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HOTEL CALIFORNIA — JOINING - tori - 09-27-2018

[glow=black,1,400]SHE'S A RUNNER, A REBEL AND A STUNNER ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
Ack, she didn't know where she was anymore.

There was such a thing as wandering around until you landed somewhere, kinda like a bird but with less screaming, and then there was being lost as fuck. And she, unfortunately, was just that, lost. Wherever she was smelled like the ocean though, so that was nice. She was used to that, that was a familiar thing for her. She would have made a beeline for it, had it not been for the other scents in the area. Other....whatever the fucks. Animals, maybe?

"Heyo!" Shifting her weight from one not so pristine white paw to the other, Pandora had stopped where she was to avoid accidentally crossing into any set boundaries, any claimed territory, and in turn getting herself into some deep shit. She knew a thing or two, and one of those things was to stay off what wasn't yours. "I can smells ya, I know you're there! Can't one of ya come out and help a girl, tell me where I am?"

// it's 1:40 am as i write this i am tired and so sorry for this bad intro jkfkjsdnfkdj

Re: HOTEL CALIFORNIA — JOINING - Luciferr - 09-27-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

"You're in the typhoon stranger - home of lawless brigands and gamblers" drawled the vantablack form of the dragon with idle amusement - oh yes they were 'pirates' in an official sense but mostly they were just a group of a wide range of creatures all more like some strange family than actual thieving brigands - unless they were raiding anyway.

mercurial white and crimson eyes glanced down and the horned helm cocked to one side "found yourself lost Miss?"


Re: HOTEL CALIFORNIA — JOINING - darci - 09-27-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Victor was next to arrive, trotting over with a slight bounce in his step. Finding himself next to Lucifer, he cocked his head to the side, examining Pandora for a brief moment. The Siberian husky could agree that navigating these lands without knowledge of anything was rather difficult. He, at one time, he been in the same situation as this stranger. Only recently had the dog become familiar with everything and could navigate through the Typhoon and the outskirts of the territory with rather ease. "Hello," greeted Victor, a smile soon to follow.

Re: HOTEL CALIFORNIA — JOINING - Grey - 09-28-2018

Bakugou himself had been lost when he first arrived to The Typhoon. He too recognised a scent marker but, contrasting to his usual hotheaded personality, the male had stopped and sat down rather patiently. He had a scowl on his face, was made fun of it, but regardless he had joined with little qualms or problems. Birdhead had been there too without the accompaniment of his shadow. It was strange being an animal but sooner or later, Bakugou had gotten used to it. He used to think patrolling about their many islands would be a hazardous part of their day to day lives but the male had soon grown to enjoy it. He walked about along the edges of the beach, peering at the ocean and the state of the world that breathed and stretched about him. A reaver. Weeks ago Bakugou had been promoted to the rank of reaver, one rank just below Goldenluxury, Caesar and Junji. The concept is strange to him, climbing the ranks as though he were a popular figure. No one particularly liked him nor was he as old as the rest, but still he noted that Caesar was generally unliked while Goldenluxury was younger than he was. Just like that, his rank of reaver wasn't anything to be particularly astonished about.

It was then that he heard the natural call of a feline, echoing along the landscape. No bell. He notes that it hasn't come from the train tracks, the usual place that induced any pirate into a bad mood. In his own joining, Bakugou himself hadn't found the bells either. He was just lost, wandering about until someone found him. This time, however, it was not Bakugou who came to greet the strange, disembodied voice. It would be Luciferus' large and intimidating form that first lands eyes upon the girl, greeting her with a superior nonchalance. Bakugou snorts, appearing shortly after Victor who gives the fem a polite greeting. Bakugou doesn't do manners. He sees little point in acting his part in being hospitable if it will be dropped the moment she joins. He may as well be honest with her, sitting down and flicking his sanguine eyes towards his fellow reaver. "Pirates," he corrects the male's attempt to glorify their immoral lifestyle, "It's much shorter to say we're pirates." He scrunches his nose, scanning the van from top to bottom. His eyes observe the bandanna around her neck, remembering it was not uncommon for animals to wear accessories. Bakugou himself was decorated with various bone necklaces around his neck.

His fire-coated tail crackles behind him when he sits down. Lucifer and Victor were far more civilised than Bakugou was. He has a knack for exploding any kind of situation and it all depended on the foreigner who was greeted by his usual snide. Should they respond equally as toxic as Bakugou, the ragdoll would probably explode in ferocity. Of course, this usually led to some banter and lectures towards the reavers, concerned members all snarling at him for giving them a bad image. Pah. He was only being truthful. "Well if she's lost then the exit's that-a-way," Bakugou adds, twitching an ear. He looks at her again, the unnamed fem, "Do you have any other business here other than needin' to know where you are? If not: leave, disappear, perish." Oh and trust him, he was being rather polite about it.

