Beasts of Beyond
top of the holy totem — plotting thread - Printable Version

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top of the holy totem — plotting thread - Beatles. - 04-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Hello, guys! I'm eager to get some plotting started with this boyo ^^

Marvolo is based off of Tom Riddle from Harry Potter, as well as a smidge of Draco Malfoy. You can read more about him in his tags, but in a nutshell, he's arrogant wizard who was a strange, spiritual-like connection to snakes. He's a bit snobby at times, but he's generally intelligent and quite brilliant.

- frenemies
- enemies
- asking about his snakes/something to do with his snakes!! he's sort of protective over them tho so he wouldn't let just anyone pet them but he'd probably answer questions about them if asked
- asking about his spell book/something to do with magic
- crushes on him (i mean i guess it's open?? it would be a Mess though yikes)

- friends (he has never been able to make a lot of friends, so the concept is a little foreign to him still. he's capable of making friends, but only a select few would be able to gain his trust. we'd just have to see how they mesh together.)

- relationships
- kill/maim/capture
- litters/adopting anyone

* i always forget about private threads so, if i owe you one/need to reply to one, please tell me here! it might take me a while to respond to private threads, so apologies in advance!!