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HOMECOMING - open; death - Printable Version

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HOMECOMING - open; death - rhosmari - 09-28-2018

Long ago the male had been cursed. Because of the way he had treated others, because of the away he bashed and harmed and took the spot light, not caring for the feelings of others. Hurting those that didn't bow down. Greed consumed and that night when she had found the pearls upon the beach she thought nothing of it. They had just been what she considered a 'gift' because who cared if they belonged to someone. But when the feline had put them on such a pain consumed her body that she couldn't help but howl out. They changed her, shifted her into something ugly and foul. Cream colored fur fell away from her body to reveal thick grey skin, her tail collapsed before reforming a tiger shark's fin and a dorsal fin on her back. The worse was the pain of her skin splitting across her neck to for the gills and when everything was set and down she was in anguish. Not because of the pain but because of the way she looked and worse of all she wasn't who she was anymore. Before anyone could see her and what a hideous creature she had become, the male now allowed the waves to carry him away. Away from his own home and into the depths of the ocean.

It had taken a lot of courage to resurface again, to be able to look his siblings in the eye as he was and he still wasn't comfortable with the idea of what had happened. So he had changed his name, taken on a whole new identity so that no one would know who he was. He'd slipped onto the shores of Sunhaven and attempted to make himself a new life and as he did that he was able to live and to grow. There were so many faces that he had met and had grown to have friendships with. He'd lived through his brother's reign over Sunhaven and it still upset him that he had never told him who he was. Nerida. The name was always there on the tip of his tongue and he wanted to tell Jericho but he held it back, never thinking that the male would actually disappear and his reign was short lived. Quantum stepped up and he just fell in line, doing what he could where he could but then it fell on his shoulders. He hadn't expected it and the secret that he kept locked inside ate at him. They didn't know the real him because he was scared to let her back out. The cursed pearls held everything in and that made him feel...better he supposed. Perhaps it was better that he didn't allow for her to be known and it was better just to be Monroe.

The night in which Pincher had come to visit him he had been complacent, allow the male to speak his mind and he had no problem with it. The idea of the Typhoon being a possible ally had been appealing but only if justice was brought forth for the murders of his clanmates. That's when the talk turned to himself and the pearls he wore around his neck. It all came spilling out, his pain and his grief. The curse that these things brought to him, how he brought it upon himself and it was shocking how he just poured his heart out to this stranger, this male whom he knew little to nothing about. Things seemed to happen so face and Pincher had moved to him, lifted the pearls off of him as if they weighed nothing and a weight seemed to lift off his shoulders. He Yet a pain settled over his mutated form and he gasped for air, for breathe that wouldn't come. Because of his mutations, because of the way he looked the pearls were the only thing keeping his body alive and functioning as it should. His heart fluttered in his chest and the image of the Typhoon leader seemed to turn sideways as he fell over and struggled to make sense of the world around him.

He didn't know where the male had gone to as the world darkened and became nothing but black and then he just ceased to breathe. Claws digging against his own chest as he sharply exhaled his last breath in this form. The male hadn't been seen since that night, and his body laid in the middle of his own home, jaws slightly parted on a heave that never happened.

Re: HOMECOMING - open; death - cougar - 09-28-2018

((sdfghjytfvby idk how to respond yet but im screa m i  n  g))

Re: HOMECOMING - open; death - buckingham barnes - 09-29-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
It's been a few days since he and Monroe traveled back from the Ascendants. In those few days, the maine coon decided to spend most of his time alone. He wanted to calm his nerves down, relapsing into that weapon doesn't leave him in a stable condition. He often feels as if he's a time bomb with the asset, and the last thing he wanted was to put his clanmates lives in danger. So, it took him a few days to finally feel comfortable enough to leave his boathouse. He wasn't about to jump back into socializing with clanmates and pretend like the asset relapse never happened, nope. He didn't explain to Monroe what that mess was, and decided that this would be the best time. Even though it was the middle of the night- it wasn't unusual for the former assassin to be awake at this time. Monroe on the other hand, he has no idea- he'll figure that out soon.

