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` ✦ ° ┊ rock 'n roll queen ﹙ open ﹚ - Printable Version

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` ✦ ° ┊ rock 'n roll queen ﹙ open ﹚ - JERSEYBOY - 09-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: work sans; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 3px; line-height: 1.5;"]// please wait for [member=2398]YMIR[/member] !!

It was just another day in paradise, he supposed. The sun, the warmth, the vibrant buildings and streets bustling with activity. It was almost like a mini-version of the city he grew up in, only with no humans ( not to mention that it smelled a lot better here ). Jerseyboy was taking a liking to this place, and it was safe to say that he had remained here a lot longer than he had other places. He was in no hurry to go anywhere else, so why leave now?

The tuxedo tom cat was perched on one of the wooden porches, working on scrapping a chicken wing down to its ( bare bones ). Some snob would probably call the very act disgusting, but he had eaten plenty of chicken bones and he had turned out fine. On the streets, you ate what you could find. He gnawed on it, eventually stripping part of it off and nibbling on it just for the hell of it.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ rock 'n roll queen ﹙ open ﹚ - guts - 09-29-2018

Sometimes it was hard to feel the warmth. It was like her blood was cold, icy as it flowed through her, the sun wasn't even enough to warm her. But nevertheless, she was out in the sunshine, trying to soak up what she could. Plus she wanted to familiarize herself with the place she would probably be living in for a while. She saw no reason to leave any time soon, especially since she had no idea what was out there beyond the border. Everyone seemed friendly enough, too, though she had no intentions of getting buddy-buddy with any of them.

Padding along the rows of houses, Ymir was distracted by the sounds of chewing, teeth scraping against bone. She turns, recognizing the source of the noise as someone who had first greeted her when she showed up. She had never caught his name, though, and since there wasn't much else to do, she ended up padding over towards the tom and eyeing the chicken bone with an unimpressed look.

"Looks real tasty." she says with a snort. Taking a seat, she wraps her tail around her paws. "What's your name, champ?"

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ rock 'n roll queen ﹙ open ﹚ - JERSEYBOY - 09-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: work sans; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 3px; line-height: 1.5;"]The feline worked more on gnawing the strip of ivory-colored bone, chewing it and flattening it until he could manage to swallow it down. The idea of simply fetching another food item for him to munch on was out of the question by now; he had become caught in a state of absentmindedness, his olive-green hues staring idly out towards the street.

Jerseyboy had suddenly snapped back into reality when a feminine voice fell upon triangular ears. He raised his head as well as his gaze to meet that of the she-wolf, who he had recognized from the border. He took a moment to glance her [sup]up[/sup] and [sub]down, [/sub]his pink tongue rasped over his maw and swiping it clean. She wasn't just average-looking, that was for sure. She looked . . . exotic, or something like that. In a way, she was all the more a l l u r i n g to someone like him. He gave a shrug and replied, "Yeah, well, I don't like to let a perfectly good snack go to waste."

He picked up on her tone, although she had taken a seat. So, she was interested in engaging in conversation. There was no need to give up yet. Jerseyboy slightly cocked head and asked, "Did I not introduce myself when we met?" He got up to his paws, rolling the stiffness off his shoulders.

"Musta' gotten distracted." He gave a raise of his eyebrows.

After pausing for a moment to let that statement [sub]sink in,[/sub] he told her, "Name's Jerseyboy." He swiped a white paw over his ear in a cat-like fashion, an attempt to briefly groom himself ( as if he were a human running his fingers through his locks ). "Remind me of yours? Or else I'll just hafta' call ya' Sweetcheeks until I rememba'." And then, the devilish grin made its way onto his maw.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ rock 'n roll queen ﹙ open ﹚ - guts - 10-03-2018

Ymir supposed she could somewhat understand that. When she was young, food was something you didn't waste, at least not when you were living on the street. But after that, she always had a full plate of warm food, not to mention a nice place to sleep and people to listen to her every beck and call. Being worshiped hadn't been all bad. Her playful expression falters a moment, her mood nearly ruined by that simple thought, memories making her feel bitter and angry all over again. But she quickly pushes it down, forces a smile back onto her face when Jersey speaks again.

She simply rolls her eyes at his comment, though it's barely noticeable through the light coming from them, not impressed by his flirting. While other girls probably would have swooned, she was a different case. Sometimes she wondered if she was into romance at all.

"Interesting name." she quirks a brow at it, but otherwise doesn't say anything else. She had never met someone with such a name. Still, she doubted that was the weirdest thing she would encounter. There was a lot she hadn't seen yet. "It's Ymir. Better than Jerseyboy, I'd say." she huffs out through her nose, the rest of what he said seeming to roll off her shoulders. A glint of mischief did enter her eyes, however.

Giving a quick glance around, she'd shrug her shoulders lazily, tilting her head slightly. "How many girls you get with that kind of sweet-talk?"