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ROXXANNE | open, cube??? - Printable Version

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ROXXANNE | open, cube??? - COSMIIX - 04-10-2018

Ross had decided to get out more often so he did, he thought he would go find himself something to eat as he trudged through the snow wincing as his "fragile" belly kept brushing against the white snow underneath him. He had insisted that Amorette stayed in his HQ, which she did thankfully since he didn't want her getting stuck in the snow like he was at the time. He would hop a few times in an attempt to escape the grasp of the snow but he ended up tripping and rolling down the hill with a gasp escaping his jaws, just when it seemed like he would keep rolling he stopped with a soft grunt escaping him. He opened his eyes slowly his vision blurry, he began to paw around the snow for his glasses only to notice some blurred shape starting to glow vibrantly at him. He picked it up in his paws and well, it fit pretty well in his paws although, he was curious as to what it was. He used his other paw to search around some more only to finally grab onto his glasses and shoving them onto his face. His whiskers twitched as he took in the sight of a perfectly good looking cube, his eyes widened at the glowing. He found it intriguing and just when he thought of putting it back, he refused to do it almost like the cube was attached to his pawpads like a tongue on a frozen pole. He swallowed slowly rummaging through the snow a bit more only to discover a small chain, those used for necklaces. He managed to get the cube attached feeling weird the moment it hit his chest lightly, he shivered but he began to make his journey back to camp with both ears angled forward and the cube wrapped around his neck. He was unaware of its name but obviously he wasn't gonna find anything about it in simple novels.


Re: ROXXANNE | open, cube??? - london r. - 04-10-2018

The wild contained many foreign items. Lost and abandoned, they littered the landscape, hidden in the undergrowth, dirt, or in this case, snow. London had found a couple of strange objects herself, although never something quite as bizarre as a glowing cube. Though it was quite a beautiful gadget in her opinion. Though the young girl wouldn't know what to do with such a thing, perhaps use it as a decoration, but that was really the only thing that came to mind. She wouldn't even have thought of making it into an accessory, as this feline had done. Perhaps if the opportunity had presented itself to her, but London wasn't all to big on making jewelry. She'd seen her mother wear the stuff all the time, maybe that was why the thought was just saddening now.

"That's really pretty." the clouded leopard would compliment, a smile upon her soft features. She was not quite sure what had possessed her to make her randomly approach someone she hardly knew with a compliment, but the girl supposed it would be best to continue a conversation, as not to allow this exchange to get awkward. "What is it?" she girl would ask, purely out of curiosity. She had never seen anything like it before, after all. It would be good to educate herself on the item, just in case she happened to stumble upon one on one her walks. 

Re: ROXXANNE | open, cube??? - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-13-2018

Most objects could be turned into weapons if someone tried hard enough. It wasn't exactly a difficult task to be able to accomplish in a world like this where someone could manipulate the features of an object simply by using an elemental power that they had acquired over their life. Killua probably could try if he wanted to, but it would probably expend a large amount of electricity for him to be able to melt something to the point where he would be able to reform it in the end. It wasn't worth his time when he could just conjure up whatever the hell he wanted on a daily basis. The assassin hadn't exactly been around camp for various reasons. He had been avoiding others in an attempt to calm his own crazed mind after having murdered two animals in cold blood. He had made it look like an accident despite that, and Killua wanted so badly to tell others what he was going through. But Killua knew that as soon as he did it would be the biggest mistake of his life. He couldn't approach Amorette with what he had just done, as there wasn't a lot of communication that had happened between the two of them anyway. She was a robot that could only speak with beeps and chirps. The Snowseeker wasn't about to go and ask Ross for help with a translation as he didn't want the other male to know either. Bandages were wrapped around his shoulder and torso due to self-inflicted injuries, which he had made it seem like they weren't self-inflicted thanks to the story he had come up with when others had approached him at what could have possibly happen. Killua hadn't seen the domestic cat for quite a long time, actually the last time he had seen the other, he was just joining and Killua had practically interrogated him for information about why he knew his sisters name. That was all there was to it. The albino serval walked quietly through the snow when he heard a familiar voice in the distance. He felt pressure building in his chest as he realized that it was London. Damn. Would the other look at him with guilt in her eyes if he made an appearance? He sure as hell hoped not as it wasn't her fault for what had happened after all. Killua made his way over as there were scents that were intermingling with one another. Before coming across Ross with something strange arouond his neck. It also seemed a little bit large for the likes of him to be carrying around. Killua raised a nonexistent eyebrow at the male in a questioning manner, before stopping to speak. "What the heck is that?' Killua questioned as he pointed with a light pink paw at whatever the other was wearing. 
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: ROXXANNE | open, cube??? - jacob w.c. - 04-15-2018