Bucky silently made his way through the sleeping town, the moonlight gleaming in his metal prosthetic. Each step the male made was with absolute silence, each paw barely putting any weight into their step. Even his metal leg, which was significantly heavier than the others, did not give away Buckingham's presence. Ears pinning back, the maine coon quickly thought of the explanation he was going to give- he's going to tell Monroe about the Asset. Or the Winter Soldier, it went by those two names. Which means unveiling his past that he wanted to keep secret. But, clearly that can't be a reality anymore, it's impossible. As he padded up to Monroe's home, the male let out a deep sigh. You can trust him. He told himself, before knocking on the door. "Hey Monroe, are you awake?" He began to speak up, really hoping he didn't wake the male, "I know this is a bad time, but I have to speak with you regarding what happened at the Ascendants border."

When he didn't hear any response on the other side of the door, others would have assumed Monroe was asleep. They would have walked away, heading back to their house to try to sleep for the rest of the night. Bucky knew he should have done that. He should have gone back to his boathouse. He should have closed his eyes and attempted to sleep, but he stayed put. The longer he waited, the more he began to feel anxiety twist in his chest. It felt uneasy and discomforting, as if something wasn't right. He wasn't able to just walk away because of it. He couldn't assume it was his tiredness talking to him, playing with his head- something does't feel right.

Not even bothering to warn Monroe of his entry, the former assassin opened the door, and walked in with an attentive gaze. The house was quiet, way too quiet for his liking. Even if Monroe was asleep in another room, Bucky would hear his soft slumber. Plus, he probably would have heard scrambling paws by now, as Bucky is technically breaking an entry. He didn't get permission to walk in, anyone would be alert to an intruder. He could even pick up Monroe's scent, the scent lead to another room, and it was fresh. There are no scents from Monroe that indicate that he left the home, even with his enhanced nose, he couldn't pick up on any. But, he did pick up on Pincher's fading scent- it too lead to the same room as Monroe's- but it also trialed out, back to the entrance and out the door. He even picked up on the fading scent while waiting for Monroe to open up, he just didn't fully realize who it belonged to until now.

Without another word, Buckingham quickly headed towards the room, the size of anxiety in his chest increasing with each passing moment. Pincher was here, and after his little visit, Monroe wouldn't answer the door. The house was hauntingly quiet, and Monroe's scent hasn't moved, unlike Pinchers. "Monroe?" Buckingham called out as he began to enter the room, his metal paw stepping in. His eyes began to scan the room, looking at every single inch of it- and then, they landed on the shark feline. His light blue eyes locked on them, pupils widening at the sight before him. Monroe was laying perfectly still on the ground, his pearl necklace was in the reflection of the moonlight from the window. "Monroe...?" He spoke again, this time with fear laced in his tone, beginning to make his way over to the still male. When Bucky picked up Monroe's fresh and Pincher's fading scent, Bucky found no signs of a fight. If Pincher choked Monroe to death, there would have been bruises all over Monroe's neck. There would be fresh wounds if Pincher slayed the Helion- the only wounds he could find were self-inflicted. Monroe's claws were still in his chest, dug in deep. It looked like they were dug in his chest for awhile now.

As he looked closer, he could see the shark feline's parted jaws, it reminded him much of what he had been trying to do when under Riza's death grip. He had been gasping and gasping for air, to the point where he nearly died from suffocation. And Monroe here- he too was trying to breathe, and wasn't as fortunate as the former assassin.

He's dead. He thought as his paws began to shake, thoughts on the Asset fading away as if they were never there. "Fuck!" The male cried out as his knees buckled, tears swelling in his eyes. "You weren't suppose to die! You weren't..." He silently wailed as his voice trailed into sob, body convulsing as tears ran down his cheeks, unable to control his emotions. While utterly devastated, the former assassin felt afraid. He was scared, what were they suppose to do? The male didn't move, staying near his late friend and leader, as the moonlight shifted onto him and Monroe's corpse.