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Sweet Pea // Meet & Greet - Printable Version

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Sweet Pea // Meet & Greet - CLEMENTINE P. - 09-28-2018

Clementine, in all fairness, had been in SunHaven quite a while. Her father, Peirce, had infinitely been more active than herself. Of course, she had a good reason for it. For one thing, her father was a bit of a worry-wort when it came to her health, and secondly, her health had hardly been fantastic as of late. The last month she had been mostly bed-ridden, her lungs weak and struggling with on-and-off colds and sicknesses from the changing of the weather. Though it wasn't that cold yet, being not far into the Fall season, even the shift to a few colder nights in comparison to the warmth of the summer, and being in a new place hadn't been good for her.

So, needless to say, she knew nobody, except for her father, and her face had hardly been seen around.

Clementine wasn't sure what drove her to do it first. The utter state of boredom she had found herself in after so long feeling sick and stuck in one place, or the desire to make her father happy by trying to put herself out there, even if she wasn't quite feeling 100% yet. Being in a public situation was terrifying, especially for her, but she knew she had to put her best paw forward!

...Except she wasn't even sure what her 'best paw' even was.

Regardless, the small and sickly white serval made her way slowly towards the center of camp, where the hustle of the early afternoon was far livelier than she had expected. She swallowed nervously, her paw poking at a pack of crayons and a coloring book she had brought with her, her gaze searching the crowds for any other children, or even anyone who seemed friendly. But she had no idea. Truthfully, she didn't have any idea of who these people even were. Where was her dad when she needed him?

Blinking away the silly threat of tears that perked in her eyes and clearing her little throat, her paws pat the ground in front of her as she tried to straighten herself up. "Would... Would anyone like to color with me?" she said softly, her voice still a little hoarse. Maybe she was getting a bit old for coloring books and art- Well, no, her father would certainly disagree- but she had always a sort of young mind, untouched by the reality of the world, isolated in her own den. "I-i got lots of pictures!" she added, forcing her soft, whispery voice a little louder in an attempt to be heard.

//Hey y'all! I finally found some time to spare in between college to bring Clem back c: Nice to meet you!

Re: Sweet Pea // Meet & Greet - venus - 09-28-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

albeit venus' mentality was a little insensitive, they couldn't shift the uneasy dread that should wash over them whenever the rare moments arose where the teen was bedridden with illness gripping their body. to be bedridden your whole life? that was like a never-ending nightmare venus never wanted to experience. the kitsune was just a burning furnace of wonder and curiosity that no matter how hard you shoveled in coal, soon enough the silvery teen would be begging for more to keep their sanity running. a cyclic pattern.

watching the small child in the middle of the camp, her form surrounded by various colourful crayons, the child begged of her group to join her in her colouring. quaint. venus wasn't really a stranger to art, for it had become an integral part to documenting new species that had risen from tanglewood's pollution mutating the natural fauna. but in these sketches venus only ever used shades of grey to immortalise the creature's grotesque forms. never before had venus used anything like, colour. a shame really, some colours of the species the teen had seen were beautiful - they had been reduced to a footnote. "what kinds of things are you colouring then?" peering over the child's shoulders, venus' sapphire gaze raked over the books that were lain before the ivory serval with a bemused countenance. "wow, cool. do you ever draw too? my name's venus by the way. who might you be?"

(welcome (back) to sunhaven quill!!! <3)

Re: Sweet Pea // Meet & Greet - PIERCE - 09-29-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — 'cause i love you's not enough, i'm lost for words
Understandably, given their past, Pierce was worried for Clementine during the day, when he went off to work and she opted to stay in town, or when he left early without properly notifying her. Would anyone bother her? Would she be lonely on her own? They were all fair questions, certainly, so when the sweet sound of his little girl's voice calling to color with clanmates reached his ears, he couldn't help the smile that spread over freckled features. Abandoning the task at hand for just a few minutes - he'd been trying to fix up some of the decor around the water town, as it was starting to get a little worn down -, he followed the sound of Clem's call, tail waving behind him as he approached.