Jscob was out on a walk, as he often was. It was strange, really, the amount that he walked when he had such trouble with his legs. He supposed there was a part of him that still hoped that if he just tried hard enough, he could still fix himself. He knew that was extremely unlikely. He was a doctor, after all, and he knew his own odd and they weren't food. In fact, they were right on the edge of being entirely impossible. Still, he wanted to make them last for as long as possible and that meant he had to be active. He couldn't feel them but that didn't mean he could let them fall into disrepair so he continued to get up every single day and continued to treat them every single day. It was hard to tell what helped and what didn't but he had to believe he was doing something right, that he wasn't just doing all of this for nothing. Since his return from the Typhoon, he hadn't been doing better either. He wasn't doing significantly worse but he took note of every new ache and pain. Even if he'd forgiven Pincher and accepted him as a friend, that didn't mean he wasn't upset about what'd been done to him by Guru. Even though the woman had paid, the thought of seeing her again made his stomach twist in both fear and anger. He could still remember her last words to him, telling him that if he didn't share what happened then she'd have done it all for nothing. So he kept his mouth shut. He didn't tell anyone about the new pains and he didn't tell anyone about the fact his insomnia and hallucinations had gotten worse. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction. Besides, he didn't want to focus on any of that anymore. He as going to get better. Even if he couldn't fix everything physically, he had to look towards the future in terms of his mental health. Even if his legs failed him, his mind didn't have to. He knew there'd still be bad days, there always were, but he couldn't stop trying.

He was pulled from these thoughts when he noticed Ross, who he'd only met on a handful of occasions, and Killua and London. As he came closer, he realized the scientist had something behind him. How was he always finding stuff like this? In any case, Jacob made his way over as fast as he could and an easy smile came to his maw, despite the fact his legs had started aching long ago. Seeing as his clanmates had already asked about what it was, he decided to speak up with a different question, "Wow, where'd ya' find tha' at? Did ya' make it or somethin'?"

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: ROXXANNE | open, cube??? - calliope - 04-17-2018

AS I STAND HERE  WAITING, WISHING, WANTING— The world was full of strange and wonderful things. Sugar would never fully understand how certain things, a glowing cube, for instance, would come into being, but she honestly didn't mind dealing without an explanation. She was just a collector, after all, and it was all the more intriguing when she could add something unexplained to her collection. A mystery just waiting to be solved was beyond exciting. Granted, she never found anything as cool as a mysterious glowing cube, but it was still something she was passionate about. Though, after not doing anything for the past few weeks, she hadn't been able to add anything to her collection. It was disappointing, but not something that was going to dampen her mood.

Thinking of the past few weeks, Sugar had actually decided to get off of her butt and do something for once. Sure, she previously had the whole injury excuse to back her up earlier, but she was all healed up and ready to go. So off she went to do something productive. That decision had actually led her to notice Ross's new accessory. She hadn't actually recognized him, though given the fact that she spent her fast few weeks in reclusion, who could really blame her? Still, it'd be cool to maybe start a conversation and learn more about that strange cube. The wolf approached the small gathering crowd, flashing a friendly smile at everyone.

"Woah, that looks super awesome!" she expressed her amazement. Seriously, how could a mysterious glowing cube not be cool? Of course, there was always the risk of said glowing cube being dangerous, but that was the least of her concern at the time. "Any idea on what it is?" she asked, still looking at the strange object curiously. She hadn't seen anything like it in person before, and she'd seen some pretty strange things. —TO TAKE OFF AND GO STAR HOPPING