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HERE I COME | RETURN FROM ASCENDANTS - buckingham barnes - 09-26-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
As soon as he stepped onto the boardwalk, everything began to clear up. The last thing Buckingham remembered was looking at Bastilleprisoner with confusion when the Astral Seraph stepped away from him. The situation began to go downhill, and before he was able to think- everything went blurry, dark, and silent. During the duration, the silence almost sounded peaceful. Almost. The male's eyes blinked with confusion, slit pupils returning back to normal. That cold face that Buckingham wore the journey home morphed into confusion. When everything went dark, he was at the Ascendants border. Now, he's back in Sunhaven. The male gulped as his eyes slowly scanned the seatown before him, his eyes eventually landing on Monroe. It didn't take very long for his blue eyes to land on the fresh wound on Monroe's shoulder, which without a doubt, looked like claw marks. Who attacked Monroe? He thought to himself for a moment, as the smell of iron invaded his nostrils. The scent wasn't pure iron, the former assassin could pick up a tint of metal- wait, a tint of metal. Buckingham slowly looked down towards his front paws, and his eyes widened at the sight. His metal paw and claws were stained with blood, which was drying up on his metal plates.

"Holy fuck, I did that..," The former assassin breathed out, as if he was just figuring this out. Bucky had no memories of what happened when everything went blurry. It felt like deja vu- the whole entire experience of going under. It felt so god damn familiar, as if he's gone through it before. And then a light bulb lit up in his head: The Winter Soldier. It took control, after months of Bucky thinking it was gone, it came back!

Suddenly the former assassin took a step away from the Helion, shaking his head. "I haven't had an incident in months," He said, mostly to himself with widened eyes, "I thought it was gone."

[ [member=1806]MONROE[/member] ]

Re: HERE I COME | RETURN FROM ASCENDANTS - rhosmari - 09-27-2018

The whole way back home the male hadn't said anything. Hadn't breathed a word to Buckingham considering how confused he was at the other's actions and the way he had talked. Awaiting punishment, who the hell was Buckingham? What had happened to him he didn't know and that startled him the most as he slowly limped his way toward home. The claw marks in his hide burned and it made putting pressure on his leg a bit harder to do so he tired not to. What the hell had happened? Really, he blamed Bastille for this as the male had said before he didn't want any one in his head. He didn't understand why Bucky had agreed to it after the fact. Perhaps he thought it would be okay but to trust someone in their head they had to be someone they were utterly okay with doing it. He grit his jaw as pain seared through his shoulder and he allowed a heavy sigh to leave his muzzle as home came into view. For a moment he didn't say anything as they stepped on to he boardwalk, at least not until Bucky seemed to come back to his sense and that cold look disappeared from his face. His muzzle parted and he was about to speak when the male spoke before him. Ears pulled back against his cranium and he shook his head a bit. "Don't worry about it, Bucky. We made it home and that's all I care about."

He was serious about that and he swallowed thickly as he sat down, lifted a paw as he aimed to try and lick at his own shoulder. But it was partially out of reach. The iron tang of blood on his tongue made his muzzle curl slightly before he looked over to the male once more. The way in which he spoke made him confused and he tilted his head a little. "Hey calm down, it ain't ya fault. Bastille shouldn't have been pokin around in ya noggin."

Re: HERE I COME | RETURN FROM ASCENDANTS - venus - 09-28-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

along came venus, their silvery twin tails trailing behind them as the wind's hands picked them up into the air and flew them like its own kites. a sapphire gaze was drawn to the pair at sunhaven's doorstep - the sight of the goldenblood and the helion in a distressing state as they arrived back from the ascendants. what the hell kind of civil judgement had the pair received? it appeared to be that monroe had bore the brunt of whatever had happened to the two anyways; which was odd considering from what venus had gather, it was bucky who was being judged today. as the kitsune dragged their azure hues over the pair, they were none the the wiser that buckingham had relapsed into that machine that had plagued venus' nightmares almost a full year ago now. that thing. receding into his machine wiring and neglecting his morals at the thought of his first mission - something that venus used to remember vividly as well.

as the sunhaven member made their way over towards the pair, venus' was admittedly more concerned with monroe's condition but intrigued with bucky's own too. hastily the kitsune retrieved a sterile wet cloth from their satchel, something less and less common to see on the kitsune's form, frowning at the visible abrasions on the helion's hind with dismay. the group still had no proper medic, and seen as how venus was one of the few left from the pre-existing medicine guild the kitsune would have to simply carry on their work as a guild member despite the fact that the establishment was gone. pain and misery never stopped for political issues.

looking up to the taller monroe, silently venus tried to see if their acts of medical assistance were approved of. not that the kitsune really cared - the guy was going to end up killing himself if he didn't accept the help- but venus respected the fact that medics were supposed to receive consent before helping anyone. "so, did the meeting go well?" keeping their voice calm and steady, venus' gaze drifted up from the cuts to meet the pair's own. bemused as to how exactly the two would respond. but perhaps the whole thing had been a roaring success and venus was just a nihilist.