble just for the hell of it? Most likely.

While those may or may have not been pastimes of his, one thing was for certain: music was his passion. It was practically his life. Of course, not a whole lot of people knew that. Not a whole lot of people took the time to sit down with Jerseyboy and get to know the real him ( although the "real him" was still just as much as an asshole ). They all just assumed that he was just a dirty street-rat and nothing else, and while that was partly true, the guy wasn't two-dimensional. He was just as complex as anyone else, even if he didn't let on that he was capable of expressing sympathy or vulnerability.

For the first time in a while, music reached his ears. Authentic, melodic music. From the sound of it, someone was playing it via stereo or . . . record player?

Jerseyboy watched as Pierce's daughter danced along to the music. He was surprised by the fact that these people appreciated music at all, or at least enough to possess a full-blown record player. Jersey had always resorted to CD players and such because they were more portable, but record players always seemed more . . . aesthetically pleasing. At least to him. "You got a record player, huh?" Jersey asked, an amused grin tugging at his lips. "Didja' dad get that for you?" If so, he would be genuinely impressed.

Re: Rhythm and Blues // Private for now - CLEMENTINE P. - 09-29-2018

A voice suddenly appeared behind her, making her gasp sharply in surprise as she jumped around to face the person that had approached her. He was a man, that much was certain; taller, bigger than her. He sported a snazzy looking bowtie, and he held a rather serious gaze, somewhat offset by a rebellious smirk. He looked familiar. It was likely she had seen him a time or two around camp with her improving health, but he had still caught her rather off guard. Her paws stopped, even as the music played on behind her, briefly frozen for a moment as her wide, green eyes stared up at him. Her first thought was that she was in trouble, but the grin on his face slowly made her relax. A moment later, she broke into a grin of her own as she started to giggle. Wow, she had sure been silly, hadn't she?

"No, dadd- dad didn't get it for me, I found it!" she announced proudly, her nose wiggling as she grinned broadly. Her voice had a slight bit of a wheeze to it, but if it bothered her, she didn't let it show. "I like your bowtie, mister!" she chimed suddenly as she surveyed his rather snazzy look for a moment. "It's like mine!" she added with a little giggle, wiggling the ear to which her own bright green bow was clipped in front of . "But yours looks more like you're goin' to dance on a ballroom floor or somethin- Ooh!" With Clem's thoughts racing faster than she could even stop to process them, she was quickly darting back around the record player to give it a few more cranks, before quickly prancing her way back out and grinning up at the man. "Want to dance? Come in, it'll be fun!"


Re: Rhythm and Blues // Private for now - cobblepot - 09-30-2018