Honey-dipped eyes sparkled as he made his way over, momentarily flickering in Venus, who he offered a friendly nod,'s direction. They seemed nice, from what he'd seen of them, and as long as they stayed that way, he would be incredibly grateful for them to even talk to his daughter; she was an adorable little sweetheart, but Pierce had noticed that, sometimes, kids around Venus's age preferred to steer clear of younger children. It'd never made much sense to Pierce, but he'd been friends with everybody his whole life, no matter how old or young they were. "Hey, doll," he purred, stepping a bit closer once the two finished introducing themselves. The effeminate Goldenblood placed a gentle kiss upon Clementine's cheek as he came to stand beside her, tail curling around her back leg. "How are you feeling?" It was a quietly-voiced question, cautious, even, as he didn't want to distract others from her little meet and greet, nor did he want to make her feel embarrassed, or anything like that.


Re: Sweet Pea // Meet & Greet - CLEMENTINE P. - 09-29-2018

Clemetine glanced up at the form that approached her. The girl, who had no preconception of the various types of people, offered a broad grin. This person was nice enough to approach and color with her (or so she hoped), so they deserved only the best of her cheeky little grins! Even if she had to tilt her head back to look at Venus as he loomed over her shoulder to peer at her drawings, her gaze followed his downwards to some of the open pages of the coloring book; some plain or half finished, but all rather carefully colored in and shaded. It was likely she had put quite a bit of effort into it, or perhaps just quite a bit of time. "Uhmm, just what's in the books," she answered softly after a moment, a paw lifting to nudge the bright green bow clipped near her ear back into place.

His praise of her coloring earned a soft purr and another bright grin. "I try, but I'm not so good at it yet. My da is the best at it though!" she answered with the utmost certainty, her eyes bright and almost wiggling in place in cheer, despite herself. The girl paused to clear her throat and cough faintly, acknowledging the name given before she brought herself to answer. "I'm Clementine! Do you want to color, Venus? You can take a page, I don't mind!" she added, nodding quickly as her temporary shyness melted away at the promise of a coloring buddy.

As her father approached, her attention turned upwards, as might be expected, "Hi," she answered gently at his little pet name, leaning herself into his shoulder for a moment as he sat next to her. His quiet question was further met with a small wiggle of her ears, a silent response of 'yes'. "Do you wanna color too, da?- Venus is going to color too, right Venus?"


Re: Sweet Pea // Meet & Greet - JERSEYBOY - 09-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: work sans; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 3px; line-height: 1.5;"]Well, he'll be damned.

It wasn't too hard to piece together — the physical similarities, the warm greeting, the kiss on the forehead, and even the child outright calling him "Da" ( which he could only assume was "dad" ). Pierce was a father. And the weird thing was, it looked like he was her biological parent as well. Who knew, Mr. Soft-Serve had gotten b u s y. Jerseyboy was in between amusement and surprise at the moment, but as always, he knew how to mask his emotions with his normal, obnoxious-self.

The tuxedo tom made his way over slowly, simply observing the interaction as he came up next to the elder serval. He glanced over to him and snorted quietly, "Whoa, whoa — Pierce, you got a kid?" He shook his head, returning his gaze back to Clementine. "Huh. Who knew." Kids? Kids were . . . a hit-and-miss with Jerseyboy. There were some real cute ones out there, ones that managed to worm their way into his heart. He liked playing with kids, even if he wasn't the best influence. However, he didn't want kids of his own. No way. That would require him to be responsible. That would require him to be a good role model. Anyone who knew him would say that was quite impossible.

He didn't care to introduce himself to the child. She was preoccupied with everyone else who was interacting with her, as well as drawing. Besides, he had only really been talking to Pierce, anyways.