Re: HOTEL CALIFORNIA — JOINING - tori - 09-28-2018

[glow=black,1,400]SHE'S A RUNNER, A REBEL AND A STUNNER ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
"Pirates, huh? Gamblers and shit? Sounds wild, do ya drink lots too?" She felt maybe she was supposed to be intimidated now, cowering in fear of the big dragon and the tougher little lackeys that had followed behind. Y'know, the pirates. And yet, she wasn't scared. Pandora did not find her feeling scared of many things, and one might have assumed it was because she was brave, tough, threw back a shot of whiskey and took her bowl of rusty nails without milk to the Salty Spittoon. However, as cool as that sounded, that was nowhere near why she was not afraid. She just didn't process possible danger with her being here, it was a wonder how she hadn't gotten eaten by a bear yet. The only real explanation was she'd lived in very bear-free zones her whole life.

She offered a smile to Victor, tail tip twitching from a buzz of energy that was running through her veins from being in the presence of such a grand creature such as Lucifer. She even stood up on her back legs for a moment to really try and take in his height, waving soft paws around and still missing something to put them on. "Is there more dragons here or are you like, the friendly neighborhood Big Boy?" There was no sarcasm or cynicism in her voice, just genuine curiosity and awe, her amber eyes wide like a small child.

She stopped once she was actually being asked the hard hitting questions, putting her front paws back down. "Mind if I stay here, or do I need to make a reservation?" Her whiskers twitched, again unfazed by Bakugou's less than hospitable attitude, in fact, completely oblivious to it all. She went quiet for a moment, head tilting. "Your tail is an actual bonfire there, guy, that's fucking awesome?"

Oh no. She was stupid.

Re: HOTEL CALIFORNIA — JOINING - Luciferr - 09-29-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

"Easier? yes - fun? not so much" the dragon hummed idly in amusement, a rare mood where he actually felt up to being largely more sarcastic than normal but maybe that attested to his ever growing ease into this world and his life here.

he tilted his head to Victor as the husky trotted up wth a nod of greeting to one of their newest among them - who was hopefully dealing better with the heat than last he saw him - and a near amused eye roll at Bakugou's usual attitude, but there was no annoyance in it, long used to his fellow reaver's volatile temperament.

before he quirked a smile at Pandora's words "Oh a few do - pick your poison and all that" and then an outright snort of amusement at the words directed to him, shrugging those huge spike-plated shoulders "Resident big boy guilty as charged" and a small mock bow playing into the joke "and if you mean Joining than we do have an open door policy on that so yes, welcome, no reservations necessary as far as I know" he shrugged "Though their is usually a joining ritual involving 'jungle juice' as Pinch named it to I suppose 'blood the newcomers' " which usually involved either trippy good dreams or trippy bad dreams/visions - his had been the latter and dragged up some rather bad memories, eugh.


Re: HOTEL CALIFORNIA — JOINING - tori - 10-04-2018

[glow=black,1,400]SHE'S A RUNNER, A REBEL AND A STUNNER ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
// late? late

"I'm not afraid! All you do is intrigue me, scary man! Do your worst!" Pan puffed out her chest, trying to stand up as tall on all four paws as she could, fluffy tail beating against the ground a few times with an almost inaudible sound, but still there nonetheless. This Pinch person must've been the one in charge, that or he was just the village druggie. Either way, part of her was curious to meet them, exchange a word or two, like you do. She guessed that juice had a kick to it, lord knows what that 'kick' was, but it sounded intense by the way Lucifer said it. Her curiosity was peaked. "Oh! I'm Pandora, by the way. Y'know, like that one myth? Friends called me Frying Pan. Guess it doesn't help that I look like an egg."

Re: HOTEL CALIFORNIA — JOINING - Luciferr - 10-05-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
/late srry I been Ill

Lucifer raised a brow - or rather a ridge of scales that acted like eyebrows - and hummed, amused in spite himself "something to be said about auspicious names" and he should know but in his defence he hadn't been the one to instigate his own myths or spin off myths - given he was older than the entire thing stories did get around and gods - or eldritch deities - of the dark weren't normally seen as good things "Lucifer Grimm" he'd had a daughter with the name pandora once, but that was lifetimes ago now.