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a liar's litany — name change - Printable Version

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a liar's litany — name change - darci - 09-27-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]He was conflicted. Relentlessly did the thoughts of going home race through his mind, so much so that he had hardly slept in the past two days. The canine wanted to go home, but apart of him wanted to stay where he was. Coward. He shook his head. There was no place for him back with his pack for he was sure they resented him. As for his brother, well, he felt Lecter would do better without him. They had grown apart over the past months, so much so that they did not talk to each other anymore. They were going their own separate ways. Anyone who saw him throw himself and the bear over the cliff would think of him dead. They would not come looking for him. The doberman gave a shake of his head. Rigel. The name left a bland taste in his mouth. It was the name those bastards of parents gave him, what the humans called him, and all the people he terrorized remembered him by.

Rigel was dead. He needed to become someone else, someone no one else would hear and come looking for. Someone who no one could recall being hunted and tormented by. His tyranny was no more. As the months past, he began to mature into an adult, a new chapter.  Rigel needed a name that no one would recognize him by. He churned the thoughts in his mind over and over. Levi. It seemed fitting enough. Perhaps he should have decided this before he was dragged here. Then again, he had never told anyone his name yet. He had been dragged back to camp without a word, fell into a coma, and was forgotten. It was perfect.

Re: a liar's litany — name change - ; albion - 09-27-2018

rigel's broken and bloodied appearance had been quite memorable. one that benny couldn't forget, unfortunately. the doberman had been in pretty rough shape and stryker's interference with esklav's orders had been... shocking. to say the least. either way benny had gotten the hell out of there before the demiurge felt like going after him next and took off with cozy. after that rigel had been a minor thought that came to his memory randomly. he never found out where he had ended up.

the unanswered question didn't remain so for long fortunately. benny expected to find his dead body either rotting somewhere or being cooked over a fire to prep for dinner. a pleasant surprise to see him alive and fully conscious.

"thought you were dead! hell, how'd you survive that?" benny couldn't help but chuckle as he approached the canine. "ah, couldn't get'cha name b'fore. you were kinda uh... busy, heh. name's benny, what about you baby?" the warlord looked up at him with an expectant tilt of his head.

Re: a liar's litany — name change - Shigaraki. - 09-27-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]He had broken when he had been a young child in the old world. He had been the only survivor in a deadly accident, and he assumed his parents had died (as he never saw them again after that) and everyone that passed by him never stopped to help him. Because, they had thought a Hero would show up to save him. Then his mentor in the old world, All For One, had taken him in and raised him. This was the reason why he despised those who thought of themselves as Heroes. His family had abandoned him, nobody had wanted to rescue him. He had grown up gladly knowing he was going to turn out as a villain.

He draws a dangerous breath as he steps out of his house, sanguine-colored eyes searching around the camp for any of the others. He quickly spots Benny and Levi, and curiosity forms in his eyes. A full-grown male and a child. The male approaches, his face hidden by the hand over it. Since Benny had already questioned the kid, Shigaraki decides to remain silent.

Re: a liar's litany — name change - darci - 09-28-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Hazel eyes lazily drew towards Benny as the other male approached. His injuries were far from healed, but he was not completely incapacitated as he had been only a few days ago. An irritable sting sprawled throughout his sides, his ribs unhappy with certain movements and positions. Much to his abhorrence, Levi would have to be mindful as well as cautious about his current limitations. "Thought you were dead! Hell, how'd you survive that?" Why did they care? He was nothing as far as they were concerned. Nonetheless, the canine knew better than to bite the hand that fed and healed him. "Mind your manners." Levi remembered his brother always telling him that. He sighed, pushing away the vision of his brother. Idiot. Levi finally spoke: "Not entirely sure." How he managed to survive was beyond him. It appeared he had either blacked out before he landed at the bottom of the cliff or his mind was unable to cope with the trauma and simply made him forget.

The doberman wrinkled his nose slightly as be called 'baby', but he decided to dismiss it. He had to learn to pick his battles. His name. A new era, he supposed. Though, Levi doubted it would be as far from grande as that all sounded. His name was just a sound, nothing more. "Levi. Nice to meet you." He never thought those words would come out of his mouth. For now, he would simply wear a mask and, perhaps, it would melt into his own self and hide his true, blunt personality. Levi was confused as to who he was. All he ever knew what the battle field and how to send captives into submission. He had never been taught how to handle formalities or even... Casual encounters. There was no rest for the wicked.

His attention switched to Shigaraki, eyes narrowing as he noticed the other's strange appearance. He had never seen anything like it, but then again, Reyes did not accept abnormalities in his pack. They were seen as a weakness, no matter what they were. Levi even managed to hide his own abnormality for all those months. With a single blink was his gaze broken and he directed his eyes back to Benny.

Re: a liar's litany — name change - EROS - 09-28-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]He remembered this male and when he showed up at the border, broken and so bloody. It was a wonder he managed to get this far at all. Honestly he was worried for the guy as he seemed like any day he would just give up the fight and pass on.  Hoped that the pain medication he had administered to him would be effective enough to help him. The sha didn't want that and he felt drawn to the male but perhaps it was because he was a canine. He always got like this around other canines, clingy and needy. The male tried to contain himself though as he didn't want to make a bad appearance and he kept his distance. But now seeing the doberman awake sparked a bit of life in the former slave as he hesitantly crept his way over to the scene. A name was caught in his extended sense and he lifted his head up slightly. Levi. Interesting and he allowed a ghost of a breath to leave his throat, pink marble hues focused on the male. Though there were others there as well and he couldn't allow for this enthrallment to make him rude. Canines were not always better even though he wanted to refute that thought almost immediately. "Hey Benny...Shigaraki." His tone was always gentle and soft, never risen.