Re: Sweet Pea // Meet & Greet - REBECCA MACK - 10-01-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
Bex hadn't seen many children around Sunhaven until just recently, and now they seemed to be popping up everywhere. Part of her was happy to see several cute little kiddos running around, but the other part of her was filled with dismay over it, because her kid wasn't here. Nevertheless, Bex was going to try her best to not let that get to her. Though hesitant, the border collie bounded up after Jerseyboy, interested in taking up on Clementine's request to color. "Yo kid, I'd like to color too, if that's okay? I promise I won't break the crayons," she woofed with a laugh, seating herself down amongst the others.

Well, she'd at least try not to break them, but she knew how easy those things liked to snap. She must admit, it was nice to be able to sit around and do something as simple as coloring. It sounded relaxing right now, and was definitely something Bex could use. "Well, I'm sure you'll be just as good as your dad at it in no time!" She assured her, offering a cheerful wag of her tail. Pierce did make some neat bracelets, so Bex had no doubt that he was talented in other aspects of art as well, and she was sure that with practice, Clem would get good at it too.

"I'm Bex, by the way," she'd add, realizing she hadn't introduced herself to the young child yet. Sunhaven was ever growing and as more members came to join, Bex found herself introducing herself more and more to new faces. Not like she was complaining though - being as outgoing and friendly as she was, it was honestly a wonderful thing.

Re: Sweet Pea // Meet & Greet - venus - 10-01-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

venus' sapphire gaze drifted again over the colouring book's designs as the child, now formally known to the kitsune as 'clementine', introduced the concept to the bewildered teen. curiosity etched into the silvery teen's features, venus glancing over to meet clementine's gaze as the girl excitedly rambled about the kinds of things she was colouring and the things that she and her dad drew. so sweet. clementine was the kind of child that made venus' sterile heart warm - to know that the next generation had hopes of being great. her passion was admirable to say the least, venus hoped she could put that passion to work in areas of the group's medical or even warfare force. but clem was so sickly, to see her try her hand in warfare almost made the kitsune pity her. "really? i'd like to see his drawings one day. and yours too." and speaking of the devil, as pierce approached it became increasingly obvious to the kitsune who exactly 'da' was. it was almost weird to think of pierce as a dad, but the pair - apart from a weird faint feeling of déjà vu - hadn't really come to know each other too well. so the realisation shouldn't be too much of a shock.

chuckling at the girl's ardent hopes for venus to join her in the colouring task, the teen had to be honest that they wouldn't even know where to begin when it came to colouring. a perfectionist; it would take the kitsune too long to ever be happy with the colours of their chosen design. if there was ever even a point that venus could be "satisfied" with. no, to clementine's dismay venus couldn't come and join the girl in colouring. however, they could be of use in other areas. "hm, i'm not that good at colouring though. how about i draw things for you to colour instead? so you don't run out of things to colour of course."

Re: Sweet Pea // Meet & Greet - rhosmari - 10-02-2018

A father and his daughter. The idea by itself made her heart ache and she frowned just a bit but the canine didn't let anyone else see. She was just thinking of Sheepherder. But then again her whole family seemed to slowly wither away from her without so much as a backwards glance. Now that she was herself again, newly renamed, they could have been a family again but she supposed that wasn't going to be happening now. A big as she was coloring wasn't something that was going to be easy for her to do. It looked like fun but with her massive paws she doubted that she would be able to effectively color without having some problems come her way. The idea was kind of funny too and she allowed herself to move from the spot where she was laying to come on over and get a good look at what was gonna be going down here. "I ain't gonna color but ya go right on ahead. I'll watch this time around." Her thick 'pirate' accent, as Stella had called it, lifted up into the air as the woman sat down. Really this was adorable and she glanced at Bex who seemed rather good with kids.

The thought made her think of Pele right away and another ache jabbed at her heart before she forced it away. This was a happy time and there was no need for being sad. But she wondered to where the young child had wandered off to. Focusing on the here and now she allowed a wistful smile to pull across her muzzle, encouraging all the same as she laid her head on large paws, curling her twin tails against her body.
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