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Awful Things, Ways To Make You Fade - Printable Version

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Awful Things, Ways To Make You Fade - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 09-27-2018

The Monarch of Warfare had been seen patrolling the territory days and other things since her promotion, no slouch in normal duties. Yet, after that day the weirdest thing had happened. Not a single soul could attest to seeing Jiyu within the ruins since she left them on the day of her promotion. It was odd not only because of her normal need to keep an eye on everyone, but because the ruins were cooler than the rainforest and she was a longed hair feline. Staying out in the territory? Had to be miserable and potentially even dangerous for the calico, yet she had not returned to the ruins, not went near the waterfall. For someone who behaved as she normally did, the avoidance was odd. She seemed to sooner sleep in a hallowed out stump or log before even considering going back to the camp of her group.

One could easily assume the move was difficult for Jiyu, after-all she was a long standing member of the group and lost many things including paintings of her entire family when the mansion burned. Anyone would have the right to be upset about having to live in a new place the way they did! However, she had never once seemed to be this upset over it until the day after her promotion. The Monarchs issues ran far deeper than the fire, loosing her home was likely a factor but it was far from the actual source of her change in behavior.

Instead something no animal she could currently remembered being around was finally able to push at the calico after being promoted out of her guard position. Every territory in the past had possessed her biggest physical weakness in some way even if this one had lots more of that weakness, it hadn't been an issue at first. In the past? She had always been able to use her drive to guard everyone in order to overcome the one thing she had never been able to even momentarily conquer. Now that Prestige had changed her world by pushing her outside of the role she had played her whole life, she could no longer use her purpose as reason to push past an opponent she could never overcome. The water formed a barrier between the calico and where everyone else stayed. Without her normal coping mechanism nor powers, she just couldn't face the water. Jiyu couldn't swim nor float, one wrong step and she was going to drown. She had done that before, she didn't like it.

Re: Awful Things, Ways To Make You Fade - Luciferr - 09-29-2018

RIZER is a MANTICORE that stands at a height of 5FT, like all his kind he has a barbed tail and like some he also has WINGS , much of his form is also scaled past his mane. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were EURYDICE TARGARYEN and DOMERIC of an old site litter. he is the incarnation of the PALE ASPECT aka DEATH of the 4 heralds, he also has amnesia of past lives.
thankfully it seemed she might be in luck as parts of the water started to freeze over slightly as the pale reaper walked evenly across it to reach the Calico before he stepped back unto the ground beside her and quietly sat down beside her.

"if you require assistance, I will endeavour to help" was the larger Feline's cool words - their was no judgement or scorn in his vice fr anything perceived, merely a neutral statement from the reaper, where Talyn often held a reserved but still open grasp on his emotions, often becoming volatile when a situation called for it in a fight - his 'brother' was as Rizer was in a way, was much more cooler, calm and idly distanced from most - merely a solid presence that seemed to view everything as it came with no surprise or outrage, a glacier in contrast to the controlled inferno Talyn wielded.

he didn't know the warfare monarch past occasionally speaking - but then Rizer was oddly distanced from near everyone, in most part due to his very nature, Death wasn't often an upbeat individual, mostly sombre than lively - must come with the job.

[align=center]FIRE AND BLOOD
But what is this that I can't see, With ice cold hands taking hold of me?
© ceilidh

Re: Awful Things, Ways To Make You Fade - sephiroth - 09-29-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The pale lion on the other hand had adapted to the new territory quickly enough.  That was part of his hardiness and how he survived thus far, his adaptability over all else.  In fact Sephiroth liked the new territory well enough even though he didn’t show it much, preferring the brighter landscape to the dull and rotting air of the old forest.  It was easier to live in at least, and that certainly counted for something.

He was padding at the edge of the water when he caught sight of Jiyu and was about to speak up before Rizer beat him to it.  Sephiroth’s eyes moved from the ice path to the pair on the other side of the water, stone still except for the gentle autumn breeze that shifted his platinum mane ever slightly in its invisible tendrils.  He stayed like that for a moment longer before moving to take a small jump over the water to get closer to the pair if he was needed for further help.  He wasn’t exactly chatty so he wasn’t entirely familiar with either of them; Jiyu he probably knew the most out of the pair of them since she greeted him first when he joined.  That was something hard to forget.

Sephiroth didn’t speak or make any other moves, simply provided his presence if he was needed.

Re: Awful Things, Ways To Make You Fade - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 09-30-2018

She couldn't decide if he was lucky or not, at one time crossing water had been easy as that for her! In fact she had been down right savage with that ability, purposefully making the ice too thin for anyone to walk on after her, causing several enemies to meet their demise by drowning when she proceeded to keep the water frozen over their head. Jiyu would be lying if she didn't self admit that watching their desperation was secretly addicting. Of course, since all her powers had stopped working for some reason, neither crossing water nor using it as weapon was an option anymore.  Was her avoidance of the water obvious enough that everyone already knew she needed help that she would almost never admit to needing? Of course it would be, she was likely the most predictable thing in the group to most members who had not seen how screwed up she really was.

"It's likely a good idea to check around the ruins again, considering." they had just moved in, she needed to know more about them to properly- Oh wait that wasn't her job anymore. Oh well, she occasionally would have to go back in eventually, maybe she could just set up a pattern of following Rizer in, walking the stone while he walked on frozen water closely alongside. Most would think Ice would be more dangerous, but she'd dealt with ice plenty before, knew enough to not slip and slide all over the place at the first paw step. Water was more difficult. The Monarch was not about to just admit the fact one of the only things she feared anymore was the water.