Then he settled his gaze back on Levi as he dipped his head in greeting. "It's good you survived. Esklav was kind about your situation." The male began slowly as he wrapped his forked tail around his paws. He lifted one then and allowed it to rub gently against his bandaged shoulder before he released a light sigh that trailed off into the air. Well, he should introduce himself considering they would be living together perhaps? Well, if the other saw fit to still stick around here. "I'm Valkyr and it's nice to meet you." Sometimes he erred on the side of mystery although not on purpose as he gave a pleasant smile toward the male who seemed to have resisted the pull to the underworld.

Re: a liar's litany — name change - guts - 09-28-2018

Personally, Cosette thought he was going to be dead by the time she ever got around to meeting him. By the time morning would roll around, he'd probably be nothing but a corpse. She had felt a bitter taste over it the whole time. At least Esklav had allowed him to be bandaged up. It was better than nothing, honestly.

She had momentarily forgotten about the whole thing, running off with Benny to get water for the clan. But it still hung in the back of her mind, coming forward whenever she wasn't busying herself with some task. So, unable to focus on much else, she went looking to see if the male had turned out alright. She was glad to see that she had underestimated him. He had looked like a fighter, after all.

The serval can't help the soft breath of relief as she pads over to them, focusing on the newcomer with a warm smile on her face, nodding in silent greeting. "I'm Cosette. It's nice to see you're up and walking, at least." they could use an extra hand, anyways.

Re: a liar's litany — name change - COSMIIX - 09-30-2018

Re: a liar's litany — name change - Stryker - 10-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — After his undeniable run-in with Esklav, the male was unsure of how to approach Regil (or rather Levi) after he was punished by their demiurge. Of course he meant the slave no harm. Even so, he was prominently embarrassed in front of the clan for showing his liking for a 'lowly piece of scum' that lived through hell. Stryker could see their leader's perspective, definitely. Yet he disagreed. The male was the only one to survival out of the pack, signaling that he was the best out of the group. This clan thrived off of the survival of the fittest. Why couldn't Esklav give him a chance?

Reluctant and growing distant, the lion watched from afar as his fellow Pittians greeted their newest member, eventually walking away to go pursue his own duties.

Re: a liar's litany — name change - ; albion - 10-01-2018

it seemed like everyone was a bit put off by esklav's treatment over levi, but benny had no real opinion on it. he was more concerned about his own hide and keeping it out of the demiurge's shocking elementals. he was playing his cards right, minding his business, and following the laws (or lack of) the land they had. so far there had been no issue over it for him. luckily for levi he managed to survive, and perhaps now would have the chance to become something greater after proving himself.

the warlord gave a nod to each in passing, acutely aware of stryker but not acknowledging him yet. he understood a man's pride and when it was hurt. "heh, didn't think esklav could even toss someone your size 'round like that too! boy's got some weird strength in those gangly legs." benny joined in with quill to diffuse the tension. "alright levi, so what's your story? somethin' had to of fucked ya up that bad and somethin' big, right?"

Re: a liar's litany — name change - darci - 10-02-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]It appeared he had attracted quit a crowd. Levi generally did not have that affect on people. He remembered that Reyes had that charismatic talent, able to sway almost anyone's loyalty. Levi suddenly felt ill to his stomach at the thought. Damn bastard. He looked to Valkyr, his mind going over the name. Esklav. Was that the idiot who slung him around for no reason? Levi was confident if he was in a better state would he have easily taken down the wild cat. He had killed dogs twice that heathen's size. "Likewise." As far as he could tell, no one had met him with hostility. Despite this, Levi was not sure if he could let his guard down or if he should stay on his toes.

Next did Quill and Cosette arrive. He remembered their voices, though it was a fit hazy. "Nice to meet you both." Small talk was not his strong suit, that was for sure. "Heh, just hardly able to breath."Every breath he drew in was followed by a sharp pain from his lungs expanding, pushing against his ribs. Levi was generally a fast healer, but even this would take time. He had never broken a bone before, and he did not want to deal with one again. "'appears your 'head honcho' doesn't have a good head on his shoulders." Levi sneered, jaws agape. The doberman had never turned away anyway who showed up. While his pack took intruders prisoners, they were treated rather fairly and had been granted the right to join their ranks if they wished to. The only time had they killed a prisoner was when they had turned out to be a spy. It was the most logical option at the given time. Levi was still young and had quit a bit more to learn that did not involve fighting.

Levi's eyes cast a glance in Stryker's direction, only able to catch the end of the male as he left. The canine did give it anymore thought or attention afterwards. He was unaware of the altercation that had gone one between Stryker and Esklav. Finally, he looked back to Benny. His story? It was too long and drawn out for him to find interest in telling. "I remember... Falling, mused the canine, thinking as hard as he could. "I remember jumping off a cliff with something, though I don't remember why or what."