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HITCH A RIDE - open; renewal - Printable Version

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HITCH A RIDE - open; renewal - rhosmari - 09-28-2018

Serpent like eyes opened up, the green hues of them glowing sharply as a body reflexively sucked in air a little too harshly. It caused a choke and a sudden barrage of coughing as paws flailed in the air and a head dragged across the ground. The scent of the Typhoon ensnared her and she tried to calm her breathing as she snapped her heated gaze up and looked around. The jungle hid her form from view and she narrowed her gaze before her forked tongue flicked out of her mouth to swipe along her jaw. There was clear confusion in the dames eyes as she took in another breath and then another, memories swarming through her head before something clicked and her head snapped up suddenly. "What...the hell?" Her voice was low toned and smooth, vibrating against vocal cords and another wave of confusion rushed across her gaze. That didn't sound like her voice and she had to look down at herself then. Paws of cream with tan strippings made her jerk up and she sucked in a harsh breath. What had even happened? Her green gaze shifted, vertical pupils widening a bit as she pushed herself to stand up.

Alright, first thing was first. It appeared she was in the Typhoon and was no longer a feline anymore. Well, kind of an improvement not to be in that body but how did it even happened. The last thing she remembered was. Pincher. The pearls! Her paw lifted up to touch at her neck but there was nothing there, not one string of pearls was around her neck anymore and so that meant she was free. At least she hoped she was but why the sudden change of pace? Whatever had caused it she supposed she ought to be grateful to some degree least she possibly found herself cursed again. The body she was in smelled of the Typhoon as well so perhaps that would get her in and out with ease and hopefully she'd see Pincher and could thank him properly. A part of her was pretty sure she'd died some where between then and now and a frown pulled at her pale colored lips as she took a testing step forward, balancing on the balls of her pawpads. It was surreal to be so big as she'd never been anything but a feline and she could already tell that she was some type of canine. Taking another step she turned her head to the side in order to look behind herself and let out an exclamation. "What the hell?! I ain't supposed tae have two of these. Ah,...damn..." There were two of them, two tails moving independently against the ground, lightly tapping against one another. Why the hell....?
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: HITCH A RIDE - open; renewal - rhosmari - 09-30-2018

it's okay if someone recognizes her right off the bat!

Re: HITCH A RIDE - open; renewal - Luciferr - 09-30-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

"and as far as I'm concerned you shouldn't be here given the current political climate"

Lucifer's vantablack form shifts and uncurls from below the leaf-lined canopy - a shadow writhing into life in the form of far too many spines and plate formed over the pitch soul below, luminous white and red eye watching the stranger - or rather the sunhavener in stranger flesh - with a certain garnered paranoia.

they have already lost two to capturings - he was wary of losing a third to anyone else.

"what brings you here?" there is suspicion and tempered threat in the words - for as disorientated as he - she - now seems he won't let down his guard in the face of a possible threat no matter how the odds are likely to point elsewise.


Re: HITCH A RIDE - open; renewal - rhosmari - 09-30-2018

Poisonous green eyes narrow a bit as she looked up at the dragon creature that came forth and she couldn't help but make a face. Even as disorientated as she was the female was lacking the want for serious endeavors. "Yaer kinda a party pooper ain't cha." The serpenthound spoke with ease, shifting herself just slightly actively turn and face the other. Her muzzle curled slightly with disdain before she turned her gaze away and looked about the island. Ugh, she was going to be sick and she also blamed Pincher for that. Even though she was vaguely sure that it wasn't his fault that she'd found her way to another boy. Hell, he probably didn't even know that releasing her from her curse was going to kill her in the first place. Things could be worse though, her soul could have been dumb and put her in a spider or something. Funny, but not appealing. One her tails flicked and she allowed herself to take a deep breath in and she looked at the dragon once more. "What's the political climate again? I forgot like way back when. Ya know when ya raptors decided it was, ah forget it. That's so old now I ain't bringing it back up. Where's Pincher?"

Her body slowly sat down, sides heaving with a light inhale before she relaxed her form. Some may say she should be scared but really she was just tired and annoyed now. There wasn't much she wanted to so and why she was her was knowledge beyond her right now. She just was and hadn't directed herself to be here. Lifting up a paw she examined the claws with intrigue, curling them before she dropped the appendage and finally she realized she hadn't answered his second question. Oops. "I don't know. Kinda hard tae tell since I woke up here. But I'm assumin' I'm just alive again."
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: HITCH A RIDE - open; renewal - the trash man - 10-01-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]cowering behind lucifer's taller form, linux put up a "brave" face as the ivory child peered out from behind the fellow typhoon member gingerly. the kitten's overgrown tail had expanded to at least double it's normal size, and the rest of the child's sticker adorned coat follow suit. kind of like a cotton ball. but an angry, hissing cotton ball terrified of the world. "that the kinds of things a.. a,  a bad person would say! you can't fool me!" blindly linux spouted rage towards the foreign female on typhoon's land, simply for the fact that linux knew of two things: she was a member of an opposing group (not that linux knew too much on that anyways) and the girl had no idea how the foreigner had ended up on typhoon territory. was she setting up a trap? plotting the typhoon's demise? probably not. but linux's childish mind was great at coming up with fudgy stories that held little to no real-world possibilities. "what are you gonna' do to uncle pinch huh? eat him? well you'll have to eat me first!" despite the "vicious" threats leaving the child's mouth, linux moved not inch closer to marina, and instead cowered even further at the thought of being eaten.